1HOUR of Roblox memes when you are bored

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if you can't answer the question I'll send you to Ohio what's nine plus ten Twenty One it's not as bad as I thought can I have Clockworks headphones as a gift okay [Music] thank you it's too expensive I can't afford it I will buy this bag with painted headphones I hope he won't mind bro if he beat this hobby I will give you an item to cost 600 million my name is Giovanni Giorgio but everybody calls me giorcho foreign [Music] but much cheaper I hope he doesn't notice it's stupid let's play Roblox no I won't be playing Roblox for a while why I want to buy my dream island Dodge bunny for 49 000 bags so I'll get a job stop I can show you how to get a similar item for 300 rebacks [Music] oh my God thank you now I don't have to work for 49 000 rebags bang why is my only friend Ben foreign [Music] [Music] bags of course but you said you would do anything I don't care give me 100 million rebags why do you need them so much give one minute 37 seconds later I bought my dream Autumn did you know that you could get a similar item for 309 Robux and save the youth sound how [Music] thank you look at that rainbow of Shaggy for 25 million Robeks This Is A Lie it can't be worth that much you don't have that much Robux check it yourself thank you there's DIY for just 1 000 Rebecca I will buy it I hope he won't notice the difference I just bought this I have stitches that cost forty thousand dollars I'm so rich and cool and you not because you bacon who cares shop can you help me send the message all right I'll help you friend here is the link thank you very much [Music] oh [Music] my God [Music] it says here that most of my friends will think I'm wearing the real Leisure Earth foreign [Music] lord of the Void no it's just DIY for now near backs team do you use light or dark doc have you ever tried light no you should try it why just tie it [Music] laughs haha you poor why do you think so because you are bacon all Bacons are poor what will you do if I buy domeness right now you want you are too poor you serious I will be back soon oh my God I forgot that I only have 638 redbacks what should I do I need to think I have an idea [Music] [Music] it looks kinda fake with Roblox for a month I can't wait to see what's new there [Music] [Applause] [Music] hell no man [Music] please I'm going to arrest you for playing Roblox [Music] hey bacon I bought Roblox are you sure about that now I'm the new owner of Roblox you're lying no I can prove it how ask me for anything you want then give me one million bobook so if you are the real owner of Roblox we can do anything we want yes oh delete Stitch face [Music] thank you [Music] have you seen that Roblox sell zoof sound for 100 million I already bought it now I I sound back but you're poor and you can't afford it anyway I'll show you how to get it for free really yeah before we start you need to download oof sound somewhere oh right click on Roblox player open file location content sounds delete app sound drag the original sound and rename it to [Music] ouch also type of file must be dot OGG yeah I ooh sound [Music] no why not after I became so cool and Rich I'm only friends with people like me but I'm rich too no you not I have infinite Bob looks prove it then okay then I'll buy Dominus like yours [Music] foreign it's not even a real domains it's fake no it's real I bought it for 600 million Bob looks bro I looked at your Roblox profile and it's really fake bro I hacked my blocks now I have one million Roblox you're too dumb to do that we don't have much time to talk I need to spend them as quickly as possible I only have a few minutes before ibox notices so quickly send me links to items I should buy okay wait what he sent me a Vega means haha you have fake no meanness said slanger who has fake stitchfus it's not fake if it's not fake then why are you wearing this mask I just like it haha you are so cringe I bet all my Robo that your Stitch fist is fake thousand but backs to be honest my Stitch press is really fake but if I buy it right now pretending that I had it before he will give me 5 000 the backs and it will be one thousand the backs of profit one minute 37 seconds later does it cost bacon hair and it's free but they don't even look like bacon why are they called that they really look like bacon no I will make my own bacon hair that looks like bacon and I will become rich by selling it good luck a few moments later look I made a real bacon hair I will sell it only for one million robot because it's too good no one will buy it for such a price I will buy this hair for 100 million Robux I finally get my first 30 year old boo somebody just gave them to me and for the first item I about this face bruh you could get the same face for free what how look [Music] wow foreign I don't like bacons whoo asked I have more than one million redbacks [Music] I don't lie prove it then how by eyes of azeri or Ethan wear it what should I do I lied that I have her backs but I need to prove that I have I have an idea [Music] [Music] what [Music] I offered to play a game called Crosswoods 8.2 for free baby I'll be back soon bye hey yo what the [Music] [ __ ] [Music] I want to play Bob Lowe's [Music] [Applause] [Music] what Slender is new owner of Bob Lowe's do you like my avatar no it's ugly then I will make everyone Stitch no don't do it they can help me my Roblox is lagging maybe the problem is in your PC I don't think so I have a good PC are you sure yeah my grandfather said it was a good PC when he bought it what send me a photo of your PC wait a second a few moments later it looks a bit shabby but it's still good my mom gave me money and now I can buy some Bob book [Music] what the why did Bob X become free although I don't mind time to buy something what why is everything in Avatar shop bacon is Roblox owned by bacon now actually I don't mind because I'm bacon too time to play the only game left after the update is this the new owner of Roblox I need to talk with him [Music] [Music] wow are you a real Roblox yeah can you add me as a friend this is my biggest dream if this is your biggest dream then what would you choose add me as a friend or one million bobek of course one million bobblek [Music] time to buy bobblek foreign [Music] what did you say I said hello guys you said hello guys so I'll ban you for that [Music] Hi friend [Music] want free buttock [Music] I can give you one million bobek [Music] [Music] all you have