this streamer thought he was better than me...

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[Music] boys how's it going welcome back i bet he combing his hair i bet you talking that good [ __ ] what's up baby i'm on time today yeah on the dot on the dot i'm in the flesh i'm feeling good [Music] oh [Music] how's it going boys welcome back to the stream yo yo yo what's up with the chat it's already frozen refresh [Music] oh okay all right everybody trying to find a stream on youtube no stream found no stream found oh no auto stays booming me all right well figured out anyway how's it going boys welcome back to the stream today i am live on time 3 p.m we got a bros vs bro today against mizzy wizzy mai's keith wisekieff [Music] [Music] your hair got its own physics dog okay chill with that it's doing fine [Music] eu ruined sleep schedule gang bro it's like 11 it's 11. [Music] anyway i heard big news tomorrow from nintendo so we'll probably be live tomorrow around too uh and tomorrow is gonna be i believe the unboxing of all the things from amazon etc so i'll probably go live a bit earlier watch the nintendo thing and then on suite [Music] we'll do the unboxing i'm talking jackie chan i'm talking flexing ab suit i am talking a giant mcdonald's sign that we bought forever ago i'm talking a fender stratocaster guitar talking good [ __ ] big [ __ ] i'm not taking the christmas decorations down they look nice they look nice today guys all right please fellas please a little respect i almost showed up late today because i was playing super auto pets for the vod channel i can't get the whale bill done i'm getting [ __ ] boomed out here i'm just throwing myself at a brick wall trying to get it done [Music] whale do be a [ __ ] i i think it's so painfully mid it's just mid it's the one piece of animals [Music] oh whale deer's fire shark it's mid whale should be tier three i actually agree but i think whale ram would be too op you got to think about that you got to think about what people do for turn three and four anyway how's it going fellas welcome back to the stream today let's see if the chat's fixed imagine look at that it is whale badger op well whale badgers just silly it's just some silly stuff i hope you guys all had a good day yesterday after the in and out stream i damn near like passed out on the couch i had to get myself out jostle myself i watched train wreck tv for about four hours last night with the boys that guy's his own anomaly dude you want to see how dumb streamers are [Music] chad let me show you how dumb streamers are want to start 3 30 or 4 yeah that works [ __ ] you mean that works which one what do you mean 3 30 or 4. that's you man i've been telling the boys they have it good i'm just saying like let's imagine a world where slime nick and aiden all were friends with xqc instead of me oh comparatively they got it great okay you think xqc hops on slack [Music] you guys want to see something embarrassing you want to see something really embarrassing i almost don't even want to show it all right i'll show you all right you ever double text you know girl or guy you like you reach out they don't reply you're like ah [ __ ] and i really want to talk to him sometimes even the second text in a reply you're like [ __ ] i'll try it third i'll try a third but at a certain point you go from being excited to talk to someone to being weird and creepy dude it's bad it's bad man it's getting bad this is half of it i'm not even [ __ ] with you this is half of it i'm on like a sex topple text bro sex topple stop dude the [ __ ] part is he replied to me once and said wanna talk later and then he never replied since and i've just been like every day showing up like the shiba inu in hachiko just like yo today you coming back from work you come back tomorrow to maybe tomorrow try talking to adept i refuse i refuse because i wouldn't dare disrespect the depth like that this is my battle to fight and i would not put it on a depth shoulder okay here's what it is i love playing ultimate up until i run in if i'm playing online because it's very terrible online it's like impossible to play or two i run into like one of the 85 characters that i hate and i hate probably half of them i hate any character that has a projectile in that game and that's like most characters i also hate anyone who has a sword uh and that's like 60 of them that's like 60 of the 85 or whatever you're so dog [ __ ] at all it's crazy i you know i i'm down i'm i'm not even i'm not even gonna argue yeah i am dog [ __ ] i'd be more embarrassed if i was good at that game because that would mean i put time into playing online ultimate by the way wordle check what'd you guys get i'm a three-year today i'm a three-year where you guys at me i'm mr three how's it going fellas it was a pretty good day for me it was a pretty good day admittedly i could have even gotten a two i think but if you got anything above a four it means that you had blank green green blank green and you were just like filling in random [ __ ] words just praying that you would [ __ ] it rather than doing the much lamer but more five head guess a word that contains all the letters your future guesses could be and then you guaranteed get it in five [Music] what's the fender guitar can i have it no absolutely not but i hope you have a good rest of your day anyway yeah tomorrow is the unboxing of all the things i also think i hit up tarik about doing a bros versus pros valorant i think it'd be fun to bring back the valerant bros vs pros it is the most viewed bros vs pros ever and valorance changed a lot since and he seemed kind of down so maybe tarik versus the bros bros vs pros wardell we we did wardell we did that that exists already unless you mean just do the same exact thing again and change nothing in which case i'd be like why all right are we ready do we want to watch a bit of this [ __ ] do we want to get down and dirty with the number six trending video what if the moon crashes into earth what if the moon crashes into earth isn't there a movie about that called moonfall that just came out i thought that movie was a meme that was making fun of the don't look up movie but it turns out it's real the only thing i know about it is charlie made a video and i watched the first few minutes and he said it was the worst movie he's ever seen don't look up was funny as hell i liked don't look up i watched don't look up and i left the uh the airplane because it was on an airplane and i was like [ __ ] man i like i big time like timothy chalamet how do you see the dislikes chat how do you not know about it dislike extension that's you you google those two words and it comes up it's called return youtube dislike and it has one million plus users this extension restores the power to users by using a combination of archived like and dislike data as well as the likes and dislikes made by the extension users to show the most accurate ratings so like enough people have this extension that they take the sample size of likes and dislikes from the users and then scale it up to the visible likes because it should be a similar ratio it's pretty chill how accurate is it i mean it's just using a sample it's using this a sample size and then scaling it up from a million plus users so i i it's pretty accurate i think so it's not likely to be true i think you came to a different pr um uh answer than me with the same information i can tell you how accurate is i can tell you straight up let's take a look at three of my videos thanks for asking all right three videos these three videos what happened to youtube what happened to these cancelled youtubers all right this video they said had 430 dislikes it actually has 400 uh so it's off by nine the crane game it says has 459 it actually has 437 let's check one that's a little more controversial like ludwig gideon this one the this prank youtuber made pokey go private has 3.1 000 dislikes uh the reality is that it has 3.1 000 dislikes it has 3147. so it's it's it's incredibly accurate sorry it was 439 i just didn't say the nine but very astute observation you guys are smart as always always impressing me young luds always impressing me all right let's watch kurzgas get get sponsored by the extension i don't give a [ __ ] if you use it it doesn't affect my life in any way shape or form i'm happy to have dislikes backs and if you don't like it then you know that's that's your that's your mo i mean my [ __ ] my [ __ ] my [ __ ] good you know what i mean my [ __ ] clean brovers bro at 4pm how do i skip forward to the brovers bro i got you occasion it's really easy all i have to do is time you out and then once your timeout's done it's going to be available so there you go now you can't type in chat until the brovers bro easy clap you're answering an age-old very scientific and important question what if the moon crashes into earth it's more interesting and weird than you probably think let's start with the basics why isn't the moon on its way to crash into us already [Music] we know that earth's gravity pulls isn't the moon just big asteroid isn't that it isn't that just how it works it's just a it's just a piece of rock like it's not special in any way shape or form so wouldn't it just be like a giant asteroid falling into earth so it'd [ __ ] us up it's part of the earth everything towards it including the moon but somehow it stays up as if suspended by some opposite force but there is no other force countering gravity instead the trick to staying up is a sideways motion that we call an orbit you see orbits every day when you throw a ball it makes a tiny little orbit the only difference between the balls orbit and the moons is that the ball eventually hits the ground basically the reason is speed if you could throw your ball fast enough it would bend around the world and come back to you if there were no air slowing it down it could orbit forever and this is what the moon does falling sideways around earth very fast with no air slowing it down orbiting earth every 27 days and 3 600 kilometers an hour why doesn't gravity get tired do you ever think about that like everything else suffers from entropy and slows down and gets slow after a while but gravity just stays [ __ ] day in day out zero tired at all it don't quit it's always out there everything else is like ugh time's past i'm i'm worse i'm weaker now to the earth would break more laws of physics than we have time to explain so how do we crash it into earth in a nutshell to change an object's orbit you need to change its speed which changes where gravity takes it but even small changes require enormous forces which is why all the large objects in the solar system are so stable nowadays according to science moon is big and very massive true even igniting billions of rocket engines according to science the moon is big damn they're [ __ ] figuring [ __ ] out fast out there huh i wonder how many years that took to find out that's sick all over its surface would barely move the moon it looks like nothing short of magic will make the moon fall so we'll use a magic spell that slows down the moon so much that it changes its orbit and spirals towards earth to get the most from the experience the moon will take exactly one year before it hits earth ready three two one magic month one for the first few days nothing really changes the moon gets a tiny bit brighter and scientists get confused but the rest of us don't notice anything different the only noticeable real effect of the moon on the earth are the tides tides exist because while earth pulls on the moon the moon's gravity pulls back on the earth since the strength of gravity gets weaker with distance different parts of the earth feel a slightly different pull which causes the earth especially the oceans to bulge when the moon is above them and contract a little on the sides when it's not as earth rotates every day underneath the moon the moon's influence fluctuates causing the water level of the oceans to rise and fall by about half a meter twice a day i'm still i'm terrified watching this i'm still glancing over constantly to see if i'm about to get banned moon drawing ever closer wait so the earth is not evenly round no shot no shot it'd be weird if it was right think about it it'd be kind of weird if the moon or the earth was perfectly round because it's flat can't be round no sir high tide gets higher every day at first barely noticeable within a month the moon has covered half the distance to the earth and ocean tides have grown to four meters every day high tide comes and waves flood coastal cities and there's no end in sight with the moon drawing ever closer tides rise ever higher inundating another city and more inhabited land with salty water every day i'd be five too late the moon has covered two thirds of the distance to earth and global infrastructure is crumbling as tides rise above 10 meters displacing up to a billion people who happen to live near the coastlines as ports become inoperable shipping grinds to a halt not only will it slow down the delivery of quartzquez products but also less exciting things like food apple communications food is so boring 95 of the internet is carried by ocean crossing cables and while these largely don't mind the water their terminals on land do i don't i don't know that there's just a cable and it goes across the ocean that's crazy what if somebody just like cuts it does like the state of oregon lose their internet i always thought it was like in the air like through radio waves but obviously not radio internet waves like a satellite and it goes living inland doesn't guarantee safety either tidal boards cause rivers to flow backwards carrying salt water to contaminate surface and ground water supplies gas shortages follow as all refineries near the coast are abandoned countries are left with the supplies they had on their shelves and strict rationing will begin in the cities chaos rains during the scavenging hours of low tide while survivors take refuge in high rises when the water returns dude america if this happened would be like there'd be people who like the moon's not getting closer the moon's fake the moon's fake the liberals tied a rope around the moon and they're pulling it closer to us i'm not rationing [ __ ] [ __ ] you guys it is just it's just gonna be don't look up it would never work we would get rolled so fast and toilet paper to be gone day one month three three months in and the moon is close enough to disrupt communication and navigation satellites while it's normally far too distant for its gravity to cause any major problems for our satellites the closer it gets the more warped their orbits become as their fuel for orbital corrections runs out satellites careen out of control months tides are foreign growing by about 30 meters and will be reaching 100 meters in height in a few short weeks at low tide the ocean recedes hundreds of kilometers exposing the continental shelf like vast deserts while at high tide walls of water drown agriculture houses and skyscrapers and now almost five months in the apocalypse has finished its warm-up act since the oceans are on average only three kilometers deep the tides have reached their maximum up until now the water in the oceans could flow absorbing most of the moon's gravitational squeezing but now the earth itself is really feeling the squeeze of the ever-approaching moon these aren't so much tides of water but tides of rock the squeezing of the planet combined with the weight of quintillions of tons of water sloshing on and off the tectonic plates creates enormous stresses below and begins to cause earthquakes of increasing magnitude and intensity i mean you shouldn't be sitting on the hollywood sign during this it's impossible to say how serious these earthquakes might be or where they occur but like a child jumping on their bed until it breaks no good can come of it strong tidal forces lead to volcanism on other planets and moons on earth squeezing the planet disrupts the magma reservoirs inside the crust triggering sizable climate altering eruptions in chile new zealand yellowstone and elsewhere i feel like we're zero prepared as a society for anything bad to happen at all and we can only deal with a status quo and like anything mother nature does we're just like [ __ ] whoa that was crazy coveted yeah but even like simpler [ __ ] like hurricane earthquake unless it's like a baby one we're like we just get boomed meanwhile watching patiently above is the moon still no bigger in the sky than a small cloud within seventy five thousand it is bright enough to illuminate the night sky like twilight months six and seven after half a year the moon is entering the space once occupied by geosynchronous satellites where it orbits earth every 24 hours it appears to float at one spot in the sky unmoving cycling through a full set of phases every day but only visible to half the planet with the moon stationary above the earth the tides seem to freeze in place half the world flooded half with its water seemingly returned to the sea as if earth is holding its breath to prepare for the worst as the moon sinks further you might wonder if its gravity would overpower earth's pulling you up and ending your misery no shot right fortunately not earth is bigger the earth's surface gravity is about six times stronger than the moons so even if the moon were hovering right on top of you you would still stay on the ground but we'd all lose weight does this mean you are heavier if the moon is on the opposite side of the world like the moon is able to pull in the tides if the moon is above you does it give you a little gravitational pull and you are lighter and if so by how many pounds it's so light it pulls oceans it's pretty strong it's more like an ounce i'll take it on the moon things are different though the near side of the moon is more strongly affected by earth's gravity so during the next few months it starts to stretch forward towards the earth into something of an egg triggering deep moonquakes as the lunar rock flexes and changes shape though barely noticeable now this squish will grow to hundreds of kilometers in a matter of months months 8 to 11. at this point the apocalypse has arrived and we can summarize the months before the crash as everybody left has a really bad time the tides sweeping over the earth slow down and then reverse their direction because the moon now orbits earth faster than it rotates someone's still talking about nfts at this period it's like one month away from hitting they're like bro web 3 gonna save us the planet will experience an abundance of earthquakes and volcanism massive amounts of volcanic aerosols rise high into the stratosphere shiny enough to reflect sunlight back into space what little light gets through is rust red and is periodically diminished by daily eclipses the result is a rapid global cooling with acid rains and summer snows killing even the hardiest plants the clock runs out on civilization billions have perished one x-shaped moon is still drawing closer one eggy boy grand finale month 12 finally at the end of the year the moon has reached the rush limit that's the point where earth's gravitational pull on the moon is stronger than the moon's own gravity things on the lunar surface start falling towards earth and by the time it crosses 10 000 kilometers the entire moon disintegrates into rubble smearing itself into a massive ring system around the earth fortunately the moon's disintegration means the misery on earth has ended no moon means the general apocalyptic nature of things comes to a halt the oceans recede flowing off the land one last time that would look dope though if we had just a giant rotating ring survivors are treated to a view of tremendous arches spanning the sky glimmering in the sunlight illuminating the night sky more brilliantly than any full moon ever could while meteor showers of moon dust fill the sky it's hard to say what happens next but the tranquility may be short-lived if too much moon dust rains down friction heats the atmosphere possibly boiling the oceans if not the enormous shadows cast by the rings combined with all the volcanic and meteoric aerosols block even more sunlight and a period of runaway cooling could begin that freezes much of earth's surface solid okay i i love kurz gazette normally but they literally just said things are either gonna get really hot or really cold which feels like a cop out this feels like you're just like i don't know it's one or the other probably maybe it stays the same even in any case at some point people will emerge again from submarines or bunkers or mountain tops they will not have a great time before rebuilding civilization and their success is not guaranteed but at least they'll be trying to do so with beautiful rings in the sky [ __ ] in 3005 watching this video like [ __ ] how do we rebuild why didn't he make the video longer that's the hard part so how do you calculate that sort of thing well you just need a bit of insanity and some maths if you need to brush up on the latter our friends from brilliant are the perfect coaches to turn your curiosity into practical skills brilliant is a problem-solving website and app that makes science accessible with a hands-on approach more than 60 interactive courses like the joy of problem solving or scientific thinking give you the tools to crack problems in maths science and computer science in a way that feels more like playing a game than doing homework lessons will surprise you with storytelling code writing tasks and interactive challenges every problem using whatever keeps you watching and entertained for free all the content is interactive instead of just reading and listening to explanations you drag and drop manipulate shapes and diagrams make selections and answer questions this way you learn something almost without you noticing it hell yeah tiny steps i love learning build up your long-term understanding of science and get close why the [ __ ] you make them caked up dude look at this guy look at that bro dude he's caked how is it even a real cheek and that's the other one to your stem goals to start looking at the world of science from a different perspective go to slash nutshell and sign up for free and there's an extra perk for kurzgesagt viewers the first 200 people to use the link get 20 off their annual membership good play not making it forward slash curse gazette because i would spell it which unlocks all of brilliant's courses in math science and computer science at courts art we love to create things that seem impossible at first brilliant can help you acquire the skills to do that this year we'll release three very special limited edition pins the first one is this very shiny moon crash pin set not an nft don't care kev thank you for the hundred dollars hey i'm the guy that made you tweet subathon too and i was wondering if you could watch a short five minute video i made on the tiny minuscule part of your stream you made a video about dude what you made a video about that you made do you made a video bros a minute how did you make this into a video so you're probably wondering how somewhat of my prestige and caliber was able to convince ludwig to announce his second ever subathon devilish tricks that i used to end up convincing love to i got lucky four chatters got picked that were not me and out of the four tweet ideas it's just is it just explaining what happened in the live stream i was there kev that's the thing about it i was there in it so i know what happens league of legends oh league of legends i just threw my hat into the ring cause why not i mean it's not gonna get picked anyway i've only been trying for two years to get a song into logos playlist streams so kev oh [ __ ] i actually got rolled oh god what the [ __ ] do i put i can't [ __ ] up my one and only player social interaction with ludwig should i go with the clap yo yo i'm so sorry yeah what's up guys we have to help aiden aiden doesn't look happy he's on a phone call with customer service and i looked and the call's been going for an hour and 48 minutes so you know that's tough you don't love to see that from your boy he bought a plane ticket but put my name on the plane ticket so then i have to be like oh yeah it's all good man why would he do that yeah it will it's called a [ __ ] up but how do you manage that i mean it's a simple mistake guys it's not that deep i think you're thinking really deep into it all right here you go everyone hello everyone this is your daily dose of internet this is an extreme close-up of what photosynthesis looks like this is when plants take sunlight carbon dioxide and water and convert it into energy for the plant to use so what you're looking at right now are the cells of a plant and inside of those cells are little chloroplasts moving around in circles those little green guys are responsible for converting light into energy pog you hey babe would you still love me if i was fat yeah of course but mom you are fat classic i'm short that's always good with the lot buds ah but it's way too overused maybe i should go with the sniper's back joke no i joke die alongside the old wig maybe i should kev is stalling super hard oh god oh yeah gross gross gross chat was pretty divided on the idea and even i thought he could have been better but when ludd gave me another chance to think of something better my mind completely blinked not gonna lie could be better kev do you have a backup i mean could you blame me i was in the middle of a league of legends game so for the rest of the video i'm going to show you what i think could have been better tweaks so in the future if you want to join and twist my ideas then sure go right ahead but you'd better lower the [ __ ] up buddy because i'm coming for your ass for copyright infringement tweet number one god i wish pokemon were real with a really hot picture of low pony because you really need to reestablish the fact that it's a bad tweak kevin really a huge [ __ ] furry kevin tweeting out like like pokemon porn is weird it's it's just cropped hentai no caption whatsoever just a picture of out of context cropped hentai you're just horrible i'm sure go well with sponsors right okay maybe they need to turn down the hornets tweet ideas three add dream on twitter to appear on the yard because what's better than a content creator whose main demographic consists of mainly kids and teens and a podcast that mainly talks about slimes [ __ ] balls and [ __ ] tweet idea number not a good tweet in the middle of the spin the wheel stream that loves a good yard idea there was another idea from chad that had blood just mommy milkies which in itself is a very basic feat yeah but with a little modification i think the tweet could be better so with the captions mommy milkers we you could attach a picture of just lud topless with his face and a zoom in of his knits and you could also caption something else like anybody want to suck kev you know what i'm beginning to think there's a reason that your twitter ain't popping these days i think all of your tweets are just sexual kev be like yeah i got a good one i got a good one just post your dick like your [ __ ] and your balls and then caption it [ __ ] and balls and if you don't like that one then just post somebody else's [ __ ] and balls and just still caption it [ __ ] maybe balls you can't just be tweeting out porn all the time the tony the tiger tweet it was a reply that's different replies don't count everybody knows that everybody knows that dude what is this game lost ark asming gold has more viewers than i've had ever in my life this single stream averaging 200 000 viewers for nine hours is crazy he had 250k earlier it's like a new diablo why is it this big though is that a dumb question like more people play super smash brothers than play this mmo right but when the new smash came out nobody had a couple hundred thousand viewers is that because everybody oh it's cause drops it's because it drops it's cause drops that makes sense that makes sense drops are just sick viewbots [Music] oh you know what i saw yesterday where is it where is it [Music] wait which jump king map is faker playing here because it looks like a brand new one i don't think i've ever played this one i've never seen it before it's another modded add-on he's been playing it for 21 hours it looks decent christina legle [Music] geraldine um how old is chris broad he's 31. why does he comport himself like a 77 year old man at all times he's slime's age isn't that crazy he's the