This SHOCKING Fish Farm Is Growing Fish Faster Than Ever Before

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lifting water is very heavy and likewise very energy intensive it's much easier to move the Water by doing so one may dramatically reduce energy use a business in Norway called and feared salmon has figured out how to do that very thing their facility is submerged in the ground so the pool is at the same level as the adjacent sea this eliminates the need for water to be pumped in fact they do not have pumps for doing this at all instead they use flow boosters which translates to a lot of energy saved but better than that this fish farm is growing fish faster than ever before land-based fish farmer and Fjord salmon has reported an industry-leading survival rate for the first batch of fish stocked in its flow-through system at countless on the Norwegian island of andoja if there's one certain thing it is that the fish in the pool at clowness Thrive the survival rate is currently at 99.4 percent so how come they're doing this so well the key to this is the natural habitat and feared salmon said that it successfully recreated the Salmon's natural habitat on land without using what it referred to as artificial water treatment methods the company uses deep Wells to provide their fish with water which enters the tank on one side and exits on the other there is no question that both the agricultural business and the stock market have been pleased with their flow through technology so it's great that both the pool functions and the flow through technology work and in this case better than ever and feared salmon stocked approximately 200 000 smolts with an average weight of 120 grams and the company's first land-based pool at clawless on June 25th according to the producer the fish had a healthy appetite and were growing in line with the forecast which is evidence that they were in good health after another three months on September 15th the average weight had increased to 402 grams and now fish stocked in the Norwegian land-based Farmer's first pool have reached an average weight of one kilo well ahead of the late December 2022 forecast meaning they're growing faster than ever at and Fjord summons qualities site the first pool is only the beginning of what the location offers during the second quarter excavation work was done on the next pools which are the pools that are located directly next to the first pool the next months will see more excavation work being carried out and feared salmon has a license that allows for a maximum biomass of ten thousand tons of salmon to be formed at Cronus which is equal to a production volume goal of 19 000 tons annually but how is this fish farming doing so well than others anfield salmon uses flow through technology including technical adjustments produced by The Firm itself different from other land-based projects the facility does not rely on pumping heating cooling or other expensive activities because it uses its one-of-a-kind access to water that has been tempered by coming straight from the Gulf Stream the cost of producing one kilogram of salmon is believed to be as little as one Norwegian krona the Norwegian business was able to prove that its laminar water flow technology works at its first pool after a period of testing that was fruitful this Innovative method recreates the Salmon's natural habitat on land enabling The Firm to manufacture fish at an energy cost of just one kilowatt hour per kilogram and feared salmon has set their sights on the second quarter for the release of its malt and feared salmon has steadily raised the intensity of its flow through technology technology experiments in the course of the testing they have made use of the whole water intake and Outlet infrastructure fill the pool turned on the power adapters incrementally increase the laminar water flow from its lowest to its maximum measured the water flow and analyzed how the pool infrastructure responds to the laminar water flow in fact this proves the claim that they have been successful in recreating the natural habitat of wild salmon on land they have created a laminar water flow in their pool comparable to what salmon experience in the wild never before have they been so confident in their ability to create the world's most environmentally friendly aquaculture operation that's why the Norwegian government has let anfield salmon farm up to 10 000 metric tons of salmon under the terms of a concession to reduce the likelihood that marine life would come into contact with pollutants or other potentially hazardous chemicals the facility has been constructed to be free of salmon lice and toxic algae with strong barriers to prevent escapements and discharge Wastewater following Norwegian Norms the laminar water flow is the heart of anfield Salmon's flow through technology this technique makes it possible to simulate a natural setting where the salmon can live and grow to their full potential as an added bonus it enables the business to mass produce fish while incurring in energy cost of only one kilowatt hour per kilogram because there is no need to raise filter or heat the salt water a flow through system that uses laminar water flow results in a considerable reduction in energy consumption and the expenses connected with it for the simplest reason that the salt water comes straight from an and Fjord which ensures that it is pristine and always at the ideal temperature for fish and feared salmon has reached a significant new technical Milestone which serves as a wonderful Christmas gift for our shareholders by using the technology they've developed in-house even while they had full faith in the Technology's potential they never lost sight of the reality that practical application was the ultimate measure of success as such the fact that they successfully verify the laminar water flow is a huge factor in reducing the associated risk with moving forward with this business plan the following months we'll see further testing and fine adjustment to the laminar water flow technology as well as other pool functionalities to supply its flow through salmon farm and feared salmon pumps water from a depth of around 40 meters the water is replaced 15 to 17 times in 24 hours the water intake for the company's pools is located below the surface of the water since they're dug into the Bedrock of the island this reduces the energy required to pump water in the pools which are square in form and use laminar flow are designed to simulate a cross-section of the Gulf Stream current the density at Harvest way is predicted to be between 35 and 40 kilograms per meter cubed the first pool for anfield salmon that had undergone a rigorous testing program of standard functions has the firm confidence in its outcomes all of their questions were answered throughout the testing procedure they drained the water and adjusted the valves that control the water level inside and outside the pool lately now they're getting ready to put the laminar water flow through its Paces in a series of more rigorous tests as of now and feared salmon is beginning a very promising era the next pool finishing tasks including installing water measuring devices power switches at the last of the water intake filter have been completed successfully by and feared salmon the outer section of the water inlet pipeline has also been successfully installed meaning that and feared salmon can now Source fresh sea water from below the level where lice and algae live the first pool as well as the inlet and outflow pipes have been put through a comprehensive functional testing procedure the major role of this structure has been to test the pool's many components and Equipment using salt water this includes things like power converters sensors and the filtration systems for the discharge of water so far the outcomes of technical tests have been reliable and consistent in light of this the future of new fish farming methods using laminar flow might not be very far or maybe it's already here
Channel: STORIUM
Views: 379,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish farming, fish farm, catfish farming, salmon fish
Id: 8L1gyKhumhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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