I Had to Eat Bugs to Escape this Place!

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hey everybody it's molly with all ears and i'm here at universal's islands of adventure with another video and wouldn't you believe it i've been trapped again and i bet you can guess where jurassic park hence why my ensemble represents legend and icon dr alan grant i've got a producer here who's going to give me a bunch of different challenges and punishments while i explore the land with you guys hopefully we can get free because then we can go to the wizarding world of harry potter which is literally right next door i hope you're ready i hope you're excited it's gonna be great can i get out you bet jurassic can um it's gonna be dynomite let's go [Music] if you haven't seen my trapped videos in the past i am literally trapped in one land and i've got a producer here who's got a bunch of fun tasks for me if i can't accomplish one of them i have to do a punishment and if i finish all the tasks then we get to leave and go have butter beer so i love jurassic park if you can't tell one of my favorite movies but i don't know what i'm gonna have to do okay here's the bag oh tricks all right let's see show us a vehicle used in the films i actually can do that and we're not far all right show us a vehicle used in the films i believe there's actually two and the first one is right down this little pathway near the watering hole it's this jurassic park vehicle that they use in the movies when they're gonna go on their sweet dinosaur tour he left us he left us he left us [Music] here it is this is one of the vehicles from the film okay but that's not the only vehicle i've been told that this vehicle by a team member was also used in the films and this one is more of the like support vehicles you see dr ellie sadler and dr alan grant go with um mr hammond in the when they first see the brontosauruses and stuff they're in a jeep like this as opposed to when you actually would go on the dinosaur tour you'd be in the explorers like we just saw but this one allegedly was also used in the film and wanted a really cool fun fact about these cars i was told this by a universal vip tour guide they were going to use yellow as the icon and the color but in the book because jurassic park was a book by michael crichton he says that the dinosaurs don't like yellow so they changed it to red because they were paying attention to the detail but isn't that fun also this is a cool photo op because the spinosaurus is attacking the car like jurassic park three and you can scan your if you have a jurassic park card you can scan right here stand here say cheese scan your card and then they will automatically do the photo so let's do it we'll get ourselves a temporary card okay scan and it's gonna say okay here we go here's our picture here's our picture so now on the my on the universal photos i could add this picture to it if i wanted to and you can talk to the universal photos cast members about doing some kind of package stuff or if you have somebody that can take your picture this is a really fun photo op as well all right time for task number two count six different kinds of dinosaurs okey dokey well we already saw my friend the spinosaurus right here so that's one here's my dinosaur number two it's the t-rex the icon of jurassic park but it's the storm drain in this section which is actually a really cool detail that they did that okay i see a really cool light fixture right here at pizzer pradoria i can't say it but look how cool this light fixture is with the brontosaurus it could be a brachiosaurus but the old long neck like a big cow so that's three i also noticed on the trash cans and the recycling bins they have a bunch of dinosaurs so they have a brontosaurus or brachiosaurus which we already saw but they also have a triceratops so that's four there's also raptors up here fighting over the pizza which is really fun also did you know fun fact velociraptors in real life were much smaller than they are in the movies they're like only a couple feet tall but in the movies they're six feet tall like as if they weren't scary enough i guess i'm gonna head into camp jurassic for my next dinosaur because look the sign right here is a stegosaurus which is really cool camp jurassic i'm just going to show you around really quickly but i'm a grown adult and this is not a grown adult play place so can't do too much but camp jurassic is where you've got a fun dinosaur themed playground that your littles can run around and play on and then it's also got tear down flyers um which is that really cool flying attraction but for pterodon flyers you have to have a kid with you between 36 and 56 inches and then an adult can accompany them there's no other way to ride this attraction normally but like look how fun it looks but you cannot i can't just go ride it it's like only if you have kids with you i will say one time in my whole life i got to ride it because it was when the park was reopening and they were doing previews so they let me ride it because there weren't many kids around and i wish i could tell you it wasn't as amazing as you've always dreamt it would be but it is it's so fun and um it would be really creepy if i just started asking people to let me ride with their children so i'm gonna count that stegosaurus as my fifth dinosaur if we're counting the stegosaurus as my fifth dinosaur i'm gonna wait for some pterodons to fly by and that will be dinosaur number six here it comes all right tear it on that's dinosaur number six and it is so fun so if you do have kids with you make sure you go on this it is really truly a blast also note that right now the play area is closed um but it could reopen you know obviously closed for safety right now but tear it on flyers truly so