Logic Pro 10.7 - Everything Else You Need to Know!

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hey friend chris vanviver here from mylogicprorules.com the website that helps you get the most you can out of apple's logic pro welcome to part two of our deep dive walkthrough of this massive new update of logic pro 10.7 of course the biggest news of 10.7 is that spatial mixing with dolby atmos is now fully integrated and native to logic pro and in part one of this walkthrough we dug deep into the details of how you can get started right now mixing and releasing immersive 3d versions of your own music and as if that wasn't big enough already there's plenty of new content and features and enhancements across the application from new demo projects to producer packs updates to the step sequencer a new look and feel to the application and other enhancements as well so in this video i want to give you the highlight reel of some of the other improvements to the application let's dig in now first things first i just want to bring your attention to the new demo projects that come with 10.7 and in fact i have one loaded up right now you know i can't think of a single other daw out there on the market right now that brings such high profile content to its users ever since logic pro x was released back in 2013 we've had fully mixed and mastered multi-track sessions from the likes of artists such as beck billy eilish and with 10.7 we have not just one but two versions of the hit song montero from the artists lil nas x for you to enjoy and explore and learn from in terms of production at a high level i mean let's just pop these track stacks open we have a fully mixed and mastered version of this song check it out all the plugins all the routing look at that just i mean there's a lot to dig into in this video so we're not gonna go full on in this song here but you can see all the percussion all the vocals with all their processing it's crazy and this clearly is a you know a classic stereo version of this demo song but if we go to file new from template and close this version check it out we have again not one but two versions of this song a classic stereo version and a spatial mixed version as well let's pop it open real quick and now when you explore the spatial mix version it's a whole different mix with 3d objects and surround panning and all sorts of stuff going on which will serve as a wonderful example of how a music mix might work and look and feel in dolby atmos and as you saw in the project user as well there's also a spatial audio live loops grid for you to get immersed in as well also i just want to quickly bring your attention if we go back to new from template and open the project chooser there are eight new starter grids from top producers in the industry from the likes of mark ronson to oak felder track girl and five others these are part of the brand new producer packs that have come to logic pro and what comes with the producer packs are 2 800 new royalty-free apple loops for you to use and sample with in your own projects 120 new instrument patches designed by the producers themselves and also 50 new vintage and modern drum machine kits it's also worth pointing out that these producer packs were first introduced in garageband ios in late july of this past year and like all previous sound packs from garageband they eventually find their way to logic pro and that's because all apple music creation apps share their sound libraries this way you can start a song idea in garageband for ios but then move it to the mac to continue working on your project in logic pro and not have to worry about having different sets of sounds between the two apps so let's open up the mark ronson starter grid just so we can get a sense of what kind of content is coming your way let's just play some of these scenes right now and take a listen [Music] i mean that sounds pretty awesome to me and again these are royalty-free loops for you to use in your own music if we open the apple loops browser we can go up to the loop pack filter here and filter through not just logic's own sound packs but also the producer packs as well so let's select the track girl producer pack and you have 182 new apple loops from this one particular producer and this is already on top of if we go back you know the 20 000 plus apple loops at your disposal already that just comes with logic additionally if we open up the library in logic pro let me just open a new software instrument track and take a look right at the top of the library there's now a sound pack filter so you can narrow down your searches for specific instrument patches to a particular sound pack so if we select the oak felder sound pack we're able to narrow down our focus in the library just to those sounds that came with the oak felder sound pack and i gotta say my favorite new sound pack to logic pro has to be the ultimate 808 which brings all sorts of electronic drum kit sounds but also alchemy patches that just sound awesome let's just play a couple real quick [Music] i mean that sounds pretty mean doesn't it i love it and of course if you go to logic pro sound library and open the sound library manager you can manage different producer packs for your system next i want to bring your attention to some of the updates to the step sequencer in logic first i'm going to select a new drum kit and let's just go back up to that sound pack filter and let's go down to the watch the sound sound pack go to electronic drums and i think this one should probably be pretty good and if we right click or control click in the tracks area we can create a new pattern region which is specific for writing and composing with the step sequencer the step sequencer was first released with the 10.5 update and i have to say it was hands down my favorite feature of that update the step sequencer brings that classic drum machine style workflow to logic pro where each instrument or note is laid across from top to bottom in terms of rows and then you just plug in the notes along the grid where you want them to be performed or played and then you would press play to hear your performance played back and then with the 10.6 update the step sequencer became even more accessible thanks to the updates to logic remote for ios while the step sequencer gets another upgrade and i want to first bring your attention to live record mode using the step sequencer live record mode allows you to be able to perform directly into the step sequencer using a drum pad or a keyboard or even the musical typing in logic pro we have a new live record button right up here in the header of the step sequencer and i'm going to turn on the click i have the cycle range set to my pattern region here and when i hit play