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[Music] Hello everybody welcome back to the channel or welcome if you are new in today's video I thought I'd take a little break from my let's play and show you guys a new save file that I have been wanting to play for so so long and I've been wanting to check it out I don't know if it's brand new or effort totally forgot um but I've been wanting to check it out for so long I found it on Twitter it is just called the ultimate save and to say that I'm excited for this is an understatement I am like ecstatic like whatever is above excited like I am just so so excited for this every single neighborhood or world is renovated and I did take a little sneak peek at Willow Creek I took a little sneak peek at tartosa I am just blown away already by some of the builds so we're gonna go ahead and get started I'm gonna just kind of start from start from Willow Creek and then we will go from there look at the households look at the buildings all the just all that fun stuff so yeah so just from like the first impressions of this this person whoever made this is an amazing amazing Builder I believe correct me if I'm wrong it was like a couple of Builders like all in one that kind of teamed up on this and made it um together I don't know if I'm right or not maybe I'm thinking about another save but anyways like this is just amazing like absolutely amazing um I can already tell you that these suburban homes over here are completely my style I absolutely love these we even have an updated goth household and then we still have the pancakes um I don't know if there's gonna be a um here's the bio I don't know if if that was the original bio for them or what um but yeah there's no bio there's nothing really changed about the the goth family obviously their looks are changing but um we still have everyone that was in the base game um and this just looks like oh my gosh just like look at these houses especially the goth family household like I am so so excited to get into these these just look absolutely amazing they look expensive but um but they look amazing um but we are actually gonna start out with this park okay so the detail in this is absolutely amazing I wonder if it has any lot trades no it doesn't but you can easily add those but like look look at this detail and like I'm not getting any lag which is surprising like my game is running so so smooth right now I don't know how but just just look at it we even have a little Garden area over here and also the fact that I have um boa dreams restrade is like making everything 10 times amazing oh they even stacked up some like little pots I mean yeah like little planter pots um we have like a kind of like a greenhouse type deal going on I just love this so so much oh my gosh I like I wouldn't have ever thought to add a garden like this so rustic and just like so detailed um and then we have this little oh I believe this came with the did this come with a new pack or no no I don't think it did we did get something like this I don't know what I'm what I was thinking of but we did get something like this with the new growing together pack we have like little drink stands here like some hot cocoa some apple cider a little sitting area and just the detail of this like whole Center is just amazing um and it looks like they put some little like um what are these like the they trigger like a dragonfly swarm or they trigger like a firefly like that is so so detailed like I would love to just be here at night and see like all the fly the fireflies and stuff like that um and then this little Center area with this Fountain like how did they even oh my gosh that's how they did this are you kidding me okay I'm gonna mess that up oh let me go back they literally took little shrubs little bushes size them down and place them on here are you kidding me that is like so so creative and so so detailed I think this is like a big one yeah that's like a one big thing um but it's a debug item as well like oh my gosh I could just get lost in here like if your sim loves nature loves gardening like this is like a perfect perfect place to come um there even is they included a playset over here for kids so it's not like there's nothing to do for kids um and then we have some um chess tables over here and bathrooms of course and the bathrooms are even matching like the whole vibe of this place with like the plants and stuff like that and you can come and fish too because they have added fish of course um so yeah that is the little Central Park area okay the next place I wanted to go check out is I don't even I'm not gonna try to say that I really don't want to like I don't not offend somebody like I don't think that would offend anybody but like I just don't want to try to say that I feel like I'm gonna embarrass myself but just look at this um let me hold on let me put this up real quick this is a restaurant that I wanted to check out but look at this look at this you guys like this is how this area of Willow Creek should have looked like this just looks so alive and stunning and so fun like I would totally send my Sims here for like a night on the town just like going to each and every single place like this just looks absolutely amazing I wouldn't even looks like they have a movie theater here um I forgot what this lot I think this was a club I'm pretty sure we'll have to check that out here in a minute um but like it's just so