same age as slime christina it's literally like hanging out with a 10 year old right wait watch the full video after christina it's a 10 year all right boys let's do brovers bro stuff let's get to it fellas i did my first v8 today ryan that's crazy hard dude i watched one bucky video on youtube yesterday and now i'm getting recommended bocky videos but i i don't like it i think it's bad but i keep getting recommended it sometimes youtube recommendations go too far i just thought the fights would be cooler than they are they're not and if the fights aren't cool what's the point odd taxi fire all right boys the return today of bro versus bro where we compete against another streamer in a head-to-head matchup to find out who's the better gamer today our culprit is mize keefe quite the famed gamer he's known as the nintendo guy but we're gonna surely find out today who's better at gaming we got 10 total games first of five game wins wins the entire thing so it's a first of five there are four neutral games and then three games on each side we'll go through them right now the neutral games are rock paper scissors connect four battleship and reaction speed and then we have games miz get picked out like smash ultimate super mario 64 and league 1v1 and then we have my special games which are going to be any foddy in game i'll let them pick and we'll race um what else the hell are the rest of my games oh geo guesser geo guesser head to head i'm not going to do chess because i literally just it will wax him in chat it won't be close it won't be close so i think my third one will be type racer and i think i can beat him in that now i don't want to make him play super auto pets he's never played i don't want to beat his ass in chess he's never played i'll just take him on and some good type racer maybe i'll switch to pokemon showdown one of these one of these or i could beat him in a wordle yeah i think this is fine though so anyway that's the plan these are the games first again to five wins uh of these games and that's brovers bro we've done a few in the past and i lose every single [ __ ] one of them without fail uh i i wait didn't we win the last one actually did we win the last one i can't remember we beat toast so we're on a win streak baby this is how we win that's right it's time for a win streak to start uh the thing i need you guys to help me find out is what should the stakes be what do we put on the line in the past i've asked for people's shoes but it got a little weird and i'm also running out of crocs so what should i make mizkiff do dye hair that's not terrible we could wager a box i could get one tweet on his account what if i made him hang up a picture of me for the rest of the month and it has to be in frame on stream so if i lost he would have a picture right there and if he lost he'd have to have a picture in his stream room of me what the hell's happening to chat that's not a bad idea all right all right i think i think what we play for picture of me hung up on the wall for a year rest of year wow that's a long time uh what else what else a life-size cardboard cutout i could do a life-size cardboard cutout dye hair vgc graded box trade aka pink slips [Music] take his door chat taking his door only powers him up because then it just makes people walk through the door more the thing about a door is the door is the least important part the hole that you walk through is the important part if anything board up the door so no one can walk through it would be a punishment but also then what's the equivalent punishment for me loser buys an nft and changes their profile picture is brutal loser tweets on winners account this is this would actually get someone cancelled this game is gg gg no re play for all of these podcasts nah i don't really care for that there's one reason why i wanted jay schlot on the podcast fellas one i've been on his podcast two now i've got a strategy this time that i think is a little bit unheard of but i think if executed well enough i think i could pull it off ludwig i think you should check on that guest list i heard it's about to be proloned i'm gonna shoot your tire no [ __ ] my tires in my [ __ ] hitbox yeah i pop your tire and then the police come slowly schlotz op everybody knows schlotzo p he is the algorithm all right well let's get mizzy on let's see what he's up to actually if you've got to go back to it you know how it is but dave how can you ever have a regular life being you that's like that's like clark kent he's a cop right from new york i'm really really impressed with clark kent hanson the other day tony stark i know who he is he's a leech he's a leech yeah he's an absolute leech wait so dave uh let's maybe you have some wise wisdoms to the chat to one day be as tall and yeah that'll help some wisdom to grow taller i don't like seeing hassanis some of us are socially agree with everything you say it's not even that dude it's not like i'm not looking for a [ __ ] pair of social [ __ ] but it's like really really [ __ ] annoying when uh you know people come in here just to be like dude your takes are [ __ ] really stupid which is why i don't like you and i don't like your takes which is precisely why i it's fine when i yell at uh you doing reactions but not when my favorite [ __ ] content creator does reactions be careful precise chad do you want to do something we've never done before you guys want to watch lsf what's going on on lsf chat what's this video get cutie a cat no shot do i think otk is a good org and would i ever join it otk more like no tk oh more like no tk that rap [ __ ] i think otk is a good org and would i ever join it otk more like [Laughter] what the [ __ ] i hate when you guys send me things what a piece of [ __ ] and he thinks i'm a bad friend chad why was that the funniest thing ludwig's ever done about now you feel big tough guy not tough guy you big with my gun where's the thing chap i would respond but i like to pick on smaller streamers you know the guy who just did youtube and suddenly he's a [ __ ] you know that's a fire rich game who can blame it ludwig more like nut wig [Laughter] look chat the reality is rich's granddad owns current if we get rid of him we lose our sponsorship and i can't let that happen asthma would be pissed oh [ __ ] has asman seen this your asmr's gonna be like dude why are you showing me this video dude dude rich why are you in my bathroom right now dude stop touching my [ __ ] dude you know like he does it's like sorry asvin i don't know we cuts here alexa set an alarm to kick ludwig's ass 69 minutes please chat we cut s fan and there's trayvon howard in the game sports cat should we start a new order as i was saying chad you need to sports hello ludwig's mom what are your daddy's all out of gas i'll be there soon what was mom besides chat otk already has a hair guy and it's me chad if ludwig and i were like jerked off at the same time who do you think would come first me right but for real we have so much new content lined up guys like it's crazy otk is about to have their biggest year ever like they're giving me my own show like they must be out of ideas i don't know yeah otk has never looked better that was a pretty good video okay i am just kidding i am not going to try an emmy ruben this is as good as it gets i don't know why i did all of this in true misca fashion this many of you aren't subscribed so get on that somewhere up here now is how much this video cost i know what you're thinking that costs so much it's not even that good i know i know but if you pity me and you actually did enjoy the video then hit that subscribe button down below let me know everything that you loved in the comments as well don't forget to comment what you liked about the video and who you think i should do next i know a lot of you ask for otk or varying members of otk so here you go hopefully i did that justice hack the creators that were in this if they're watching it right now high stream but yeah this video took a lot of effort to make so i appreciate any interaction you'll give me i even got colored contacts for this do you see this anyway i go live on twitch every saturday after i drop a new video on youtube every saturday this channel that's why you want to subscribe there's a link to that my twitter and my discord in the description down below so feel free to join the community or follow me to see what's going on that being said thank you for watching i really appreciate it and i still don't know how to end a video so i guess just peace or should i say peace i hate that i did i'm never doing this again it was the longest outro of all time and you make me you made me watch you be kawaii this and that's the problem man oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on go go go go go infinite glitch baby was that as fat did i see an s fat sneak in there s faye esfae thank you for subbing s fatty [ __ ] all right uh what was i gonna do thank you for the membership phoenix i think people resub automatically at 4pm which is exactly when me and miz were supposed to hang out but he's doing the thing where he's stalling on me feels bad man feels bad man clap call mizzy he's doing the thing where he has someone on his stream and he stares at the viewership number you ever look at mrs eyebrows and think how they look like aidan's in the you ever dream this man meme yo hello hey how's it going yo you're ludwig yeah you're dave i am dave yeah i've heard your name a bunch of times since i got here you're uh from youtube dave you're known for being tall and handsome i am tall streaming yeah i'm live on man oh i did not know that people were streaming on youtube you know what that was like the occasional thing i'm kind of like like you know that's why i took the deal oh you have a deal with with google it's actually out of usually just love of the platform really that people stream on here you said people stream there because of love of the platform it's a good platform i like their videos yeah no youtube's great i've watched several youtube videos in my day are you wearing like one of those european shirts that has like a little foreskin at the top uh no it's a hoodie it has a hood at the top okay i thought it was one of those things that goes up in the front neck too oh no i think i'm just probably oh maybe i'm wearing it strangely i don't know anyway long story short sorry i didn't mean to interrupt your call if you're trying to talk to matt yeah it's up to you dave you know whatever you need here matt likes people in his room and and i think he wants you there man all right yeah i mean i get it let me check real quick see how long it's going to be for my uber to get here to the airport you're leaving yeah yeah i'm heading home oh yeah where's home for you i'm going back to california los angeles wait i'm in california los angeles oh [ __ ] ferrero what's your address well dave please respect here no that no i i i've only been there for since the beginning of the year but it is really something what do you do oh i mostly i just i stay in the apartment all day because of covid so you moved to la to stay in for covid yeah see my my lovely girlfriend is a travel nurse so she goes around to hot beds of covid and there's joy she's like nurse joy matt says it's such a weird business because i was like excuse me watch your tongue what do you say was he being rude he i think he almost accidentally called my girlfriend a mean word but he was talking about nurse joy oh okay yeah nurse joy's cool oh she's cool he says uh well you know dave do you want to do you want to actually make a decision here oh wait i'm gonna get cancelled we're gonna do the decision we're gonna do a contest dave okay what's the contest oh well it's to find out who the better gamer is but i want you to pick what we play for and i'll give you a few options wait what you play what the reward is the reward that's right yeah so let's just say regardless of who wins and i'll go through there's five options you pick the one you like the most the winner gets a picture of themselves hung up on the loser's stream wall for the rest of the year has to be visible in camera rest of the year okay loser dyes their hair you got it he said that the winner gets their picture hung up in the background of the other person's stream for the rest of the year okay but what do i get out of this well wait dave has to pick tell him to relax okay there's a lot more here uh loser dyes hair okay loser dyes hair so that would you dye your hair a different color here's my one concern with that is that yeah matt has just started to be attractive again like he's just started getting his physical appearance back together and i don't want him to ruin it i specifically didn't say winner picks collar because dyeing your hair doesn't mean you're gonna go ugly you can just dye it like a nice color what color would you like to dye your hair he's gonna okay see that's what i'm talking about he's going red i think that's a good color obviously for a lot of people i don't know if matt could pull it off he couldn't i don't know why he said red yeah he could not i would say he should go i wouldn't mind a blonde period or darker even oh uh blonde like slim shady hmm he could he could go darker yeah yeah frosted now if he dyed his hair black that he would probably just look more italian so first of all why are we assuming i'm gonna lose well no you just have to consider the worst case yeah dave i think you're being smart here you gotta think about the worst case so these are you you're only picking one of these by the way dave right right right okay so what are the other ones vgc graded box trade rep playing for pink slips okay he said something about vgc so you know that big ball wall of boxes yes just trading for one of those oh he's gonna take all your boxes matt what i don't even let people stare at those things you're not taking them yeah like you care about bugs like that much my cleaning ladies paid me to look at them let's be honest minks came over and cracked three of them and you haven't told chat yet what do you say he said minx cracked three and you didn't tell chat what yeah loser buys an nft and changes their profile picture to the nft for a week you gotta buy an nft i already know you hate those yeah yeah