What If The Speed of Light is NOT CONSTANT?

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One of the most fundamental physics facts is  that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant   for all observers. But can we really be sure that  the speed of light wasn’t different in the past,   or perhaps in other parts of the universe? In  fact, variable speed of light theories have long   been used to try to explain everything  from dark energy to gravity itself.   So let’s explore how constant this  fundamental constant really is. Speed is relative. Drop your smoothie on a  train and it appears to fall straight down,   but to me standing on the platform  the smoothie falls diagonally,   apparently boosted by the speed of the train. But  shine a laser beam from the train and everyone   observes the same speed—299,792,458 m/s in  a vacuum, no matter their relative speeds. The invariance of the speed of light is  more precisely described by something   called Lorentz invariance, and it’s the  founding axiom of special relativity.   Einstein realized that our measurements  of distance and time have to be relative   to the observer—they have to shift to keep  the speed of light the same for everyone.   This same axio m is also fundamental to  general relativity, in which gravity is   interpreted as a warping of the fabric of spacetime. Both special and general   relativity have been tested with extreme care and  precision over and over and have never failed.   More to the point, the speed of light has  been measured in different reference frames   and its invariance holds down to the  exquisite precision of current methods. That said, we scientists are supposed to remain  simultaneously skeptical and open minded—somehow   applying both mindsets to both old and new  theories. So in that spirit let’s ask whether the   speed of light is really invariant. For example,  could it change over time, or be different in   different parts of the universe? There are some  who believe that the very effects that relativity   predicts are due to the speed of light changing,  not due to changes in space and time themselves. Now before I start talking about what it  means for the speed of light to change,   I want to make it clear why many, and perhaps most  physicists think that it’s not only impossible,   but it’s not even meaningful to think  about a variable speed of light. The speed of light isn’t really about light.  It’s the speed of any massless particle,   and also the maximum speed that information  can travel. It’s the speed of causality. It’s   the rate at which one point in space  can communicate with its neighbors,   assuming no impediments. So to change the speed  of light, we’d need to change something pretty   fundamental about the universe—the  connection between space and time. We measure speed in terms of the amount  of distance traveled per unit of time,   whether that’s miles per hour or  meters per second. Changing the   speed of light means changing the number  of meters it can travel every second.   The problem with this is that our very definition  of meters and of seconds are tied to the speed of   light. We can think of the meter as the distance  light travels in 1-over-300 million seconds. Or   we can think of the second as how long it  takes light to travel 300 million meters. Einstein said that “time is what clocks measure”,   which we can interpret as meaning that it’s a  measure of the rate of change of the universe.   One of Einstein’s thought experiments was  the photon clock, in which he imagined a   photon bouncing between two mirrors, and each  2-way trip indicates the tick of the clock.   What happens if we slow the speed of light? The  clock ticks more slowly, which means time slows. Now real clocks are made of gears or  electronics which are made of atoms which   are made of various quantum oscillations bound  up in ways analogous to the photon clock—whether   electrons communicating virtual photons with  the nucleus, or quarks exchanging gluons in   that nucleus. This argument applies for any  object with mass—the speed of light dictates   the rate of internal change, which determines  the rate of the flow of time for all matter. So if slowing light also slows time, would we  even notice? Not according to special relativity,   in which space and time are fundamentally  coupled—two sides of the same coin.   Changing the speed of light slows time, and  moving the mirrors further apart also slows   time. In this picture, distance, time,  and the speed of light scale together,   so on our scale there’s no observable  effect. The speed of light is just the unit   conversion factor between our arbitrary  choices of spatial and temporal units. The only way for a change in the speed of  light to do anything is if time and space   both have their own fundamental units that are  independent of each other. If there’s a basic   smallest unit of space and a smallest unit of  time, and these don’t depend on the other, then   maybe changing the speed of light would change the  relationship between space and time, at least on   the quantum scale. So let’s imagine that this  is possible and explore the consequences. The first real “variable speed of light” or "VSL"  theory was proposed by Robert Dicke back in 1957.   