This TOXIC PLAYER had a meltdown...

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[Music] uhoh oh hell no sh China One they're pretending to be Chinese and they type in Russian uhoh uhoh uhoh not a single face account to be seen bro uhoh oh no guys let's leave let's leave yeah guys who can leave because in previous game I Ked all my team guys if you kick me I click abandon so you guys can leave game okay no problem guys it was nice meet okay yippe whether you want to sell your skin H or buy new ones do it at skin swap using Code Ren using my code Grants you 40% bonus balance top up and a free item on skin swap you can safely trade buy or sell with instant cash out to PayPal or crypto they also host daily giveaways that you can enter for free be sure to check out skin swap with the link in the description it's time to you valorant Chad is it time for the Val Arc to start I feel like we talk about this every now and then is worse but least care about play more yeah are we going to have any cheaters this game one for yes two for no yeah I'm coming many second mid bro many me decoy out bro I can't hit anything he just keeps holding a or it's insane this guy just AFK uhoh terrorists win I'm going grab a scout hello team where you from hungry you Hungary nice bro I'm from Norway bro nice nice [Music] want guys cheating what's happening I wask can you come help mid maybe yeah bro but uh mid low HP low HP low HP counterterrorist win it's drinking and driving time driver can scout single shot if you hit the belly of someone with without cavlar it's single kills it always has uh fire even in CS go man second mid again flash flash te spawn why is he still in t spawn nice oh fair enough fair enough Chad do you think I can can do it again these guys won't learn right whoa whoa whoa orange you and your mom make same sound wow out FL a that would have been cool one more and that would have been so cool if I killed all three bro it must be so demoralizing to have two people die in teit rushing at like 135 do it again no not this round this round is counter Strat time [ __ ] J terrorist win just kidding sorry you know I love you I just make your blood flow you and your mom so much in common thank you bro this knife is so good looking though now dude face one dopplers have no [ __ ] right to look this good flash hello hi there throwing smoke and just like that all of B is cleared we can now just play 4 a use your smokes guys throwing smoke seconds this is stupid as [ __ ] but team teamate I Wasing your face yday haven't played over month how come it's just not fun it's just super run jump M and he's just [ __ ] he has to go has to go 10 seconds wa what are you doing counterterrorist win the Bro Pro players too much Pro players bro Wai for the phone call sorry it's okay bro you're doing good you're doing good yeah you're carrying this [ __ ] you told me I have to carry so then I have to carry you know I can't disappoint it was me who told okay my bad yellow told me to carry so now I have to carry you know I can't disappoint flash flash go PE go PE flashbang them thank you for saving my life bro bro do you know that save me what you know the porn named save me no porn name yes BR porn por no what's this what is I did I saved you oh okay thank you bro h second I meanie mind if I do that oh good bro am I an orer chat am I an orer they're not happy about this though ah he's not boiler is he I'm actually shocked that he's this game [ __ ] bro better make this now the timing will die real bro my editor watching my stream going this should be a YouTube video now because of this clip the pressure is on bro uh can I come B one round you m close I'm M deep yep change watch yeah throwing a grenade Flash no no I'm good all right all right I missed that that's crazy go R fck right I've been hitting more of those lately I'm kind of excited about it I can't lie I've been hitting more of the flicks I would hit in go which is kind of cool hold boiler hold boiler I'm your mom is holding boiler he's holding boiler from left corner counterterrorist how does he not shooting me there Dr thank you H guys I GI some good luck deagles for my friends it is good luck deag s seven years ago I had like 10 of these yeah for like 50 bro what are you like 49 years old or what yeah I'm 45 bro oh actually down I missed those me ah one behind holding bomb is in t spawn I think bomb is in probably T ah I had a feeling it would be up short up short two 24 kills in a half in CS2 is the same as dropping 30 in a half in is go by the way I'm just saying same thing terrorists win holy I'm feeling myself this game do you guys actually touched the grass be honest you know Copenhagen major I was there this weekend oh nice yeah yeah yeah I touched some grass you at the yeah I was at the all days bro it was good it was good ah wa oh not like that okay sorry I think should nope terrorists win I'm the gy type of guy when I like really try bro is just yapping I know your plan blue yeah yeah you know my plan yeah yeah I don't think you know my plan because if you knew my plan you would you wouldn't sabotage my utility bro y why you they have two people in spawn okay loble loble yes I need my 30 BMB I need my 30 BMB this game I just watch tweet as use saw hands a shut up bro you have no idea how bad I feel about how I [ __ ] look man I'll be honest and I'm working out it'll be better it'll be better throwing flash dude I've been holding my w key this game with a [ __ ] force of a thousand Sons dude it's been kind of insane long you flash inside in like 5 seconds I'm go pick the bro if you hear him run up tell me man heard him just considering the I see I see I I see him run on my screen I think maybe but you didn't want collaborate with me I just ask for a flesh you're like u p player you know yeah bro look press tab I I want all the kills bro that's my problem no no bro I'm just saying I'm just saying if I if I collaborate with you bro Fu if you pck player why don't you [ __ ] uh why you complain if you're pck player no one's complaining bro I asked the question complain he did not complain for a second bro I didn't complain for a second I asked I asked for info and you say you didn't hear him and then I say okay the first thing in your head was why give you info because I thought you would have info and when you said you didn't I said okay I don't like not okayy and toxic I asked if you had info bro second box or third box bro Can't Let It Go terrorists win dude I was just making a [ __ ] joke I was just saying yo I want all the kills man bro are you still madish [ __ ] wow yes team what the [ __ ] did I do maybe he's one close one one Bo left there's one bro there's no way you're yapping for like a round and a half about me being a selfish player and then you sit in t with the bomb though yes he is I'm just going to play py such a child terrorist there's no way you're a real human bro what happened we had such a good time together is it going to be YouTube video I mean [ __ ] I guess it has to be now probably a YouTube video nice yeah remember to go to comment section Queen and tell me how much of a piece of [ __ ] I am H you're going to what in theall what what you going to do for the P there you go guys don't ever play random he's so mad K him ah there's no need to kick him he left the game early he disconnected early even terrorist win okay that is crazy
Channel: renyan
Views: 38,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: renyan, counter strike
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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