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n no [Music] wait I don't know he could be legit that's the thing you guys already know what time it is we are back in the Discord looking to bust some cheaters and I looked into this one hello NE check this demo out guy all right oh it's wing man bro uh already very lazy on the corner clears I can tell you already this guy is not 29 and another pre- far yeah this guy is full on cheating thanks for watching guys hopefully enjoyed the [Music] video guys come on give me some demos where you where you're not sure if the guy was cheating okay um hi this is one of my previous games 133.5k ELO I think this guy named see is kind of sus with his movement and Reactions where there was or wasn't enemies around probably wall hack or radar if I'm going to be honest I think this demo should bring you decent amount of content decent let's take a look anime profile picture no skins 900 hourss I don't know what rank this is but he has pretty good Crosser placement and he's got a decent Crosser now peing on a timing honestly seem legit so far I'm going just skip 15 seconds at the start of each round oh uhoh this is not a good sign he's constantly looking at walls he's AFK it's only round two did he toggle based off the pistol [Music] round he's is not really good at the game but also I mean the guy who sent in the demo is 133.5k and these guys are AFK again maybe he just has a lot of important stuff to do on his computer okay or maybe he was just going on the internet and looking up this amazing site called Skin Club they are a case opening site with a provably fair system you can open cases for free every day on their site and you can also ble other players for their skins which is my favorite by playing skin Club you earn event points and with those event points you can redeem cool prices or even join their giveaways they have a lot of deposit options and by clicking the link in the description you will get a 7% deposit bonus thank you flash okay the Crosser placement there was a bit weird but again it would make sense him pulling out the Smoker N no wait I guess he could hear him run away but still pulling out a smoke then pulling on your knife standing out in the open here he goes again AFK can we get a AFK counter from now like somewhere I don't know like yeah thanks what what is he doing he has no info about this oh yeah right this a bit strange maybe he could have had information from his teammate however that someone jumped on boiler by doing this something off about the guy the way he just runs down apartment stairs but inspecting the default knife a lot by the way very interesting stuff again he decides to go very aggressive in apartments which I'm not sure is the play considering [Music] they oh I'm assuming they have information about everything is he going to place his scoll start up there he Hur that oh he's going to push the smoke okay and then also I don't know about that that was definitely a bit strange my instincts wouldn't tell me to instantly push a smoke the moment it's been dropped again he's doing the same thing he's going in apps and he's going to push it but this time he's [Music] hesitating again I don't know if this UB guy made any steps okay [Music] interesting so the moment his teammate dies his attention is not to look to the left but to look to the right and honestly if your teammate just gets killed you would assume the other guy's going to push but again he does show patience which you know is pretty impressive and the guy behind him did make steps and he did know the other guy might have been boiler it could be skill maybe maybe there's something going on where it's like a guy playing with his brother and then he they like switch rounds in between maybe I'm going too far with this I don't know here we go again same ab play is he going to push it what he's completely open to balcony at this point again inspecting the knife again they're going for a b rush but only with two but seeing how this guy rotated in the passed when there was like a fivan be Rush he instantly pulled out his knife and went to run behind but on this round he seems reluctant to fully rotate in even though they see the bomb they see multiple people in banana now B dies and then he realizes there is a guy long still and he's even going to wait him out yeah I think this guy might be walling I think this guy might be walling oh yeah this is what yeah this is what I mean by CS2 demos but oh wake up bro CS2 demo suck okay um I don't know he could be legit that's the thing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's going on here why is he with this knife out in the apartments what why is he turning his back what what is this what is that Crosser place but what what just happened given no [ __ ] I'm running down with his knife oh yeah just casually reloading running down mid yeah I did this guy stop caring about the game or he knows something that we don't oh we could get one for the FK counter yes sir again what if they're changing people on the computer right now okay I would not do that Peak personally but he's clearly doing something with his other hand because he's not even moving his Mouse I wonder what he's doing could be scratching his balls could be adjusting he's inspecting his knife going down he's going to pull out his M4 I think this guy's trying to hide it like can we just get a repl of what he did last round where he pulled out the knife he went in backwards now this time there's actually someone holding it he sees that pulls out his M4 lines it up through the wall and realize he's not peeking and then just gives it up he going to check mid and he he should see that guy coming up the stairs if he's really willing he's not going to care about it interesting again M touching his [Applause] Mouse pre-fire makes sense there were steps being made he still has a smoke from his teammate exactly that's good holding the edge of the smoke late on the reactions can hear that okay that's game s 10 seconds left he's going to Molly the bomb run away that's a pretty good play again I'm confused about this sometimes he does something that doesn't make any sense and then he goes and makes a good play which again could be two people playing on the same computer possibly still inspecting that default knife through his hands interesting way of inspecting the knife so he knows the CDs are being very aggressive on apartments he should take his time clearing it he's going to hold for it this time where is he looking into the wall I don't know can we get some new Tools in there we got to get some cheat tools can we get like um a timer thingy which like measures his reaction speed [Music] cuz if this checks out to about let's say 150 Ms I would say that could be legit as it could be a reflex oh this is a rough one I really don't know he has some movement pretty good no no information about anyone anywhere okay maybe they saw a guy in mid that's about it what exactly is he doing here what the doing is he going to hard clear that right side he's not even going to go oh he's going to bait his teammate oh interesting now he's going to clear boiler it's got to be some sort of cheat though he's 31 and8 now he's just speeding things up is he going to hard clear the left side ah okay he doesn't know about that guy let's take a look at someone else on his team okay these guys are actual Silvers what's going on we got to to we got to do a research research on this give me a moment all right let me just C made in 2020 has only played 1,000 hours low Trust TR Factor slide 1100 hours wait this is interesting this guy has no trust Factor he's created the account of 2009 and he has seven bad friends out of 38 I think we've been looking at the wrong guy he might have been relaying information to our SE guy oh he's face level four 700 hours this guy seems pretty legit Zer Z friends 50 hours 2 weeks okay you know what I'm just going to take a look at this guy I'm just going to take like a random point in time and I'm going to take a look at that [Music] guy [Music] huh doesn't even shoot I'm not sure what this op angle is but he's happy with this terrorists win all right so oh and the game just ends I can't even look at this the scoreboard or like anything okay H guys I have some bad news I can't convict the guy thank you so much for wasting my [ __ ] time yes he pulled out his knife in some weird spots but it doesn't indicate that he was tracing people he was using sort of aim hack he showed game sense in other situations So based off of this I'm going to have to conclude him as a non-cheater you are not if you guys disagree with me let me know down in the comments below honestly I can't tell maybe it's just CS2 demos I don't know thank you guys for watching hopefully you guys have a good day and I'll be sure to bust some more cheaters goodbye
Channel: neokCS
Views: 336,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neok, neokcs, faceit lvl 10, 3000 elo, lekoen, cheater, demo review, cheater detective
Id: qBr3ec56Q38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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