Ludwig Grinds Mario Party Record Attempts

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hello [Music] Chet hello hello what is up welcome back to the stream yo yo yo saw you were watching a stream of someone who's about to beat your PB extra Emily well I mean she's the closest of anyone out there so maybe you're not wrong hello hello chat what is up welcome back to the stream there's no music playing or chat on the screen is Chad's still broken it's still broken Tim I need a new link Tim bro you are so sick like physically or like I'm cool thanks either way well thanks in one of the circumstances uh this is this is uh pre-recorded pre-recorded pre-recorded do you guys um still trust me I feel concerned that you guys think every stream I'm out to get you ah I'm out to get ya and that and that I'm gonna pull down a green screen and you know it's gonna like whoa it's gonna be like a world you've never seen before okay I'm not ending stream [Music] Gerudo Valley orchestral um anyway what is up Chad I'm a little bit late today because I was working on a really cool project uh one that I'm gonna release very soon which is new music that me and schlatt have created uh and it sounds [ __ ] dope I'm very happy with the music uh I might even leak a song for you guys right now it's all animal crossing like songs and they sound kind of fire kind of fuego I could maybe play one of them they're all animal crossing like songs better than K-pop I mean it's no it's no new jeans right oh my oh my God but outside of that great great I love leaking [ __ ] to you guys I love leak and [ __ ] I like leak and [ __ ] why do I have a hundred gigabytes left on my computer should be fine should be fine a lot of gigabytes all right hold up go to documents it's called Web transfer Animal Crossing all right uh which one should I play [Music] real ones know where the inspiration's from [Music] that's just like a nice little beat [Music] oh it's not Wii Sports [Music] yeah there's my weeb sir hobo Modio radio body body [Music] it's a little similar to morioto radio uh but not copywritten so I can listen to it as much as I want all of my Chrome browsers froze [ __ ] Chrome my whole computer just froze can you still see me did I F am I still here are we alive why are we on this Earth hello hello I can't even read chat that's the most terrifying thing of all time chat chat are you guys still thinking about me are you still here did you all leave [Music] I need to ditch Chrome I need to ditch you you're just not made for me yo mods can you change the thumbnail to me uh when I rip my shirt in the Mario Party in the background I think it'd be kind of Epic we're still here okay cool we left okay why are you guys let's ditch LMAO let's not be mean a Ludwig challenge failed all right woof is that a goatee you got there why did you notice how thick and uh uh invasive it was on the screen it is yeah it is uh I guess I don't even notice this is like like four hours this is like four hours of of shaving or not shaving I guess is what I should say bro when are you not streaming Elijah I know I'm like a [ __ ] full-time streamer it's actually kind of cringe all right here's another song it's one of my favorites oh actually this one's kind of Fire [Music] [Music] just some maracas audio jungle audio jungle audio jungle [Music] what's 79 in French sucking on fat [ __ ] anyway Focus chat today we have one simple goal which is to beat the world record in Mario Party that is our main goal today don't say huh don't don't hum my language my mother tongue that's just how you say it in French we have to focus chat because today we have a real opportunity ahead of us we are almost almost sub to our and that is our goal today to get a sub two hour run in Mario Party that's the main goal today sub two hour if we can do that we are one step closer to the world record in fact we'll be within like 10 minutes we'll be well within Striking Distance so that's what we're going to attempt to do today we also have some Fierce competition uh uh uh this speedrunner is back of course I'm talking about squeaks who uh is out here on a decent run hour 35 minutes and he's done almost two thirds of the mini games he's on Pace for a run equivalent to my time a two hour 15-ish minute running so he might he might beat my ass right here why did you guys all instantly say hi Ludwig like are you guys like wait wait is everyone in my stream just watching squeaks all the time every time he [ __ ] mentions me is that that guy huh off in every single one of those little videos this speedrunner I am a speedrunner no air coach needed don't put it in quotes I'm gonna say something that might get me in trouble with lud but he's a straight up punk yeah he's in trouble right now rap scallion scallywaggers dude chill seriously I don't care if that gets me banned chill [ __ ] kick level three which is very strange part of the game all right this rhyme is yeah I would actually kill myself if I was at an hour 36 with 64 games done but uh you know uh someone something not bad to another is uh another man's trash I don't know how it goes but anyway let's focus up Chad let's focus up we gotta we gotta tighten up this ship a little bit oh I got a link for a chat from Tim hold up let's see if I can add chat Tim that's the same link I have look ready browser Source New link and it doesn't work what the [ __ ] don't don't feel cocky about this Tim don't feel cocky about this okay oh my God a broken clock you know what they say Tim a broken clock you know is uh no bueno so they say a broken clock is no bueno uh well let me add it then let me add it to all my other shits squeaks all right hold up we can listen to Squeak Squad the music in this game this video game is kind of [ __ ] because you have to hope money bag spawn on your side I think this no games for me just my mentality though okay Peach just yanked it I like to think I'm the master of my own destiny just mine that's good for me that's really good give me one more okay I still win oh yes I hate when he says yes first [ __ ] try do you notice how many streamers by the way joint my [ __ ] and by joint my [ __ ] I mean specifically this camera thing how it has like a black background with Chad underneath everybody [ __ ] bit my [ __ ] I see everybody use that I made that up not for any good reason too I made it up because my ass was lazy and I couldn't read chat so I needed a background on it [ __ ] everybody started biting that [ __ ] that's so original I was the first like I don't care what you're saying the wheel is an original but if one [ __ ] made the wheel you can't be like so original he made it up you know what I mean just because everybody starts doing it now doesn't make it more chill oh it's there's actually a lot of copyright infringement so it's chill really that's your logic I made it up man it's really cool and unique God I also might have invented the wheel yeah shave the perv stash can you make me mod so I can yeah it's not a good investment you can watch me on a laptop sitting on your chest while you're in bed to simulate that I'm sitting on your chest what the [ __ ] okay never mind I'm gonna tune out that was weird uh all right chat anyway today we gotta Focus up we gotta Focus up all right we got we got a Mario Party run to do and if chat remind me I want you guys to remind me because there there are 10 000 people in chat right now but by the time I'm done my Mario Party run it'll probably be like 15 000 there'll be more people whatever it is 20 000. so I want you guys to remind me when I'm done my run if I get a PB I'm gonna drop an announcement only if I get a PB I have an announcement that I want to drop so remind me all right huge announcement if I PB okay that makes sense little idiot uh anyway if you guys didn't see there's new competition now extra Emily has joined the ranks of Mario Party Superstar speedrunners the world record needs to be mine and it needs to be mine soon because I am getting attacked on all sides I got squeaks coming for me all right I got extra Emily coming for me cutie literally asked me to set it up yesterday this is extra Emily's First Run she dead ass got a four okay she's struggled in this mid again for a little bit okay she really struggled in this mini game she got a 4 40. that's really good my first run was way slower all right not to mention not to mention Nathan one night stand stance also coming for the throne I I have people literally all over coming for me and I stand alone at the top all right so so right now I have the record not in the world but of the streamers who have started playing this game I have the record there's just a fact I'm just the best to ever do it squeaks coming from me cutie asked me to set it up so she can come for me stands live right now coming for me extra Emily goes live to come for me today chibli I guess is part of the equation but his times aren't that good and also easy speezy the guy whose time I beat by a minute yesterday someone just said not easy speezy look how funny you look look how funny you look everybody's [ __ ] coming for me nerovs do you not get it everybody I have a [ __ ] Target on my back the whole world wants me they want me bro I got five Runners coming after me I feel like a goddamn dream video better reveal my face and get canceled this is [ __ ] up man so anyway we gotta defend our crown okay we can't we can't let this stand we have to defend our crown and we have to defend it valiantly and the main goal is get the world record because if I get the world record then you get to do what everybody who gets the world record gets to do you get to retire on top you get to cross your arms and be like I got the world record XD and then and then [ __ ] they gonna do you know what I mean [ __ ] are they gonna I got the world record I can retire okay one ring and I'm out I'm trying to think of a sports analogy for someone who got one ring and then quit but I actually can't think of one in time that's what I want to do so anyway that's what we're gonna do today let's jump into it let's stop Dilly dallying we know that we know the stakes five people coming for the throat coming for the king best not miss let's do our best oh who got a ring and retired Kawhi that is literally someone who's still competing Peyton Manning didn't he get two didn't you get two rings these are bad examples guys these are bad examples Nico Roseburg who the hell are who's Nico Roseburg is a Formula One racer okay all right yeah I'll be the Nico Roseburg of Mario party