This Volcano Has Been Erupting For 4.5 Billion Years

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so a lot of change on this channel recently but one thing that hasn't changed is my hardcore adherence to the rules of patreon and the rules state that people above a certain tier get a question answered in a lightning round video so that's what we're gonna do right now here we go [Music] Isaac Hutchison asked I've just learned that I O generates an electrical current by proxy of Jupiter if I remember correctly could humans theoretically harness said current could that be one of the steps to becoming a type 2 civilization damn it Isaac he had to send me down a rabbit hole IO is a super weird Moon and I kept getting distracted from your original question because uh the more I looked into it the more I just kept coming across more and more weird stuff about this place so just a quick uh answer to your question about whether or not we can harness this car in the first place I don't know um I couldn't find a good answer for that because I had trouble finding out exactly how this current was made but I think it has to do with these um Loops of plasma that exist between Iowa and Jupiter which I'm clearly gonna have to step back a little bit to explain okay so IO is about the same size as our moon it has about the same orbital diameter but whereas our moon orbits the earth every four weeks or so I O orbits Jupiter every 42 hours so yeah I was booking it and that's because Jupiter is so massive and its gravity is so strong that the orbital velocity for Io has to be that much faster in order for it to you know not fall in and all that gravity takes a toll on iO because its orbit isn't perfectly round it's actually slightly elongated due to interactions with Europa Europa so this means that tidal forces are constantly warping the planet as it moves closer and further away from Jupiter in its orbit um its equator can actually bulge up to 300 kilometers every 12 hours all this bending and stretching constantly over thousands millions of years pretty much melted iOS inside so it's full of molten rock and metals at the same time it weakens its surface and that kids is how you get volcanoes lots and lots of volcanoes there are over 100 active volcanoes on i o and at least a dozen or so are spewing out lava and gases at any given time including this bad boy which in no way it looks like an anus it's literally the most volcanically active object in the solar system and all these volcanoes spew a lot of gases into the air creating a very thin atmosphere so keeping all that in mind another side effect of being so close to Jupiter is that it's caught in Jupiter's massive magnetic field it's the most massive plant in the solar system so it has by far the strongest magnetic field so this field passes through IO and this is where it picks up that thin atmosphere I was just talking about and it starts accelerating particles charged particles out of this atmosphere from the poles of Jupiter and then back to IO again in these Loops of plasma and every time I O orbits around the planet we can actually detect the electromagnetic signal that comes off of that plasma Loop and because it happens in a regular Cadence that makes Jupiter technically a pulsar so normally when you think of pulsars you think of neutron stars that are spinning really fast and their poles are flinging Jets of energy out in these regular pulses that we can detect but technically any object that creates a steady repeat heating signal is a pulsar so there you go we have a pulsar in our solar system but anyway I think that the electric currents that you're talking about have to do with that plasma which again I'm not sure how we would capture that energy but I did look it up and I saw that it generates about 400 000 volts and 3 million amps so just for reference I looked up how many volts come out of the Hoover Dam and that's 250 000 volts so IO would be a little less than two Hoover dams and the Hoover Dam provides power for 1.3 million people so I mean I suppose in theory that sounds pretty good tapping into i o might make it possible to you know provide two million or so people with power to help colonize space of course you wouldn't be able to capture all that electricity again I don't know how capturing it would work some kind of induction maybe but you would have to imagine there would be some losses in that and then you'd have to get that power out to where people could use it um I imagine you'd need to send it over microwaves or something like that which there'll be a lot of losses there too not to mention it rotates around Jupiter so fast so you wouldn't be able to just directly send a continuous beam of energy somewhere uh you might have to bounce it around from one energy station to another kind of like make a constellation out there that would mean even more losses now one thing I do know is that there won't be any people actually working on iO to collect this those charged particle beams um they're massively radioactive yeah IO gets blasted with five times a lethal dose of radiation every day so imagine if this were even a thing um we would have to have some kind of autonomous systems out there and robots to to to generate this energy so maybe we won't be the ones mining the electricity off of i o maybe our future robot overlords will that was a good question that was fun thank you for that one chromatic pick on Discord asked I'd wanted to say I like the small changes you've made in your channel the small changes are appreciated my question is what are you most excited about with your new studio setup that's in the works I think what I'm most excited about is just being done with it this was a lot and I'm still not completely done with it there's still some glitches in the setup and everything that are just kind of band-aided over right now I'm excited about my new wall unit over here