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so you want to start recording but you don't really have a budget to afford a recording program well in this video i'm going to show you guys the amazing tool that's for free that you can utilize to record your audio keep on watching this video [Music] what's up everybody it's chris lee back with another united destiny entertainment tutorial video hey check this out if you are new to this channel be sure to hit that subscribe button as well as that notification bell to get more videos like this in the future alright so guys what is this back with another video i told you guys i'm going to be throwing videos at you left and right you got to be ready you got to be prepared you got to be ready to get this content you got to be ready to get this information this education because i'm giving you everything that you need right now so with this video what i'm going to be talking about today is a lot of you guys want to start recording but the problem is is you don't have the budget pro tools it's expensive logic pro it's expensive or you don't have the money to buy a macbook pro and then buy logic on top of that which probably is going to cost you like 2 000 to 2500 with the macbook pro and the recording software at the same time okay well maybe you don't have the money to afford adobe audition because it comes with the creative cloud and that's a monthly subscription as well pro tools is a monthly or yearly subscription as well what are you gonna do should you just give up on your dreams should you stop recording music should you not put any ideas down no guys you shouldn't do any of that what you should do is download cakewalk sonar cakewalk if you ever heard of sonar it was a very popular popular popular recording program for a long time the majority of you probably never even heard of it but i can tell you right now some of the best recordings that i have heard have actually been recorded inside of sonar as well as well as cubase and you know pro twos and all these other programs but that's beside the point the point that i want to make with this particular video is something went down with sonar whatever the case may be and they basically like shut down or close down in 2017 and a company called band labs went ahead and decided to go ahead and buy sonar cakewalk the positive about this is now it is for free so guys you have a powerful powerful doll out there right now that is for free if you just go to the website sign up download it you can utilize it whenever you want check this out the reason why i'm making this video is because i don't want you guys to get discouraged today i decided to record some dope vocals today just to kind of give you guys a general idea of what it sounds like so i'm going to let you guys hear it so check this out if you can't afford pro tools logic fl studio cubase uh studio one whatever those softwares are that you have to pay for download this and get to work asap i promise you you won't be disappointed let's jump into the video right now all right guys so here's the software what i'm going to do real quick is just simply show you guys how to go ahead and get this thing downloaded installed on a computer now i'm not going to do it because i already did it but guys i'm just going to tell you basically the steps to go ahead and download it you won't regret it i guarantee that you want to download this thing get it downloaded right now okay so what you want to do is a key thing that you have to have on your computer is the bandlabs assistant make sure that you download that so go ahead that's what this is right here this is basically gonna allow you to activate the program and have access to the program it's gonna give you access to the apps it's gonna give you access to the sounds the loops the free library everything everything is going to be in control with this thing okay if you don't have this on your computer it's not going to be able to work and i found that out yesterday in a process what you want to go ahead and do is just go to google so i'll go ahead and exit out of this okay google and type in ban labs assistant once you do that it's gonna pop up here when it pops up it's gonna make you create like a account create an account sign in do whatever you need to do just create your account so it can be your account and you can have access to it this stuff is more powerful than you think so you go ahead and download the bandlab assistance on your computer run the setup do the whole nine yards and go ahead and launch it okay after you do that after you do that you go ahead it's going to bring you to the staying here now just in case some of your you know just in case your computer isn't working right what you need to do is go ahead and go to google as well and type in cakewalk ban lab download cakewalk bandlab download once you do that it's going to bring you to this first link go ahead and click that once you click that it's going to have the same thing up here except it's going to say cakewalk you can either hit download right here or you can hit the windows download at the bottom now this may not be for mac i'm sorry mac users i'm not really sure but this is a windows thing from what i'm saying right now pc users go ahead and download this thing and use it right now because i promise you it's powerful i think you mac users can use like garageband or something like that but it don't come close to this okay so now after you do that and you run that you're going to pretty much go to your sound labs or your ben lab once you go to your band lab you're going to have different things here like it says upload recent projects it's going to have a mix editor which is pretty cool it's also going to give you like a whole bunch of sounds and allow you to browse your sounds different packs and loops things that are gonna be free guy guys this thing is free okay any any packs loops that you need it has everything when you go down here [Music] so everything that you pretty much need then you want to go to apps once you go to apps apps is going to show you band labs you just go ahead and open that thing up but right here it's going to say cakewalk and for you it's going to say download when it says download hit the download button it's going to ask you what do you want to install guys install the software install melodyne for install the theme suite uh install all the the loops the packs everything that they give you is for free so why not download it guys take advantage of it it's all free install it on your computer your computer can handle it once you do that you go ahead and hit open so after it installs everything on your computer you finish it do whatever it needs to do if it asks you to restart go ahead and restart but i would you probably don't have to always right click every app and run it as administrator that will help your apps run flawlessly let's go ahead and listen to what it can do with the vocals [Music] [Music] guys this program is super powerful i'm not even joking so you have everything that you need on this track if you want to change the track color you go ahead and click it right there change it to blue change it back to orange it really don't matter it has your channel strips your channel strips have everything that you need on it click that channel strip up here you're gonna see like your eq section is gonna have the effects section for your inserts so you go ahead and click that plus button go to insert boom look at all the plugins it's allowing waves plugins they have their own plugins guys all this stuff that they