that works John Elway now Frodo Baggins is a bad we need to work on our analogies because whoever said Frodo Baggins like I just feel like we're not like really trying to think of analogies anymore what the hell is this it that's it there's your audio oh there's audio all right one thing I want to do is make Chad a little bit smaller a little bit smaller maybe that's good I think I liked my path from last time I don't know about you guys but I kind of liked the 20 mini games at the start and then the 80 randoms I think that was kind of good like although I don't necessarily need to I like starting with the puzzle mini games to guarantee that I get them a little faster I think it's a good Strat and I want to keep doing that even though I don't need to because I've proven I can beat uh block star and star spin first try you were wrong about Hemingway wait didn't he write the old man in the sea I was right about Hemingway wasn't I or is this like some deep cut like he didn't actually write it or something like what do you telling me here no wait then how did it come up when we Googled it are you guys gaslighting me he did he didn't the old man in the sea is the wrong story wait what do you mean it's a wrong story why is it the wrong story [Music] you're too easy to Gaslight I dude I'm very easy to Gaslight I'm very guess lightable I did I did the [ __ ] uh wine about a podcast which was actually just a Gaslight simulator it was a Gaslight simulator and I was just stuck getting owned left and right no timer oh [ __ ] is there no timer on the screen all there is oh [ __ ] oh there is [Music] okay one thing I want to do though is I want it so that it shows my most recent split before my last split I don't know if that makes sense I it's not showing the split I want it to show oh there it is there it is okay I got it I got it I got it I got it I figured it out I figured it out I'm actually kind of a genius what mic is that I need one it's called the Shure sm7b it's 400 this is a heads up but maybe you don't even give a [ __ ] about that because you [ __ ] flush with catch which uh congrats and it's very good I like it but a lot of people need a cloud lifter like I use the the Shure sm7b plus a focusrite mixer or audio interface which is like basic [ __ ] interface but I like it and then I use no Cloud lifter but most people's voices don't sound like mine and I'm not like bragging about my voice I'm like literally yelling like if you were in a room with me right now you'd be like holy [ __ ] like why are you talking like that by the way can I dog [ __ ] on can I [ __ ] on stands a little bit I love stands I think stands is a [ __ ] wonderful human I I think stands is don't I think he's deaf we went to watch Fast 10 last night and uh first of all terrible movie terrible movie I was so disappointed because I love fast nine but somehow they like reduced the stakes it was like less intense than fast nine past ten was fast 10 was like it was like Lamer than fast nine like Fast nine they're like we're going to space we're doing all the [ __ ] and then fast ten they like dialed it back I was like you can't dial it back that's though you've locked yourselves into like making everybody superheroes so anyway the movie was kind of [ __ ] but I'm standing next to Sans and we're watching uh the movie together and during the previews I I'm well I'm to be fair I'm being the worst human alive because I am loudly exclaiming after every single uh movie trailer that looks great or that looks [ __ ] but then during it stanstart starts talking to me about business so loud I feel like he did not know how to regulate his voice I was judging I didn't say it to his face but I I was like I'm gonna say this in front of 10 000 people tomorrow that's like more respectful all right can we focus up chat [Music] uh we have to do our run which we will do today Mario Party Superstars you know the rules baby 100 mini games after the 100th mini game that's when the timer stops the world record is an hour and 53 minutes our goal today the goal is two hours [Music] that's our goal all right progress is progress never forget that phrase also don't say it to people who don't watch Twitch or YouTube because that would be cringe progress that's what we want today our PB is currently a two hour 21 minute PB we want to shave off 21 minutes so let's get to it Chad guess the times right now guess the times right now because your chat message will pop up and then when this is in the YouTube video for the world record run you guys are gonna look like geniuses [Music] no guess it to the second you you babies who's guessing to the minute guess to the second don't [ __ ] out there's like 13 000 of you oh by the way I should tag the entirety of my Discord to let them know I'm live on Ludwig forward slash live not the greatest run I might reset this already oh dude I just had a freaking coffee and my head is Suited [Music] why was your pick Linus on Discord uh because I for one love Linus Tech tips and for two uh snuck into twitch Rivals by making my profile picture Linus and nobody knew I went by this guy named cleven nobody knew okay can we get can we get that 1.6 chance luck right now name one Tech tip uh download more RAM and if you buy WinRAR once you'll never have to buy it again also rub your feet on a carpet before you start working on a computer you're not resetting the Run correctly you have to exit the minigame that's when the time starts are you not allowed to start a run from a reset Is that real are you [ __ ] with me technically can I just re-time it later and call it a day can I just re-time it later call it a day like are they gonna be like the Run doesn't count like just tack on a couple seconds good luck with the RNG well I know it's not purple Alex because uh although purple's hurtful it's not hurtful if you're a king royalty that was cringe I hope Birdo dies so I can get out of this scene so I don't have to live with the cringe that I just said [ __ ] uh so how are you uh your day's going um do anything fun purple's hurtful don't do it oh you [ __ ] dumb ass reset I don't need a reset because of 45 second time loss 45 seconds is kind of a lot actually whatever [Music] the thing is the thing is you're saying reset this reset that how about you reset your mind um for a moment yeah klutz and think about how quickly I can win and hide and seek I wish you chooges would leave me the [ __ ] alone thank you all right Focus up we're gonna go mushroom back to back [Music] no no it's fine Yoshi got this Yoshi got this here's the thing Yoshi is my rock so Yoshi's gonna go behind The Rock but Mario would guess that so Yoshi's actually gonna go to the bush he's the rock no he's the bush he's the rock [Music] legal start that was a legal start hey Lord I'm watching the stream on my TV just wanted to say hi from the best state New Hampshire dude I love New Hampshire although I also don't like it but I love it I'm making merch inspired by New Hampshire I don't know if I should leak that but it's it is true so you guys could get your own New Hampshire swag I'm not gonna leak what it looks like I gotta stop leaking [ __ ] dude okay I actually have to reset that was so unlucky [Music] Walmart Massachusetts what are you saying there is weed legal in New Hampshire I think it's legal or decriminalized are you kidding me [Music] hello from Wales you probably don't know where that is I literally have a Welsh friend it is part of the uh of Britain in the United Kingdom specifically to the west southwest of of England or just the west of England is that right I think that's right I don't know you all got a cool flag you got Wales England Scotland Northern Ireland and I don't think Isle of Man is its own thing but it also exists also Jersey exists but I think the main four are those four oh if he died that would have been so good for me all right we're gonna go yellow's mellow here what's on the flag it's dragon and it's also like white and red why are you quizzing me on Wales son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] [Music] hello from Montenegro oh hello Montenegro person how about South Ireland that's just Ireland it's like Virginia and West Virginia you don't call it East Virginia guys why are you quizzing me on geography like I didn't have a geoguessr like period of life I literally am very geo geography inclined I'm like top 100 percentile geographer in America is that high or low on top one percentile I'm top 50 percentile just to be safe I don't know which one's higher [Music] foreign hello from Wyoming you probably forgot about that state I know Wyoming it's the smallest state in our in our United American States and the Union it's like 600 000 people in terms of population not size Rhode Island's actually the smallest state yeah I know the terms of population 400 000 yikes I mean not yes it's really cool wait it's actually a really good time everybody stopped like talking about geography for a moment and talk about how good of the time this is going to be if Mario uh dies go green go green it's mean that's mean you [ __ ] adult dolt dolt is it dolt that's a good time that's a great time [Music] we're doing well baby we're doing well I didn't know there's a color trick oh there is a color trick and it's important to remember for this one you always go mushroom mushroom Bush mushroom mushroom bush foreign [Music] stupid Mario stupid [ __ ] Mario idiot I bet he's gonna go something really dumb like rock all right as long as you do not go to the same place CPUs we guaranteed win this do not throw just go to a different location you can read all inputs that was so dumb of you guys we won but that was so dumb of you guys that Market Basket shirt's crazy bro I love Market Basket they have such delicious cookies that are free for children or me if I ask nicely all right we're spamming foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you Mario you son of a [ __ ] that's fine that's fine that's fine okay it's fine it's fine we're still way ahead of our last split if I can get on my second or third try we're good we're good I'm not even stressed about this I you know today oh whoa today I have a positive mental attitude [Music] okay who the [ __ ] is chiming off somebody's popping off and I'm not having this who the [ __ ] is popping off like that yikes we have a bomb we have a bomb we have a [ __ ] Oppenheimer bomb [Music] is that appropriate to say [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] I should have reset I should have reset