I haven't like filled it with stuff yet so I still have a lot of organizing to do in here but um I love the idea of having an actual second work area so I'm not always using this space so this can be like my shooting space and that can be my workspace I'm excited that we're shooting in 4k now um now to be clear we're not exporting in 4k but with the exercise we can kind of zoom in and out you might have noticed us doing that in the last few videos but that just kind of gives us a little more room to do more fun things I'm also excited that I'm using a boom mic now instead of having to worry about the the lavalier mics all the time um there were always issues with the batteries running out sometimes there were connection issues and pops and stuff that was like a long running plague on the channel um I just just not having to deal with putting on the thing every single time is just one less step to getting in here and recording stuff and and I like it I'm not thrilled with how hot it's getting in here these new lights are not very cool it warms up pretty quickly I'm pretty sweaty right now and it was already pretty bad so I'm going to need a solution for that I was considering getting a mini split for this specific room and I may just have to do that but I think mostly I'm just excited about you know making a change and trying new things um I think so far the response has been good from you guys and I really appreciate it but uh for me it's just you know you do anything for seven years it's always good to try something new and this has kind of been a little bit of a spark to do all kinds of new things on the channel and uh yeah I'm excited to be getting started on it and I hope you guys like it we need a name for the plant I actually have a weirdly emotional connection to this plan we've had it forever and it used to just kind of like be in a bowl downstairs um I think I've had this plant at least five years and um now it's part of my set and I like it but maybe it needs a name give me a name John also known as right-handed neutrino asked what's the chance that YouTube creators would make technical mistakes on purpose to generate commenting activity I've noticed a few channels make very obvious mistakes like saying kilometers per hour when referring to distance or million when they clearly meant billion my first thought was to check the comments for a correction but then I realized I might be getting played is there any truths of this hunch I mean I can't speak for every other Creator I can just I can honestly say I've never done that um believe me when I screw up it is because I am dumb so if you ever watch one of my videos and catch yourself saying is he really that stupid the answer is yes now it wouldn't surprise me um there's always somebody who's trying to gain the system out there like I know whenever I say something controversial uh or it angers a lot of people and I tell other creators the response is almost always hey engagement's good for the algorithm so I mean yeah it's possible I mean people do think that way but I would like to also ask you to avoid the Trap of thinking that everything a Creator does is you know nefarious or scammy and that they're trying to trick you like I mean we're all just slaves of the algorithm here we're all just trying to to run a business and pay our teams and stuff like that um and we've got to sort of play that game the algorithm game to stand out from all the noise like I started a b testing thumbnails after a video goes out if it's not doing very well and I know that a lot of people don't like that and they think that it's some kind of trick like I'm trying to get them to watch the video for a second time or something like that and I'm just like no I I just want to be able to pay my team you know now there is a kind of Click bait that I've been seeing way too often lately where they basically post a headline and a thumbnail that cannot possibly be true and it makes you want to click on it just to see how full of these people actually are it's like the thought process is like there's no way he's actually saying that I need to watch this so I can see how much this guy's lying in his thumbnail you know um it's like you know you're being tricked but you click on it because you want to see how badly you're being tricked that is the thing that happens a lot it's disgusting and I hate it Megan asks Chad gbt has become very popular with the tech industry as it's enormously helpful for complicated questions so I cannot fathom why schools are Banning it what do you think of the repercussions from having a potentially highly functional AI like chat GPT as a Search Assistant what are the downsides you um really can't fathom why an English teacher wouldn't want their students using this um this is actually an interesting conversation though because my wife is an English teacher in case you didn't know that and we had this conversation the other day because we both agree that um these new AI tools are becoming they're going to become so prevalent in the next five years that by the time her students get out of college if they don't know how to use these tools they will be legitimately behind the rest of the world so you know they need to be learning these things but at the same time um it kind of conflicts with the traditional things that they've always had to learn I mean I've done this in a video before where I talked about the future of Education it's a really interesting time to be an educator right now uh because technology has basically made it so that you don't really have to know things anymore like the facts and figures and stuff like that it's all available it's in your pocket wherever you want it whenever wherever you go and um I mean that's been true for a while and now you don't even have to do the research you can just you know ask your phone the question and it'll spit out the answer customize for