Dicke was a brilliant physicist and astronomer  with wide-ranging contributions, so we should   at least pay attention to his musings. Dicke  wondered if gravitational fields might not be   due to the bending of spacetime, but instead due  to the speed of light slowing down near massive   objects. Remember that light changes its direction  as it moves into a medium where its speed is   lower—that’s exactly how lenses work. So why  not gravity too? And we know that time does tick   slower in a gravitational field. And we now know  that slowing the speed of light should slow time.   It seems like a variable speed of light could  be an elegant alternative hypothesis, no? No. Back in 1957 there were only a few  successful tests of general relativity,   and some of those were consistent with either  spacetime curvature or a changing speed of light. But nowadays we know that spacetime itself must  be dynamic—we’ve measured how rotating masses   drag space around, and how colliding black holes  generate gravitational waves, none of which work   with the variable speed of light interpretation.  Dicke’s idea was intriguing, but it doesn’t stand   up to the latest evidence. And given that  evidence, Dicke himself would surely agree. OK, so maybe a variable speed of light doesn’t  explain all of gravity. But could it still play   a part? There’s one weird fact about our universe  that could possibly be explained by this idea. If   we look at the edge of the observable universe in  that direction we see the warm, smooth gas that   existed before any stars or galaxies formed.  We see exactly the same in that direction,   or that, or that. The universe at early times  was extremely homogeneous—almost the same   density and temperature everywhere. That tells  us that at some point in the distant past all   of that material had to have been in contact  in order to distribute energy and settle into   the same state. But the problem is, based on the  observed rate of expansion of the universe, there   just wasn’t time since the Big Bang for those  regions to have communicated with each other. We’ve talked about this so called "horizon  problem" previously, along with the   mainstream solution of cosmic inflation. Inflation hypothesizes that at some very   early time those distant regions were  in causal contact with each other,   enabling them to share energy at regular light  speed and reach the same temperature. But then   the universe underwent a period of extremely  rapid expansion much faster than the speed   of light before slowing dramatically. This  threw apart regions that were close enough   to be in thermal equilibrium so far apart that  it appears now as if they could never have been. But there is another way to  bring those distant points into   causal contact—and that’s by having light just  move faster in the past. This could have kept   the early universe connected as it expanded and  reached uniformity. Then, if light slowed down   to the current much slower speed, distant  regions would seem causally disconnected. And if this story is right, it could even  be that the speed of light has been gently   decreasing ever since. It has been suggested that  this could explain why many galaxies appear to   be accelerating away from us. Since light is  supposedly becoming slower it's taking longer   and longer for their light to reach us, giving  the appearance that they are accelerating away   from us. That may sound good, but variable speed  of light theories don’t have a good explanation   for why lightspeed would change in the very  particular way needed to mimic both inflation   and dark energy. Cosmic inflation seems a little  cleaner, and is certainly better accepted. The first effort to explain the horizon problem  with a variable speed of light was by John Moffat   in 1992. He proposed that the speed of light  may have been 10^30 m/s in the early universe.   Moffat lays out some substantial theoretical  work, involving symmetry breaking - analogous   to the one that separated the electromagnetic  and weak forces. But in this case the broken   symmetry was Lorentz invariance. Moffat’s theory  preserved Lorentz invariance on relatively small   scales—like across the galaxy—but allowed  it to vary over cosmological distances and   times. Another similar idea came from  Andreas Albrecht and Joao Magueijo. And yet another VSL model depends  on the energy of light—higher   energy photons would move faster. Perhaps then  the ultra-high energy photons near the big   bang did travel fast enough to connect  distant points of the universe. Then,   as the universe cooled, those high energy  photons became rare and so light slowed down.   Now we have absolutely never observed speed  differences for lights of different energies at any energy we’ve detected, and  that includes comparing the arrival   times of high energy gamma ray light from  gamma ray bursts with the arrival times   of lower energy light from the same  explosions. But maybe the effect only   kicks in at the really ridiculously  high energies near the big bang. These are fun ideas, but are they testable  given that VSL theories predict the same   thing as more standard ideas in  general relativity? Well, there's  another way to look for changes in the speed  of light. And that by its effects on physics.   “c” appears everywhere in our laws of physics—for  example in the fine structure constant,   which defines the strength of electromagnetism.  The formula for alpha includes the charge of   the electron, the electric permittivity of the  vacuum, Planck's constant, and the speed of light.   We’ve talked about this important  constant of nature in the past,   and even about whether it may have changed over  time. Well, if the speed of light has changed   then you’d expect the fine structure constant  to change with it. And guess what—there’s no   evidence of such a change. You can see our  previous episode for that lack of evidence. None of this proves that the speed  of light has never varied—it just   says it can’t have varied much  over the past billions of years.   But the real challenge for VSL theories  is how they seem to break physics. All VSL theories break Lorentz Invariance,  and Lorentz Invariance seems pretty important   for the universe to make sense. Remember the  example about the smoothie from the beginning   of the video? In that example you and I had  a different interpretation of the same event,   and yet, we both would agree  on every aspect that mattered,   like the fact that the smoothie hits  the floor at a particular location,   or that it hits the floor after it's  dropped rather than before it's dropped. The basic self consistency of the universe and  the causal ordering of events is ensured under   Lorentz invariance. Break it and it’s pretty  easy to come up with nonsensical scenarios in   which different observers have irreconcilable  disagreements about the outcomes of events. A variable speed of light also breaks  the fundamental charge-parity-time   or CPT symmetry of the universe,  in that the laws of physics look   fundamentally different depending on  which direction of time you're moving.   We’ve discussed CPT symmetry before. This  is also problematic because CPT symmetry   is believed to be truly fundamental, and  we have no other evidence of it breaking. There are ways around some of these objections.  For example, we can imagine that the change in   the speed of light is not exactly fundamental,  but more akin to how that speed changes in a   dense medium like water. So what if the  refractive index of the universe changed   over time? Well, that increase in the thickness  of the vacuum would have to be pretty enormous   in order to slow light by the factor of  10^22 needed to solve the horizon problem.   And that change appears to affect all light-speed  waves equally—all frequencies of light,   as well as gravitational waves. Regular materials  don’t behave like this. Still, it is a sort of way   out. And there are some other narrow paths  through the dense network of refutations   of VSL theories. However you need to be pretty  committed to these ideas to find these ways out. Currently there’s no evidence that the  speed of light varies in a fundamental way,   and it may be that it’s not even a meaningful  concept. Although that latter point depends on an   understanding of the quantum nature of space and  time and their relationship to each other that we   don’t yet have. It’s absolutely worth going back  and questioning the founding axioms of even our   most successful theories, as long as we keep in  mind that any new theory is going to have to do   just as well or better than the old one in all  of its predictions. And that’s a tall order when   you’re trying to break relativity, which has such  deep internal consistency and is so powerfully   predictive. But relativity is not the final  theory due to its clash with quantum mechanics,   so do let’s keep questioning it. Including  whether the cosmic speed limit is fixed,   or we can somehow change how fast  information travels though spacetime. So we missed one or two comment  responses recently. Actually,   we missed six. It’s my fault - there’s been  a lot going on, including too much travel,   and these responses actually take a lot of  thought. So today we’re going back and doing   responses for a selection of the missed episodes.  We’ll do one comment from each of these, but we’ll   do each very fully. We’ll also do them out of  order. We have the superfluid episode, the one   about turning the Sun in to a spaceship, the one  about detecting planet-sized spaceships with LIGO,   and then the one about when and how terrible or  awesome the next nearby supernova is likely to be. Before we jump into that, I also need to  note a correction for our episode on the   model of the proton interior. We talked about  the important contributions of Stan Brodsky   from the Stanford Linear Accelerator, but  managed to use a picture of the wrong Stan   Brodsky. Apologies to both Stans. THis is  the Stan Brodsky we meant to shout out.. OK, finally to the comments, and starting  with superfluids. Here’s an insightful   comment on our episode on superfluids.  