damn Yosh you're a nasty little [Music] I'm referencing the movie bomb not the real bomb [Music] [Music] back to back Swampers exquis me do I just die here I I think I'm just [ __ ] I can't like break through this shell wait I reset too early no I gotta reset I gotta reset I gotta reset last one last one last one those bricks really really like laid it into me so hard [Music] oh please please yes please hit him with the lottery yeah yeah [ __ ] you Berto you came from nowhere son of a [ __ ] restart I don't need to restart yet we're 40 seconds behind chat and I had a really good start last time I feel fine if we get it this time I'm Gonna Keep it going I actually don't agree with you guys that we should restart I think it's almost like cowardly in a way no offense [Music] wait wait [Music] [Music] [ __ ] I was so slow and stupid and bad and [ __ ] oh I'll restart now son of a beach [Music] [Music] is there a good Strat for that game press up as fast as you can and pray to God grant me the serenity [ __ ] what is it grant me the strength grant me the strength to try one more run grant me the wisdom to know when to reset and grant me the serenity when my run fails and I choke it someone just said squeaks got two hours so I took the stream because I thought I got a two hour run and then I looked and he's just hit the hour of two and the run is still going which is a whole lot different than what I thought was happening there is there any rule for white white uh is I purple's hurtful in this case yellow although normally mellow old green is mean you absolute done see you later goodbye that's one oh okay yellow's mellow yellow's mellow I'm gonna put a one down because I know I'm gonna win this restart I don't need to restart for a like a 1.6 chance at winning a mini game I think it's a little absurd no let's restart [Music] you know what dude I was thinking about this yesterday I had a conversation with Dr K and in the conversation he said that you should never tell somebody who you are playing with on a team what to do that will like make them mad you should instead ask them questions and then I was thinking about that I was like that's exactly what tarek does with the Tarik accent is he phrases every single like call out in game as a question although he's probably smart enough and has a high enough in-game IQ that it is not a question it is like a statement that he knows to be the case so when he says something like we should go be no he he knows that you should go B the answer is like yeah you should this is a [ __ ] you know igl of Cs go and a phenomenal valoran player he knows that is the answer but rather than saying we gotta go B let's go B he says we should go B no forming it as a question which is a much better communication style for in game so I think Tarik is actually a high IQ communicator in video games why lud have less than a hundred star I don't know what you're saying out loud to me I'm gonna go uh green is mean because I'm wearing green which uh reverses it [Music] I'm resetting [Music] squeaks Mighty close you sound insecure you're worried about somebody coming for you that limits you you're limiting your own growth we're not worried about squeaks beating our record we're worried about getting the world record right here's the thing how come when people talk about squeak speedrunning they always talk about oh he might be able to beat Ludovic this time this could be the run where he finally overtakes a lot of wig but they never say oh this might be the time where squeaks gets the world record foreign why do they never say that are you worried cutie will beat your record I am maybe eventually not today though not worried about her today she's on day one Sam's thank you very much for the two bucks how long streams still on first level uh a stream on first level till beat it go faster hopefully later I don't know you're communicating in a way that I can't match purple's hurtful you dumbass g g winner foreign [Music] oh my God I still oh no [Music] I made myself the guesser yikes I'm gonna go rock tree uh mushroom [Music] s [Music] okay [Music] [Music] start start [Music] bring it up [Music] I saw her running Rock I have really good eyes yep saw that saw that from a mile away [Music] whoa [Music] oh [ __ ] yeah we're not doing bad right now those bricks kind of [ __ ] me a little bit though [Music] oh son of a [ __ ] actually Well Done by Yoshi [Music] I actually thought I played it pretty smart too at the end but you know what Yoshi was fast hats off whoa okay why are you guys both at 42 like seriously like seriously what's going on here [Music] oh my Lord [Applause] skip no I'm not gonna reset yet I want to keep it going I I believe I believe that we will beat this game I believe that it doesn't really ring but you kind of get the idea oh we already got one eliminated one eliminated is a bit of a dub all right now time to Make It Rain baby okay kind of made it rain oh yo Yoshi you're good at this huh any big points anywhere oh 94. 94. I'm gonna keep going I don't end the run because I think I can do it reset no I don't think I will your words are not effective [Music] look at all those squish little blockies [Music] oh [ __ ] stop giving me Swampers huh yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] Bing Bing Bing [Music] block star time it's okay I had a really good time last run but I failed later on there's a lot of time save in the middle that's most of my time save if you get too obsessed with the details in speedruns it really limits your growth at least that's what I think I'd prefer to just get runs out of the way maybe we can do two runs today you know like not every run is the run and sometimes you just need to work on your game sometimes people get lost in the sauce oh speaking of getting lost in the sauce whoa let me try that again oh missed [Music] so high I'm actually zero High I just had I've been very negative playing this game I think because I'm getting tilted by chat so my plan today is just play my own game and do what I want to do and do what I think is best and ignore you guys but like hang out with you guys and we can chat but like I'm not gonna listen to your advice for how to speedrun because I think it makes me upset and I don't agree with you a lot of the time so I'd rather just do what I think is best and trust myself so like when you guys say like just reset it's like my whole mentality today is just I'd rather do what I want to do but like if you guys want to play it and try your Strat I think that's fine but like I'm not gonna play what you guys want me to do I'm gonna try my best to win and then also like shoot the shoot with you guys and that's my game plan positive mental attitude because like the other day I was playing I was like tilted and I was on a I was on the best run I've ever had like I shouldn't be mad on a good run but I think I was mad because like so many people backseat and it was getting to me like it doesn't need to get to me I can just play whatever I want to play how I want to play it that's okay oh monkey s yay oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yes thank you he saved that son of a [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh my God I'm gonna lose now what a little bit of spam won't do huh yay Mario you are a Survivor here we go okay next uh we actually beat that faster than ever before so it's pretty good [Music] this one's pretty good uh I've Gotten Good at this one I should say foreign just do this for now [Music] uh I want more numbers more numbies uh let's hold off for a moment uh I can put that there I think I shouldn't have gone for it it's okay though all right let's get some Blue Wave oh this is good should be a nice little combo I need a combo that okay whoops bit of a [ __ ] wucky here okay let's get my greens up I don't want to bomb that yellow just yet uh-huh all right let's start just letting this be a green Kingdom and this can be our red Kingdom red Kingdom [ __ ] that Miss bummer oh double click by accident all right we need a lot more Blues bit of a red come [Music] on yay what am I doing over here not much to be honest all right let's get a little bit of a red dumb you can do this just for now yes I should have waited a hair there it's okay though [Music] oh [ __ ] oh nice [Music] I already did that really fast last time so we lost a bit of time and just how actually no I think yeah we lost a bit of time and just how long that took me but it's okay speed's got a 222. did he uh beat the easy speedy I mean he he is more than capable of getting a sub two hour I think or at least beating my time yeah yeah this game has been distracting me because I want to play Tears of the Kingdom in my own time and duplicate 999 diamonds until I'm rich and I can buy everything I want now that I beat the game I'm like fully down a cheat winner [Music] [Music] all right we're gonna go for Mario because they suckered him into that corner Bang Bang winner yes [Music] all right we're cruising baby why not random order mini games because 1v3s require you to pick or if you do random you don't get to pick which side of the 1v3 you're on and 1v3s are the worst mini games in the game they're very imbalanced okay [ __ ] that up it's okay left oh why are they going up now okay it's fine then don't favorite them yeah that's what I did you just tell me to do what I did I got you start [Music] [ __ ] Focus [Music] [ __ ] how does this work there's a way to like force the AI to go in a certain direction [Music] [ __ ] but they're very good [Music] they do read your inputs usually I I had it the other day I'm blanking though okay all right that's fine I think TTS is on you if I just hold left long enough they'll go right [Music] son of a [ __ ] [Music] son of a [ __ ] uh you can kind of pause come it's a little hard though the the purpose of the mini game is the guy in the top wants to match the head positions of everybody on the bottom but they're very clever all right left and right then left [Music] no left and right then right oops [Music] all right we got two of them [Music] damn it Mario you are a tricky [ __ ] [Music] yikes all right I'ma restart [Music] just plays a three ah I'm gonna practice this for a second because I know there's a way to do it the one's better if I can get it [Music] I just gotta hold it [Music] start I know I did left down yesterday chat but for some reason today left down left Maybe start start [Music] it seems like they're okay hold up hold up start [Music] okay wait wait okay I think I