Life of a Deinosuchus on The Official Servers

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when you're dead it's game over start again and that's what I love about permanent death games it gives you that feeling don't mess up welcome back my friends to the unpredictable dangers of the river keep it going keep it going keep it going I've made this journey many times but almost every time I forget how ruthless it can truly be one of the greatest threats to another dinos sucus is not what's on land but what shares the water with us and is hidden beneath the surface but you know me friends I tend to get ahead of myself so let me take you back to the beginning to when I first logged in could do one more crocodile on this map before Gateway comes out time to survive a series of dangerous events Gateway will be out soon I don't want to play on at the moment cuz it could be like could just go down halfway from a video and I'll be really mad about that and the cues are ridiculous so it's like Dr it up how many people 101 apparently sometimes you get good days sometimes you get bad but today the first was everywhere and that's when I spotted a small Carnotaurus but was it going to make the dangerous trip and cross to the other side time will tell he's Crossing game over that's mine that's my first one for the day nice perfect and once the corpse had finally floated to the surface I could reap the benefits of my small reward eat eat eat come on before somebody else walks up and kills me oh look there's his friend up there just remember players will kill for any reason from Dust Till Dawn I need a little bit more food yet keep a safe distance from everything and trust no one I just get some more s that'll be perfect see if I can find some we might have some up there on the bank yes looks like that's a deceased donos suus there's a few of us around most of the scene rather friendly but you just the river was full of coldblooded reptiles and so far most of them seemed friendly oh there we go got him after I ambushed the small Raptor I took it to its final resting place I went AFK and got in some gr time make sure no one's moved in but when I returned to the water to drink and stay hydrated nope he was going to kill me and eat me understandable but you've only got seconds to like read it is much much bigger than me see when you're this small you can sort of outrun them but if they're like a little bit bigger than you they're still faster but the bigger they get the slower they become it's a sticky situation is what it is I was having a drink of water when I noticed someone there something Crossing up there possibly what's that a Pteranodon was skimming the water for fish but it must have crashed landed got him just before he managed to get up there it'll make no difference for my diet but it was good fun catching it oops I hate the whole dude I was going to try to rip his organs out oops should be right let's go get another drink there's no way I'm growing a second one of these so got to get to adult the first time it's nothing worse this thing takes forever to grow I think it's like 5 hours on a perfect diet pretty sure it's 5 hours on a perfect diet I've never actually looked at the exact time but I know it's close to that and I am good on water and food now on to bask he's right let on me I came across a small cannibal who just made a fresh kill he's killed another little crocodile I just deed to join him in his Feast I could do with some of the meat come on me mate I'm just going to have some too up my asses crocodilians killing crocodilians it's nothing personal it's a part of the diet it's necessary and it's population control man as well look like he killed it that was an easy quick see I should have got went for a perfect eye and I've already sort of made my this job harder cuz I don't have I've only got 30% increased speed yeah 30% increased growth rate so I needed 50% but I needed three different hexons she'll be right not the end of the world I can hear some juvenile omy Raptors up here I can hear the eating maybe I creep up on them I broke the surface of the water there they are and pushed in land [Music] snatched one up and took it back to the river I got him see if I can get another one round two and then I got a bigger one but there was a problem I'm going to run out of stamina on this one though it was only a small Raptor but for my size it was heavy I got to get him in the water I ran out of stamina that's a shame let's bask up here get come back he was that heavy that will do perfectly a baby stegosaurus crossing the river was almost home free but it was never going to make it nice I'm going rip this apart there we go I removed the organs and was getting ready to Feast I can hear another crocodile coming to steal my food but cannibals will always hunt you when there's no one to witness it believe me I know he looked like he was pretty big though I should be able to run him it was time to bail I know my place on the food chain and when the coast was clear I returned to the river and joined the rest of the general population I think one of these Crocs is the one that just stole my meal but not sure which one I stayed close to the massive float of cold blooded reptiles safety in numbers if one decides to go a cannibal the others will gang up and kill it I got one I'm going to get this hunt though what's my growth now man I wish I had the 50 50% bonus but I'm about to lose this hex lose this di even a raptor was heading for the crossing but it doesn't matter if you miss by an in or a mile fast but not fast enough nice rest in peace my little friend rest in peace it's a watery grave for you oh did that one get one there's a Caro he's about to get him you got him oh there he to them I took the body up onto dry land and performed a death roll to dismember the prey nice wait no that was [Music] intestines there we go that's what I needed oh that just saved that do a little bit anyway oh look there's a heart there is that a heart or a stomach can't even quite tell she's going down the hatch beautiful nothing had been wasted there's plenty of s over here just get my hands on some of it that would be handy some there was a dead Raptor under the water I could make it work right take this up here rip this bit apart I'm not one to say no to a free meal I'll take it when and wherever I can that's sto's coming up here should be able to get some of these organs now there we go look at that ladies and gentlemen if you're enjoying my story don't forget to like the video subscribe comment thank you very much now covered in blood optimistic about the future beautiful that's what we needed I continued on with life excellent the heart nice I saved my diet there's some battles happening here oh look they're drinking and what are they drinking for free and [Music] everything you see the river has a price and every time you drink or eat from it eventually the fees are due the Clock Was ticking down his lungs were filling up and soon his time would run out but the Raptor was holding on to dear life and with the water being so shallow just maybe good on you mate good on you he tasted fresh air and had a faint glimmer of hope but it was only a few seconds later and he would meet his final Affliction there was a tiny little dinos sucus watching the whole ordeal all right I'm good that was a nice catch the little one could now