My Family's Arancini (Rice Balls) Recipe | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends you know we got balls right you remember when we made the Cabbage balls well now we got arancini balls that's a beautiful Rice Bowl stuffed with a bolognese sauce stay tuned I'm gonna show you how we make it remember thumbs up your like video subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell stay tuned friends we're making those balls they're delicious [Applause] all right [Applause] okay friends well the most important thing is to cook the rice and to do it correctly cook the rice friends we're going to use on above your rice that's the rice you used to make a risotto and I made a couple of video on risotto and I cooked it completely different way than we're gonna cook today normally what you do when you cook a risotto you braise the rice and you add the stock one cup at a time one cup at a time to give opportunity for the stars to come out and create a nice creamy risotto we are not going to create a creamy risotto this time we're gonna the reason why we cook the rice also is because you can cook fully cooked and it's still going to be Al Dente gonna have a nice bite to it so what we do we cook like we cook normal rice and it's still gonna be a little bit identity that's why I like above your rice it's got a phenomenal texture so we cook a lot we cook a normal rice but we do not extract all the starch and when it's cooked we're going to put parmigiano-regina on it right so we gotta know about it butter is very important in this case friends butter is always important you say I'm going to do it just a little bit more here you go you kind of oh what what happened to it it left it went somewhere did you see it I don't know where it went but there you go so friends um yeah it's very important because I want the rice to be coated with the butter and then when it's hot I'm gonna put a Parmesan on it so we cook it differently than you normally do a risotto okay so I'm not making risotto I am now coating the rice with about it and then I'm gonna cook it so I have two cup of a boiled rice I'm gonna put a little bit of seasoning salt and pepper all right maybe a little more salt and then we can always adjust that at the end we're going to saute the rice a little bit we're not doing like a risotto at all and then friends we're gonna put two and a half cup of chicken stock my mom used to do half chicken half vegetable uh I have a beef she used to do half enough exactly you whatever it is you want to do we're going to bring this to boil as soon as it's boiling we're gonna put a cover on it we're gonna turn the heat very very low and we're going to cook it about 15 minutes until it's perfectly cooked we still want it to be Al Dente and when it comes out we're going to put the parmesan or Regina when it's still hot so the the cheese that is in a potato melt and then we're going to cool it all right so I'm gonna bring it to boiler I'm going to put the top on as soon as it's boiling and then we're gonna let it cook 15 minutes so we'll be back in a few minutes when the rice is cooked okay friends 15 minutes goes by I want you to take a little bit of Parmigiano-Reggiano just a little bit mix it all up and the rice should be a little identity still which is really important friends mix it up really good if you're not sure put extra cheese nobody's gonna mine right and I do it now when the cheese is hot so the cheese is the melts all right and then we're going to put it all in there and then we're going to spread it friends so you'll have an opportunity to stop cooking okay which is really important to stop in cooking right now and cool so I'm gonna let the steam out first for like 10-15 minutes and then I'll put it in the fridge because in order to make the bowls we need to have it nice and uh and cold all right friends just wanted to show you principle very simple everything I do is simple all right so we'll see you when the rice is cold and we'll make the balls together see you in a minute okay friends let's put the balls together so I got a bolognese in here you could have um you know I like to I love to make it with sausage but you know a tomato wagu whatever it is you want whatever your favorite sauce is this is my sausage boil yes Jack is going to give you a link to it it's amazing I got some mozzarella cheese and I got my cooked rice then it's now cold all right so all we're gonna do we're gonna make the balls friends and the first thing we're going to do I'm going to show you two ways to do it one if you have this cool little Gadget and two if you don't have the cool little Gadget and if you don't have the cool little Gadget it's pretty simple you just do it with your hand okay so you put it right there in your hand yeah you put a little hole in there then you take your Bolognese let me do it in let me do it here you put your bolognese in there you don't put too much because if you put too much then um you're gonna have too much Mamma Mia so you see like if you put too much you're gonna have a tough time closing it that's all all right so then you take more of your Bolognese because they're too much too much too much too much too much see I tell you not to put too much and what do I do I put too much oh you know why I make those mistakes folks so then you don't make them that's a good one look look look just put it on here friends right there right and now they're gonna be they're gonna be a little messy that's why I'm going to show