I think I get how to pause scum so I hold left [Music] Chad I said like five seconds ago that I'm restarting the run I don't know why you're saying timer died I know don't understand YouTube sometimes YouTube chat I think has got to be some of the densest chatters I said it with my words and my voice and stuff I said I'm going to reset the run and then practice this I like said it out loud and stuff with my mouth [Music] my mouth and my I made noises and [ __ ] [Music] start [Music] that's exactly how I feel as a teacher I do feel like uh I feel like being a twitch streamers being an eighth grade teacher and sometimes I feel like being a YouTube streamer is being a sixth grade teacher and it's not even the age of the people it's just the behaviors [Music] and they both have their charm like I think sixth graders are generally cuter but way way Dumber [Music] start I said you guys are cuter why are you mad at me let me see if I can pause at the very end [Music] dude they're so [ __ ] sharp [Music] they all did different ones that time maybe go left right [Music] dude they're so fast foreign [Music] okay I think I get it I think I get it I think I get it stop so I'm gonna go left ready check this out check this out left neutral right left [Music] check it out check it out ready [Music] left neutral right left oh I did it too late that time wait for it left neutral right left oh that time they went right though [ __ ] okay left neutral right left wait wait oh my if you do too soon then they go right I have to hold right longer left neutral right left wait what I I have to wait a second okay left right left no man [Music] start start left right left okay maybe I just go right left neutral right left right left neutral right left right maybe that's it [Music] start [Music] okay [Music] start [Music] okay okay that maybe is a strat start I got it right there [Music] that time they didn't do it though [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] I was a little late start you're trying to see a pattern to something that has no patterns a pattern they're pretty consistent [Music] start okay here's the thing here's the thing ready left neutral left right left neutral left neutral [ __ ] [Music] okay wait wait stop start I have an idea [Music] they're so amazing [Music] [ __ ] they're so amazing [Music] they're so amazing [Music] okay that was not bad [Music] [ __ ] [Music] start [Music] they blow my mind and how fast they are [Music] start [Music] okay it seems like they really wait for the last beat so I can't hold it at all [Music] they like wait to the last last second so I have to do like a double move [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] start [Music] if I just go left left will it work [Music] Ed what if I like triple fake left go right [Music] okay that kind of worked I'm basically spamming left and then going right [Music] okay that's two in a row three in our own route [Music] okay honestly not bad two perfect scores and then one two head I'm happy with basically jiggle left and then snap right kind of breaks their ankles yeah I gotta pee and then we'll do a run [Music] come out [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right let's do it apparently Stan's choked a really good run because he couldn't Mash I just saw on Twitter [Music] which mashing is he struggling with he should learn double thumb I can teach him do you have TTS on let me check for you TTS is on in the scene yeah I can refresh it [Music] starts I refreshed the scene if that works test oh there we go [Music] all right baby world record running coming oh whoops whoopies whoopies [Music] let me my Power Crunch peanut butter bar to keep me going it's high protein low sugar count makes it a real treat on the go it's really funny whenever you go full positive mode you kinda turn into stands a little in the mouth sponsored it's not sponsored at all why would you say that I just enjoy the delicious flavors and the great profile it has um who are you watching luck with more like we can't even get into two halves these wee pawns are sweaty trying to beat the spiritual but failing already can you hear the crunch delicious hello Ludwig from us in Ohio it's been a minute since I've asked but how are the moist models jerseys coming along I just got my otk game day one and love it can't wait for a moist model as well I leaked one of the designs in a mobile mail yesterday what's the code I'm not actually sponsored I was memeing I do like them because I think they taste decent compared to like the protein bars that are meant to taste like [ __ ] thick ass Tootsie Rolls but they are good are the jerseys limited uh we'll probably only make like a select amount [Music] we're watching you two hours in the past figured eye to Nate and surprise myself later thanks mods for all the hard work I don't know what you're saying Jordan but thanks for the ten dollars the only problem with this Crunch bar is it makes me so thirsty is it high in salt 150 milligrams yeah it's all right thank you mogulmail for covering the heinous actions I got you [Music] since you're an English major what's the difference between effect and effect um effect applies to an object the effect it has and effect is the verb effect no uh off fact is that don't say no wrong dumb like let me let me try I wasn't finished my sentence is what dumb idiots would say it's the opposite of that effect is what you do like I affect you guys like every day with my like I affect you guys in positive ways I guess like like okay I'll use it in a sentence Ludwig affects me by making me smarter because I feel like I learned when I watch him is a sentence that people say and is also grammatically correct and then if you were to say the effect of Ludwig's stream right and you're applying it to the to a noun or an uh thing the effect of a lot of extreme is that it makes me a smarter person so both of those are grammatically true and also true statements [Music] why did the yard shirt arrive so quickly why are you complaining about it remember in Hollis back in the day oh Jesus Christ Chris that is not appropriate that was mean oh my God [Music] what's that one sentence buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo why do you keep restarting because I keep getting unlucky [Music] good your head shaped like a turnip come on dude [Music] oh my God it is oh yeah kill them off to bed getting a mullet tomorrow oh man yeah you need a full night of sleep for that how many pounds of product does it take to make your hair stand up like that I don't measure it in pounds it is a SM it is a pea-sized amount because he talks like his jaw wants to be closed can you tell sweets it sounds like his jaw wants to be closed no I'm not gonna be mean to you to squeaks on your behalf I'm already mean to him without you kilos then no it's not like a European thing it's like grams you could measure it it's like small kill them do it green is mean unless you're green green is mean unless you're mean green is mean unless you're uh great [ __ ] I'm choking it he's gonna kill me now okay purple is hurtful yellow is mellow green is mean so smart how does he know to go for yellow who is your journalism Professor it's not really how it works you don't have like one okay [Music] you know it's not like high school where you have like your English professor and it's like there's like I I like 10. uh did I have Chris Wallace I think I had Chris Wallace yeah rings a bell what is the best way to win at Mario Party puzzle party you're asking like Shaq the best way to hit a free throw okay if you I probably don't go for rock twice wait I kind of saw him running for the bush there all right he'll never go tree stump twice GG [ __ ] me [Music] start [Music] please do release I will buy it if you do also good job on the yard fishing merch I get compliments on the vest whenever I wear it out dude I sometimes I try hard to wear nice clothes but then I wore a shirt that I got from Target with the Twilight characters on it and I've gotten more compliments in like the span of owning that shirt than I have in the entirety of the rest of my life and I'm not exaggerating ever since I bought a Twilight shirt I get like a stupid amount of comments on it [Music] it was 13 bucks son the [ __ ] son of [ __ ] you [ __ ] me you [ __ ] me son of a [ __ ] Rock Bush mushroom all right zarks chat We are following the rule of zarch wait what the [ __ ] did he say first Rock Bush mushroom you you who's Arch you you are gonna get banned if you [ __ ] me here you're gonna get banned if you [ __ ] me here what do you say next was it bush Rock bush okay all right zarch good luck that's all I gotta say good luck you just don't even care about like me [Music] start honestly I just like playing this game it's fun mods can you get that guy out of here I don't want to see zarch ever again ever okay can somebody die though FRFR do you have a favorite accent uh uh what do you mean like do I have a favorite like accent for English [Music] like people speaking English with an accent my favorite accent is ULU speak [Music] can I commission you for like a fun little happy birthday video for my brother I can't find an email to reach you at also cool trumpet noise I we'll be honest I've only ever replied to one message asking me to make a video for someone they know I get that DM probably once or twice a day of somebody being like my brother my boyfriend my girlfriend my my grandmother really likes you can you make a video for their birthday or anniversary or whatever so I get a lot of those requests now the reason I ignore him is because one time I replied to one I one time I replied to one and they're like my my boyfriend's birthday is coming up can you make him a video I'm like yeah I got you make them a whole video it's like happy birthday you know Zach you [ __ ] uh this is from Rebecca your girlfriend um you know keep keep on keeping on uh she's like super thankful I'm like yeah no worries I got you uh some time passes I got a DM from Rebecca maybe two months later and she's like hey Zach cheated on me can you tell him to eat [ __ ] on stream I'm like bro I went out of my way stuck my neck out to wish this guy a happy birthday only for him to turn around cheat on Rebecca and I and now all of a sudden like I'm the villain because I've like [ __ ] I've I've like gas this guy up with a happy birthday so I'm only down to do happy birthdays for people who are under the age of uh 13 or over the age of 45. anywhere in the middle I don't trust