This Sharpener Made My Butter Knife RAZOR Sharp!

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all right guys so in today's video this was an Instagram ad that I got sent to me probably a hundred times what it is is a very unique knife sharpener this one the ad that I got sent to me said it was a tum the brand was Tumblr this one is hurl or something uh I saw like four or five different versions of this on Amazon so I'm just assuming that they all just use the same manufacturer and just slap uh different brand names on it this knife sharpener they said that it could sharpen a butter knife to be shaving sharp and that's what they showed in their ad so we're obviously going to test that but first we're just obviously going to just simply test does it work because that's that's the first thing we need to know before we try to sharpen a butter knife take a look at this thing it's very it's very different compared to any other knife sharpener that I've ever seen [Music] so from what I understand this will be the knife that we're using it's got this base that's a that's a magnet and you just stick your knife to it I guess make sure it's flat on the ground and you take this it's got like bearings in it for you to just roll back and forth and you just butt it up against your knife oh that's weird you just roll it back and forth and then eventually it'll sharpen your knife first of all let's go ahead and see how sharp this knife is to start we'll make it dull and then we'll see if we can resharpen it you guys already know the sharpness tester you guys know how this work how this works let's see where we're at to start oh we're at a 385 not that great and this knife is like brand new right out of the box so so we're starting at 385 I have my professional grade knife dulling device let's do that oh that noise okay that's enough that's like 400 years of abuse in two seconds otherwise we'll go ahead and see see where we're at now I can feel how rough it is this is probably going to be like close to a thousand if I had to guess it might be over a thousand okay 8 45 very very very bad so let's see if this thing can bring us back see there's one downside to this you only get a 15 or a 20 degree option um I guess we'll go 20 degrees I learned this the last time I went down the knife sharpening rabbit hole you need to take a sharpie and mark the edge so you can see where it's being sharpened and where it's not being sharpened a lot of you guys told me that in the comments even though a lot of you were very rude about it I think 15 degrees is our winner 15 degrees looks like it's where it's taking it off the edge all right so I guess I'm just gonna sit here and grind on this thing uh for a while and we'll come back and see if it's sharp all right guys so before we go any farther this video is sponsored by manscapes manscapes has sent me their performance package 4.0 so let's see what's inside so first and foremost you get the lawnmower 4.0 this is a completely wireless trimmer it's waterproof it has skin safe technology it also has a little light so it has that skin safe technology where you're not going to cut and Nick yourself that's very nice it comes with a wireless charger that is also a stand so you can just put it on your sink it comes with two different guards so that you can trim at two different lengths it also comes with a bottle of ball deodorant and a bottle of ball toner two things that are very nice and if we just look under here you get a no you get a free toiletry bag and then now the focus of this so now the star of the show you get a pair of these anti-chaping boxer briefs which they just released uh new designs of these and now instead of just the black you can get up to six different pairs and you can if you just want these by themselves you can buy just one pair or you can go all the way up to a three pack so you can just pick three you like get them all at once so that's very nice so if you're interested in any of this stuff or some of the other things that I think are essential they also have a cologne that smells amazing and they also have a nose and ear hair trimmer so if you're interested in any of this stuff you can click the link in the top of the description and you can use code tube and you will get 20 off plus free shipping all right so I've been using uh this course side for quite a while now I've done both sides and I gotta say actually I kind of figured that like just because of the way this is that maybe it might be a little bit like awkward or weird to use but I actually kind of like it it's very unique and it's like actually pretty nice you can just kind of you know work over here or you can go down the whole blade if you want or you can just kind of you know do pretty much whatever you want and then it just kind of rolls itself for you I really like this thing and it also feels like it's working because just by feeling the edge I can tell you that there's already a pretty sharp edge forming uh from grinding it on the cinder block I think this is actually going to do pretty good I'm actually going to be kind of impressed because my like honestly my hopes or my expectations weren't very high for this so let's flip it over to the uh not course this is the course side the more smooth side I'm gonna see if maybe it has says like what grit each one is well so far I don't think it says what grit each side is half this half of this manual is in German so whatever I guess we'll just go coarse and fine is what we'll call it let's get to this all right so we've now done it on both sides I think