much fun and if you're in universal with kids definitely check it out okay so far so good find evidence of 50 fossils whoa all right 50 sounded like a crazy amount but my producer did tell me that leaves and pressed leaves like this are considered fossils or evidence in fossils and if you look around on the ground in here there's tons of them because it helps with the detail of the park so one two twelve oh that's a big guy 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. i found about 40 so far and as a paleontologist i'm here to tell you that these fossils that we're seeing on the ground are called evidence of fossils or trace fossils and they're like evidence that there was something here so like a feather or like a footprint or a leaf or something along those lines those are called evidence fossils and then you've also got what are called body fossils which are like this so that's 41 because that's clearly the body of a being that was here before so there's 41 and then there's one over here on the other side and that would be 42 and i think we're gonna maybe find some more if i keep scooting around in the store now this is the store that is at the exit of the river adventure and i love it because i love these movies oh here we go all right these are collectibles you can buy so 43 44 45 for six or seven for eight for nine fifty there's definitely enough to get to 50 in here look at all these dinosaur teeth and bones and skulls they are authentic replicas and if if you keep going back even further into the store we can find even more like this giant footprint or here's the photo collection wall you've got even more body fossils so lots and lots of fossils around these parts all right next task strange theme park quiz oh no i always fail the quizzes okay the jurassic parks from the films are wild ideas for theme parks which of these wild parks and attractions are real in still cheese theme park a cheese themed play area that um actually sounds like my dream so i hope that's real muck luck land the world's largest mosquito in alaska i hope that's not real i'm gonna write real next to this one no next to this one bonbon land in denmark the dog fart switchback coaster i think this is real wonderland swing ride in the cooling tower of a nuclear reactor no i don't think so window of the world china experience of death a simulator where you experience cremation no no no no absolutely not that um i don't want that to exist so i'm going to say no because that's why an amusement park in saigon the magic castle harry potter walkthrough i believe that is real how did i do they're all real they're all real all these are real things those are real theme parks and real attractions okay well i did not pass the quiz if you've ridden any of these or been to any of these i need you to leave me a comment particularly the cremation one because i'm too scared to google it now but i need to know some answers right i got two things wrong so i have to do two punishments make a name tag and wear it so everyone realizes you work in guest relations at jurassic world all right so it's everyone's favorite time of these videos i have to craft something i have to craft myself a name tag now i was told to make a nametag that i work in guest relations at jurassic world but i'm obviously dr alan grant who is a visiting paleontologist so i will be making that name tag i cannot draw a dinosaur i'm definitely not going to try to draw the jurassic park logo with the tri uh the tyrannosaurus rex instead i'm just going to cut out a little jp this is really taking me back anytime you use i don't know the last time i used a glue stick visitor dr allen grant maybe we'll make this a dime a dinosaur's paw print somehow all right here's my name tag dr alan grant visiting paleontologist here i am okay punishment number two go rock climbing okay okay when my producer says go rock climbing he literally means it for some reason there is rock climbing in both universal parks like that they used to have at dick's athletic sports store growing up um and it's ten dollars and we're gonna go rock climbing so i used to actually be really good at this as a kid we will see how good i am as an adult no age or height restrictions so if you're a baby and want to climb um no i don't think you could uh 250 pound weight limit you can get a second chance if you don't ring the bell on your first one but obviously you're trying to ring the bell liability lit waiver climbing area for climbers only instructors are here listen to them no horseplay okay i will get signed up and we'll get [Music] climbing it's a good look it's a great look do you ever have those moments where you're like what is my life this is that moment [Music] this is the hardest one why did i start [Music] here [Music] [Music] i'm so tired that was physically very demanding and i understand why i was good at it as a child because i weighed one-third the amount i do now this is a lot of cupcake eating and clearly sheer muscle mass i was trying to pull onto the top of that but it was ten dollars you can climb as much as you want especially because there's not a line right now so you can try all the different courses the kids are loving it parents are literally having to be like get off of that so we can go ride a ride is it something i tell everyone to do maybe not you can do this other places and you definitely do want to go ride all the different rides that you can't do at your local sporting goods store but if you come here a lot or your kids have a lot of energy maybe make them climb up this wall and they won't anymore because i don't anymore also my claws are not adept at climbing the instructor said he i don't look like a real rock climber this might be why it wasn't my outfit obviously also the instructor was really good