Catfish Farming Business, Millions of Profit! How to Start A Catfish Farm & Preparing for Breeding!

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi guys [Music] it's a beautiful day once again and welcome back to Dexter's World Channel today's video allowed me to make an update about our catfish breeding [Music] well since time when we started this cat is breeding we were actually experiencing so many ups and downs through the years we were able to develop a system our own method wherein we became successful in breathing and breathing this baby catfish [Music] and our method of breathing is actually natural we don't kill the male catfish but of course we use the hormone we inject the over cream for the female catfish to be induced to lay their eggs and we have so many videos in the past about breeding of this catfish the combination of the natural and the artificial and the pure natural I would like to say that the most effective in a so far as I'm concerned is the mixture of the natural and artificial breeding foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you what we are doing now is actually catching all the female to be injected with this over cream we are set to breed our Fest tonight so we actually had prepared already this spawning tank and then allowed this fish to to breed and I use this nylon threads in order to collect the eggs and we have already many videos in the past that showing how to take care of the fry and this is very exciting because the Fry at the age of 1 to 10 days old is very delicate that if we will commit mistake they will all die so the process of ribbing the fry is actually a tedious task we have to monitor the pH level of the water we have to maintain the six to 6.5 pH level and also the kind of food should be live food in as far as I'm concerned because I have tried already giving their this commercial pellet yet the mortality is high so I'm giving them the daphnia and even this tube effects worm I also have the vast supply of the tube effects worm because it can just be you know easily gathered along the silver rates the rivers and the canals and in our place we had so many here foreign and I have selected at least 10 pregnant female catfish as you can see here they are the most pregnant that are ready to breed we are actually doing the massive breeding in our system here we will allow them to lay their eggs and we are doing this in a shallow tank these are just simple tanks that everyone can afford this is just made of wood and a tarp and then you put the new water with this egg collector and then let them lay their eggs after four to seven days you will see that the baby catfish will freely swim and they are very healthy and that's the time that you will introduce the live food in my experience insofar as this breeding of catfish is concerned is the fact that they are best to be bred when there is full moon I don't know what's the connection of this but I had this observation that when Whenever there is Moon we can collect or we can hatch so many eggs foreign and guys you will see here that we have some pregnant you know catfish and there is a technique actually in holding this because this has turns it's really very painful if you will be injured and this is the proper way of handling it I guess this is the way so we have to clip the body with our fingers in order to protect us from getting hurt and we will put this here wow relaxation and after they got injected of course you will wait for eight hours before they gonna be placed in the spawning tank because after injection you cannot mix them with the meal because the male will certainly become very aggressive I'm injecting 0.4 ml to the big cut first and 0.2 ml to the male catfish and they will become you know entice to breed and this fish hormone is just available online you can just buy this one and anytime you can try to adapt also the system that we are teaching here we have got more than 300 and we are still counting because I thrown in here some 500 breeders we don't need many breeders of course because we can already produce thousands by just you know using one or two or three female breeders as long as you can you know raise all the fries and make them live but in my case since I'm you know doing video I really would like to you know have this many breeders in order for us to have a lively video about catfish and I'm so excited because in just a period of three months we were able to grow the catfish big and yesterday I made a transfer of the catfish I harvested the babies right here and transferred it to the circular attack because we're trying also to raise catfish in in the circular tank in preparation of our aquaponic system we will use the catfish and I'm so amazed that they are already big in just a period of three months I'm so happy with this and feel you know satisfied with the result because I know that even if you don't have this mad pan you just maintain this concrete tank with the correct you know filtration system then this catfish will Thrive and they will grow and we will be able to produce massively of this kind of fish [Music] it's our practice that during the time of the selection of breeders we have to get them all and we have to reduce the water at the lowest level in order for us to be able to have good choices I had a video about how to condition the catfish in order to develop eggs in their belly and one of which is the chicken entrails the chicken liver and the meat of the chicken we can do that and this is giving us good results we will try to use this circular tank in order to advance our desire also to do the aquaponics and the aquaponics system is very natural and very organic that we can try learning together using this tank and of course I've learned also in other channels about this aquaponics and I'm so glad to learn that this catfish can also be an effective material for our aquaponics system and and thinking about vegetables and this is going to be our future project we will putting up frames and circular tubes right here using this water from this very particular tank of catfish and I would like to remind you that the system that we had here is giving us good chance to increase the stacking density because under the funnel type system we can just easily get the the waste and even the toxic sediments out of this tank in order to maintain the quality of the water and we will try this one I'm not using any more any filtration of course and I'm just regularly draining out the dirt and I believe that this will work because it's my observation that this catfish don't require actually the finest filtration system unlike the Goldfish and this Japanese koi so I hope this will prosper and please be with me as we are going to venture another project of this aquaponics system [Music] so guys this is all that we can share I hope that you will continue to like and share our videos because we are uploading videos regularly and if it is your first time to stumble upon this channel may I hardly ask you to please subscribe and hit that notification Bell because we are uploading informative and very educational videos we don't keep secrets we always reveal secrets that working good for us and I would like to see you in my next video on here at Dexter's world [Music] [Applause] [Music] tried and true
Channel: Dexter's World
Views: 685,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catfish, Catfish Farming, Modern method in farming catfish, Breeding catfish, Growing catfish on mud ponds, Catfish massive breeding, Raising catfish for food, Fresh Water Catfish, Catfish farm, Mud pond, Catfish Farming business, Feeding catfish, Raising catfish on concrete tank, raising catfish on mudponds, harvesting fish, harvesting catfish, thousands of catfish, millions of catfish, native catfish, catfish farming philippines, philippines farming, philippines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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