i already know you're gonna hate it just off of the nft it's kind of a death sentence in the industry dave this would be twitter yeah wait that is funny you would do that you would get an nft yeah that's a funny one you know what's funny people on unironically hate me because i i'll have it yeah and on ironically you'll get a lot of people that like me now that's true and then the final one's a simple one loser tweets on the excuse me winner tweets on the losers account wait they tweet just like for the rest of the year no just one tweet they get one tweet like there's like get them banned by saying something horrible or what i mean you wouldn't do that just because people would know the winner's tweeting it so if you tweeted something horrible to reflect on both but something embarrassing okay yeah you'd get to tweet something embarrassing or he'd tweet something embarrassing from your twitter oh that's a classic that's what he does all the time okay so nft is the new thing that seems like fun they're actually what do you think all pretty new picture hung up is new dying hair is pretty new wait so what is the competition exactly it's it's called broversbro we play 10 games in the first of five games when one wins the contest it's like to find out who the best gamer is oh so matt would have to be good at games okay he does get to pick three games so you get to pick some of the games so he could place could play smash exactly oh matt you actually have a very good chance actually is is love good at video games no okay uh what would be funniest for you to do to him what do i want from what wig dave you don't don't worry about his input what do you think wait what's ludwig's game type racer i'm done geoguesser any freudian game i'm [ __ ] i think the nft thing it's it's it's the it's not high risk oh it's the most high risk it's the most high risk yeah like a cheap nft it's not even about the money spent it's more so about the social stigma of nfts in the gaming community and how widely rejected it is so if you have it then people even if you're doing it from a bet will hate you i think that makes it more exciting i like the nfts matt could get screwed wait why because people hate you apparently oh yeah yeah all right but anyway i need to go get my my uber i need to go all right you hop too dave pleasure chatting yeah pleasure chad uh i'm just man i'm gonna put this headset down i'm gonna give you a hug before i go hold on i don't want people to sell this in nft i put no cam all right don't do it chad i just won't lose i won't lose and then i'm not doing the nft goodbye dave oh and bye chad do you have any last words for chat yeah be happy be healthy yeah that was sponsored we got a bounty done with that be happy bro lud we just lost a very important man even your chat likes him at this point yeah dave's well he's just you know what he's great for you ms he's not a streamer yeah but he's also tall and handsome you hang out with streamers too much okay like isn't that my job like what about yeah but streamers are like the worst humans so you gotta start hanging out with non-streamers they're great to hang out with you no i'm a streamer really you gotta hang out with like aiden look okay i'd rather just take out the streamers if it's possible all right well that's hurtful yeah all right so here's hey here's what we're doing show me the list the list of the uh the challenges yes any freudian game i lost geo guesser in type racer then i hm what do i have you got smash ultimates uh super mario 64 league 1v1 the neutral games are battleship connect four rps reaction speed okay and what is it best it's nine games in total it's best of there's 10 games it's first of five but yeah you only play nine chad we have smite we could do this we got league instead of smite i'm ruined okay what's the stakes well that's what we're trying to figure out i wrote down five the nft one could be problematic all right you know how it is cameras and nfts um the dye hair one's pretty juicy i think hmm dye hair is juicy but i feel like i just dude what i just got good looking i swear okay what about picture hung up on the wall oh deal i'm down for that and uh or maybe what i'll what do we what if we do cardboard cutout why is there a logo next to me [ __ ] artisan what the hell yeah [ __ ] artisan chat artesian builds though it's fantastic oh okay good call good call good cartesian builds his bug okay so what are we doing i'm down to do whatever let's do the the hanging on the wall i would like i would do that i'd put you right there i put a cardboard cut out of you on the wall and it could be any picture i will win winner picks the picture i think is the is the key you'd go there you'd go next to my christmas posters i'd probably have to replace them wow okay that's gonna be huge for me oh yeah that you know hey man it's in every youtube video that's just free marketing it's david said nft chat dave's gone okay dave's gone now you guys are being a little bit attached yeah you guys are very being very parasocial so true so true uh ms this always starts with battleship by the way i'm down hasbro's battleship do you have it can you buy it for me dude it's three dollars things have been sick you've been sick or things have been sick uh i've been sick and everyone around me has been sick but now things are good i think so wait how's youtube is it is it lonely over there susan flipped the switch man and the views are way up at least for the videos that didn't answer any of my questions are you happy i'm so alone i know i know i know what every day is pain yeah ah chat listen i get it that dave said that but dave doesn't run my life he just remembers the whole thing listen lud pokeman just came back to twitch why don't you do the same i you know what man i'm good for now only because i get to stream less which has been a hype yes dude how is that life it's sick i just sometimes hang out with people and don't go live damn it dude oh it's pretty hype oh [ __ ] see if i if i do that blood i have to do it on cam and i have to have a lie detective test on them yeah at all times and then you go to the bar and then you have to have like one shot for every truth or dare dude that's so good and then i have to be in a frame with the girl so that way it gets uh i can make a video out of it well yeah you gotta otherwise what's rosie gonna put the thumbnail no nothing all right excuse my picture chap all right battleship time and the stakes aren't it's not nft we're going to do a picture on the wall yes and then just make a downloadable version in 10 000 different unique versions and sell them we can't lose this is a mogul move after all these years i miss this do you want a normal map or a funky map let me talk to my associates sure yeah no fair we want funky final answer [Music] click commander all right which funky one which funky one uh uh you know what i'll just do this one this one's good blood i've never played this game oh [ __ ] damn it okay hold up i leaked this isn't mario 64 jumpcake so i've never played it or pogo sucks you never played it [ __ ] that game and all you stand for i'm gonna kick your ass today lud nine eights oh wait uh um uh i sent you a code that you need to put in play with friends join game the code nine eight let's go all right do you have you never played this version before no and it loved you know what if i lose today i'm going to join you on youtube what's your contract over miss three months imagine you [ __ ] around and find out what it's like over here i don't think you'd like it can you pick me up i can honestly say i don't think you'd like it what i just think you hate when youtube frogs come to your chat right now and so there's just way more youtube frogs because they're on youtube already right but what if i just don't read my chat and just play gtrp with no cam then just go to facebook and get way more money ah he's right yeah you're just talking about what uh what all the facebook streamers are doing for a couple years oh [ __ ] i'll come to you with my contracts up all right let's start this bad boy uh you're going which one are you going you're going giuseppe so they all have different special abilities i think william cars likes is the best it basically destroys an entire row or column uh it's actually wait sorry hold up i actually don't think it's that good on this map because this map has a giant hole in the middle oh you're right i'm going fredrik no i'm going giuseppe two italians miss have you ever been in italy uh no but i parasocially was when i watched your videos they were fantastic i don't think i did one there that was very parasocial and i pretended i went with you you're so parasocial you just imagined it you should go to italy and live stream it i would wouldn't i get canceled immediately for doing anything outside right now no oh cuz kovid yeah dude the cdc is over coveted i don't i don't think anyone's gonna get mad at you oh yeah we did do the yard i'm down there we go one dollar tts one dollar tts walking around rome that'd be huge all right so all right let me move these ships around i know what to do let me tell you so if you don't just shoot in this game you have some abilities do you know what they are have you seen this you've seen it before right yeah i played battleship you played this one though cause you have abilities no you have a mine which when you place if i shoot it gives you two random shots on my map so it's like a little booby trap you have a sonar that wherever you shoot will scan the three by three area around that how is this a neutral game when you already know how to play it then you have a bomb which explodes answer that question you literally know everything happens a neutral game if you're literally playing the game two by two area what you literally have played this before how is this neutral this is [ __ ] finally you're skipping this [ __ ] so let me get this straight you're [ __ ] so bored and pathetic on youtube over there that you're starting to [ __ ] with your only friends on twitch but this is why we left you on youtube we don't want to hang out with you man because you just what is this let's do a nine game [ __ ] what you're scamming me man this it's [ __ ] battleship bro you just place your ships and you point and click there's a couple extra abilities i just happen to know him i've played a few games if it makes you feel better i have done seven brovers bros i have lost five of them i usually lose yeah but who you played against like box box [ __ ] like like top ranked people in the world like you're i did again i lost to iron mouse man oh okay let's play all right yeah that's what i thought it's what i thought plus if you're able to find a youtube live stream you can just snipe me um chat does this look good all in one corner don't put them on wait why not oh i'm not muted you're so stupid dude this is such a bad bad placement i'm so [ __ ] saying that as he's licking his lips exciting you're so excited you know you're gonna destroy me in this game it's actually [ __ ] i'm actually most excited for mario i'm not excited to get [ __ ] destroyed in smash chad is this good i think we're ready for war all right ready up this is a one game right only one best of one for this one yeah ludwig i want something else on top if i win if i win you have to get bella porsche to play mario kart with me sure yeah i'll ask her let's play what i tweeted at her and she answered me right and i'm pretty sure she followed me and said she'd play because she thought i was your old account wait why do you say that because she stopped answering the second i said who i am i said hey i miss kiff i stream on twitch she's like that's not ludwig she i literally stopped answering me she's just not a good answerer all right and i can never tell bella has she i can never tell if i'm talking to bella or like her publicist it's impossible to tell seriously she's stupid no i'm saying that her publicist is really good oh damn all right so i have single shots click on a cell to fire okay so i have to guess randomly where you are on this map that's right and you could place a mine if you wanted to you don't have to do before you shoot you can do it after but so that's a hit right yeah you get to keep shooting now do i believe if you are top left or down ludwig let's see if i go top it's probably a higher probability i've watched death note twice by the way so you might hear a lot of [ __ ] yeah top is a higher probability left is worse why what makes a bottom though what why is top a higher probability and left worse you're sniping you're actually cheating now my question becomes ludwig van beethoven would he go top top i feel like ludwig's too smart for that which means i believe ludwig would put one on the bottom right there lubrick wouldn't go top top because he knows that that's stupid and that's probably where i would go so i'm gonna put it right here i think this is it [ __ ] wow finish off the [ __ ] bro now ludwig's saying finish off the ship is he trying to convince me to go this one when in reality it is the top therefore ludwig is trying to do an old switcheroo ludwig also did use his youtube voice there so therefore i'm gonna guess it's here [ __ ] if it's the five long it has to be down anyway even if it was up one see this is why it's [ __ ] that you know more than me oh it's actually four long you were actually you know what you weren't as dumb as i thought but you do lose that one that's okay what the [ __ ] is that [Laughter] it's the sonar there's two ships or a mine in that area because sonar detects ships and you mines bastard so you got something to the bottom left one of your two ships is hiding there no i could place the mine now if i place the mine is that the end of my turn yeah should i just finish you off right here anyway hey yeah it's up to you i get a point every time you kill a ship so you could save them or you could just kill them it's up to you it's not that big of a difference and what is the mind so there's there's the sonar dave's not with me so i'm really stupid now sonar sonar will detect so the only way you could sonar is sonaring a9 the top right but it'd be dumb because you'd only detect two spaces but anywhere you shoot it'll detect the three by three area around