he didn't touch the pen i used to sign the waiver he put hand sanitizer on everyone before and after they climbed there's a couple times where i was climbing a little closer to people than i want to wanted to so i kind of waited and let them get higher or lower like are they for them to be off the course but they made you do hand sanitizer before and after so that was pretty good okay on to a new task um figure out how to get into the discovery center do whatever it takes okay well first of all when i hear whatever it takes i just think of the avengers but the discovery center is near one of the restaurants um but they did have it closed off because it's a lot of hands-on interactive activities but this clue leads me to believe that there's a way to get in there and we're going to figure out what that is now all right so we're at the discovery center which is in here it's connected to burger digs which is a quick service restaurant and a cool dino store and the discovery center is awesome because it looks straight up like the dinosaur headquarters of the movie and like look at it in here just look at it it's got the big dinosaur statues and i was told that these were used in the movies too by a team member so that's pretty incredible this part when they got the big banner when dinosaurs ruled the earth and i see people eating down here so maybe that's how you get down there wait is this where an annual pass holder only place to eat burger digs okay well that's the coolest thing ever and if what i have to do to eat in the dinosaur center is order a cheeseburger okay [Music] okay so i placed an order and now i'm just in line to get a table but it seems like annual pass holders only can get the tables down in the discovery center which is literally so cool um it's peak lunch time right now so i'm just in line to get a table um but the way universal is doing their mobile order you do it through the app you pay you can apply your team member um or your annual passport or discounts right through the app which is awesome and then we're just waiting to get a seat and then when you get to your table you scan a qr code on the table and that's how they know which table to bring it to which i think is genius i've not ever actually had like a burger here um which of course burger digs is what they're known for i have eaten full meals at the other quick service location in dinoland that is the barbecue um but this has got burgers fries chicken sandwiches um milkshakes apple pie so kind of your more traditional theme park food and i'm curious to see how it is okay i didn't know this was a thing but only passed holders can come eat down here and he's like do you want to sit next to the eggs in the dino lab yes obviously i do oh yeah this is a perfect table thank you you guys see what i'm seeing look at the details the barbisol can is here the one that nedry tries to sneak out the embryos and then you've got the eggs right here wow and when this is all open you can actually do uh scan things and look inside the eggs and they have different experiments and stuff i did it on a video once and in this section you can dna sequence yourself into a dinosaur and it's the scariest thing that's ever happened to me it's our friend mr dna dino dna this is so cool if you're a pass holder i don't even care if the food is terrible which i haven't gotten yet this is awesome this is truly the coolest thing hats off to my producer for figuring this out because he knew we'd want to come down here they've got all your condiments and stuff there's a team member here so if you need anything just ask and there is a register down here so if you need a refill or anything like that i saw a team member here if you need anything else but okay i gotta stop looking around and actually sit down and get my food and i'll show you the cool way universal is doing mobile order i discovered this when i was at simpsons for the universal express fast video but at all the quick service locations you do the mobile order they'll have you take a seat then once you're ready to and you click prepare my order it will instruct you to scan this qr code or type in your table number and that's how the team members know which which table you're at and they bring you your food you don't have to worry about carrying it you don't have to worry about any of that they can get you condiments or if you want a glass of water just ask them or there are condiment stations around and i think this is a genius way to be handling mobile order and frankly i wish disney would do this a sweet team member brought our food so here is my cheeseburger i opted for onion rings and it's just this is just the normal bacon cheeseburger you can completely customize it in the app and then i added sauteed onions and mushrooms because they don't have a toppings bar right now but you can add anything you want you can add a milkshake if you'd rather have that to drink you can have chili cheese fries french fries or onion rings and i'm excited to dig into it because i haven't had a burger in a while and a burger sounds delish big honking cheeseburger that's actually pretty darn good for a theme park cheeseburger you know me i'm always recommending doing something more unique or different and if you're a harry potter fan i would say go eat in the three broomsticks get your fish and chips but this is actually a very very good theme park burger i mean it's a thick boy it's i put those the sauteed onions and mushrooms are definitely a game changer elevated it um and then i'm gonna try one of these onion rings too this is a darn good onion ring so i actually think i like this place more than the barbecue place now and i would recommend coming here over like the cafe in the marvel section or the cafe in the um comic section and again