detailed it's so alive and everything still looks cohesive it still has that same um type of architecture that like a Victorian style like old is something you would see in like Louisiana like downtown like oh my gosh this is just so I can't stop staring at it it's just so incredible okay look at that side and then and then that side like which one do you like better like it is night and day like it is such a huge difference um so Props to the person who created this because this is just absolutely mind-blowing so much attention to detail so much love was was gone into this um and I'm just so excited to like get into this even more okay so actually getting into this restaurant that I was talking about um I love how between the buildings um well at least this one you have like these lights I think it's yeah I think there's one over here too I just love this like it just adds to the realism of it even put like a little um a little trolley car right here which is just the attention to detail like this is what this is something you would find in like a like a old school downtown area if you know what I mean like in the in the downtown area that I live at we have a trolley that actually still works um people don't actually like use it to go places but let's use it for fun um I just think that is so so cool okay so we're gonna get into this restaurant I love the coloring I love the siding on the outside it's just like big and bold and I cannot wait to see this place at night like that oh wait I think I can actually oh my gosh I'm stupid I can actually oh oh my gosh like oh my gosh look at this just look at this this is amazing I'm just speechless okay but going in to this restaurant we will start on the first floor um I just love the coloring in here I love the choice of um like old style furniture I'm so happy that they didn't like modernize it you know what I mean like the outside and everything and they stuck with it on the inside too like it's not it's not modern it looks like somewhere you would go that has been there for hundreds of years maybe not hundreds of years but like has been there since like you know the early 1900s and we even had like Victorian style paintings like ugh I just love it there's even a little Library Nook up here and there's tons of seating um and I love how the upstairs we have the kitchen instead of it being downstairs oh and look at this staircase here I love that that's also something you find a lot of times in like old Victorian style buildings is like the stairs like overlooks um the first floor so that's amazing and we got some bathrooms here and we even have outdoor seating which would be such like oh my gosh just imagine going on a little date here that would be so amazing I just I can't I love it so so much all right so we are going to check out probably one of the other buildings that are on the street okay so the next building that I wanted to check out is actually two buildings but it is all in one lot it is a museum I'm guessing um I mean that was like what the symbol was it was a museum but what's dreaming to this is the fact that there's two buildings so I'm super super interested to see what is on the inside of these and also like I said before this trolley car is just so so cute I absolutely love that touch that they did and then all the lighting on the outside it just looks so beautiful um I'm actually gonna switch it over to night again just to see what it looks like again oh even during like the evening it's just so beautiful but look at this like just look at this like imagine just having your Sims come over here and like going from building to building and just like uh on a cute little day and like there's even outdoor seating area over here like over here oh they just completely like redid this whole thing I'm guessing they had to use the um tool mod for this if I am correct I don't know I haven't played with it much but uh I just love this I love it I love it I love it they just redid the whole town completely um so yeah let's get inside these two buildings I'm really curious to see what is inside um and yeah this does look like a museum um we have some statues um some books and it just looks all you know fancy and we have some art yeah some fancy art another statue up here I love it I love it I love how it's like a there's like a theme to it it's not just random sculptures like sometimes you see like the museums that the Sims uh like The Sims team has created and sometimes it's just like random objects like there's nothing special about them they're literally just like like for example they'll just throw a little vase in there like it's just so random but this is like there's actually a theme to it there's like sculptures and stuff like that um so I appreciate that a lot um and they you know stuck with that like old style Victorian theme and we have a little another little reading Nook over here this is just like mesmerizing like all just I can't explain like what the building style is and like their decorating style is but it's just mesmerizing it fits in with the Sims and with the theme of you know Willow Creek so so well like it doesn't stick out it doesn't and like not in a bad way like obviously obviously it sticks out because it's amazing but it doesn't stick out of the theme is what I'm trying to say like it this is what the Sims team should have done with Willow Creek like this is just amazing I'm gonna keep saying that like it's