They RAGE CHEATED and still lost...

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oh chat my next game is going to be my 200th win shling surely surely the game has seen that oh when we place this guy against known cheaters he loses every single [ __ ] game maybe we should stop giving him cheaters bro I don't cheat shut the up don't cheat shut what the [ __ ] there both of them well I also speedrun hey boys win number 200 baby no one in Europe would ever get offended by that word black and Anime that's a crazy [ __ ] name this guy's Walling by the way the black and anime guy is like Giga Walling by the way this month I'm going to the first CS2 major thanks to 1 xbat while there I'll be filming a vlog and I'll be part of a prediction battle against other creators they're also hosting a giveaway of two VIP tickets to the major and over 200 skins worth $10,000 the top 40 people at the end of the major are guaranteed $3,000 worth of skins thanks again one for bringing me to the major if [Music] you're so from the warm up I think this guy and this guy are both welling this guy might not be terrorist this is the [ __ ] he keeps doing he just crouches and then then this guy yeah it's uh it's a b game for sure nice one more one more B one more middle dead dead middle heav maybe yeah friend friend friend counterterrorist win what's up with these guys and just randomly crouching when they hear a [ __ ] footstep they're already be throwing grenade grenade one more one more don't give me a freeb I'm not going to go for this terrorist wi all right go hero I try to get kills okay uh donut two donut uh bomb has been planted terrorist mid man my team is [ __ ] ass bro enemies aren't cheating your team AR SRI yeah but this guy might have both this guy is probably wiing this guy doesn't have to be but he might be yikes it's a hard game 4 7 8 10 is there any chance I can end this game with more kills than my team this game I'm just going to let this guy play nice one more middle ramp ramp ramp ramp uh Behind Blue behind C check check check check M mid nice one more no no no no no good info Bros Stay Stay bro stay you can hide bro I watch for you just hide bro don't give him fight okay nice counterterrorist win [ __ ] Corner let's go Inn boys let's get five rounds and we win this game okay uh a a one m one mid one M guys coming oh nice take grenade thank you bro he gave me a nade I do that [ __ ] to people all the time even in face hit no one has ever done it to me before that's the first time and it's in [ __ ] Premiere I flash over I flash over nice bomb here counter terrorist win that was really random V you have bro yeah yeah I'm strong I see I see I see I'm 10 level wow people coming I missed that I swear I think this guy's Jing you guys think is actually level 10 fa let's see if C I just missed Kill from black oh he got a kill okay stupid 4 kilo is better than I am okay okay VRI level 10 face it maybe what the what the [ __ ] happened there how did he knife him easy fortive whoa whoa whoa whoo no say this word I'm streaming Bro black man gun don't say black man gun that sounds even worse somehow no it's not a racist bro bro you're from Finland I don't think you get to be the judge of this okay yes I'm I'm super black as you can see I'm super black I'm no offense but you are the whest person in the world least least racist finish person I leave middle I leave middle oh last counterterrorist win guys I need more kill for YouTube video okay you include my include my racist comments in the YouTube video Don't Worry brother I will I will it's a free comment engagement it's going to make people write this guy from Finland such racist wow bro laughs like goofy don't worry please new word just dropped don't worry please bid I watch Heaven I watch Heaven you watch mid okay I'm hold I'm hold okay hold I'm R nice to meet you bro taking bomb and going back he spawn counterterrorist win [ __ ] oh my God I missed those FL flash flash flash flash C we just ROM have no one holding why didn't he just take terrorists win that guy is this guy's strange though this guy's really strange I think he's I think he's probably Walling chat need the D after this one now see the one me and there magnet in head bro I swear to [ __ ] it feels like that sometimes where is he [Applause] flash there's like four people in mid they're all rushing mid I think oh the QQ nice ah this guy is so odd no I can't wait to [ __ ] watch this demo on bro on oh I'm this guy's so [ __ ] funny like unintentionally oh I'm low okay that's an angle one b one b go go away guys go away one heav one heav take no no but this guy isn't normal I think this guy's cheating this guy yeah uh that was suy I swear that guy's just [ __ ] cheating he just has full control permanently of where everyone are 10 level face it okay guys guys listen to me listen me just go full be okay full be dude I haven't gotten a kill on this side I have zero kills on this side no but you can't be re [ __ ] it I'm going to go back to opusing I'm I'm actually the worst player alive night throw very nice take bomb I [ __ ] knew it you little [ __ ] you've been cheating the entire [ __ ] game haven't you he he ra Shack now ra Shack now careful careful careful heit ra Shack heit ra Shack he Shack yes black an anime black an anime I promise I promise I promise rage hack rage hack will hack now dead got his ass I [ __ ] knew it chat I called it in warm up I I I know yeah [ __ ] right right window right window boom bro they were both [ __ ] rage hacking the entire game huh one ke one ramp no two in banana two in banana two in banan we should have just gone a together counter BR Shameless bro I [ __ ] knew it yes I feel so [ __ ] Justified it's insane [ __ ] fck I FL FL flash wait they're just raing now look at this [ __ ] 800 games on face it level eight he doesn't [ __ ] care he just rage attacks anyway in premere if you he's on a side A A Go Go aut sniper now guys bro they're so [ __ ] Shameless bro they're so Shameless bro oh almost counterterrorist win full be rush but don't stop on site because they can wall Bang from cave just push CT [ __ ] planting the bomb okay yeah forget smoke one cheer dead yes dead where is where is Che behind behind you have to plant bom GRE okay one more nice run to run to run run thrust me thrust me thrust me run I'm down here can you flash can you flash Don can you flash Don no no no no B Flash B flash go back go back terrorist nice cheating dead she that feels [ __ ] beautiful oh that feels [ __ ] beautiful does not care about long at all cares about long when he has to okay but like is it just me or is his aim like snapping to the head ever so slightly look look look at that the aim snaps no you see that right oh there he is brother oh my God Noah bro how how do you have no shame terrorists win how do you have no shame how does he lose to me that often though I killed this guy a [ __ ] T this game because he can't spray we're about to see some [ __ ] Shameless stuff bro we're about to see some [ __ ] Shameless [ __ ] bro look at this look at that they know we have no on B the entire team is playing full info look he just runs up bite with with knife out smoke there were four pre-made blue random they had four people playing on full info so everyone except [ __ ] this guy this guy this guy this guy this guy has full info the entire game and they lose that is crazy to me oh he's just going to randomly scope isn't he and you still lose the duel throwing smoke excuse me sir first kill is okay right but then that pre- aim goes so hard he justen out yeah yeah he just he just turned that [ __ ] to a million bomb has he just turned that [ __ ] to a [ __ ] million bro and you're still too bad to actually hit one dig you can't make it [Laughter] [Music] off no what good night hello flash out flash normal game play I think I had two kills on um I think I had two kills on this side oh my God but [ __ ] just uninstall oh he's locked on me he's locked on the wrong target oh no and they just know it's over
Channel: renyan
Views: 46,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: renyan, ren, counter strike
Id: z0dbBAgsWUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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