you this gadget that you can buy anywhere online okay and then we make them and and the fact then lay by hand see you now you're gonna have to give it a time now give it some time and then we're going to cool them right right now they're going to fridge okay so they're not perfect okay now let's see if we can make a perfect one bear with me one quick second I'm gonna wash my hand a little bit and let's see if we can make a perfect one with a meatball stuffer I don't know what it's called arancini makers I don't know what they call all right so look guys this is very cool okay this gadget and there's two sides of it the the My grandmother used to make them like a pear looking thing I like to make them round make them however you want it all right so we take our rice right there and your rice should have nice uh uh Al Dente you should feel the grain of rice it's not mushy all right so it's very important friends let me check my oil to make sure I'm good yeah I'm close to 165 365 Fahrenheit and uh we'll give you the uh the measurement in Celsius Jack is always good at doing this so make sure you pack it in okay pack it in here friends all right you pack it in and then you take this little cool oh you know what I forgot to do Mama Mia what is wrong with me you put a little bit of oil see I keep making mistakes so you don't make them a little bit of oil right there a little bit of olive oil and then you put your rice you go back and you pack it in so that's why sometimes my video along is because I have to do things three times because I always forget something what are you gonna do what are you gonna do friends I don't know about you but I always forget something right you notice for those of you that have been following no showers say yeah yeah we know this yeah yeah yeah so look guys now what we're gonna do I'm gonna put the cover on it right and then we're going to take this plunger and we're going to push it in as as smooth as we can sure it's a good thing I worked out this morning and you see what you got look look look how perfect that is right now we're going to take our Bolognese a tomato Ragu whatever it is you put in my friends whatever you got right you put it in there right then you take you your mozzarella your provolone whatever cheese you want to put in here put quite a bit hidden there friends you see right and then you take more of the Ragu and you top it no more than topping it now I say that and you know I always do extra I don't know what it is it's a thing that I got I always put X Y right and then you take your uh your cool Gadget and then you top with the rice dump it dump it right there with the rice now you got to put a lot at that point friends okay you're gonna put it in and now you'll see how cool that is uh we'll put you a link where I bought it I bought this uh you can find them everywhere online for us on Amazon on everywhere online you'll find them all right and uh and all you do okay it's so much easier and then you know I got an idea friends I just remember that I'm gonna make it for you I want to make a stuffed meatballs and we're gonna use that stuffing this thing look look push it in push it in right let's get rid of everything so we out of the way we can get rid of this out of the way so we clean and then I'm gonna remove it all right you know I don't like mess I like my turning both to be nice and clean so now look guys let's take it if we have this is underneath you see the end there right and then because of the oil come out perfect look you see how perfect that is see now look look Not So Perfect you see it's pretty simple right friends okay so now we'll put them in the fridge at least a couple of hours before and look what you got hey I already made him all right so now friends we're going to put the uh the the mixture on it so my grandmother used to make a mixture with flour and water and uh and and my mom used to do it with eggs so I decided since I lost both of them may they both rest in Beats um I decided then I was gonna do both of them in one bowl makes it easy for everybody so I got three tablespoons of flour and a cup I'm sorry a half a cup of milk mix it up and I put three four eggs in there the whole eggs I mix it up pretty good when you mix the the milk into the flour do it slowly otherwise you're gonna have a bunch of lumps if you have lumps just beat them out of there all right so now what we're going to do we're going to put the balls in there just like this and we lift it up just like this you see now be gentle now I know they're cold but you still got to be gentle and then you do this you see you do this right there like this and you put them in a season break on good whatever whatever you want I use the seasoned panko I love panko but put it whatever you want put whatever you want first right so you take them like this see I did it's simple all right now I remember my grandmother would do them twice then she would go back in the milk and put them in a in a bread I think that's enough to do it once but that's really up to you friends okay how many times you put them in there you want to put them twice you do them twice okay I do it with a strainer so keep my hand clean you see I like to keep my hands clean and voila see now like here you could go back in the mixture one more time right then that ensures you could go back in a minute look I'll show you so my grandmother will be happy see they're like this and you go back just like this and put it in here okay and that's that'll