have in here is dope now you got to have waves on your computer but even if you don't it comes with all its own plugins by itself with the software you have nothing to worry about it got everything that you need all for free okay so you can see a bunch of wave plug-ins that i have in here also if i click the waves plug-ins for the insert boom waze plug-in waze plug-in autotune anterior's plug-in another ways plug-in you can pretty much do everything that you need with the software it also has aux scenes just like pro tools or fl studio or logic it has all that stuff already ready to go as you can see i have my aux scene set up and i'm feeding it with some reverb and some delay as well so if i go in and say if i wanted to add a track what you could do in the process is just go in hit audio or hit ctrl t and add track double click it box 2 boom okay drag this down here and look at that look at that got everything you pretty much need right there ready to go okay if you want to set up the inserts for your track right now i'm using voice meter you would click this drop down and then you would go to whatever your audio interface is um audio focusrite whatever the case may be and then hit left that's gonna make it to the mono a left channel you don't want it to be stereo when you're recording vocals okay also other things that it allows you to do is when you go to import audio and you go to let's see um import audio and you go down to like your c drive and play a beat it's going to allow you to play that beat back so you're able to preview it check it out [Music] night destiny entertainment go ahead and end it [Music] yeah look like it's still recording [Music] hey hey hey hey all right all right let's go dope beat that i produced um so yeah guys i promise you this thing is just super powerful it'll if you click it here it allows you to drag the vocals out you know it allows you to do like batch fades envelope changes all kinds of different things with that with the uh program everything crawl spades you you name it everything it allows you to do in this program another thing that that you have your options to it said we went to um i even do it at the top so i don't have to worry about you know you know what maybe i could let me go ahead and hit alt 2 and let me make sure i'm still recording yep i am still recording so when you're recording in the process as you can see down here let me just slide this up some this is your this is your mixer down here now you can arrange these windows as much as you want or change it however you want it's pretty much up to you but as you can see i have all my tracks i have my sin tracks my recording tracks i have the aux sends tracks to feed and some reverbs which i'm doing up here as you can see the delay check this out the program got their own delay on reverb on compressors on eqs everything sounds great same thing over here you know different reverb some feeding some reverb it has a master tracks everything that you pretty much need guys it's all in this program so if i go ahead and exit out of that what i did with this particular sound was so i went for like some travis scott sound okay you don't know what i'm about to do you don't even know me discussing all my business like you are my homie [Music] so yeah guys i mean this thing is super powerful now just in case that you guys don't know what you need to do in the process like i said if you click here this is going to have like your projects your audio library uh templates it's gonna have videos in here uh there's gonna be a whole bunch of sounds and things that you can add to this thing as well let me go ahead and show you that so if i went to the top and i went ahead and added like say if i wanted to do like a rewire it allows you to rewire with fl studio at melodyne waves the whole nine yards what have you wanted to add like a synth and add like your own sound you just go to soft synth if you have like your pretty much your own sounds then you scan for vsts but if you have soft scent just go down to uh let's say like strings or something like that okay you hit okay we're going to drag this down so we're able to see this and you double click or just click this here check it out guys crazy super dope guys super dope crazy that it already comes with this stuff so if you want to make beats or whatever then you go ahead and do that say if you want it like a jump drum pattern or something like that let's go ahead and go down to soft synth and add like some drums boom check it out double click this here or just click it one time go ahead and go to double click what about some rock stuff hey hey [Music] okay so this stuff can work like midi as well so you know what midi information you just set like the output to the input of audio track and you will be able to record that drum pattern as an audio wave file okay so that's pretty dope guys this program have everything that you need input monitoring if you need to record or hear yourself recording it has a record button here the input monitoring if you want to hear yourself if you start the recording you hear like that annoying metronome you can click the metronome and then uh basically toggle it on and off and hit ok or hit apply and it'll pretty much do that for you guys this is a free software it's powerful i definitely recommend that you get it now all right guys so that was pretty much it for the video if you enjoyed this video go ahead and give me a thumbs up leave me some comments let me know what you think be sure to hit that subscribe button as well as that notification bell to get more videos like this in the future guys what do you think about this software i encourage you guys to go ahead and download it i encourage you to put it on your computer even if you have pro tools and all these other software's like me i still have it on my computer because it's that powerful it's a crazy good software and a simple fact that it's free who can beat that it's definitely going to be one of my go-to if i feel like i don't want to mess around in pro tools or whatever and i just want to be different even if i wanted to record a client or anything like that i'll be able to use this software to go ahead and record them because it's that powerful i trust the software it comes with a lot of free plugins the plugins are great the the instruments are great the drum patterns are great everything in the software is great so i'll definitely recommend that you guys go ahead and utilize it leave me some comments let me know what you think if you got anything negative to say i'm a-okay with that just leave me some comments down below with some constructive criticism what you think that i've been doing in these videos if it's a good job or a bad job whatever the case may be go get you some software start recording stay tuned for the next video business like you are my homie call me the tax collector pay me if you owe [Music] i make too much [Music]
Channel: United Destiny Entertainment
Views: 386,154
Rating: 4.900188 out of 5
Keywords: free, software, recording, budget, sonar, cakewalk, bandlabs, daw, mixing, mastering, audio, how to buy, vst, plugins, how to record, help, better than pro tools, which software should I buy, best recording programs, podcast, best software for recording vocals, home studio, free audio tips, record, this software is better than pro tools, united destiny ent, chris lee aka tooney, chris lee, engineer, beats, sound design, vocals, sound efx, waves
Id: AmCEuwopDdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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