that so if you shot like where i shot you detect the whole bottom left or like the whole middle left you can detect huge areas wait a minute i just realized something yeah you might i might have hit the three bottom i might hit the balls of your penis because the penis ship has three so i might have hit so therefore i might hit the balls yeah realize something's a good way to phrase that reading chat what do you say close-out chat mizzy i swear i swear a lot of melody chap close it out how do you know how do you know if i'm gonna get chad you're looking at my chat no no of course not let's just like two gentlemen with the with a few ships and a couple cannons playing the game man on man what like telling me that he thinks i'm reading my chat tells me this is the penis ship son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] okay thank you chap it's fine okay so now what do i do are you asking your chat again yeah they're just family try hard all right so i got one ship now you have four three this is like a game of tetris it's not worth the sonar so i guess i might as well just guess you're gonna get one of my ships watch how nasty am i guessing about ready you're you're just cheating you're just cheating you're just cheating now there's a four long and there's also a two and then a left now what i could do is keep going and it was a splash i knew it you could still afford some abilities but you can choose to save thrown in a subtle a subtle throw there just so we don't think you're cheating huh i'm on you i'm on your shenanigans hmm i'll hold now what is this fires four shots at a 2v2 area of your choice it just blows up an area oh [ __ ] no all right he's low on points he's low on points that's what we got to keep in mind [ __ ] that was so bad that was bad boys damn this game's good love you shoot a tournament and not invite me see you remember that that couldn't have even oh no it could have been it could have been a thing you know i thought it was dumber than it was see how does this work oh look at this chat oh crap that's it what ship would this be probably right right okay i'm gonna go write one more it's either the long or the i think it's this one [ __ ] okay it is the long it is the long no it could be the four that's the long one oh no it could be going downwards wait what how how is that the the oh wait wow i could also shoot a bomb area right here that's good that's good that's good howie that's good it's a direct hit oh okay i've detected four ships people often times shoot where they have their own ship that's never worked before i don't think i did shoot where i ship now yeah i had the same ship there top right you seem like a down guy [ __ ] you're a left guy obviously okay so this obviously signed sealed nothing i can do about it yeah you're right you're right you got you got me there boom okay so that's gotta be correct right which means i have a 50 50 shot at this one right here because this one up or down it's either up or down it's a 50 50 shot amen brother god speed now how do you check out i have eight points currently available yes eight points great now what i could do is i could sonar and just easily save it or i could drop a deuce up top because i'm missing the two twos good sonar it's pretty committal but it could work well sonar is a good idea i could sonar right here because it'll tell me if it's on the side or it also could tell me if one of your two twos are down here [Music] shows a number of undamaged ship pieces and mines surrounding the white cell of your choice and this just goes kaboom i do i risk it do i risk it strategy strategy what does your gut tell you up or down if you had to guess right there that's what it tells me wouldn't trust it it would have gone down myself one might do a lot of damage here i can't watch okay did you just miss no i placed a mine oh thank god i wonder if he made him parallel no got ourselves a barn burner yeah he knew it he knew it nothing i could do there question is where do you shoot now purple cliff thank you for the raid we have two twos right here this is it the question is where do i shoot now i can do a massive do you have ten yeah oh [ __ ] yeah but you have two twos so like you could put that it literally could be anywhere on the map they could be anywhere yeah there is a giant two giant three by three areas right but i already did my [ __ ] there and i feel like you tell me that tells me i shouldn't do it there and you probably just said [ __ ] to your chat no why do i have a feeling it's up top left now a little bit doing that tells me that ludwig knows that it's top left can i do two fives you only get one per turn you could do it next turn you could do five weight five i have eleven points the two twos are gonna be the hardest to get it's gonna be hard chap i could sonar a [ __ ] but bro i feel like i need to do a bombardment [ __ ] it we ball i might just go for it [ __ ] ball fires have threw it but if i'm not utilizing that whole area is it really worth then use the five the five point one oh good clear though good clear whole bottom left is cleared except really hard the left side the two twos are really hard they're the hardest ships to find they say okay so this one i know is here right but maybe it's not done maybe it's not the two-piece oh it is okay so i've sunk both the small guys so i should be in a good spot i'm gonna go up here what oh it's left probably that's huge it's huge it's huge oh my god my wife's gonna kill me wait you're still your turn yeah this one could be the tall one and i could be waiting on it too [ __ ] let's just do this oh wait what it's the four oh i would have never thought that that's the four which means that's the t which means i'm missing what am i missing the three the hook i'm missing the hook that makes sense now show us the number of undamaged ship pieces and mines surrounding a white cell of your choice oh there's so many places for this ship dude what are you mulling over where your two are because it could be literally anywhere on the map there's a lot of area there's a lot of area no i've done what would you do if you were ludwig is what you have to think in these spots i would just blow up the six by the three by three that i haven't blown up yet right if i was ludwig what would i do i mean where would you place the ships not what would you shoot at no it could be literally anywhere i'm just gonna go with this double mind come on hit no whammy no whammies bigots come on okay boys one more now this is a random lucky shot in the dark i i have nothing i have one point one opportunity oh my god that makes it a really good spot i really need luck here i need i have i need bonus bonus bonus i think you're in as good of a spot as i am yeah we're pretty tight on this [ __ ] it's a random shot in the dark just a guess just to guess it's always okay okay the good thing about my random shots is that i know it has to be the three because this i'm just gonna shoot it i'm gonna shoot it so i can just get rid of it okay yeah yeah yeah so i know this one goes down it can't be in the top left at all it could be here it also could be in this entire area it could also be here [ __ ] i also could be here i shot it to scan that spot oh fifty fifty fifty fifty is he crazy enough to stack two ships of course he is it's ms kif you have one turn miss i have one turn to do this or it's over i have one shot or it's over now ludwig said it's crazy enough to stack which tells me that maybe he put it in the top left corner because the thing is ludwig wouldn't stack so by him saying that did he just show his hands i've got literally one shot at this lubbock just made a sound no that was me cutie's under his desk again i'm gonna shoot right here what just happy more people are watching the live stream man no worries no worries oh my god holy [ __ ] that was a pure guess that was a pure guess every view helps boys holy [ __ ] holy crap that was a pure guess that means it's one o in mischief's favor [Music] i i i don't even believe i wanted i the question is where do i take him next all right miz it's time to play a foddy in game i alright this is gg what do you want to do you want to do getting over it poker suck jump king dude you literally speed run all jump king all right jump king the original [Music] first to beat it wins i've done this i've practiced this ludwig is really bad under pressure i've got this you got a chance i think at the end of the day it's jumping you literally speed run you literally speed on this this is [ __ ] bro blood why is it whenever i type in ludwig i don't see your stream what the [ __ ] bbb [Music] maybe [Music] [Music] all the games you picked i think are games you're good at i think you pick good games [ __ ] am i crazy i think you actually picked better games than guap dude i'm nasty at quad no i know but just like more fun oh yeah yeah this is good all right so you're saying first one right yeah original jump king are you starting i think this is the normal one all right first the beat it wins wait hold on how do i tell if it's normal one it's just the normal map but you just start at the start restart restart you don't want any time on the clock [Music] is that the original one yeah that was it that was it i saw your stream okay all right ready hold on i'm getting typing in non-intense dmca music or intense non-dmca music all right chad here we are wait let me know before you start so you can count down i'm ready all right give me just a second give me just a second give me just a second [Music] chat i understand why you're doubting me all right ready miss three two one start good luck i will show you all all right this is brover's bro any people from purple cliff sorry i didn't explain it a bit earlier but what we are doing is we are finding out who's the better gamer me or ms kiff we play a bunch of games some are neutral some we have picked because it's our specialty this one because i lost battleship is my specialty and i'm hoping to beat miz first to be jump king wins i've never missed that jump my life the nerves all right if the crows are going to be mean i'm just going to turn them off i want support from you guys not just like dicks thank you dino ash okay [Music] there's a chance [Music] oh dude i'm throwing forgot if it's a full i'm actually throwing chad i'm actually throwing this is the hardest jump right here mamma mia we're good okay bring the codes back no you guys actually usually just hurt my feelings so i'd rather turn it off oh that was such a bad [ __ ] up oh oh that was such a bad [ __ ] up oh i'm throwing this dude i'm actually gonna lose easy so oh and now i'm missing this one i think i lose unless he just [ __ ] up majorly well let's just try our best i try to get out of the end of this now it's fine this is a really bad angle oh i'm playing so bad dude that made me game i hate the snow i'm so bad at it i need to do a small jump here [Music] okay i'm pretty sure i could just go hard right i don't even remember okay i think i'm losing right now still he's at the end of snow and the snow is the slowest part also my worst part i don't remember do i go left or right left or right left or right left to right it's hard left right you're not talking to me right i don't know hold on where am i [ __ ] oh no the blood buds came and destroyed me okay i think we're now tied because i think we're exactly tied i'll tell you where i am if you tell me where you are i'm at the snow i'm at the snow touche the snow is the hardest section yep under pressure it's the hardest section easily oh my god oh my god what the [ __ ] up i don't understand how to do this second part oh chat do i go hard left here [Music] [ __ ] oh we're both in the church i'm not in the church what are you talking about yeah me too i love the ice section high sex we talked about yeah me too i love the end of the game i already won i won you just fell no i didn't i won i'm almost done through the tower you're lying i see your stream you fell you [ __ ] [ __ ] you're bad you're bad i'm almost done you're bad you're choking you had the lead by like literal hours who won you you i fell i fell i i fell in the ice yes baby yeah boom on that one i i did not expect to win that i mean 10 minutes i think is better than my best time on this game really yeah i'm not good at jump king one i'm just good at doing all three oh my dude when i was in belize with redacted dude i played this game non-stop because i was so bored of belize i got one haircut i played this game the whole time all right 02 for miz oh it's looking bad fellas oh my god lud holy i thought you were a god at this what the [ __ ] i don't know why you thought that i've never beat it in under 10 minutes you did in 10 minutes nine that was a seconds run all right pokemon showdown huh is that your game you ever play no did iron masks beat you in this game uh we played chess we drew oh [ __ ] what is your name on pokemon showdown mischief what how do i is poke isn't that like an intense four game you just know you just go to this website and you have to make a name in the top right oh my god that felt good though okay do i have to install it uh no it's just a website you just go to the website showdown play choose name okay name whatever name you want to run all right my name is this jesus all right [Music] you just got a battle request from air coot's pog okay quick accept [Music] so so can you explain this wait wait is that me no you're not playing me i said air coot's pog you're playing ludwin ogren how does phone someone find out my name is smite god lord man it's in the top right of your screen oh okay wait how do i do this you cancel the challenge here challenge me again quick all right challenged why is there an exclamation point when i do it all right now we're in all right so now how does this work explain it you have the pokemon on the on on your screen and you have to pick who it's oh it's all random and so all you have to do is uh is just you know win by just doing good moves bro that sounds like youtube chat it's pretty rng so it's actually not that bad like you have a you have an electric and i just went into the flying type so electric is super effective against me you're such a [ __ ] for switching a bit dude cause you told me that so you