BANNED in america but POPULAR in asia, here’s why asian arowanas are ILLEGAL in United States

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[Music] hello everyone my name is Roger and welcome to Tash Mahal Aquatics aranas are widely popular fish in Asia especially in China and Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia Singapore or Indonesia Asian Arana are a living Treasure of Asia as they are the most priced fish previously I made a video about species of arijana from the most unique to the most expensive ones that are so expensive that you can literally buy a car with the fish but one thing that I didn't quite highlight in that video is that Asian arowana are illegal in the US yes if you live in the United States of America then you can't have this fish in your home they're illegal to own and sell there's no way you can have this fish in your home and if you ever try to have this fish you will find yourself in trouble with the law but despite being banned in the US this fish is very popular in Asia and you can buy this fish without any problem at all and it's completely legal to buy and own and you will not get in trouble with the law but why why are these underwater dragons Bann in the US but not in Asia [Music] and what makes the Asian arowana ban in the US and are all arowanas Bann in the US and why are arowanas popular in Asia and why are arowanas not banned in Asia and how can you even have arowanas without even being in trouble with the law in Asian countries [Music] so let's start with why Asian arowanas are banned in the United States of America and what makes them banned in the first place so the reason why these dragon fish are banned in the US is because these fish are an endangered species yes Asian arowanas are listed as a critically IND dangered species and they're in a CES appendix one which means it's severely endangered and that's the reason why the Asian arijana are banned in the US and probably you will never have this fish if you live in the US because they're critically endangered and importing this fish to the US is illegal though s stated that now importing this fish is allowed under specific guidelines and permission but in the US this fish is still illegal the law doesn't support the import of this fish to the [Music] US so the reason you can't have this fish in the US is because these fish are critically endangered but how can this fish be an endangered species the population of these fish has been declining due to over fishing because of the high value of this fish and since they're a local food source back in the day people started to wild catch these fish in the early days other factors like habitat destruction and environmental changes are also driving this fish to Extinction and because of it Asian arijana are listed as an endangered species and this fish was placed on appendix one by Ces and that's why countries like the United States of America baned this fish in 1975 Asian aruana became one of the only eight species of fish listed on appendix one which means they are severely [Music] endangered so with all of that explanation does that mean all arowana species are banned in the US well the answer is not arowanas are not only from Asia but there are many arowana species in the world and there are some species that you can keep legally Asian arowanas may be banned but there are other arowana species that you can safely keep the safest option is silver arowana since they're not an endangered species and you can safely keep this fish without getting in trouble with the law another option will be jardini if you want something that was close enough to an Asian arijana and it's also legal in the us too but if you want to really play safe just stick around with the silver arowana [Music] if you ever wish there's a possible way for you to have this fish in the US then I don't think so yes I did see some articles that said you need a certain permit to own Asian arijana but I don't think that permit is not for personal keep and maybe the permit is for something like zoo or public aquariums to display this fish and I did see some online petition to legalize the Asian arijana but I think I won't see a possible way to own this fish in the US and before I go any further I just want to say that the United States of America might not be the only country to ban these fish and there's might be other countries that bans these fish too for a reason so for you my American viewers the only way to own this fish is to leave the country and go to a place where you can keep this fish without getting in trouble with the law or if you don't want to then I guess you should be happy with the silver arowana [Music] instead if in the US Asian arowanas are banned then in Asia it's a whole different story in Asia especially in China and Southeast Asian country these fish are completely legal and not just legal these fish are very popular in Asian countries especially in China and many Southeast Asian countries like Thailand Malaysia Singapore and Indonesia and of course the import if this fish is highly regulated with a specific criteria to make sure that sellers can sell these fish legally and hobbyists can enjoy this fish without getting in trouble with the [Music] law so the reason why Asian arowanas are legal to sell in many Asian countries is because all of the arowanas that are sold are captive breed arowana and not well caught arijana in order to trade this fish legally it has to be a captive red fish and it has to follow certain regulation and specific criteria to make this fish legal to trade and hobbyist can enjoy these dragon fish without getting in trouble with the law [Music] the only way to legally sell and import Asian arowana is to make sure the arowanas are a captive bread arowana and not a wild cut only a captive bread arowana that can be legally sold and imported and the fish that are bred has to be at least two generations and to make sure the arowanas are legal to trade under sides the fish must be documented in two ways with an implanted microchip and certificate certificate will be a proof of authenticity and the microchip will be used for identifying individual fishes and also proof of authenticity too both microchip and certificate are also appr proof that the fish that are sold is a farm raised and legal to trade under CES every customer who buys a fish from a shop or a farm will be given the certificate as aof and that's the only legal way to trade this fish [Applause] Asian arowanas are the most popular and precious fish in the fish keeping World especially when you are talking about Golden and super red arowana these fish are the most precious Treasure of Asia for their stunning color their beautiful color is so beautiful that hobbyists are willing to pay ridiculously expensive just to have these fish in their home Aquarium and their beauty will always be Irreplaceable these dragon fish are a symbol of luck wealth happiness and strength for everyone who has these fish [Music] [Music] so that is why Asian arowanas are banned in the United States of America but so popular and not not ban from every Asian countries yes every country has their own rule regarding this Asian dragon fish and even though this fish is an endangered species captive breeding are trying to do their best to keep this Asian treasure alive maybe this hobby might not be helping but the captive breeding of these fish are not only keeping the hobby alive but also maintaining the population of these fish so these fish can live and Thrive for the future to come and as long as the fish that are traded are captive breed fish then it's totally okay as long as it's not from the wild and that is why Asian arijana is legal to trade in Asian countries and does your country B Asian arijana let me know in the comment section cuz I want to know so that's the reason why these fishes are banned in the States but not in Asia and what do you think about this video do you find it to be informative and amusing or is there information that was wrong in this video let me know in the comment section below cuz I want to know and also if I missed some information that I should have mentioned in this video let me know as well and that's a wrap for this video and make sure to like this video if you enjoy your it and share this video to your friends if you find it to be informative and amusing leave your ideas feedback and your opinion about this video in the comment section and subscribe to this channel if you like the stuff that I made cuz there will be more in the future thanks for watching and keep leing the fish life me me me me me
Channel: Radja Taj Mahal Aquatics
Views: 5,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why are asian arowana illegal in the us, Asian arowana in usa, Arowana breed, Arowana breeding, Asian arowana king of diy, Asian arowana fish, Asian arowana breeding, Buying asian arowana, Best asian arowana, Asian arowana canada, Asian arowana care guide, Asian arowana care, Asian arowana fish care, Asian arowana farm, Asian arowana fish farm, Asian arowana in wild, Asian arowana in the wild, Asian arowana natural habitat, Asian arowana, Arowana, Predator fish, Fish
Id: sA7nUHoJqSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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