them [Music] like that one viewer's mom who watches who we wished happy birthday a [ __ ] with I would [ __ ] with her heavy son of Beach damn we're not getting lucky today [Music] maybe go for the germa approach and say every name foreign happy birthday James Happy Birthday Robert happy birthday John happy birthday Michael happy birthday David happy birthday William happy birthday Richard happy birthday Joseph happy birthday Thomas happy birthday Christopher happy birthday Charles happy birthday Daniel happy birthday Matthew happy birthday Anthony happy birthday Mark happy birthday Donald Happy Birthday Steven happy birthday Andrew happy birthday Joshua happy birthday Paul happy birthday Kenneth thank you I had to have gotten like at least a thousand people off that happy birthday Mary Happy Birthday Patricia happy birthday Jen happy birthday Linda happy birthday Lizzy happy birthday Barbara happy birthday Susan Happy Birthday Jessica happy birthday Sarah happy birthday Karen happy birthday Lisa happy birthday Nancy happy birthday Betty happy birthday Sandra happy birthday Margaret happy birthday Ashley happy birthday Kimberly happy birthday Emily my name is Zane if your name is Zayn watch your back wow look both ways when you cross the street [Music] so anyway clip that and send it to your so but maybe get rid of the Mario party music in the back son of [ __ ] I get so unlucky that's my Gotham chest doing a Russian accent impression [Music] [Music] it's my Donkey Kong impression that's my squeak's impression I still get dude the biggest mistake I ever made was making a YouTube short to shout out my stream I thought it would be good and I'd get more viewers but I get Schwartz people in every day who are just like this isn't Zelda and I uploaded this short a week ago and I get it but it's like [ __ ] me man I get it every day did it not work I had a very high number of of new viewers but the amount like I just [ __ ] up because shorts viewers are not equal to live stream viewers shorts viewers are worse than YouTube viewers it's like a different breed it's like I got the greatest 100 meter dash runners in the world and then I said hey check out this Marathon you should do it and they're like oh so they hop in for five seconds and they're like okay I'm out are you gonna make somebody fly with a bunch of balloons no okay I'm out [Music] yellow's mellow baby this is the Run all right green is mean or purple's hurtful what are you gonna do Mario you're so [ __ ] you're so [ __ ] you're so [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh fish winner yes [Music] all right remember be the three not the one be the three not the one [Music] start I'm gonna go mushroom mushroom uh bush [Music] thank you [ __ ] sons of [ __ ] [Music] yikes [Music] you guys not you guys not help me there I'm gonna go okay I have a new Strat I'm gonna go mushroom rock rock my friends [Music] dude you gotta stop [ __ ] me man okay you know what I'm gonna go stump stump stump I said it I'm gonna go stump stump stump stump stump stump I [ __ ] lied I went mushroom this time I'm actually going stump though no means okay the CPUs went stump stump I'm gonna go stump this time assuming the CPU is not wired to go stump three times in a row because that would be highly unusual and I will instead go stump and they're gonna go mushroom and we guaranteed win [Music] bam blammo blammo this is still a very good Pace even though we had to reset a couple times [Music] especially if we're able to get out of here before five minutes we're doing really well right now literally stacking these blocks so fast [Music] can I get that giant waterfall cascading thing we're gonna restart this [Music] nothing holy [ __ ] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] that was the fastest I've ever done that that was decent all right block star baby thank you realizing you can make it go faster was a game changer for me oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah okay yeah foreign [Music] God damn digging through miles of tunnel okay oh yeah oh yeah yes sir winner very fast very fast right there [Music] all right little spinny action okay what the hell is he doing over there what the hell's going on over there what the hell's going on over there all right let's lay a little Foundation and let's get a little bit of red be some blue on this side that's fine for now foreign [Music] okay Let's Go Blue let's go blue blue action okay I should be juicy foreign that was fast that was actually really fast that was good I played well I played well hey again Lunt my 58 year old mom Janet just called me very excitedly to tell me she emphasized she also [ __ ] with you long thanks again you're the man [ __ ] with you Janet [ __ ] with you heavy Janet hope you're having a great day everybody hearts in chapter Janet so I I don't need to start with the puzzle mini games because my my brain is huge because I can beat them no matter what point they're in and every time you do a random in the game rather than pick a mini game you save seven seconds but I feel like I'm the most mentally fortuitous at the start so I do like starting with the the puzzle mini games rather than like having a five minute mini game in the middle of a two-hour run you know what I mean I feel like it'd be a little higher strong winner okay Archer rivals hey love here's my annual respond to DN message okay seven got you buddy will respond okay everybody's dicing me up in the Court of public opinion here keep that Birdo locked for me I literally missed this is so embarrassing Doom it's not like my Valerian gameplay if it was like my Valor gameplay it would have been headshot headshot headshot call today I got unlucky foreign [Music] dude he is the best ever do it I swear this never happens to me all right that was not the best [Applause] [Music] I don't need to practice the mini game It's just sometimes it doesn't you know let's focus on look away [Music] that's why you practice that is why you practice [Applause] that is why you practice that is just Why you practice you know questions start Ed oh my God I almost fell winners thank you you're losing world record over that no I am not unless I am in which case no [Music] kid okay whatever we won foreign [Music] holy [ __ ] that was crazy that was crazy that was the first coconut bro how did that happen I'm blue light what are you doing over there green what's up damn we got owned Berto was kind of dog [ __ ] there what are we doing here green there we go there we go we got there we got there [Music] [ __ ] oh my God we almost lost heat in five I've been saying it for at least a week now since since it was O3 I've been saying that the heat are gonna get to games or excuse me the Celtics are going to go to game six all right peace why did I save so much time right there [Music] huh [ __ ] she just diced me I just got dice up by dirt Birdo it's all right I gotta kill Birdo first because she might be the best ever do it [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] Birdo you are crushing me you just diced me oh my God I'm getting owned these are funny [Music] [Applause] hello little brother yoink wake me up before you go go it is a game with a pogo buds can we make it so that only people who are members can say the word reset is there a way to do that in the back end I only want people who give me one dollar a month to be able to say reset everyone else just get rid of their rights I just I don't mind it I just wanna I wanna attack them [Music] start my [ __ ] Birdo thank you to memberships guys everyone's spamming reset instantly becomes a member [Music] oh baby [Music] doing pretty good right now [Music] okay this is so easy as the one this is cartoonishly easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] Celtics cooking dude I've been saying it's gonna go game six and I don't know why nobody believes me I was so [ __ ] confident they weren't gonna get swept and I also thought that there was no chance they would lose at home uh for the third time I'll tell so 5 15 so maybe we're a little bit early [Music] it lags on games with Waters chat I don't know why I I don't know how to fix it [Music] maybe I need to stream at a lower bit rate I don't know [ __ ] do I lose [Music] [ __ ] money bag one on the wrong side start money bag [Music] [Music] money bag stop okay let me just go in the middle so I can get the money back no matter what [Music] Christ I had to kill myself for money yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right baby now it's all random minigames from here on out this one I just back it up at the start there we go [Music] [Music] oh this is not a great start for us gentlemen let me restart that one maybe not necessary to restart because there's a few money bags but he got a lot of coins as well get there okay now we're good now we're good now we're good good reset good reset minor time loss [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes shoot it dude wait did it work wow anyone who's not a member actually gets timed out if they say reset that's funny I can't believe you guys figured that out so fast saying reset is a privileged chat I gotta reset this one wait mods why is it not working anymore hold up I gotta Focus [Music] all right finish you know what that's it guys you guys lost screen privilege I'm removing chat from the screen you guys lost screen privilege you're not allowed to be on the screen anymore the screen is for people who are supportive of the run and if you're not gonna be supportive of the run I gotta remove it from the screen I'm sorry I know this is a big step I know this is a what seems like a brutal punishment that you'll never get over but I think it's the only thing that's reasonable one two three four five did we win we won call me a villain I'm just doing what I see I need to [ __ ] Mario you little I said wait winner Oh I thought we tied you guys are not getting screen privileges back until you start acting you know correct I don't know what to tell you guys [Applause] there we go [Music] three two one keep pumping Yoshi good [ __ ] Yoshi new record sheesh [Music] a [Music] [Applause] dude I'm crushing on the bottom of the screen here thank you [Applause] all right I'll bring chat back for now I always feel so bad for them [Music] all right I'm driving I'm driving I'm dry I got us I'm a great pilot it's about the pilot not the plane baby we're gonna Yang a left here not too hard beautiful and a curl right down here let that bomb Jesus Christ almost hit us