knew that i would know i just told you that electric was super effective i didn't think you'd be like yeah i didn't think you'd be like oh monkey see monkey do but now like obviously you're going to want to switch out because i'm super effective wait i but if my guy's thundering your guy's thunder how am i how's your super mate if you're electric and i'm electric you can type forward slash weak and then the pokemon's name in the chat and then you can see what they're weak to and strong against so if you do forward slash weak lantern you can see it's weak against grass and ground and then resist steel fire flying ice and water why can't i click my hidden power you just click the move hidden power oh you probably have uh oh you just kind of revealed that you have something that makes it so you have to stick to one move an item attachment that makes you faster or stronger so you have to use thunderbolt or switch out i'm so bad at pokemon dude can chat helped to put him on uh they can help but i'm throwing the timer on they're not gonna help leave storm fire steel oh my god no the wide hearts are coming in for anti-cheat spam [Music] i'm trying to find a needle in a haystack for actual help oh [ __ ] [Music] now if you're i could do earthquake right because earthquake is good against everything because that's what i used to beat the elite four earthquake is good okay why did it do nothing to you i had a substitute which blocked all damage but now it would kill me if i stayed in unless i'm switching or maybe i'm not switching now you're switching [Music] oh [Music] now it's lovely gonna switch and or switch lubbock's a switch for sure oh i thought that would kill for some reason yes [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] one down oh we're so dead though love love because i got it pokemon i'm getting rolled this thing's electric boogie um now what's good against electric ludwig already told me because he's my good friend grass right so celebrity would be best [Music] chat why did i listen to you [Music] [Music] all right who you bringing out [Music] you're such a [ __ ] you're such a [ __ ] did i heal you from throwing rocks at you no [Music] uh [Music] they hurt me when i switch in [Music] how do i remove the chat one uh you scroll to the very top of the chat and then you just hit battle options and ignore spectators okay it's fine i just put something over it anyway oh i gotta go uh okay i was crazy so how do how do i how do you do what i don't know i i try to ignore this chat but it's quite the chat today if you scroll up it should go away like it shouldn't even update okay i got it i got i got it okay so this thing's a legendary i'm going against right uh yeah pseudo you told me hidden power i what oh he's a legendary what are the dogs sorry they're not i didn't mean not legendaries i mean uh what's the difference between like the legendary dogs and like a legendary bird [Music] mythical wow dude you're what this is like playing pokemon back in the day get a mythical and just spam the button [Music] it's really not you're such a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i think i've opened many pokemon boxes i know what these cards do do i just do that again i mean that just like [ __ ] destroyed your ass [Music] that might hurt [Music] unfortunate he crazy mummy's got three left and so do i [Music] it's still gg a volleyball what the [ __ ] does this thing do ice i'm so [ __ ] [Music] damn selby's weak to a lot of stuff it is my turn [Music] oh you were saying u-turn not your turn why are you [ __ ] doing that [ __ ] you little [ __ ] what are you doing over there you have pick up you gotta switch into it's your turn you turn you hit me and then you pick who you want to switch into uh i'll choose this guy that's a bad choice through the blood butts or interfering with my chat oh chet why [Music] well if he's ice sub only dude the blood buds have money dude didn't you see this guy's the number one sub person of all time they got their primes [Music] i want i want to say just go [ __ ] yourself to the chat for obviously ludwig is hate rating me this is bad he's ice ice is it's got it [Music] [Music] yeah ludwig knows how to play the game [Music] i can still win i'm not getting i could easily still win [Music] okay we're gonna go fire debated oh [ __ ] this is a tough one boys now if he's water electric they're saying leech seed or leaf storm chat what do you think chad it's just in my nature to quickly [Music] oh my god i can't right they're they're all saying different [ __ ] you got to make your move maze you're running out of time all right all right you're right you're right you're right i still think i lost chat there's no way he still has a whole pokemon we don't know i have to imagine that leaf storm won't kill with 0.5 attack right like lucario should just win this is just twitch plays pokemon that's all this is his team is way better it has earth power word the problem is doesn't the minec the manic trick kill me with just overheat isn't he a legendary uh i don't know i don't think so maybe i think i die right here if he crits that was a crazy move blex told me to do it blex wants you to fail bro i lived plex wants me to fail let's go baby two to one that was a close one i'm gonna download this you did pretty good all right maze where do you want to take me smash ultimate smash super 64 league oh it's my turn okay hold on let me think about this [Music] what were the options it's either of the three i'll just send it to you [Music] these are yours that you picked so any of these three so it's two to one right now and i and it's the best of five right uh first to five first to five so you're up to one regardless if you won all the games that you have you would just win right right right which like usually you should win him but like maybe i win a mario race who knows four smash ultimate possible you want to go league the thing is with my games you're right you're right you're right i think the idea is that your games even though they're your games it's like a 75 chance to win like my games i think had a good chance to win but you beat me a jump king let's do some 64. all right let's do it i love this game oh yeah i think chad was waiting for this one too you're fresher though [Music] right so i probably [ __ ] it up [ __ ] my dljs [Music] [Music] all right it's a 16 star best of one yup okay apparently i don't have any 16 star files [Music] i should ask for 70 stars [ __ ] come on dude i'll get you those hours i know you need i i can't stream a full hour bro that's what i got to do in a week yeah i'll be blowing that in one day i admit that it's nicer over there for that that sounds oh i i actually genuinely love streaming less hours [ __ ] damn it chad he's rich got hosted by asmin give me a sec give me a sec company tell me rich campbell went i think i'm live in a week and a half doesn't stream and the dude got a [ __ ] 200 000 viewer host honestly deserved he went live for the raid just got to respect the hustle he's a 71k andy oh maybe asking for a host after you guys are friends right same game what about tech tone what a bastard jesus christ so let me i have all right what i'm gonna need give me like two minutes before so jacket stops saying i have less viewers okay yeah just give me two minutes are you hoping that in two minutes he bleeds that many viewers so you beat him oh i'm not hoping do you trust me all right all right all right he'll make one dumb opinion and everyone will leave all right go pee oh i had a muted okay yeah give me a sec [ __ ] my controller doesn't work is that ff you wish bro why doesn't it work oh right you have to do that [ __ ] thing well you're not going to cutie's thing in march right of course i am no you got to come too you love going to la dude um i'll be there in spirits for for cutie it'd be funny if you didn't go though if i didn't go of course i'm going i think i got a real shot at strategy gamer of the year with my super auto pet stint oh true do you think i'm holding any awards i think just chatting streamer is like there's three people it's like you oh maybe four me xqc hassan who else maybe like like wubby might make like a secret attack at that you know i don't know what like wubby like wubby could could go for that amaranth oh true i'll give it to her and she deserves the award you should get your community to help you win and get nominated for political streamer hello just so you can beat hassan oh my god do i want those toxic viewers that are gonna just swap me every single day hey there viewers yeah 100 all right let's do this blood let's do this baby this is a classic i love this [ __ ] yeah we've done a lot of these races i wonder what the score is lifetime i don't know you versus me and sm-64 is a classic uh yeah it's definitely better than u-verse emmy which is a sad one oh yeah it's definitely all right erase we're doing it on reset like uh like gentlemen reset like gentlemen all right i'm counting it down on reset serve the timer three two one go good luck anyone that's saying rich has more viewers than me i'm serious if you type into my chat you get vip oh he is above you yeah he is above me it's fun that's fun no it's not dude i'm not kidding you he's about to one dude i just went live chat that's why only the juicer can beat him oh my god shut up did he have more subs than you two at one point he will he will by the end of tonight i i guaran dude half the things rich says in his stream is talking about twitch primes or asthma gold's dick did you see the uh the guy doing the otk oh we have three set no shot there these are emmy's controls dude i hate my lackatoo just start light just reset the timer and start again i literally reset it that's right that's all right i'm gonna keep going though is that all right that's fine i'll just talk more about rich it's just about the timer at the end of the day no come on reset dude no i have the best start of my life you're gonna lack it to skip yeah i never get that i will purposely this dislike all right fine i'll reset all right ready are you ready yeah yeah three two one go yeah i know why he reset chat he missed something he wouldn't do that for free no i do i just you know at the end of the day man i just want us to have a good race it's about good times good vibes yeah i liked uh was he was in the impersonation of rich campbell oh dude that guy is a god did you see the whole video yeah his laugh his rich life is so good my favorite part was the the s fans scratching his arm i love that yeah sports that guy's great he did his serious misery well he did whenever mizzy tries to get all serious and just talk about it guys i know so much about the industry am i winning chap you promise to fail i failed i'm muting you i can't focus i also failed this sucks [Music] it's right he also purposely missed lacka to skip so there's no difference i wonder what the difference in controls are does anyone know what is what does he do that emmy uh doesn't or like what's the difference he said he had to reset because emmy's controls are on but i'm just wondering what what the difference is [Music] winning dude that's like if you're watching the olympics and they're doing the the marathon in the first lap like the first not even mild the first like quarter mile you're like this guy's in the lead this guy's about to win only 26 miles to go he did the 0.2 baby let's go our guys ahead i'm looking like northern line out here here we go not bald enough dude i need a haircut so bad is it just by the way is this an la thing is this a buy me thing or are hairdressers way harder to book these days i swear to god hair dressers it's like just getting an appointment to get that you have to go through it's like a bespoke appointment i can't just [ __ ] waltz in anymore every place unless except for great clips you gotta you gotta schedule like a week in advance i wanna just walk in [Music] i was dying for a haircut today my [ __ ] too long i called three spots one of the spots i called he doesn't answer i just get a text and it says i'm not taking appointments until may like what how is that even a thing may hot shot over here [Music] what how do you cut hair so good that you you you you busy till may or maybe i'm just unaware of the cut ratio like how many cuts is normal in a day for a good barber did i get it on you think oh nice gray eclipse isn't bad i you know that video that i posted that looks like this video has x many dislikes or whatever i i think that was like filmed that basically at great clips it's like the worst rated great clips in l.a honestly the cut was fine yeah it's 16 star get carl to cut your hair again he didn't do a honestly he didn't do that bad i just failed an owl grab how the [ __ ] am i gonna do owl lists [Music] [Music] carl's worse than grey clips credit where credit's due carl is worse than grey eclipse bar none i haven't cut my hair since a pandemic it's a foot long you know you can do that's actually kind of hype there's a kid in my high school did this you can donate your hair [Music] all right well i lost my lead it's a pretty awesome thing to do [Music] oh dude i uh am struggling on this one [Music] washed yeah i haven't played this game in [ __ ] years all right miz i just died three times in a row oh he muted me that [ __ ] throwing yeah what do you want from me [Music] there we go there we go look it's more about the uh the journey than the destination he's two stars ahead cool bro what what what's up dude what's going on man clearly your chat's just coming here trolling saying you felt three times i died three times on the little guy i dude i haven't played this i don't i haven't played this game in [ __ ] since simply's thing i'm washed i'm looking at your bowser in the reds and i'm i'm gafawed i know why you wanted me to mute you you wanted me to unmute that way you can mess with my focus does the focus really matter miss i died three times you're two stars ahead you got this in the bag barring like an insanely like last second death in bowser in the dark world even that i think you still got it hit a couple long jumps couple back flips bing bang boom look dude you're flying through the level i think at my best i couldn't have done it that fast oh i got a mute he's still