annual pass holders like look at where we're having lunch this is so fabulous just me and the dinosaur eggs i'm enjoying mr dna in the back there there's a plush of him i don't know why they don't sell that in the gift shop so even if you don't want a full meal it's really cool to be eating down here especially if you like the movie um so just get a drink or something and come sit down here for a little bit off-peak meal time so yeah this was this is awesome and i'm very much into this burger guys some engine workers just came in and by engine i bet they're universal creative and working on velocicoaster and i'm losing my mind right now but their hats literally say engine that one says is a dinosaur but it said engine on the side i promise oh my gosh this is amazing wrapped our delicious lunch up and time for another challenge go to jurassic outfitters show the most and least expensive and the most terrifying items all right let's go back there okay so jurassic outfitters this is again the merchandise shop at the exit of jurassic park river adventure which i love so much and we're looking for the least expensive the most expensive and the most terrifying items okay well first of all i had no idea there were pop funkos of dinosaurs and i kind of want one is that weird if i were to have an indoraptor or t-rex is that weird that's awesome let's see who's on the back oh my gosh you can have a doctor ian malcolm should i get the dr alan grant one oh my gosh we're getting distracted okay that's 19 which i think is neither going to be the most expensive or least expensive all right these are contenders for cheapest i was told i'm only allowed to find jurassic park and dinosaur themed snacks i can't just get like regular lollipops so the lollipops are 4.95 um they sell flavored cricket snacks for 295 or larvettes if you'd like to eat those pez that have like jurassic park characters on them those are 3.95 the larvex and stuff i've seen them sell those in the mummy gift shop though so those aren't specifically jurassic park so the pez might be i think is a good guess for the least expensive um oh my gosh these shades are so fantastic now i'm just looking at cool dinosaur stuff look at these look at those those are amazing so i think the pez is the least expensive actual jurassic park branded dinosaur item pez all right we're crowning pez the least expensive now we got to look for the most expensive and whenever i see things in a glass case it's a good place to start like um this lovely statue of chris pratt cross eyed with blue 545 um 225 for that one let's see if these are oh 620 for the carnotaurus okay and how much is the 1 500 for blue right here that's pretty good we have some more figures oh look it's me it's my friend 180 for the small version of me in this video the t-rex right here 12.75 and honestly if you're gonna buy the t-rex i feel like you need to buy the dr allen grant with the flare too like it they're a set in my opinion and if you've got the 1275 to spend on the t-rex then you've got the mere pennies to spend the 180 on dr alan grant at this point it's a good look thank you for inspiring this iconic fashion choice sir okay so this is it the most expensive thing in here blue she's fifteen hundred dollars okay so the blue is the most expensive thing in the store okay but this is the most amazing thing mr i'd say is the jeff goldblum yeah okay perfect thank you you're very welcome so for the most terrifying item i'm going for what i think is the most terrifying dinosaur and it's got to be the scaredest i've ever been watching a jurassic park movie is possibly the endo raptor in jurassic world too something about its very scary claws and when it reaches out and taps the little girl's shoulder or grabs her hair very scary very scary so you can get these endo raptor growl and grab and growl indoraptor and you like these are seventy dollars oh my god that's terrifying for many reasons so we're gonna go with that as the scariest item for seventy dollars this thing better have actual dino dna in it okay next task find sierra or blue oh yay with pleasure headed to the rafter encounter which is one of my favorite things that not a lot of people know about it's where you can actually meet blue the velociraptor or a baby velociraptor named sierra and we'll see who it is hello thank you what i love about this is that every time i do it i watch adults be scared of a puppet dinosaur and then i'm scared of a puppet dinosaur because it's so realistic it's amazing so the line's only 15 minutes and it's a weekend and it's a pretty busy day here but the line's never usually that long and you'll go up and you'll talk to they have a dinosaur trainer there that stole my look and they'll kind of help you and guide you and if it's the baby one it's like a trainer holding it if it's blue she like jumps out of the bushes at you and you can take your pictures with her there is a photo a photographer there but they can't take your phone or camera but if you have the universal photo packages they can take your picture or of course you can take selfies or have someone else take a picture for you but it's really really fun and it's really cool and something a lot of people just walk right by but it's a really cool experience visitor come right on up i love your outfit you look great you look like you mean business you look like you've done this before yep you've met her before right what's your name ollie this is blue blue molly you guys are old friends okay easy easy tell her tell her easy easy yes good yep yep and we go like this we make our hand like a fist and say focus thank you yup good girl look at that she is on you she is on you good job oh what's up budget watch and she will take that ham right off for you free of charge special today and tell