Dodge's bomb right here as well we're gonna hit this with a slight left Coots entered the frame what is up Kooks don't know how we hit that wall but we're not worried about it Dodge that expertly okay hang a slight left here beautiful beautiful and this might be a record oh look at that little record action [Music] a lot of people are lagging for some reason I'm not sure why [Music] the [ __ ] was that there we go Mario we're brothers the timeouts are crashing Chrome oh mods we gotta stop then one two three one two one two one two one two three four one two one two one one one two three four five six seven one in the back one one two three one two three four one two three four that was a lot okay I feel confident because three other people got 40 or three people total got 40. that was kind of a hard one man when they had that the The Group of Seven stacked on each other's head I was like [ __ ] these guys are kind of nasty okay so really too late damn Birdo sniped the [ __ ] out of me [ __ ] I got sniped Berta was gunning for me right there hey I gotta go for Birdo there we go I actually got really lucky there I feel like I should have died because the Birdo kind of hit me goats they call this one the squeak Slayer bye that was fast man that might have been 60 61 62-ish I'm smoking weed with all my friends in the closet all of them peer pressured me to do with I hate drugs this is really scary for me mom will you please pick me up Mom will you pick me up from this party I hate it I'm 17 and crying all alone in the corner this weed is giving me a panic attack this is a fake story not a real life experience that I had when I was 17. almost a record that was a song not a real life story by the way damn I almost lost even though I didn't fall because I got the bad Pats twice yes sorry for that experience no need to apologize because it was a story and not real it was a story guys so quit being weird is there a strategy to that one it's total random whether you get the long path or the short path so I just go left every time because I'm better at running to the left and to the right because I've done it so many times I would just say pick a side and stick with it because your consistency and running is more important and there's also ways to get your lines a little bit skinnier [ __ ] that was unlucky Yoshi's route might be dip better they're this again it's totally random like every time you play son of [ __ ] a son of [ __ ] why you [ __ ] me so this one actually might be an all of a survive because that Ball's not active right now oh never mind I spoke too soon dude I I found some god-like holes in there I was Austin Eckler did you see that I I squeezed between balls [Music] let's focus on ice hockey guys good [ __ ] good [ __ ] [ __ ] my bad my bad tell me yes oh my God first try hockey is so big for me [Music] foreign back-to-back sporting experiences and I'm with the goat damn actually well played that's right the French wall has arrived Berto that was actually embarrassing but it's okay what what oh water hit oh my God he hit it out of bounds what a sweetie come on man come on come on we're doing everything right now man I'm the libero the Spiker and the wall and I don't even know if those are all positions I should have hit that faster two more baby two more two more baby oh what happened the French [Music] all right I just keep hitting it up at the top and then I Spike at bottom that's my Strat it's kind of working should we hike you I think uh Sports Anime are a little too cringe for me they're beautiful and one of the characters that'll make you cry and love and laugh but sometimes just so [Music] ha ha ha Bang fish to be fair to be fair I'm not I have not read a lot of high Q so I've only watched like a few episodes so I don't wanna I don't want to judge it but I I read all of I used to be in a Sports Anime I watched um three I'm sorry it is time to crush that is pretty [ __ ] fast I used to uh I used to be into an anime called coraco no basuke currico's basketball is Sports Anime is just a little ridiculous it's a little ridiculous and then it gets really corny and it's not bad you just got to be in a mood for Sports Anime because if you watch a Sports Anime like a single match can span three episodes watching a golf anime and they'll talk about how the [ __ ] club they got was their father's Club and they'll spend a whole episode about how a blade of grass is gonna affect their shot then they're gonna have to remember the words of their Mentor or some [ __ ] they're gonna have 18 crowd reaction shots and then they always have like the wackiest superpowers like there will be some boss that it's like like the Sandman in golf and he always hits it out of the sand perfectly because he grew up in like the desert or some [ __ ] blue locks amazing I bet this exists in Blue Line I bet you watched blue lock and somebody hits like a volley and they're like how did he hit it while it was in air and he was like it's a technique only used by the best in the world and there's probably like a character who's like a huge [ __ ] that doesn't know how to shoot the ball but only passes it until one episode where he finally takes a shot and then it goes in and everyone pops off you nailed that one I've never seen I promise I've never seen it that just the same thing existed in in the basketball one and high Q it's like it's like a trope like that's the whole premise of currico's obasquez the main guy is like super unathletic but he has really good passing ability it's also the main thing for high Q is that the main guy is like a really good passer but not tall or something so he can't like spike it or block it's like main character someone who's seemingly unathletic who shouldn't be able to thrive in this sport finds that their disadvantages are actually their greatest advantages of all [Music] it's the opposite of that one I might be thinking of um the wrong characters I don't know the characters one two three four five six seven eight nine okay there are seven so if I hit this for one I might be [ __ ] I'm gonna hit it for two I might also be [ __ ] I might have to reset I should I'm gonna reset I'm gonna YOLO reset here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there's ten and there are nine now so if I hit this first two they're seven which means that I am safe my back is safe one two three four we're gonna hit it for two would you write an anime I don't think I have I feel like every American who tries to make an anime is they're usually pretty [ __ ] but I would love a poker anime one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I'm gonna hit it for two I guess eight six oh please hit it for oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] up [ __ ] there's five okay we're fine we're fine Mario saved us [Music] I watched that one I think it's very cringe one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's like the gambling High School one all right there's ten there's nine nine eight [ __ ] I think I lose I think I lose right chat wait one two three four five six so if I hit it I think I lose I lose if he plays it right [Music] we got unlucky seven you were fine no I wasn't I hit it I hit it back to him for three I think I don't think I could have won it you had a guaranteed win maybe I had it maybe I'm wrong I don't care though and we're gonna move on because uh we already reset so you are right either way it doesn't matter I hope you have a great day you had it great you're right good call he didn't have it you're also right good call no need to argue about it let's just move on oh maybe I shouldn't have done that I don't think I should have done that I think I [ __ ] up I should have hit it for one so Mario [ __ ] I couldn't count that far ahead [ __ ] God damn it I hate this game all right six left five left yeah same thing again because it's three [ __ ] I need it to count so far ahead oh I'm getting so unlucky hit it for one if I hit it for one then there's two left and then he hits it for two and then there's a beehive if I hit it for two then he hits it for one and then there's a beehive you had it all right good call thank you for your help and let's move on foreign one two three four five six seven I should hit it for one here I think one two three four five six one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven there's eleven there's 11 right now 11 now there's nine so if I hit it for one I should win eight no did he [ __ ] me again oh my God this is so annoying they're just playing so well oh this is frustrating this is really frustrating start [Music] start I think I want to start on the last round no matter what yeah is the reality [Music] you had it I'm just gonna run an ad and then I will be happier dealing with you guys [Music] I guess my journalism degree next week any advice I want to be a normie who writes video games oh this might be annoying oh man I really don't wanna please hit it for one thank you Mario all right there's 11 total do I lose again though because now there's nine I think I just lose oh there's nine all right this is annoying seven they play it perfectly oh they play it so perfect this is so frustrating oh my God this is so frustrating this is actually really annoying oh [ __ ] me that's just pissing me off [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] one two three I think I lose again if he plays it smart one two three four five six seven eight nine if he hits it for I think he probably just hits it for anything I'm dead nine now there's eight so I hit it for two another six I think I win I think I won okay now there's four now there's three there we go oh that one was like a nine minute game that game will bite me in the butt winner [Music] I know we lost [ __ ] damn Birdo got such a good drop at the very end wait actually do we try I think we lose or do we tie oh [ __ ] yeah first try is really good for that [Music] one two three four on the right five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen 17. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. now there are 16. another 15. nice [Music] maybe I should add the the r the because it is a bit RNG the the fruit one and it can be slow to the start Jesus Christ thank you Yoshi so much [Music] holy [ __ ] I can't believe you lived that my goat start yeah there's one game that can ruin this run I mean it's already a bit chalked but I think sub 2 hours still feasible but there's one game that can really [ __ ] me and it's Bowser facelift baby that game could [ __ ] kill us all why are you guessing 99 I'm not kidding up to 94. you're you're smoking just absolute yourself body blocking me I'll say this is one of the games where the computers are brain dead [Applause] announcement comes if I get a PB we're gonna announce it [Music] good [ __ ] to Yoshi son of a [ __ ] so click bait no it's gonna be after I get a PB okay almost exactly like I said it was there's an announcement it's just it I don't announce it [Music] oh very fast one very fast one very fast one let's get a couple of people again huh it's not Merchant Summers it's a cool stream we're doing this weekend [Music] [Music] book squirm zip Zoop [Music] smoking weed with all of my friends every single day okay still alive doing great positive mental attitude thank you Jesus Christ 39 is so high 39 for a computer is so high do you like my paw strats my scum strats right now okay we're halfway through the games and if you were to extrapolate out the amount of time that we've spent for the first 50 you might think to yourself I'm on Pace for a two hour and 14 minute run which would still be a PB but the games that we have left are a little bit faster hopefully at least ah [ __ ] dude I hate playing against these rats [Music] wait she has six on her thing God damn it these computers are pissed me off start they actually they actually go to the spot before it's done they actually go to the spot before it's there it's crazy [Music] they're so good winners Emily molded on this one dude it's a hard one well that's a tough start all right we got this foreign baby dude I saw squeaks do this yesterday and he had like the fastest time I've ever seen in my life thank you all right [ __ ] all right we didn't make as much time back as I'd like that's okay it's really hard to aim that [ __ ] I got [ __ ] gold aim [Music] start give me what I want give me what I want give me what I want yes they all went for the same chess I like being on the far right like I'm a rumble YouTuber [Music] like your mogulmail exactly [Applause] [Music] [Music] do they call them Rumblers I don't know what you call a rumble YouTuber [Music] [Music] all right what the [ __ ] all right I made a mistake my mistake is that you can't fully stop in this game because otherwise you go too slow you need momentum [Music] wow nice all right it's like a 40 second time lost it's not too bad though okay we are at 55 mini games I would like to be at 66 mini games by start wow an hour 30. hopefully it's just easy games from here on out you know I still have a couple hard ones Bowser's facelit musher mix up are the ones that come to mind so it's not so bad wow I'll take it at my rate I need to get one game a minute for sub two oof that is tough [Music] doable though oh well that hurts me damn I I was bad at the fastballs the Screwballs always get me wow man [Music] wow finish all right there we go man that's a minute time loss too [Music] all right still fine though how do we keep losing the ball Mario wide open oh the goalkeepers are actually terrible why are you guys into this I'm open I'm wide the [ __ ] open [ __ ] are you kidding me what's up two ain't happening all right uh I'll change the pin comment to PB then we'll lower the expectations [Music] [ __ ] there you go Mario all right here we go dude I hate how the goalie passes it back stop oh my God [Applause] [Music] that was almost horrible there we go I left no crumbs there and I left no crumbs there at all one two three four five one two skip one skip skip one two skip skip one skip Skip One [Music] sounds like a breath of the Wild Thing [Music] three two one go tight race gentlemen [Music] all right I'm so rationally scared of a cannonball hitting me out of the sky is my games counter not accurate I think it's accurate isn't it I know you can beat thanks chat member oh yeah oh my God I almost lost because you wouldn't get my letter oh yeah slay mailman all right we're doing well are you scared of getting a hit by a cannonball in real life I was a rationally scared of quicksand for a long time but I realized quicksand is not just sand it's like different [ __ ] took me years to find out that I'll probably never run into quicksand in my life nice oh 65 and 65 that's coincidental [Music] squeaks is weirdly good at that game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he gave us so much money why'd you pick Luigi because Luigi in Ludwig are the same etymological name it's just the Swedish version versus the German version [Music] this is a long one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] damn it Berto you are [ __ ] fierce um [Music] good game have squeaks and stands picked up the random game Strat yeah I think squeaks might have done it first but not correctly and then I did it not correctly because it takes a bit of tinkering and fine-tuning and doing it not correctly is worse than not doing it at all for sure Chad I don't care for any like people hopping between streams being like squeaks is actually at one hour and 23 minutes and 43 seconds the moment he did 63 minigames and so on you're on Pace if those minigames weren't it's I think a useless conversation that if you're enjoying feel free to do but don't do it in my chat because it's random mini games for one so the information's like wholly useless because it's you're comparing 40 random minigames to 40 other random mini games and then extrapolating the times as if they're equivalent which is just kind of brain dead to do we might lose here [ __ ] me so anyway it pisses me off more than is enjoyable so if you want to use that discourse and squeaks the chat and he's cool that do it but don't do it my chat squeeze the stream and he's bald as [ __ ] I enjoy speedrunning this Chad is miserable doing it I think just because the race aspect people are just really gung-ho about it which is cool but it also makes them like miserable chat members like I preferred my tears of the Kingdom chat but I think it's really fun to do and I get really competitive with it so other people getting competitive isn't necessarily a problem it's just 68. all right we are getting there cuties at 19 games an hour and 40 minutes my first run made me so mad [Music] oh they threw it on me they threw it on them oh yeah all right there we go there we go 69. nice right okay what are we at 69 minigames we have 31 mini games left and we have 28 minutes to beat them if I want sub two hours Sub two hours feeling a bit tough to be honest second place is doable though I think second place is two hours and seven minutes I think uh that one minigame really [ __ ] me the one that I spent like seven minutes on that was unlucky [Music] ballerina okay my strap for this one is to just stand in a corner and jump [ __ ] double [Music] how many runs you're doing I'm just doing one today I have to go at eight so I don't have time for a second run oh that was lucky I was gonna do more than one but it took a while for a run to get started and uh and I'm hanging out with cutie tonight I stream a lot this month man I don't feel bad like a full-time Mario Party speedrunner [Music] I also got a piss so bad all right 71 mini games 29 mini games in 26 minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] one two three that feels perfect to me I've never gotten 96 in my life I have never gotten 96 in my life just genuinely hats off 96 is insane laughs [Music] I mean I am looking at a perfect replica of Picasso oh thank God I that I don't know how I got 91. I don't know how I got 91 because that looked perfect a bit too wide we wide okay this game [ __ ] me up yesterday [ __ ] did I get that with my jump kick no [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] wait for it yeah that was me that was me that's all me that's all me that's all me that's at least me give it to me give it to me it's not a great picture but it's a picture yes sir all right 27 mini games in 23 minutes I don't know if it's possible to get sub 2 anymore chat we can get damn close though wow stop bullying good map brother of mine die winner got him [Music] start what a [ __ ] shot I don't know how Yoshi went untouched for that long gunning for me [ __ ] here [ __ ] ass oh [ __ ] you man that was so annoying I shouldn't have mixed it up I should have just held firm I don't know why I didn't hold I I thought like this is stupid I'll fight him I should have held firm [Music] oh yeah dude I actually want you to die in a fire and nobody's there [Music] okay we're fine [Music] Yoshi just might be the goat oh [ __ ] yeah let me do that more 25 games in 20 minutes is feeling a little bit proof oh that's a four wow that's a very rare four that's definitely a four iron should be a home one here it was a three I've never seen a three before [Music] all right that should be it should be a five I was a three I've never seen a three this one's a five this one's a five [Music] look up here [Music] it doesn't show what they do so clearly a four yikes [Music] 24 24 left [Music] what happened to you down there [Music] all right is my count wrong oh new record I thought my account was too high for a second but I think it's fine I think you guys would know if I [ __ ] up [Applause] that's a quick one stop saying have you seen anything for the new I Lady watch yeah Mr segundi's made it in partnership with jablomi Incorporated it's the new sagma heat resistance one with ligma capabilities yeah I I know the whole hmm whole mind I could win this [Applause] I won Wow first try oh my God oh yeah that's so huge [Music] [ __ ] hi kids where you at I'll pet you just lonely I win no it's a I lose for whatever reason CPUs always win the tie and it's actually really annoying but it is how it works I've never ever seen someone beat a CPU in the tie whether it's me stands or squeaks [Music] squeaks will win [Music] just kidding Obama I can tell that figures a god gamer [ __ ] this is such an unlucky timing I think we still win hi you oh good hello you just feeling lonely right now come here man come here start [Music] oh yeah ghosts oh Coots baby I love you so much this is such a bad timing now this is such bad timing I love you so much I love you so much but I can't even see the screen with you here foreign [Music] I love you so much I love you so much but I really need you to just sit on my lap I love you so much you're amazing I love you so much good kitty good kid winner I don't know you gotta come here I can't be on the desk buddy this can't be on the desk you're killing me be on the desk oh you can lie down on the desk that's