give you twice the coating and uh and and it's up to you I'll tell you you got to be careful though that it's nice and neat we don't want it to be all sloppy looking eh all right so we do one more and then we're done see I do it this way so it makes it clean makes it clean right there but be gentle because remember the scale and it's best not to touch them because otherwise you're going to make such a mess in your breadcrumb you know I always have people I said what do you do with the mic on what do you do with a break on well tell you what if you have room in the freezer you can you can save them in the freezer nothing wrong with it but you can't put them in the back in a box because they're going to go bad on you but if you you know you can use them for a chicken scallop in the Milana is there any breading you do friends you can use it right be careful jump here all right so now next let's make sure we got the oil at 365 we do we're gonna take them and we're gonna put three in there not too much right and we just go in gently yeah put them in gently gently gently gently okay don't be touching you it's not on your business over there go over there you go my friends all we're gonna do now we're gonna cook them I'm gonna clean up this it's going to take a few minutes you do it it could take three four minutes five minutes but while this is happening I'm gonna clean up everything so give me a minute all right friends let's see what we got here it's looking good it's looking beautiful you see another I would say another 15-20 seconds and then I'm going to take him I'm gonna put him on paper towels so give me a couple seconds here friends it's looking good so we're going to take a look see they're beautiful so how Brown you want them it's really a matter of opinion here right here friends now we have a flat side and it's going to find itself on a flat side which is cool so it makes it easy to cut them and everything you see so friends I'm gonna let them cool for a minute and then I come back and I'm gonna serve him and we're gonna cut into it all right so give me a few minutes just to let them cool okay friends now remember I want you to use this okay just in case you take them out and I want you to check the temperature they may be beautiful golden brown but it depends how big they are or cold they wear I want you to go in there and check the temperature you go in there and you go in and you go in there and you got to be close as close to 150 as possible okay it's very important otherwise so if they're not what do you do you're no probable I'm full of no problem today put them in the oven 350 however long it takes to take it could take 10 minutes it could take five minutes it could take 15 minutes check it out the temperature it's good because you have them in advance those perfect for dinner party oh yeah look at this look at you you're gonna put the Tomato right there friends and uh no it's not a tomato it's a bell pepper that I made bell pepper jack is going to give you the link right over there okay friends and this is phenomenal this sauce sometimes you you it's amazing okay so we're gonna take it right there and we're just gonna go in and cut it in half but if we wanted to take a picture you want to serve it you go like this friends look look how pretty that is look at this they're gorgeous this is beautiful so you got to give a basil leaves then as movement see like it moves so it's nice and fresh not like a basil leaves then it's like all done so you got to choose them and I think it's elegant you like it I think it's elegant all right so now I'd hear you I'm gonna cut it it's my favorite time okay speed you hear nice increase got in the middle there you go in the middle we should have a beautiful cut if we did it correctly yeah look at this friends I hope which camera Jack my good here here here here here is good you like it it's good look how beautiful that is see the the sauce is right in the middle and this is beautiful my friends and then I'm going to eat a little piece I mean not too much because then I won't be able to talk and uh but I love it with a try it with a friends huh oh yeah oh what internet is not so hot remember the thermometer friends I hope you enjoy making them as much as I enjoy making it for you and eating it my mom and my grandma would be very proud may they both rest in peace thanks for watching friends you guys are the best thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell thanks again for watching [Music] they're delicious they're delicious that Basil Leaf was phenomenal wasn't it beautiful looking oh this is so good with the Bolognese yeah this is perfect and it should be a beautiful cut oh mama meal make sure the camera is off um got over with the sauce mmm bam okay thank goodness I got the match
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 253,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arancini, Rice Balls, Italian Rice Balls, arancini balls, arancini recipe, how to make arancini, how to make rice balls, fried rice balls, how to make arancini balls, arancini rice balls, easy arancini, rice balls recipe, how to make the perfect arancini, arancini balls recipe, Boules de riz, Bolas de arroz, Receta de Bolas de Arroz, Recette de boulettes de riz, homemade rice balls, italian recipes, rice ball recipe, italian fried rice balls, crispy rice balls, arancine
Id: hQT4L-jqr1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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