eat and was set up with a perfect diet so far it was a good day at least for some of us no they're going to die yep if life was predictable it would cease to be life and without flavor that was pretty funny as for the rest of us life will carry on as if nothing had ever even happened it's not a bad idea either we took what remained to the other side of the river away from the stegosaurus we got a green tea one there not even Ault yet and this is probably the most kills I've racked up I'm not even kidding so I'm I'm technically still a juvenile but I'll racked up a few kills me and this other albino been living in like you know Harmony oh there's one swimming never going to get to that I don't think we going to get to that car in time sorry Mr carer rip some organs out of here I felt like I was going to get killed if I continued to stay here in the center perhaps it was time to move on up I broke the surface just to show him that I was passing by it's just like sort of manners it's like indicating on a highway just so he doesn't get jump scared communicating without communicating I might go up River a bit more moving towards the waterfall do some hunting up there not the safest growing spot in the world but see I'd been online for a few hours now it was early in the morning the population was lower and I was ready to log out all right time to press forward but the river she's a coldhearted place and waits for no one looks like somebody was planning on a hunt it was too early for this I just logged in and I was not ready to fight he looked and felt slightly bigger than me so I tried to died away my plan was to lose him in the foliage and hopefully my camouflage would do the trick until he C P off the hunt I think he realized we were practically the same size he didn't look like he was that much bigger it's always a high risk to hunt somebody in the same weight class but I needed to warm up anyway and the best way to do that in the deep end besides I was the prey so for me this was personal it's going to be interesting it's going to be so close I landed three bites one of them on the head before he landed his first and with that slight head start that's all I needed I had the upper hand see when I initially came up I popped up let him know you know I was friendly passing through then he like sized me up and he was like oh I'm slightly bigger chase him down try kill him I fig why not might as well fight him I'd finally made it to sub adult growth but still had a long way to go before anybody else gets to eat I might go get some check to see how clear the water is looks clear but it was a dangerous spot a hot Crossing and I would have to work fast intestines because to any passing dinos suus this is a crime scene and on the main suspect I got I got a little feed but I shouldn't have eaten those intestines that was aist mistake a should be right stay hydrated stay safe beautiful just picking away at it slowly recovering problem is my stomach's full so apart from the Raptor Army Raptor dinos sucus is probably my second favorite to play after I logged out for a few hours and when I came back I was hoping the corpse might still be there that was wishful thinking it was long gone all right I'm going to go back to the center because I might be safer in the population down here as soon as that hexagon runs out it's time to fill up on fish living in the river is a very patient and C culated game I don't think I'm going to have enough room in my stomach to fully fill it that's the worst part or I might just have enough room I might get lucky I need one more and then I'm going to have the benefits of a perfect diet at least for a little bit before that triple hexagons runs out but I'll try and fill it up that was the last fish in this part of the river ah one more but every time you really need something is it really n around here so I'll probably spend most of this night just basking I would even be adult by daylight not even close not now that I've got 10% growth increased so it's even extra slow I was fishing heading up River filling up my diet and keeping my head under the radar there's a lot of Utah just there is it [Applause] Crossing got him on the second bite at this point in time I've lost count of how many army Raptors I've killed is that the intestines heart I saved that s for a little bit such a small heart barely gave me anything there we go I'm going to need a lot of fish that's not bad what's my growth I'm adult I was now in adulthood but still had a little bit to go I'm hoping another member of their pack goes across I laid there at the bottom of the river waiting for the next unlucky soul but I'm more concerned about other dinos sukus coming along and killing me somebody's crossing here not today my friend I never should have ate that Caro I should have saved the room in my stomach for more fish hopefully I don't get ambushed by any other crocodiles all right at least I got 30% growth again that's better I might be able to grab that little one back at the center heading down the spine of the river I might I might soak a couple of hits but I discovered a Stegosaurus family oh damn he got away already looks like he's coming back the parents formed the barrier around the juvenile making it difficult I'm going to go for it I can die here I'll took a few hits I was wounded badly and at half health I failed hunt I need to heal up oh there's a Caro down there drinking too which is a bit of a shame might be able to get in there here we go hang on an opportunity for Redemption file early fail often but always fail forward the carot Taurus was only a small thing and would only provide a mouth full of food and nice he got one though oh I'm going to get some stamina even heal up a [Music] bit all right cool we might all be able to work together we go together same time an adult female stegosaurus was ganking the water side well there's a lot of crocodiles in now the river was full of apex's there's lots of us we're all coming around to gather the feast let's do it keep it going keep it going keep it going my stamina pool was drained I had to return to the safety of the water but she had taken a crazy amount of damage we landed a lot of bites I rested on the bank on the other side of the river that one's hurt ads that one's hurt badly all right guys we just got to work together we can do this oh that was pretty good too Hur him bad after soaking one too many of those tail swings I was hurt badly injured but we were definitely not the only ones both the stos must have been feeling it still got a bit to go let's see if he wants to come in for some more I got a good head shot on him just then doing that real good head shot the stegosaurus family completely backed up the hill a bit they were hurting just need a lot more stamina I was trying to bait one into the river so I could land an Al bite and the others could rush it from each side but I underestimated how much health I even had left and got greedy oh no game over
Channel: OwLTime
Views: 288,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DinosaurGames, Dinosaurs, what is the best dinosaur game?, Best dinosaur games?, the isle, best dinosaur games of 2022?, owltime, Evrima, ark, TyrannosaurusRex, survival games, documentary Deinosuchus, documentary
Id: drkDT2mxosY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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