just amazing um so we're gonna check out what this building is over here oh it looks like it's a little cafe too so after you you know get done looking at the Museum or before whatever you can come over here and have a drink in the cafe and again the same thing with the whole building style is just so so beautiful oh my gosh the staircase and like uh overlooking the front like I just I love it we got some bathrooms up here they even decorated the bathroom as well like that's how you know that this person is dedicated like I would literally just throw some gray stalls in here and be done with it because I'm just like impatient when it comes to building sometimes but like even the bathrooms are adorable I just absolutely love this and oh my goodness there's like a little wait what is in here can they get up here or no I don't think they can I don't see a staircase or anything but there's a door up here with a seating maybe there's just for decoration if it is then that's even more amazing the fact that your Sims literally can't even get up here but they added it anyways just for detail like they could have just pulled this roof in and not even bother but they literally like went all out I just I love it I love it so so much I appreciate this person so so much and look at this with like the lighthouse in the back oh my gosh okay in the household that I wanted to check out was actually the goth household this build just screams goth to me like this is what I would imagine that the goth family's house would look like like this is just absolutely beautiful this like this huge like turret like oh my gosh the turret on the side right here with all these windows like creepy looking um I don't know what you what do you call these like just over head walkway I guess um it's just amazing I love it so yeah let's get into the first floor um here is the living room area with a huge fireplace of course and we even have like I don't know maybe this is like Bella goth or something we even have some statues in here um I actually really really like the kitchen it's a little bit it's different um and then let's go upstairs and wow the glamor like this is goth glamor for sure um and we have a little kid's bedroom we have a beautiful piano and I just love it oh I love how they use this wallpaper I think this is like one of my favorite wallpapers in the game I don't use it as often as I should just because it's like patterned but I I love it I love it and then we even have a little fireplace in the golf uh or the master bedroom I guess you could say and I'm not gonna go I'm not gonna check out this one but just from the outside of it like this is absolutely amazing this person paid so much attention to detail and they're really accurate with the whole like Victorian housing thing so I absolutely love it okay so the next town that I wanted to check out is oasis Springs I think Oasis Springs is probably my favorite town in The Sims 3. um just because like the weather and like just everything is always so beautiful um it doesn't really rain here that often I just think it's really beautiful um one thing that really caught my eye is this little cafe or this little restaurant over here um and also we're gonna have to check out this Cafe like I am very very curious about this little build that they did on top of it um so yeah let's go ahead and just Dive Right In okay one thing I absolutely love is how they added cars out here of course we can't drive those carbs and not in The Sims 4. um but I just love that added detail I love the added detail of these like glass um I don't know just like the things that are hanging over the parking spot I don't know what you even call these and then this sign this sign is just like so fitting with the whole theme of it um so this looks like you're kind of like traditional Diner I guess you would say like not a restaurant but a diner and I absolutely love it absolutely love all the lights um others even like what is this oh this is this is a tool they put a little area for the host and even though the host can't sit they added a chair like this is just so cute um and we even have like little booths here we have like little um like high tables and short tables like just like a mix of everything and I don't know what they used for this oh pristine pedestal okay that is very very interesting um that is so so gorgeous um but yeah this and this is what it looks like on the outside like just look at this this looks like your traditional like your traditional Diner I absolutely love it all right so the next place I wanted to check out like I said is this Cafe um and it is actually a bowling alley as well um and I am just like amazed at how how they did this like it looks at first I thought it was some kind of like business or like it just kind of looks like a like a satellite you know what I mean like there's like a newscast or something going on um but this is actually a bowling alley and a cafe and there's nothing in here um you can't your Sims can't go into it but it is just amazing to look at like um but yeah I will show you guys what this looks like so on the main this main floor you're welcome you got a cafe adorable little cafe a lot of seating I absolutely love the flooring I love the color scheme we even have um some plates already out here um I'm guessing from just when I was running the game for a little bit um and then here we have our bathrooms and then you come through