Martinstent5339 suggests that it would   be impossible to stir up a superfluid into a  vortex because the fluid would just slip around   the spoon rather than being pushed into  a flow. There’s some good intuition here,   but the conclusion is not quite right. The  spoon does impart energy to the fluid—after all,   the helium atoms have to move if they can’t pass  through the spoon. And those moving atoms push on   other atoms, so you do get a new flow which can  translate to a rotation if the spoon is stirring.   The point of the superfluid love moving  in unison—in streamline flows, and the   vortex is such a flow. What superfluids hate is  atom-to-atom-level exchanges of random chunks   of energy—they hate dissipative interactions  which translate to friction, heat buildup,   and viscous motion. However, as I mentioned in  that video, it is possible to induce a sort of   emergent viscosity by creating tiny vortices  in the superfluid which then interact with   each other in a way that disrupts viscous  flow. That happens due to interaction with   a non-perfectly smooth container wall, but  stirring with a spoon should do some of that. Let’s move on to the episode where we described  ways to move the entire Sun to different galactic   orbits. SABRMatt2010 has a major problem with  the claim that the planets in a star's orbit   would just come along for the ride when  thrusting a star because it would create   a momentary imbalance in the field that could  destabilize carefully tuned orbital resonances.   So you’re absolutely right that moving  the Sun wouldn’t drag the planets along   with literally zero effect. Moving the Sun a  very tiny amount changes the center of mass of   the solar system and the orbits would have to  shift. If that change was tiny they’d quickly   find a new stable orbit not much different  to their last and still close to resonance.   If the Sun keeps moving, but moves slowly compared  to the amount of time it takes to recover orbital   resonance, then the Sun could be moved without  disrupting the planets. But if you try to move   the Sun too quickly then yeah, you could break the  solar system. Fortunatley, the proposed methods do   move the Sun very slowly—and I believe that’s case  even for the relatively rapid Caplan thruster. While we’re on gigantic spacecraft, let’s move on  to our episode on detecting gigantic spacecraft   from the gravitational radiation they emit  when accelerating. brothermine2292 points out   that RAMAcraft aren't the only linear accelerators  that would emit detectable gravitational waves. So   would the very rare head-on collision between two  black holes. That’s right, and we did very briefly   mention natural causes in the video. A head-on  collision between any compact body - black hole,   neutron star, perhaps even white dwarfs,  would causes both objects to massively   decelerate in a straight line resulting in linear  gravitational waves that could be detectable.   For the black hole there should be a  very weird but modellable gravitational   wave ring-down as the two fell together  again. For non-black holes there should   be a really clear electromagnetic signature.  So hopefully we can distinguish these cases. And then there’s the episode where we talked  about the prospects of Betelguese going supernova,   and when the next nearby supernova  might be, and what it might do to us.   ETLee-db6cn points out that a portion of the  Earth will generally be completely shadowed   from a supernova, depending on its location in the  sky. So while it’s true that being on the other   side of the planet would shield you from the worst  of the actual radiation from the supernova blast,   for most death-by-supernova scenarios  it’s not direct irradiation that gets you.   The most likely killer is due to the ozone layer  being depleted. Even if that happens only on one   side of the planet, the effect quickly  becomes global with atmospheric mixing.   There’s also the fringe case when a supernova goes  off while you’re in a region of the galaxy with   relatively high gas abundance, which will then  irradiate the entire planet from all direction   with X-rays for a long time. But yeah, maybe if  you have a well-stocked bunker and happen to be   antipodal to a very nearby supernova, you get to  emerge years later to enjoy the post-apocalypse.   And by that time I might have caught up on all the  missed comment responses, so double win really.
Channel: PBS Space Time
Views: 929,611
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Keywords: speed of light, special relativity, albert einstein, light speed, speed of light explained, general relativity, the speed of light, special relativity vs general relativity, Space, Outer Space, Physics, Astrophysics, Quantum Mechanics, Space Physics, PBS, Space Time, Time, PBS Space Time, Matt O’Dowd, Einstein, Einsteinian Physics, General Relativity, Special Relativity, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Black Holes, The Universe, Math, Science Fiction, Calculus, Maths
Id: Bw8b9YV0EPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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