you know whatever use you have and by the way they're already talking about gbt4 that's already out and being tested and whatnot is supposed to be way more powerful there's going to be even more advancements in the future I mean how long did it take to go from gpt3 to gpt4 I pretty much gonna see a shift in the thinking of what gets prioritized in schools going forward you know teachers will work with these AI programs that teach lessons that focus on problem solving Creative Solutions over fact learning and stuff like that um I know I'm slipping into joestradamus territory right now and I'm kind of kind of behind on the on the chat GPT stuff myself if I'm being honest I mean I've used it to help kind of come up with ideas for uh titles and thumbnails and stuff like that um but I will say in the little amount that I have used it I don't trust it yet um perfect example I did a video on Smart cities a little while back and I asked it to just write me a few paragraphs on this planned Community called telosa that's being planned for Arizona planned it's it's not nothing's been done yet it's all just in the drawing board stage right now but Chad gbt came back with this long history of the place and there's like a million people that live there and here are the attractions you should see I mean it just it just constructed this entire history of a fake town so I am a bit concerned about the increasing spread exponentially increasing spread of misinformation in the world that could come because of this stuff I know that gbt4 is supposed to be better about that than gbt3 was I really need to do a video about this topic it's becoming a really big deal like even the people who are um on board with us and are really like in the know on this I think even they are under appreciating what a shift this is becoming and it's going to happen really fast so there's going to be more to be talked about here and Brian Beswick asked what seemingly renewed interest in Venus and theories of an upper atmosphere boundary suitable for habitation do you think NASA will plan missions to it given its relative closeness compared to Mars how long until we have a cloud city Lando I really want to see this happen I mean to do like a cloud city thing we would have to have some kind of massive automated construction infrastructure um I don't know mine at the mine an asteroid or two but the idea of balloons in Venus's atmosphere is not too far-fetched and by the way combines both space travel and airships two things I Love Actually just last year JPL uh conducted a few tests with a prototype Venus balloon um and it passed them all they call it an aerobot and it's kind of a balloon inside of a balloon with a helium Reservoir that can compress it down when you need to go lower expand it when the balloon needs to rise it's made out of a special material since Vance's clouds contain sulfuric acid and it's expected it could float around an altitude of 55 kilometers above the surface for months at a time which by the way the Soviets did this a while back in 1984 with their Vega missions but it only lasted like 48 hours but that was way longer than the Lander lasted on those missions now your question didn't denote whether you meant crude or on crude missions of course if you're talking cloud city that would be very crude but I'm going to assume it'll be a while before we could do any crude balloon missions that's just a type of exploration we've never done before but I did I do think we could see balloon missions to Venus in the next 10 years NASA actually has two missions planned called DaVinci and veritas going up in 2027 2029 they're about just orbiters though but I know the rocket lab has been showing an interest in Venus Mission so maybe it'll be a private company that leads the way either way I want to see it happen did you know that next week's video is already live on nebula I've always posted early on nebula but it was usually only a few times but since we came back from our little break I'm posting a week early now so next week's video is already up and actually it's been up for a few days so all the questions in today's video came from patreon supporters patreon's a great way to support the channel but another great way is to sign up for nebula nebula's create our own meaning we all have a stake in its success and the more people who sign up the more we all benefit so it's it's like patreon but instead of just supporting one person you're supporting a whole bunch of people and in return you don't just get access to my exclusive videos you get exclusive videos from over 150 awesome creators including Johnny Harris Wendover Productions real life lore not just bikes who I just interviewed on my podcast recently you get to see all of our videos ad free and early and yeah you get access to exclusive content like my forgotten atrocities series and my Mysteries of the human body series plus now there's nebula classes which takes you behind the scenes to learn how some of the biggest creators on YouTube create their content do their research and share their skills with you and you can get access to all of that when you go to 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do like and share this video if you liked it and hey if you want to see more of what I've done just kind of looking at the side of the bar or anywhere that they share the stuff on YouTube any thumbnails got my little blue face on it give it a click and if you like it I do invite you to subscribe I come back videos every Monday alright that's it for now you guys go out there have an eye-opening rest of the week stay safe I'll see you next Monday love you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 394,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: answers with joe, joe scott
Id: A5jzqtKGtJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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