these glass doors up here to this you know this is where you would check in this is where you would get your shoes if we all have been to a bowling alley you know that um and then we have more shoes over here we have um where you can get your bowling balls and then you come downstairs into the basement I mean it's technically built as a basement but it looks like it's it's open you know what I mean so it's not like you're going down into an actual basement like technically you are because that's just like how you have to build it but it's so open and it just looks like like I don't know it's just so beautiful you have all these um bowling lanes down here with tons of seating a TV at every single station two bars like it just can't get any better than this like this is just so so beautiful and not to mention it's it's better because the lag is like I feel like when you go downstairs in The Sims games the lag is like so much better so we love that okay so the next place I wanted to check out is the Oasis Springs Park and just right off the bat I already know that I'm gonna love this so so much I love this little like modern it's like a food court we have like little um food stands over here underneath this like platform type thing um well I don't know what you would call it and then like a more modern seating and um they even added like um the fake grass up here so it's just more like one with nature I guess you could say um and then we have a full-blown basketball court over here that looks so realistic um because it has this like I mean like this fencing and then we have like basketballs and soccer balls over here um and then we even we still have a play area for the kids and we even have another Garden kind of like in the um Willow Creek the Willow Creek Park and they even added little scrapping machines and flower arranging tables so you can come here with your family and just basically do it all like you can literally do it all I love the whole layout of it it's so so beautiful it's definitely more of a more it's definitely more of a modern approach and I like it I appreciate it um so yeah that is the Oasis Springs Park and I will say that we still do have the Caliente family and we also have um the lane grabs um but it doesn't look like they have updated their features or anything I think this save is mainly for the architecture and the different builds and stuff like that um but yeah if so if you are looking for a save that has renovate or made over completely with the Sims made over the townies made Overlook everything I believe this is just a um build or an architecture makeover or lot makeover so yeah I just wanted to point that out there um but we still have the zests as well and he is living in a trailer and we still have these adorable mid-century homes and the Spanish themed homes um so yeah and just real quick I wanted to take a sneak peek at new Crest I'm not going to go into any of the homes we um we'll go ahead and do that like in the other towns but it looks like they did just add a bunch of housing um so it's kind of just like a huge huge neighborhood and then they also updated Magnolia Promenade we have a restaurant here which looks amazing it looks more like of a City downtown area instead of just like those small buildings that the Sims team had um so yeah we have a restaurant we have a cafe and we have um a little nightclub and a retail store okay so we are here at windenburg and I really really really really really really want to check out these buildings like look just look at this look at how it looks from the map view like they just completely renovated these buildings um and it fits the theme with lindenberg so so well um but I really really want to check out this nightclub right here just the architecture on this looks so so amazing and since they renovated so much if you just look at this downtown area as a whole it just looks like a completely new area it just looks so so amazing um so this is the nightclub and we're gonna go ahead and go inside I love how rustic looking it is inside as well I love the graffitis on the wall um yeah I just love it I love the lighting it just definitely looks rustic and they even added a place to play video games and I love how they made this like little Arch right here so it's almost like two separate businesses but on this side we just have um like separate bathrooms and stuff like that but it almost just looks like it's like two separate buildings or like two separate businesses um because sometimes buildings will be like that they'll be connected but then like one person has like a cafe over here one person has like a little grocery store or whatever it is like I just I just love this so so much okay and with San myshuno they did update some New Lots we have a house right here we have another house right here and then we have Planet Honey Pop um which has been updated I believe and then we have a new gym a new park and then some more houses or this new house but some of the Lots on the inside weren't updated which is completely fine um just the amount of effort that has gone into this in the first place is blowing me away um so yeah okay and we are in brindleton Bay now I would say this is probably my second favorite world in The Sims besides Oasis Springs and I really was drawn to um this little bar down here which is I believe it's called The Salty paws um so yeah we're gonna go check this out I was drawn to it because