her eyes up good girl nice all right molly take a look at your camera there if you like you can take your face covering down but it is a very cool face covering so you might want to leave it up maybe just take one big step forward so you're in front of that blue line there we go yup we have measured that off usually she cannot reach that floor unless she's really moving sick that was crazy truly so much fun meeting blue it's the most fun picture i i love it i think it is a blast and i think you should spend the 10 not even it was not 15 minutes few minutes in line to meet blue because it's a really cool experience the little kids in front of me were so into it your kids might get scared but you might also get scared because i was scared but i think if you're a jurassic park fan you got to do it time for another one locate a piece of amber okay i think we should go back to the dino institute to the store maybe or look around the dyno institute the amber is definitely a reference to the bugs that they found in amber and they extracted the blood from the bugs that they had eaten from the dinosaurs and that's how they got dino dna to make the dinosaurs so i wonder if the dino store here at the jurassic park discovery center has any you've got jewelry here that actually has pieces of amber in it amber it is believed that one around the neck it has healing powers against things such as fever arthritis stomach and tonsil inflammation wow so you actually have all kinds of amber jewelry here i'm seeing earrings pendants necklaces bracelets unfortunately i don't see any of them that have mosquitoes in them that could possibly lead me to recreating a dinosaur but it is cool that you could get this stuff here the very kind jewelry counter expert just told me that these actually do have fossilized insects in them as you can see and they are anywhere from 10 to 40 million years old my brain literally isn't even comprehending that information okay time for another one find a uniquely flavored churro and review it okay okay i am headed to this cart here called natural selections it's a newer snack cart it opened up when the parks reopened but they sell some kind of fun stuff beef empanadas pop over uh i can't say it rilena's millennials they are that's got like meat and cheese in it kind of almost like a cheeseburger pod and then they've got a guava pastry and a dulce de leche churro so that counts as a unique hero in my book it's stuffed i thought it was just gonna have a topping but it's got duchene de leche filling this is delicious dolce delicious i say look at that okay it's a really well cooked churro it's got that crispiness on the outside there's no cinnamon sugar on it but it's got that caramelly chili de leche topping and filling and a little coconut tastes like coconut this is a surprisingly good snack and sweet treat that thank you if you were not into harry potter treats i would fully recommend this i wish i had a little more coconut because i love coconut but wow play a dino game if you lose suffer a punishment i assume this means the carnival games all right i'm getting a nod i don't know what it is about dinosaur themed lands and theme parks but apparently they all need to have a carnival game section so let's see we've got the dinosaur dash which is like a squirt gun race [Music] we've got hammond's hot shots which is basketball well i will for sure be terrible at that and then we've got the training zone over here which has got oh a balloon pop that's dna sequencing that one looks fun or like this canon shooting cans i think i'm gonna do the dna sequencing i'm a winner and i feel like a winner you are oh my gosh wow do you want to enjoy therapy i definitely want to try a triceratops thank you thank you winner winner new triceratops best friend coming over for dinner so they have the games here they're six dollars per game or you can actually do a game pass and it lowers the cost per game and you can use it here in dinoland they've also got ones over in toon lagoon and super marvel landing and so if you think you're going to play more than one of these or you've got multiple kids or anybody playing it you might want to look at the game passes i will say that game was really easy i did not expect to do anything um but you got to hit the balloons with balls not darts and you were really close so if you've got kids that you get want them to get a prize i think they can get one from that game versus like the basketball looks kind of hard so i'm glad i didn't choose that one and i'm glad i have this new friend to live with me much like at disney i'm kind of like should you waste time and money doing this when you could go ride like river adventure i don't know maybe if you've got kids and you're trying to kill time i i think i'm more motivated to tell you to do it at disney because the prizes are disney prizes and super super cute not that this guy isn't cute um but you know it's a great thing to do if you if you've got like some extra time or you you want to have some fun or your friend traps you here in the land velocicoaster this beautiful roller coaster coming summer 2021 so this year we don't know an official opening date as of the time i'm filming this i am so excited for this coaster it is a story coaster like hagrid's magical creature motorbike adventure tm and the story is that you are going face to face running with the velociraptors like in jurassic world i can't even tell you how excited i am about this so how many inversions there are that means going upside down four four times you're gonna go upside down and the launch is there's two of them the first one zero to 50 in three seconds and the second one 40 to 70 in 2.4 seconds for the record for reference rock and roller coaster is zero to 60 in 2.8 seconds so very similar