we're done with that I can tell you right now this is sharp this is this is much sharper than what I thought it was going to be I can just feel how grippy it is we all know that no knife sharpening is complete without a little strop so let's go ahead and do a little strop and we'll test it all right I think oh this is gonna be this is gonna be good so we started off at what after the cinder block like 8 45 let's see where we're at now we're at 1 15. I mean that 115 is Razer Blade territory like I would almost bet yeah shave hair off your arm sharp I didn't I didn't expect it to make it that sharp especially after being ground on a cinder block I'm impressed I'm really impressed with that that's crazy so now I guess uh we moved to step two because we know now it can sharpen a knife we gotta see if we can make a butter knife razor sharp I think I'm gonna go 20 degrees oh this is going to be we're gonna be here for a while just doing this well I mean it's working it's taking metal off I'll see you guys in like 17 hours whenever I get this thing halfway ground down all right so I think I've got a little bit of a system down here and I am excited to say that it is coming along pretty good so I've clamped the thing down and then I've been using this pen as like a spacer so I can just kind of like put this here and then it'll all stay in place while I do my thing I've lost track of time if I had to guess I'd say probably close to two hours but you can see there's one little piece or at least hopefully hopefully you can see there's one little piece of like the the teeth that are left everything else is kind of pretty much gone both sides look pretty good The Edge is uh it just looks a little wonky I don't really know why I'm assuming it's just because where I'm rolling this thing which by the way my hand is like like cramping up from holding this for so long and just going like this over and over and over it's a little bit tough over like a long period of time doing something like this to keep this completely straight back and forth and sometimes it gets a little like turned this way or that way so like it kind of makes the end result look a little bit weird I mean it feels pretty sharp and I feel like it's working let me let's go ahead and test how sharp it is really anything under a thousand or under 800 I'll be impressed with I mean 340 especially since we're still on the course side and we haven't even done the the final touches 340 is kind of a little bit crazy for a butter knife we're definitely in the right direction and this thing is definitely working so I'm gonna go ahead I think I'm done with the coarse side I'm gonna go ahead and flip over to the other side and then uh we'll see how sharp we can get this thing all right I think that I am just about as far as I can go and I feel like I feel like my hand is starting to cramp up to a point where I don't think I can do anymore I'm gonna go ahead and call that good I'm actually like I said before this thing is actually really impressing me and I wouldn't be surprised if this thing is legitimately close to razor sharp so gentle with that let's move that off to the side we got to give it a good give it a good strop maybe I'm a little bit biased because I'm the one that did the sharpening but I think this is going to be a really low number let's hope for less than a hundred I mean we got pretty close 125 I don't even remember what the uh what the kitchen knife was but it wasn't it was like really close to that maybe it was like 115 or something with this we were able to get both things about equal sharpness a kitchen knife and a butter knife that's pretty impressive I did not expect that I guess the only thing left to do now is is it shaving Sharp that is like actually super shaving shark that's crazy so anyway like I said I uh I didn't I honestly didn't believe that uh this thing was gonna really work at all to begin with just because it's so just weird like I just never saw anything like it and just rolling a knife sharpener I just didn't think it was gonna work so I'm impressed that it works for one but for two I'm also impressed that it like does that it actually does what they showed in the commercial because that's so rare for something to actually perform the way that it's advertised very happy to see that but you know what will make me even more happy it can cut a water bottle in half because none of my knife tests are complete until they cut the water bottle in half it's gonna be a little bit tougher because this is the only plastic bottle that I have in my possession and it's a little bit thicker than regular plastic so I think if I can cut just the top off I'm counting that as a win because that's still very impressive oh I got it like what is that like 90 okay I mean that's pretty impressive right and of course just for fun let's go for the rest of it but anything because the plastic is just so plastic it's just so thick I definitely did get water on the ceiling I I don't think it did anything okay so the only cut we got was this but this plastic is much thicker I mean I'm still impressed so I mean I made it 90 95 of the way through that is the uh tumbling uh knife sharpener works better than expected hope you guys enjoyed it thank you so much for watching see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TylerTube
Views: 751,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyler tube, tylertube, experiment, testing, experiment
Id: bXihVf_J6vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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