The Truth About Climate Change

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you've heard the news 97% of scientists agree climate change is getting worse carbon could cost us the planet just look out the window look out the window cuz it's a hot day and her tiny piece of the world how shallow is that and what does it mean when we hear debate is settled 97% 97% 97% of scientists agree of course I believe in global warming that Michaels is called a climate change denier but he agrees that the globe is warm 97% of scientists agree that global warming is real and people have something to do with it climate change climate changes temperatures up 4 degrees since what's called the Little Ice Age hundreds of years ago and up two degrees over the past century the real question is is it dangerous is it going to haunt people exactly there's not a 97% consensus on that of course there's not there's no consensus on fear-mongering like this if we lose the ice caps you know how it would come up to the Statue of Liberty's elbow but even the UN's computer models don't predict the 20 feet that Neil deGrasse Tyson and Al Gore predict we invited them and 20 other alarmists to make their points on this program only one bill Mumma agreed he worries about the hot car effect where you put your car in the Sun it's 70 degrees outside you get in your car it's 140 how did it happen that's exactly what's happening with the atmosphere the climate model that got the government so excited have been totally wrong so far well I would say the climate models are actually better than economic models well they're both bad okay that's I died I wouldn't object to that to that conclusion but they're why should we turn our lives upside down based on bad models because last time carbon dioxide was this I in the past sea levels were maybe 20 feet higher than they are now that was back before humans existed it will resume warming but you don't really care whether it warms a degree in the next 60 years it warmed agree in the last hundred years life expectancy doubled a few degrees warming might be good it might be a few depending where you are cold waves kill many more people than he could well I don't know how many tens of thousands of people died in Europe in 2003 in the heatwave tens of thousands did die he can kill but many more people die from cold the CDC says heat kills 600 Americans a year cold kills more than twice that many this budget requests 1 point 1 billion dollars to address climate change agency doesn't get money going in front of a congressional committee and say you know my issue it's really not a problem you got to give the money to somebody else no instead issues compete with each other for your money and so you have to scare them we have to act in this decade as someone who gets paid to do research I'm really excited I'm gonna go home and have fun scientific confidence that warming is contributing to sea level rise and other changes I've lived through eight environmental apocalypse is the Population Bomb acid rain the ozone hole global cooling you name it the global warming scare has longer legs because it's got more money that also gives climate alarmists a reason to squash dissent the climate change deniers suggest there's still a debate over the science there is not I bought what they were saying Judith curry is a climate scientist the Georgia Tech she once agreed with the scare mongers what changed well Climategate emails reveal a plot among the world's top climate scientist and group of esteemed scientists were strategizing to squash their opponents and I thought oh wait a minute why should I believe this instead of my own judgment what scientists actually agree on is a very narrow slice of things yes temperatures have been increasing overall for the last several hundred years no doubt and that carbon dioxide does act to warm the planet but there's no agreement as to whether warming is dangerous or not for saying that you were one of the targets of the congressman saying show us where you get your money yeah yeah yeah I was one of the seven seven climate sceptics were branded heretics in order to reveal all their sources of funds curry abandoned science this is after praising me and pushing me a few years ago as you know the prestigious so you have raw onions now yeah I was trying to be honest as a scientist it was very unpopular with a lot of my colleagues they were trying to squash people who disagreed with them and they've succeeded I get emails from people all the time who wish they could speak out what are they worried about loosing their jobs it's dangerous to dissent when climate change is something politicians address with religious zeal admit it it's a religion the head of the United Nations climate panel said it's his religion when you emit greenhouse gases you feel like you're committing a sin I suppose if I were a preacher I'd say we're all sinners but but there's redemption of in the future what is redemption my wife and I decided to build a zero net energy house in New England it's completely solar but it's expensive basically it's tax free money for me yeah taxpayers subsidize you and me I did it - hey what's fair about that that just hurts the poor they ask all these Nobel Prize winners what do we need to do to help the world yeah addressing climate change was way down on the list a million people die from dysentery yes absolutely water horrible things that are killing people now and that would be cheap to fix by the way cheaper than theirs do that before we worry about global warming but it's not an either/or thing but government action is an either/or thing we don't have endless money if we want to help people we ought to do what really helps
Channel: John Stossel
Views: 1,733,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Stossel, Documentary, investigation, New York City, TV show, STOSSEL, Libertarian, liberty, freedom, libertarian, talk show, climate change, global warming, environment
Id: m3hHi4sylxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2017
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