talking get out of my head bro you got it man don't even sweat [Music] i just died in reds [Music] [Music] awfully quiet over there he muted again [Music] [Music] whoo damn blood turning to me into a misgive viewer yeah that's all right miska viewers just become emmy reviewers so it's all part of the pipeline my biggest hope at this point is smash ultimate who should i play in smash ultimate who could like actually like a cheesy [ __ ] is it still rob is that the guy still jiggly jiggly's not cheesy at all jiggly's like the most hard working character mrs had two goals in his run unless his splits are cap he's had three goals in his run i wonder if kirby could work the problem is i only have like eight characters unlocked so i actually can't even play anyone it's a low tier you guys are all so [ __ ] bad at smash to be saying it's a low tier here's the real thing it doesn't [ __ ] matter boys we're all terrible tears are made for good players [Music] there should be like tif there should be tier lists for like pros and then tier lists for like noobs because they're totally different you know what i mean not even arcadian tearless i mean like casual because like there's what probably millions of people who play smash ultimate the competitive scene has maybe like thousand people who have tried playing in tournaments like maybe it's probably like five percent of the overall player base there are casual cheerless i think kirby might be goaded all right maybe league's the play what do i do in league of legends [Music] like if he plays garen who beats garen [Music] teemo is that the guy with a little mushrooms that blow up and [ __ ] he's pretty pog [Music] uh oh it's because garen's only ability to attack is running into people so if you have someone who just sets up a [ __ ] ton of minds then he'll run into the mines it'll get [ __ ] up are you [ __ ] kidding me that was the unluckiest set of boulders i've ever seen in my life miz has actually golded four times and he's on 18 minute pace he's about a pb on me i don't even think i'm going that slow to be honest my downstairs was clean i don't know what his pb is to be honest all his pbs are lies because he constantly resets his pb so that it looks better i think on stream and for his feelings because he's had like four different pbs there's more than a hundred thousand entrants if you include online attorneys show me the math show me the carfax i did [ __ ] up that mips [Music] [Music] oh [Music] here we go i'm off i'm literally the entirety of bowser in firesie behind [Music] oh that sucks for a second there i was moving [Music] [Music] if you choke at stairs it's over i don't think you know what choke means i'm from behind right now [Music] teemo negates melee attacks like literally or like metaphorically through mushrooms blowing up your only chance is if i don't really care i you know this is his game he's meant to win it fellas i kind of gave up when i died three times you guys are a little too copium you're a little too bernie can still win right now i died three times in a row and you guys are still like here's where he's at you gotta update your life here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh how's ccm oh yo it's good is that a pb for you dude lud i don't know but if that is [ __ ] nuts [Music] but if i if i didn't miss like uh the first two things yeah you had like five golds in that run yeah what the [ __ ] [Music] holy [ __ ] whoa i lost i lost 28 seconds at bomb clip you lost 28 seconds at bomb clip yeah because i i missed like i missed lack of two and bomb clip oh you missed bomb clip too wow yeah yeah and you still almost won or like um you did was it a pb do you know it it could be a pb i depending on you started timer on reset yeah that's what you're supposed to do yeah that's what you're supposed to do what i i didn't do that for my pb yeah do always have the weirdest pbs that are hard to follow because i i this is i literally just pb oh holy [ __ ] yup i did start timer which means that's an extra three or four seconds which means i literally pb oh my not even what the [ __ ] all right are you ready for my next game yeah but damn holy [ __ ] all right lord what's your next game is the geoguesser it is holy [ __ ] okay bro if i beat you in geo gesture this is the i'm i've never played video games as well in my life if i beat you guys oh my i still can't believe that i what i haven't played 16 star in months and i just went in there and did that you've been doing 70 though right yeah it can't be grape you idiots there's no peas you're so stupid all right let's play some geoguessr i peaked bro you pb'd one pb on on on a journey to many you know what's the best part about this lud what i'm about to beat richard views no way are ready yeah hey he's still sitting at 33 man you give him some time uh okay all right play with friends and we're gonna do the classic duel oh my god you're gonna roll me wait i need to upgrade a pro all right fine oh that was crazy dude yo the guy the veil messaged me he just gave me 50 bucks what by the way i hate you i i haven't gotten the chance to tell you in a while i hate you wait why ever since that [ __ ] video where you got three million views farming my ass yeah i probably made ten thousand dollars in donations but i would throw it all away to never see those videos ever again i hate you dude so you're mad at me because i've made you about 10 grand what you've wow you've literally you've made you personally have made me mad at my chat because i get these donations all the time and they're such bad videos and they do the same thing you did and we just [ __ ] on them are any good no like let me ask you the only one that was good was the one you sent me what about vail what about vail vale makes good videos vail's video was so good he didn't have to give me 50 bucks yeah that's pretty fair i read it look that's the problem is there's no way to show that it's skill based because then people immediately do the thing that you did and it'll never work twice but you know man you're mad about getting 50 bucks like come on man you're jaded you gotta that's huge that's big let's do geo gets it i'll give you the [ __ ] win all right geo guesser duels uh and i need to give you this link how the [ __ ] does this [ __ ] work does it work if i just give you this and you click this can you join of that paul champ people pause i'm in let's go all right we're gonna do this with no moving good luck no moving no moving and it's a deal okay [Music] run ah good old rosadine court do [Music] okay you boom me there miz i love you [Music] ten second space my god miz are you reading chat per chance what i swear to god all i do is cash out i'm not reading chat i swear i swear to god i will literally take a picture of my setup and you can rate it [Music] okay i stopped reading chap fair enough you're single you know [Music] the sun is in the southern hem we're in the northern hemisphere and we're driving on the right i'm assuming we're poland because of the trees northern sweden why did you guess that i thought it was poland because the trees what 0.5x healing i thought it was i thought it was south jersey dude what language is that must be finnish right there's a castle i don't know [ __ ] russia we're driving on the right [Music] i'm just gonna get like right like right like because it's somewhere it could be the check too oh [ __ ] oh close one close one i'm back in the lead baby double damn me oh no double jamie oh whammy i can't tell what side of the road we're driving on i think we're in the southern hem i think we're like oz dude [ __ ] if i know oh [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] all paid off oh triple damage [Music] make sense oh triple damage oh do i assume at is just austria straight up right i went fast so that maybe he got stressed out oh ggs know where it was it said at austria how miss [Music] yeah baby all right it's three to two miz you get to pick your game you have smash ultimate you have league what do you want i guess smash but i know you dude you prepared you definitely played a little bit with your little boys over there at the yard while you're on shrooms i know what you did yep you're such a [ __ ] love me some smash lovely sets this [ __ ] up so he wins you know i've i've lost the majority it's three to two it's best of five why don't we aren't playing like a neutral game well loser gets a pick so eventually you run out of your own games and you have to go neutral games um i should have put smite playing some smite uh uh smite i mean league i think is the same thing dude it's you're right i'll win them both yeah that's what i mean by it you can't go teemo oh wow [ __ ] everybody's narcan these days so by me knowing you're going teemo i will never play league we're going smash how do i get the old smash screen i should i can't switch league for smite it's a foul play oh that's lovely it proves no shot no because i'd have to get it in [ __ ] you know [ __ ] you know i really don't i'd have to i'd have to get the game i would have to get it too really yeah i do not have smite what about smite night that's one night dude i'm not doing it the hell what wait insert the game card [ __ ] [ __ ] all right yo i have a fresh one this is an unopened copy of smash ultimate dude laddie guess what i just got that's boxes what i'm gonna send it to you ready yeah actually i'm gonna i'm gonna start my chat here open my stream ready look at this [ __ ] how [ __ ] nice is that look at that what is that oh it's the game boy and yes the game guess how much that was last sold we got last sold 82k on ebay oh jeez 15k 2050k how much you get it for eight what yes dude and then we also got this what is this kirby superstar do you like kirby oh [ __ ] yeah dude kirby superstars are great it's considered one of the best games for kirby i never played any snes game i was too young i got i got this for 3k how much is it worth i guess three cups in half uh i make the price lot it's there's only a few on the market you know mm-hmm mm-hmm you're gonna logan paul this isn't even qualified you idiots the only boxes i care about are getting a collection like all the pokemons or all the marios bro with your youtube contract just do both well you know it's a slow process um you need a box guy led smash am i i'm friends with you right on smash yeah i don't know are we friends we should be yeah we should be yeah because we race together chad is it too quiet i can't even hear it oh there it is do you do smash or online tourney smash right battle arena right i'll i'll create it i guess um 1v1 password password three stocks okay you ready all right i think you should be able to join online smash is it quick play uh it's battle arena you have to join my arena battle arena join arena friends arena yeah no no arena's found you're not my friend what uh then you can find an arena maybe [ __ ] yeah just put your arena id you are not my friend wait i think i made it friends only though so do i have to how do i find the arena id chat oh so is this just one game it's the best of three okay how do you find the arena name chat z r l oh it's where my head was oh all right i think that's the arena code okay i'm entering it is that it really this looks like a crypto wallet are you sure yeah searching no arena is found all right you set up an oh wait okay let me maybe it's a z uh wait let me just set it up again because i think i did it friends only yeah yeah so i'll create a new one that's public the arena is called one two three four five okay one two three four five is your arena id my arena id is 9 n 9n42m and then the password is the secret part so wait can you repeat that again for i don't have dave i don't know what you said 9 n 4 2 m you know it's i i literally got i i did an n and m different backwards wait yeah okay found you what's your password uh it's in the chat oh [ __ ] best two out of three here we go best two out of three baby get in here matthew now ludwig knows no wait wait wait wait kirby what the [ __ ] okay well now you see my character this feels unfair wait [Music] i i don't know if my this why is his name lud get in this arena you rat [ __ ] kirby side what's that donkey gone all right baby best of three i need this chap this is maya's old switch that's why his name was there you are such a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude like is this how you want to win your stupid ass [ __ ] thing like that you made like you're such a [ __ ] dude he's upset i pb in a game i i literally win in jump king our game we both play you play like such a [ __ ] wait you think we both play this game [ __ ] all right i can a little lag there oh [ __ ] oh my god that was so silly boomed me holy [ __ ] i can't believe kirby b doesn't beat that oh my god i'm so nasty at everything i do lately dude what's in my water what are you laughing about nothing bro hey game two why is my chat laughing what are you doing just go go ahead and start game two man we got three games or maybe two he's hustling you nah what's a [ __ ] let's go oh you can air dodge in the air huh what's up huh all the pokes ah dude oh that misses that hotel would have been nasty oh no that jab misses too wow and i don't have a power shield on that damn kirby blows oh i missed come here lord that's so stupid oh now the servers are open oh you can't she'll drop i just wanted to be cool now [ __ ] oh i read him oh good trade not even a trade actually dude that just goes through shields oh you can't do you don't trade oh that kills yeah good games up throw does that kill i don't know that all right it's it's four to two now right oh my god this has a major lead oh holy sh i'm out of games too oh my god all right miz uh connect four time oh [ __ ] i've never done connect for my life connect four it is oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i've never done connect before oh my god connect four i feel like ludwig knows tricks to this [ __ ] or something there's no way man what's the website i use uh see he already used the website like what the [ __ ] is that oh there's a hair in my mouth protein oh there it is connect four is a solved game [ __ ] all right here's the link notice how ludwig's not talking or saying anything about the fact that i just said it's