of the Little Lighthouse just the talent that went into this like they created this Lighthouse by themselves like this is just amazing um you can go into it unfortunately but just it looks so amazing um and also correct me if I'm wrong but again with the lights I believe they added these lights out I don't think they added these I think these were already there but they added these lights into the into this dock area with the tool mod I believe um so yes this is the salty Paws Saloon um and again it looks like it's part of the game except a million times better it is what the Sims team should have done with the salty fall Saloon and we even have this like beat up little chair over here by this aquarium that is so so cute I've never even seen that in the game before I love that um and then we have an upstairs with a ping-pong table and a little bathroom and um a place to read everything just looks so rustic and amazing um but again some outdoor seating as well uh you can enjoy some beer or some some drinks and have um some entertainment I just I love it okay and they even updated Del Sol Valley which is an incredible thing because I feel like I feel like no one usually updates still so badly I feel like it skipped over a lot which I don't blame people for skipping it over it's kind of um honestly in my opinion it's one of the most boring towns that we have in the game not the fact that there is like this many Lots I think it's just the fact that there wasn't much to do for me I don't know but just look at these mansions look at them I'm not gonna go into them but because I want you guys to actually have that for yourselves and actually go into them um but yeah and then we have some new updated housing um and then four new updated Lots two nightclubs a gym um and then I think this little Park is the same and then we have a lounge or a karaoke Lounge so yeah so strangerville was even updated and I wanted to check out this bar or more like Saloon like it literally looks like something out of the Wild Wild West it is just so so beautiful um I love this door I feel like I haven't seen this used often they totally should like The Sims team totally should have used this like this came with strangerville right or maybe it came with pets I have no idea but this is just absolutely beautiful I love how they added Landscaping like they didn't they didn't just keep it blank they added Landscaping um and even telephone poles they even added added telephone poles or like electric electricity poles and once again like I said they keep so well with the theme of the town they kept it so Western but still a little bit like fresh and new um and then we have this upstairs area that is also looking down on everyone um we have foosball we have um darts I just absolutely love it it looks so rustic and just like really really relaxed they even updated sulani and we have this boat that is a restaurant so I am going to check this out ASAP I definitely don't play insulani as much as I should it is such a beautiful beautiful world and I really really need to play in it more often um so yeah this is a boat um I forgot what these types of boats are called like not a row boat but it's like um I forgot what powers them but I have no idea how they made this but that is so amazing these are debug items okay that is literally this is Talent this is Talent guys like this is just so beautiful so yeah like I said this is a restaurant um and you have this little um dock where you enter it from your host takes um you know your table right here and then there's even like outdoor seating and stuff like that um every single floor or there's two floors um and you can go up to the second floor and eat here hang out here um and then we have the bottom floor as well so yeah that is that is absolutely amazing and they used a an actual boat they literally used a boat from the game sized it up musies debug items like that is just absolutely ingenious genius genius genius so it's even like a top floor for storage and stuff but you can you know come up here there's even like a little place where the the captain Rose the boat or not Rose the boat but guides the boat this is just absolutely beautiful I love it okay so I don't really play in copperdale as much but I wanted to check out the new or um the Boba place that they have renovated I never really liked how EA created the Boba place it just looked away too girly and I don't know just I don't know it just was way too feminine um but I absolutely love this it is still feminine um obviously but it's more of like a it's more like this was like an old building and someone you know just like started a business here you know what I mean like it's not like it was like it's not like it's modern and or anything like this looks so realistic this looks like something that would be in like my downtown area um and there's even they even added like outdoor seating along the whole the whole street like oh I just love I think they added this out here too I'm pretty sure this wasn't here before this looks like you could like um this was like a yard sale except well I guess you would call it a flea market duh this was like a flea market like that is so amazing it just looks so alive like I can't even explain it it just looks so so good and there is even a second story as well that is just like so eccentric that's a good word to use like it's so like all the different patterns all of the different styles