all right okay geez Jesus Coots might be a squeaks fan [Music] nice very fast winner super fast right there [Music] best song in the game foreign [Music] dude I actually am a mercenary I feel a little guilty about that [Music] they just don't fight back there though 15 games in 12 minutes is possible I I think I'm gonna get just over two hours but I might get second place but let's just focus on the here and now the Here and Now is trying to get there sub 2 might not be possible but like 203 might 204 might dead ass my bad you beat all the 1v1 games it's all random I don't get to pick when every games are please notice me what's up man any hard games to go I mean probably I don't want to say no because then I might just lose I think the hardest one that's coming up is whack-a-mole and mushroom mix-up is hard [Music] [Music] oh [Music] wow I got it right I got it right foreign all right all right all right [Music] 13 games baby [Music] nice we're kind of moving at the end here man if I really didn't [ __ ] up that one mini game I think we'd have a sub two hour the world record's decent [Music] oh here's a tough one foreign okay that's a good death [ __ ] they got fat asses man come on man that's so frustrating start foreign this game is tough just gotta stay alive so you can't say every death is throwing unless you expect the road to be perfect which I think you guys do I think you guys don't give a [ __ ] and you want your robot streamer to get the PB so you can be here and you don't give a [ __ ] about anything else which I guess is fair I am your vehicle for Content so I don't blame you I'm just here a little vehicle for Content I'm not a human I need to get a world record so you can be here when it happens so you don't feel left out so you feel like you had some value from watching I get it wow [Music] oh my God oh start come on Mario that was so [ __ ] up I'm literally trying to stay out of trouble stop there we go [Music] oh man all right what is the what's the second place record chat [Music] [Music] 210 oh we can definitely be 210. [Music] holy [ __ ] I almost lost 207 I made up 207 I don't know what it is uh don't jinx it I'm not jinx in it but you can speak your truth into the universe you know is a hard one one more [Music] nice good time there coughing TV Coburn thank you for the memberships guys appreciate you [Music] a lot it was my 18th birthday today and it's nice to end the day watching an extreme smile thanks for all what you've done over the years smile happy birthday Kim hope the 18th was good hope you bought a pack of Marlboro Reds and signed up for the I didn't know that was possible foreign that was fast smoking in America is 21 now is that real [Music] I didn't get that patch note [Music] [Music] wait we just lost [ __ ] kill me [Music] what do you like people in the military do now Frodo you are really making it tough on me at the end [Music] they Vape wait is vaping not 21. [Music] you're still out if you're 18 on a military base that's so funny I was gonna say the first two people I think of when the smoking age increases is people who work in food service and then people on military bases they're still smoking yeah yeah [Music] did I win oh my God Berto played that so well [Music] pass I'm wide open foreign am I crazy that was really cringe and then you get one Mario I I hate you [ __ ] I thought I could angle it way harder pass pass pass [ __ ] Mario I I hate you with such a burning passion yeah Mario [ __ ] you sorry how to get that out now they have so much chemistry compared to us we're brothers start acting like it [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bang what the hell we don't finish that you don't finish that shot [Applause] all right [Applause] foreign okay it's fine you should have gotten both but it's fine I can't give you a ball on more of a silver platter Mario do you hate me I'm trying to understand do you [ __ ] hate me because why would you choke that out I want to [ __ ] cry why are you I got yes [Music] [Applause] I got five last time you got one it's just and zero assist from him by the way they I don't I don't know I don't know why you don't know I don't know why it'll pass I break ankles for you [Applause] terrible [Applause] that was actually really impressive [ __ ] all right yes [Music] just jam it in there baby jam it in there [Music] all right four more no this one's hard foreign go for Birdo or am I [ __ ] watching this dude she's at 21 seconds go for Berto you [ __ ] dolts 21 is insane go for Birdo these refs are so biased go look at her oh [ __ ] thank God [Music] I find not going for Birdo transphobic oh finish [Music] all right two lefts [Music] oh this could ruin the Run that was so [ __ ] oh nice winners [Music] three this one I actually struggle with me yeah oh I think we're gonna do it don't take yourself oh winner [Music] and that's a repeat game there it is 208 50. and I spent almost 10 minutes on this game which I'm actually gonna unfavor right now because that's going to go into our starting cycle [Music] where are you you SOB [Music] this is gonna go on our RNG start that means I could have had a 158 nine if I had played that better and then there's also quite a few mini games that I that I didn't play Super well on mushroom mix up kind of broke my ankles uh I didn't play Super well on bumper balls tread carefully beat my ass a little bit uh um what else ice rink I could have done faster I could have done bouncing rounds faster actually much pit I need to work on a bit uh Chip Shot I [ __ ] up shouldn't have [ __ ] up uh what else Dinger Derby needed to work on that lift leap I [ __ ] up you know quite a few games Coney Island um build blasters at Night Fright I degrade on I can't be mad about that uh what else what else what else can we gain time on I mean there's so many games there's so many games Flash Forward we I mean we played [ __ ] phenomenal today second place chat we are second place right now 15 minutes that's it 15 minutes is what separates us from first place so uh that I mean that's doable that's doable and I said I said I said that today if I got a PBS oh I gotta pee so bad I said if I if I if I got it today I would do a bit of a leak so let me do a bit of a leak today chat I gotta do this fast because the urine is traveling up my body at a rapid Pace now I'm realizing that this is not a super big leak because I technically hit the w a lot already leaked this um but now I have a date for you oh my God oh my God I'm peeing I'm peeing in my pants right now all right hold up let me pull it up let me pull it up oh oh I got a piece so bad oh son of [ __ ] son of [ __ ] stop uh all right here it is here it is here it is I'm done stalling I'm done stalling I just have to write it up [ __ ] this Sunday at 2PM we are going to be doing our annual auction stream where we are going to be auctioning off literally everything I own I told you guys not too long ago I cleaned out my room room for spring cleaning that was a lie I cleaned out my room because I want to auction off everything I own which goes from my gold play button to my life-size statues of Nami to a bunch of other [ __ ] and you might be thinking yourself oh well Ludwig I'm broke I can't spend five thousand dollars on an item well thank you to make a wish they gave us some extra money that we use to buy a bunch of Tears of the Kingdom switches ps5s stream setups thousands of dollars that if you just donate one dollar you can enter a raffle to win it all so all of that will be available even one dollar could get you a tears of the Kingdom switch or a PS5 or whatever and the goal is to raise as much money as possible for Make-A-Wish uh just giving out all the [ __ ] that I own part of the reason why I'm doing this is also because I secretly want to do a brand new Amazon stream for our room and start from scratch so this is part of that the only item I'm not selling as some of you might have guessed is our friend Jackie Chan I will be keeping Jackie Chan everything else however will be sold and every person who gets something and it'll probably get a signed Pokemon card as well uh we're getting a whole lot of [ __ ] so anyway uh I'm pretty excited for it we're trying to raise a bunch of money if you guys are like hey Logan I'm broke I can't even donate a dollar that's fine but do me a favor and maybe just like the Tweet or reply to the tweet that way more people know about this who have money that way they can donate to it that way we can Farm them for all they got that way make a wish can uh have more money so that way they can people give me more wishes I'd appreciate it I'd appreciate it a lot I think I will sell the mango sign I believe let me double check I gotta we have like 30 or 40 total items we have a bunch of [ __ ] that we've accrued over the years we have so much stuff over the years that we've built up some of it's Priceless like a YouTube play button or some of it's worth like thousands of dollars some of it's worth like 20 bucks so we got a bunch of stuff I'm excited for it I hope you guys tune in that'll be Sunday at 2PM what are we doing in between now and Sunday well I'm gonna play a whole lot of Mario party tomorrow we're playing Mario party uh Saturday we're playing Mario Party and and then Sunday we're doing this stream so that's the plan so Friday Saturday we're playing a bunch of bar party definitely more than one run tomorrow sorry about today but I uh I have to do something in 30 minutes actually so it's perfect timing uh we got the second place on the leaderboard very happy with that very happy with that second place on the leaderboard um is pretty good pretty happy with that and I think I think we can cut down the time a little bit I think we can cut down the time a little bit uh anyway I gotta go I got again so much piss in my balls right now um I will see you guys all tomorrow for a full day of Mario so I hope you guys are still enjoying it I'm enjoying playing I know sometimes I mull that chat but today I tried to be pretty positive um and hopefully we get a good run you know every run we have saved at least 10 minutes so by that logic and two more runs we should get the world record anyway thanks for watching boys see you tomorrow peace oh I gotta pee so bad [Music]
Channel: Ludwig VODs
Views: 24,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a4Uv4s8DL3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 32sec (13712 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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