a solved game no people say that all the time it's just like an annoying like fact that people say because then they'll just lose like they haven't solved it they don't know what the the thing is like rubik's cubes are solved but they can't solve a rubik's cube it's just solved [Music] i don't think it'd take long to learn but most people just don't learn including me i've lost it's a bunch who won you or iron mouse uh in connect four i don't know if we played are you in it says waiting for opponent on channel uh wait hold up let me try this again [Music] did your chat why is it full of such [ __ ] everyone's calling me cheating for connect four you're up you're up four to two look what i gotta get the cheat a little bit i get it busy what's cheating about connect four not a big deal that's the youtube frogs they got soft shad you're becoming [ __ ] are you clicking the link i did it said miss opponent waiting for opponent i'll do this one [Music] are you ludwig is 5'4 oh i didn't put a name no miz you got to put the name in you're not doing the things all right brand new one okay all right i need to win one more letting me swim three in a row that's all yeah i have to win three in a row and one of them's league all right do you have the link did you join did you put a name in yeah yeah the one he did the newest link oh [ __ ] i sent us the wrong person sorry that link okay okay lubbock is five foot three okay and then just join okay man i'm actually playing paul champ you're not in i literally put i did i swear the newest link that i just gave you yes sir i did it no you copied a bunch of wooden wig is 5'3 what is that message 20 ludwig you copied too much [ __ ] you copied like my username i i better not be using ludwig here oh i'll give you a clickable link because you're failing at the copy paste i got it i got it i got it no you definitely didn't what no i got it look all right all right you're in you're in you're on your own all right all right all right all right uh best of three and you get to go first [Music] dude there's no way i win you have to go miz you're running out of time there is no time okay apparently there's time first warner you'll be kicked best of three yeah [Music] there's no way [Music] i'm not i promise i'm not that good and also the timer makes it stressful [Music] we caught streams we are neck and neck right now [Music] you tricky bastard damn near fell for it too [Music] [Music] oh god it's a good move [Music] i think i have to do one of these preventative [Music] oh miz you gave it to me miz well you're my friend i care about you all right you know what i like that rematch [Music] stairway to heaven block [Music] oh you're a good friend i missed that one i won't lie if i win i win the whole thing i chat i just missed i'll keep it a stack i just didn't i was like oh i blocked the four at the bottom alright rematch rematch this is it did you hit it i did he starts again this game loves you [Music] hmm oh miz bro i'm not good at games that actually show how smart i am all right it is down to uh it's three to four you can take me to league of legends you have an extra game to play with what do you want to do i should have said smite playing some smite everybody will be pogging and be doing it right what are we doing it's league and what else is there reaction speed rps you could just do rps and skip league what's rps rock paper scissors let me talk to my accountant i didn't do chess because i thought it wouldn't be fun for him it wouldn't be it wouldn't be maybe the fastest six seconds of my life could go rock paper scissors that's really what league is gonna become because he's gonna go teemo [Music] what are you doing man [Music] [Music] ah ms only plays garen is that right does that matter though i'm pretty bad at league isn't it don't you usually have to do dittos when you do league 1v1 chat isn't it stupid to not do a ditto [Music] because otherwise it's like dumb right a mirror match whatever same thing a lot like other bands allowed in league are there bands i think we'd have to do a ditto because it only makes sense right so we'd have to we'd have to agree on a mirror match deal let's do it you want to do league let's do it [Music] this is it [Music] here's a good champ all right the only character i can play it has to be a fiddlesticks mirror match oh i don't want to win that that's not fun you got it man how about a garen 1v1 that's usually fun right like two warriors going in don't own them unfortunately i wish i did money side over here you know how it is i get it you're in l.a it's expensive let me see who i have actually store [Music] champions owned why is it taking so long to download league of legends what about thresh have you ever played thresh yeah [Music] chat you're saying reaction dude ludwig says swindler dude he knows what he's doing right now well you can just do rps or reaction if you lose you still get to pick the next game so just be league anyway oh can you just do a ram 1v1 that might be fun and it's just random whoa is that a thing is that a thing i think you can let's do that [Music] can you do 1v1 oh [ __ ] no i just do i join a party do i make a party i don't know how to do this i don't know what's happening all i know is my game's updating at the slowest speed possible create a custom team size two no team size is one password and then it's gonna be uh all random wait no game type is game type all random sure i guess and howling abyss and then i'll invite miz is your name ms kiff no it's xxx myplayerxx right i don't know how i got that name it's crazy are we friends a b c d e f g h i j k l p r qrx dude what is this game taking the download xxx smite player xxx yeah yeah oh no it's xxx my player xx i couldn't get xxx why didn't it work well i'm not it's literally updating league somehow even though i played yesterday q r x t u v w s y z are you teaching your chat yeah it's a younger crowd i can't i can't add you i think it says internal server error xxx my player xx wait xx smite player xx or xxx my player xx oh sent you should have one from t f nt rp5 you buy this [ __ ] account for like silver whoa i got my guy that's awesome i mean him what is that fiddlesticks yeah have you ever played your guy what's his name [Music] i'm is it too late to get runes do i have to get like a blitz guide [Music] chad is it flash ignite or flashing excuse me flash yeah ignite flash barrier what the [ __ ] is a barrier i still think i lose this prepare yourself for the greatest battle of your lives all right chad do i get this thing or this thing my bad friend do i get this thing chat take your time i'm already dead so is this a 1v1 like like like how does this work yeah it's just a 1v1 so it's one depth yeah you can't back you just can't back in this game mode i think jack quick tell me what abilities oh i'll be back you're good i'm in by the way hee okay how's it going over there miz to our end did he use his alt there chat and flash oh that's pretty hot [ __ ] i have no idea what's going on me neither dude i don't know how the [ __ ] the clone works it's confusing um see it's just unscathed that was scary my auto attack doesn't reach him right i think i might wait for 11 and alt okay it's [Music] [ __ ] i lost mana [Music] help me [Music] at night you're so stupid what happened to level 11 and doing your old well i used it early oh oh [Applause] that was i was too deep in the tower you went too deep yeah you went too deep i was playing good though did i miss the ignite chat i thought i clicked it yes i thought i clicked d and clicked his head i beat ludwig in something dreams too come true i couldn't beat him to youtube but i beat him in this let's go good job mizzy oh [ __ ] all right a picture of you has to hang up in my [ __ ] room now yay dude i know what mitchell i want i can't believe it's still the end of the chinese new year too [ __ ] oh god damn it dude next chinese new year that's crazy let me kill all right dude nice they beat ludwig holy [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you blew me that isn't it i thought i had you in league for a minute i thought you did too i can't believe i just [ __ ] won oh i think i just missed my ignite straight up well i think you just wanted a towel when you were an idiot i mean yeah that didn't help either what picture of me i do chat i'm really gonna get speech i'm gonna be seen in front of millions of people every single day yeah any picture you want just send it over it doesn't have does it have to be me uh yeah why what were you thinking oh my god ew ideally it's just a picture of you that that looks good print meaning like it needs to be high-res enough [Music] uh i mean this this is a good pick i don't think mr beast is going to come over but oh i don't know if it's a great pick s fan did it better is all i'm saying what do you mean dude how big is it gonna be lud how big is that gonna be my picture like the size of the pictures that are behind me right now let me see your stream the the light's off i turned it off uh earlier but it's it's these two i'm going to be honest with you i never see that it says you're live why uh when you look up ludwig you mean even dude even just on my [ __ ] like i don't know look at that ray get the greg and i don't see you and i go look at this oh i spelled your name wrong okay yeah that'll help that'll help yeah okay so looty wig is not live that's interesting i dyslexia if you make if you'll make a long chat you're an ableist all right show me where it's gonna go right there hold on give me 15 seconds oh it's got to stand out if it's on the side chat you're not subbed dude i don't wow and i'm i'm twitched up to you bro blood you have wow dude no that makes a lot of sense man that makes a lot of sense no i'll just i'll have to readjust my subs here i'll just have to readjust my subs man no oh that was bad friends and you removed the mod for me wow i did it wow yes you did i'm not even mod and you don't sub to me plus you're white plus rich campbell had more viewers today wait what yeah it's cool man no now i get what uh myung feels like hello you remove them when doing a purge oh it looks great all right man just send over your picture when you're ready you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] xuc's talking [ __ ] yeah now typically typical mizzy switches the convo after booming me all right gg's miz send me the pic chat should be this you can you don't have to set you don't have to do it right now this could be your placeholder and if you want to change you can change it hold on i got [ __ ] on by xcc apparently what the [ __ ] is he there and of course this isn't the norm but there is real positive impacts that i don't know i didn't hear it dude i didn't what do you say all right mizzy i'm dipping no no no no no what do you mean no i gotta give my picture well yeah you could just send it to me i have to go to like a printer if you like there's no difference if you send it to me now or in 10 minutes i think this one's cute i think it's not a bad pick but if you want to think on it you can think on it dude this is it i'm feeling it i took it yesterday it's gotta be it's gotta be the moment it's gotta be this is it one all right run it you can make it into an nft if you want as well well then change my profile picture to it oh i should have done it dude she went so hard i cannot dude lord i've never beaten you in anything dude you beat me in our last mario race yeah i know i just wanted you to say that yeah i also beat you an ultimate ultimate 5v5 crew battle 10k or 4v4 dude i think that makes sense right four you have four right you got you simply slick emmy and then me aiden um slime and nick bro come on that's like go varsity against junior throw in russell and i'll throw in cutie oh that's just mean to you come on we're about even i think throw in russell and you'll throw in cutie 10k total will give you give 25 i'll give 2 500 to everyone that's not you and then you give 2 500 to everyone that's not me yeah yeah i get the whole 10k and we do a crew battle and it can even be on your stream let's do it that's good content your house versus our house 10k on the line it's a good deal what do you think chat that day and i'll just run ads and i'll get the 10k back you get the 10k back anyway worst case scenarios you lose a bit of pride if you get if you get stomped but maybe you just outright win and you get 10k and you get a good stream negotiate the rules i dude i didn't negotiate the rules today and i beat lord that's just through battle this is classic ludwig maybe ludwig is made me win today and he's just like all right dude whatever and then the next game is with money and now he's going to destroy me no you're thinking it's just a cr there's no like tricks you just everybody gets three stalks you pick whatever character you want counter pick the stage it it's just a crew it's this is a tried and true thing it's been around for 20 years you soil are you sure dude emmy's a gamer is zoyal living in your house yes yeah any housemates will do you just need five do you guys play ultimate no right no [ __ ] no okay chad i think we could try all right so it's me alinity bella porsche and uh who else pokeman wow you can start the intel arc right after the tournament okay we're playing ultimate so all right i'm down let's do it all right man well i'll figure that out i'll probably be in march okay dude that was fun blood dude hearts and claps and chat for a lot as always that was good content that was actually really fun brover's bro is good that was good that was good i shouldn't if i had won battleship it would have been a sweat i know dude i can't believe i won that such a miracle such a miracle that you found a way it's crazy how good my chat is at that game against all odds you discovered some strategy that was so good so good all right hard to chat for you guys for doing it for uh let me read you guys today is actually really good but thanks i appreciate it peace i love you love bye man [Music]
Channel: Ludwig VODs
Views: 148,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: chPkObU25ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 31sec (13591 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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