at the front but imagine already being 40 miles an hour and then going to 70 miles an hour in less than 2.5 seconds it's gonna be amazing and on top of that the peak height of this is 155 feet tall i want you to understand that splash mountain's drop is 50 feet so three times that is your highest point and then you're doing an 80 degree drop that is the steepest drop in orlando are you pumped i am pumped if you couldn't tell of any ride coming to any theme park i am most excited for velocicoaster over tron over ratatouille over guardians of the galaxy i love jurassic park i love roller coasters i love story roller coasters i cannot wait for this look at these dinosaurs they just installed they're wrapped in cellophane they look crazy but i'm thinking this is like the exit maybe that's that's my guess is this is the exit because it's right next to the discovery center they also say in universal's info that you're coming face to face with a velociraptor like how close like this close like this close like this close like can i give her a kiss i don't know but i can't wait oh my gosh i'm gonna go watch jurassic world when i get home i watch jurassic park last night i'm gonna watch jurassic world later ride sick park river adventure three times in a row with no poncho or take a punishment instead okay i've seen people get off the ride today and they are soaking wet and you guys know me i normally wear my full rain jacket and like pull it so tight so that only my eyes are free and three times in a row do you know how wet i'll be i think i gotta take a punishment i can't do it i can't ride it i will be so miserably uncomfortably wet without a poncho after three rides on that one i gotta see i gotta risk it and take a punishment all right punishment time let's hope this isn't that bad okay take three mixed bites from a mystery snack bag okay i'm already scared i've been handed this snack bag from the gift shop and i'm so scared i'm so scared no did you buy these after i talked about them i am very sorry okay these are the mexican spice larvettes oh my god okay well here's bite number one oh there's more oh gosh i also could be grabbing sour cream and onion crickets in there it did say mixed bites oh i'm so sorry to get specific silly yeah i kind of like when you get a good a chex mix and you want you want a little of everything this is what you want okay three points are you ready am i ready okay i've had crickets before at la cava del tequila in frontera cocena because they serve them with mezcal and i really wish i had mezcal right now i leave water okay [Music] okay that's one if i didn't know what they were yeah it wouldn't be that bad they don't taste they just taste like crunchy almost like stale cereal texture-wise the fact that i like know what it is and i just i i thought about it as i was mid-chew it like it gave me a shudder they're moving there is no universe where i shouldn't have ridden the ride three times and just gotten wet oh i only got worms that time that oh my god look how big that one is look at that compared to me you've either gotten way too good at this game or gone way too far i think it's the former because that's good forget that delicious churro i just ate this is the hottest new snack i can't believe i i thought that getting wet would be worse than that but in my defense i thought it would be like another craft or maybe make me go have a dance party somewhere or like go shout about dinosaurs like i've had to do in past videos i didn't think i'd be eating insects but they do look a lot worse than they taste but it'd be a funny prank to pull on your family or like a gag gift or you know some kind of game you could make out of it kind of like the birdie bots but anyway that happened well we did it i completed all of my jurassic tasks it was super fun except for that time i had to eat bugs and i learned my lesson that you should never opt for the punishment because you never know what they're gonna make me do but it was really fun um i hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about jurassic park everybody thinks about the river adventure but there's so much more to this land and the best coaster ever is coming to this land so i hope we're all excited for that as well i really enjoyed that churro i really enjoyed my burger too and more importantly i really enjoyed eating my burger in the dyno institute that was a really cool find so if you're an annual pass holder i definitely recommend having lunch down in there and uh checking out all the props and all the easter eggs and details about jurassic park and of course i always loved meeting blue so i had a really fun day hopefully you had fun following along learning more about jurassic park what's your favorite thing to do in this land are you excited and looking forward to velocicoaster let me know that as well which land should i get trapped in next let us know that in the comments in the meantime friends make sure to rate review subscribe to our channel follow us on social media at all ears net and until next time i'm molly and it's been dino might want to see more of my videos click over here want to subscribe you can do that right here and also ring that notification bell to make sure you get instantly notified anytime we post a new video thanks for following see you real soon
Channel: AllEars.net
Views: 47,384
Rating: 4.9485793 out of 5
Keywords: Disney World, Disney Parks, Disney Travel, Disney Trip, Disney planning, disney vacation, disney vlog, disney vlogger, disney video, Disney tips, orlando vacation, universal orlando, universal studios, islands of adventure
Id: rB2zn3i6i5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 42sec (2802 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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