Great Soup Without Stock? Easy Tom Yum Chicken

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[Music] welcome to hot Thai Kitchen So today we're gonna cook from my new cookbook yes I have a new cookbook coming out and it's available for pre-order now yeah so it is called Sabai which in Thai means to be at ease relaxed comfortable and that's the spirit of this book these are weeknight friendly recipes that are quick and easy and perfect for busy people I want to get you cooking Thai food Sabai Sabai as we like to say it the recipes are a mix of totally new dishes and some favorites from the channel some of which have been streamlined to be weeknight friendly and beginner friendly I want you to be able to just pull this book off the shelf browse through it and anything that looks good to you you know you can pull it off after work so it's coming out March 14 but you can pre-order it now and if you do you also will get some perks you'll be invited to a live cook along with me date TBD on that and you can also claim a bundle of early recipes from the book so you can get cooking while you wait for the book to arrive pre-orders are really helpful to authors so I appreciate that and thank you in advance all the details on how where to pre-order is in the description below now today I'm going to give you a preview I'm going to cook a recipe from the book chicken wing tom yum soup tom yum soup is our famous hot and sour soup many of us are familiar with and there's a very important reason why I chose chicken wings for the version in Sabai I'll explain in a bit let's get started all right so I've got a pot of boiling water here yes just plain water no need to mess with chicken stock or anything for this which is what I love about this recipe and I'll explain and to this I'm going to add some chicken drumettes now Flats will work but in a soup drumettes are just easier to eat right there's no multiple bones to navigate in goes everybody and now while the chicken's cooking you want to give it some seasoning to absorb so the meat is flavorful fish sauce of course a little bit of sugar to balance the saltiness and some roughly chopped shallots if you don't have shallots onions it will be fine this is very Sabai as I said and this just needs to simmer for 20 minutes now the reason I chose Wings is because Wings have a very high ratio of bone and cartilage to meet and so in the time that it'll take for us to make the soup that water will have turned into the richest most beautiful chicken stock so you can skip making stock you don't even need to buy any stock and this is one of the many shortcuts that I share throughout the book while the chicken is simmering you can be prepping your herbs which I call the Tom Yum Trinity lemongrass which I'm going to smash with the back of my knife and then cut into about two inch pieces and I'm only using the bottom half here because that's where the flavor is the strongest the top you can save for stocks or tea or whatever I've also got some thinly sliced galangal and magrud lime leaves both of which I keep frozen and ready to go then I'm going to quickly toast my dried chilies now anything that's spicy will do these are just generic dried chilies from a Chinese grocery store and they need just a couple minutes in a hot dry Skillet until these charred Smoky spots form if you don't have dried chilies fresh ones will also work you can go ahead and use them without toasting all right the chicken has had 20 minutes I'm now going to add my herbs the lemongrass and the galangal and with the lime leaves before I add I'm just going to grab them with my hands and twist and bruise so that the aromatic juices will come out into the soup and then you can smell it then your hands smell good for a while and now the vegetables I'm going to add some oyster mushrooms which are my favorite mushrooms for Tom Yum any other kinds of fresh mushrooms will work preferably not button mushrooms but you do you and that just needs to simmer for another five minutes for the herbs to do their thing for the mushrooms to cook and we're like minutes from being done very Sabai right I told you did I miss anything um no at the mushrooms oh chilies I forgot to add chili see I thought this looked a little dull our chilies and once you've toasted the chilies by the way they'll become crispy which you can just break very easily into the soup if you want it mild you can just break one if you break them all then you know the more you break the spicier it will be if you don't have dried chilies dry chili flakes pepper flakes will also work in a pinch um it's the same thing one's whole one's ground up and you can toast the chili flakes in the same manner on a dry Skillet but it will take a very short time because it's very small all right now we let it simmer for five minutes almost done I'm going to now finish it off with some tomatoes ah try not to burn yourself and that just needs to cook for a couple minutes I want it to be soft but still hold its shape so it doesn't turn into a complete mush cherry tomatoes grape tomatoes are great even big tomatoes cut into wedges that's okay too tomatoes are looking a little soft now so I'm going to turn it off and then go in with lime juice which for Tom Yum you always want to add at the end because if you don't cook lime juice it just tastes better and fresher whoo I am salivating smell of Thailand I'm gonna finish it off with some cilantro if you don't have it or you don't like cilantro green onions will be fine nice and that's it I'm gonna do a taste test because with any soup or stew anything that's simmering and evaporating away it is so important that you taste it for seasoning because if it for some reason reduce too much it might be a little too strong so on and so forth I love that so much that flavor oh it's like the flavor of home so comforting it's perfect I don't need to add anything you can tell I've made this a few times all right let's eat looks so homey this is the kind of non-fancy non-fussy stuff that I love and by the way the herbs the lemongrass galangal macaroon lime leaves all of that is for Infusion purposes only you don't eat it everything is hard so you can either remove them before serving in Thailand we typically leave them in there you know as a I guess as a garnish but everybody knows you're not supposed to eat it but make sure you tell your guests I have witnessed poor Canadian friends trying to chew through lemongrass before and it's not fun if you're wondering how are you supposed to eat soup with chicken wings in it let me show you I'm going to show you two different ways Thai people tackle a bowl of soup first we pour it onto our rice no bowl needed you just pour it onto the rice and the soup sort of moisten the rice and then the chicken should be so tender that it should just come off the bone with just a spoon like that and then you can eat it just like that Hot Tomato so good the other way Thai people eat soup is you'll often be given a small soup bowl which you can then Serve Yourself or someone will serve it for you and then again the chicken should be so tender that you can just use a spoon to pry off the meat that's it and with the bowl method you can put the rice in your soup bowl if you want my mom loves to do that or a lot of people just kind of eat the soup and then back to the rice usually it's a part of a bigger meal and you kind of go back and forth with that so it's totally up to you there are no rules just eat it however you want to eat it that's the goal and if you are used to Tom Yum gum or the Tom Yum with shrimp this is a completely different dish it's got the same herbs but with Tom Yum with shrimp we add this Thai chili paste right which is a very intense strong flavored ingredient and it turns the dish into this very complex Rich flavored soup but this is very clean tasting it's like chicken noodle soup but with all the flavors of the herbs of Tom Yum it is clean and comforting you can make it as spicy or as mild as you want trust me this is one soup that you make again and again once you experience how just how just so soothing it is so once again the recipe is from my new book Sabai which is available for pre-order now and I also make it available on my website I'll link to it below and all the details that you need to pre-order will also be in the description below and yes this ships to anywhere in the world thank you as always for your support and a special thanks to all of our patreon members as well who help support the show if you want to know what that's all about and how you can get bonus content watch ad free you can check out the link also in the description below everything is in the description below thank you as always for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: Pailin's Kitchen
Views: 101,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hot Thai Kitchen, Thai food, Thai cuisine, Thai cooking, Thai, Thailand, Bangkok, street food, Southeast Asia, Asian cooking, Asian food, Asian cuisine, Asian recipe, Thai recipe, Cooking, cooking show, how to cook thai food, how to cook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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