i can start to plug in notes into the step sequencer using my novation launchpad here we go [Music] and just like that you're able to perform directly into the step sequencer which really allows you to get the feel of the performance as you're composing and writing but that's not all there is to live record mode in fact i'm going to load another software instrument we'll go to the ultimate 808 and i'll load the crushed 808 base let's create another pattern region and under the functions menu there are live record options you can select when all of these are enabled the step sequencer will make sure to include any sort of velocity information from your performance it will also include the note length of your performance and it will also quantize your performance automatically whereas if you disable velocity every note that you perform will be at the same exact velocity the note length will only be a total of one square along the grid and the step sequencer won't quantize your performance so let's give it a try right now with this 808 [Music] and just like that the note length is included my performance is quantized if we even take a look at some of the velocity info for some of these they're going to be performed at different velocities which is fantastic and obviously you can go in the other direction if you so choose by turning these different options off we can also write automation from our plugins from our instruments from our channel strips into the step sequencer as well so let's give it a try right now with this 808 [Music] that's so awesome you know if we take a look at the automation here my movements with the distortion and alchemy have been written as automation into the step sequencer and if we go to the info pane we can switch our automation mode from that of latch so more robotic sort of movements to that of slide where the movements are more fluid between the different values so let's take a look at alchemy again and just watch the distortion as we play back in latch mode [Music] right so let's now switch this to slide take another look [Music] so cool additionally there's a new real time step mode where you're able to plug in notes by navigating around the grid in the step sequencer using the arrows on your mac and then you can use the apostrophe key command to directly place a note at that point in the step sequencer or use one of the keys or pads on your controller next up is the pitch drums in note mode which i think is going to make a lot of people very happy we take a look at the hi-hats here and we'll expand it we're going to set the mode here to that of note now previous to the 10.7 update if you wanted to pitch the drums up or down using the note mode all that would happen is as you increase the note value of that particular drum it would just change to a different drum in that particular drum kit but now if we change the note we can actually change the pitch of that particular drum which is so awesome let me just plug in a couple more steps and we'll add a couple more notes let's take a listen to that that's awesome and on top of that we now have a root note selector and a scale selector within the step sequencer to set the scale of our drum notes [Music] let's go ahead and get rid of this original 808 performance and we'll create a new pattern and let's turn on mono mode with the brand new mono mode in 10.7 you can now input values for something like a baseline or a lead and have no overlapping notes as you write so if we just start to write anything across the step sequencer take a look and as you saw only one note is input for each step of the 16 steps and if we include the quantization for scale here we can make sure that our baselines and leads are only ever working within the scale that we're writing with in the step sequencer and the other major update to the step sequencer is the ability to not only convert from a pattern region to a midi region but you can now convert many regions to pattern regions as well as we've been able to since 10.5 by right clicking or control clicking going to convert to midi region let's now plug in a couple of notes just anywhere and if we right click our midi region we can go down to convert and use the brand new convert to pattern regen option and as you saw we've converted the midi region to a pattern region and the changes that we've made in the piano roll have been transferred to that of our pattern region the step sequencer really in my opinion has become a force to reckon with i'm so pumped on these changes and in terms of easter eggs or other little workflow enhancements i just want to bring your attention to if we open the mixer let's open an instance of the compressor on our 808 if we now set the side chain to that of another track check it out now the sidechain plugin has a little arrow next to the name of that particular plugin to let us know that that plugin has an external sidechain which is very helpful when you're trying to keep sidechain assignments straight in your sessions on top of that if you go to logic pro and go down to preferences advanced thankfully now you no longer have to enable each and every advanced setting in logic pro now you either turn complete features on or off so let's turn it off right now and you can see now logic is in what is called simplified mode which i think makes logic way more straightforward for a lot of users additionally if we go within the preferences here to midi there's now an option to enable midi 2.0 which opens up a whole new world of creation and resolution with this new midi standard and just one other thing i want to bring to your attention obviously the look and the feel of the logic menus now follow the mac os look and feel but you can change their appearance under display between light or dark or if you have the color scheme of your mac's menus changing throughout the day from light mode to dark mode the logic menus will follow that as well alright that is our deep dive walkthrough of the latest update of 10.7 i hope you agree with me that is a massive update and it brings some amazing new features to logic pro namely the spatial mixing with dolby atmos but of course the massive new updates of content the step sequencer other workflow enhancements across the app i for one am super pumped about this update thanks so much for watching i'll see you later
Channel: Why Logic Pro Rules
Views: 35,526
Rating: 4.9501662 out of 5
Keywords: logic pro x, logic pro, audio, audio production, apple, mixing, audio mixing, recording, audio recording, step sequencer, producer packs, watch the sound, lil nas x, spatial audio, Dolby Atmos, why Logic Pro rules
Id: uKU4xIrdgd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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