of furniture it just looks like this person um just found this old building and moved into it and set up a shop here with tons of stuff tons of knickknacks um there's literally even like stacked Furniture over here it's so messy but beautiful and I think this was probably like from the game I don't think they that the Creator added this here but there's even like Boba on the ground oh so beautiful I love it I usually like never I never come here with my my teens I never come here with my Sims it just looked way too bland and mod like too modern sometimes I just don't like modern stuff at all um but this is absolutely amazing okay the last place I wanted to check out is in the new world of San Sequoia and I wanted to check out the recreation center because let's be honest it's literally the only fun thing to do in San Sequoia there's a library but that's literally it um so I wanted to see how they reimagined the recreation center so this is this is what we mean when we want a recreation center a recreation center should have like everything to do for all ages it doesn't need to be just one little Bland boring building with a little bit of like um you know like a fridge or a little like a little play area for the kids or like a little Reading area it needs to be everything and this is what that person did so we have this main building right here which first of all is beautiful stunning I love the open like the windows I love the modern oh it's just it's something like I feel like you would see in real life like this is what a recreation center should look like um but we have so yeah we have this main building here with a all decked out kitchen like it's not just a little mini fridge and a freaking stove like we have literally two step like a grill a stove even if even a dishwasher to clean up a microwave and a huge island and then um some picnic tables and then we even have um not only bathrooms for your adult Sims but we have changing tables I don't I don't remember if the EA um the you know the original lot came with changing tables it might have um but yeah and then we have arts and crafts up here we have a gaming table we have painting we have like a reading area like it is just so so beautiful I love it and that's not even that's not even all of it that's not even the best part the best part is literally all of this stuff like I don't know how I don't know how they did this I know your Sims can't go down this I mean this would be amazing if they could um your Sims can climb up here though your Sims can literally climb up here go play on this little table oh look they can come over and get something in the cooler um we have a ball pit underneath here another ball pit um what are these I don't know what those are but that's actually pretty cool um and then we have um a dollhouse right here this literally looks like a slide ugh swing set and then a tree house a treehouse look there is an endless possibility for your Sims to come here and just hang out here all day the adults everything and we even have um they created their own water like little play I forgot what we call these Splash Pad there we go they created their own little splash pad like this is just absolutely beautiful and we even have a gym over here for your Sims 2 workout and I have never seen anyone utilize this so I absolutely love this and this is the perfect place for it and they put um I believe these are gonna be yes they put like changing or locker rooms up here or down here and bathrooms down here even even put changing tables in the bathroom oh my gosh and then we even have a little you know drink area where your Sims can come get drinks my Sims would literally just stay the whole day like this is just beautiful I love this so so much this is how San Sequoia should have looked this is how the recreation center should have been and I absolutely cannot wait to play in this okay guys I think that's gonna wrap it up for me here um I'm sorry if I didn't go into detail about like you know if you wanted to see a certain lot that you saw um I'm sorry if I didn't get to look at that a lot but I do want to leave some stuff for you guys and going through every single lot would take forever so yeah I I realized that the save file is more about like completely renovating the buildings completely renovating the lots and the architecture of everything and I love that because for someone who I do tend to like Create a Sim more and I'm okay with having none of the Sims redone as long as like all the building is read like all the architecture is redone because I'm not a person who builds good I do not build good at all I'm not good at designing like the builds and the architecture and all that stuff I'm more like I'm better at creating the Sims and renovating renovating The Sims I guess you could say um but yeah so that is if that's the save file that you're looking for if you're more of a Create a Sim person than a builder then this is for you because literally every single one of these lots that I renovated is stunning so I highly highly recommend to check this out and I will leave it um in the description down below um but yeah if you guys enjoy this let me know down in the comments and I will see you all next time bye guys [Music]
Channel: Alexis Plays
Views: 72,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a4oVy9crcmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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