to do is give me your password [Music] don't worry I won't scam you [Music] I scammed you foreign [Music] [Music] but I don't have any robo how can I get robu get a job [Music] I work for a whole month and earned my first fifty dollars wow now I can buy Stitch fish [Music] do I look cool now no then why did I work for a whole month I don't know [Music] [Music] I want to become slender what the why because they are cool also I want to make Tick Tock videos what do you mean look [Music] I want to make videos like this no don't do it no anyway I already bought Stitch this wanna make Tick Tock with me [Music] what happened I have infinite Robux now this means that I am the richest person in Roblox wow you're a real bacon can you give me some Barber I'm tired of my free Avatar it seems that I got into an alternate universe where everything is the opposite wow that's cool now I am the richest person in Roblox I am the poorest person in Roblox and Pro hey bacon I need 999 million 999 999 rebu for what to buy this shirt I don't have that much bobblek you can ask Bob Bookman a few moments later are you robu man yes give me 999 million 999 999 rebu why do you need so much to buy a shirt with a moose cringe so can you give me robo yes but I can't send so much robot to your account so I need your password to buy them no problem my password is I like to eat bacon one two three you got scammed [Music] oh hi bacon say something if you like Stitch fish it means you like Stitch fish no I don't I just said hi I didn't see your message liar okay then you say something if you like Stitch face foreign hey bacon I spend all my robu on Stitch face so I need to get free robo but why don't you use Stitch face cause it's cringe and ugly also other players bullied me for wearing this face I told you it was a bad idea to buy Stitch face do you know the ways to get a free robu you can make a shirt and sell it a few moments later hey bacon I made a shirt so fast yeah look [Music] would you buy it of course not it's disgusting but you're my friend okay I'll buy it how much is it ten thousand robo bro die why am I so bad at this game haha you're so bad you probably play on a cheap chair of course I need to buy a new gaming chair to be better [Music] I don't need it I definitely don't need it foreign now I have a new gaming chair for 24 000. Let's test my scale in the Arsenal with this chair [Music] who are you don't you know me no I'm robo man person who has infinite robo you don't have infinite Robux I have prove it I don't have to prove it everyone knows that liar are you sure about that how can I prove that I'm not lying by me Dominus I'm not going to buy Dominus to a random guy of course not because you don't have infinite bubble a few moments later foreign do you believe me now I scammed you hey bacon Santa gave me fifty dollars for Christmas I'm so happy wow that's cool how will you spend it I'm going to buy 4500 rebu I've always dreamed of having a robo I'm very happy for you where are you going to spend 4 500 Roebuck I don't know yet that's okay do not hurry to spend Robux think carefully before you spend wait [Music] I have an idea huh I will buy stick fish don't do it no no don't do it do I look cool hey what's wrong with your voice what's wrong with it you just have such a hoarse voice like you're older than my grandfather so how old are you easy what the and you are playing a Lego game for kids at that age do you have something against it no just wondering what experiences do you usually play personal [Music] hey bacon why slender always bully me I don't know I'm so sad how did he bully you he called me sassy baka you sassy Bata what the that was very rude yeah I was crying don't worry I will take revenge on him [Music] why did you call my friend sussy backer cause he is too sassy what why are you wearing this shirt because I like it take it off no I wonder how much I have left what the but how is this possible I have minus one bobook that means I owe one bobook to Roblox hey you owe me one bobek if you don't return one bobbik within five minutes I will ban you but I can't return it within five minutes I don't have any money I don't care a few moments later hey slender you've always told me that you're very rich so could you give me just one bobblek hey Roblox has finally added a new face let's check it out [Music] this is a very sassy face I need to get 4 000 Robux for this two hours later hey have you already seen the new omega Stitch face stop posting about Among Us I'm tired of seeing it my friends on Tick Tock send me memes a few moments later can you give me four thousand bubble please foreign did you just call me a noob did you just talk trash come here look at me and I repeat that one more time straight to my face nope repeat one more time nope get raped ugly bacon stop bullying me no I won't stop because you're so bad poor bacon if you don't stop bullying me I'll call my friend and and he'll beat you hahaha your friend is definitely as poor Noob as you okay he'll be here soon a few moments later what did you just call me please don't beat me I won't be toxic anymore finally I finished making a new Stitch face but I don't want anyone else to wear it so I'll put a big price on it I really like new Stitch face but how can I get so much bobblek I have an idea a few moments later hey I need your help what happened I need 100 million bobook for a new Stitch face sorry but I've already spent all my Robux what did you buy hey can you add new face to Rob Lowe's of course [Applause] this is the best face I've ever made so it won't be cheap Perfect Price do you like new face yeah but how can I get so much bobblek I don't care anyway you have to buy it or I'll ban you oh hi sup have you already used the new Roblox bug what do you mean now you can buy one million Robux for zero dollars what are you kidding no you can check it yourself foreign I hope you will spend them wisely cringe what happened I can't move I don't have to worry because anyone will choose me not 1 000 Robux because I'm very cool and beautiful six and a half hours later wow I can get free Robux five minutes later you finally come so will you choose me no what but why I am much better than 1000 Robux no you're toxic and if I choose you you'll be rude again I promise I won't be toxic anymore okay I choose slender 12 seconds later we bacon time to buy something I really need this chain I saw you didn't have enough Botox how do you know this I know everything so do you need a free Bow Box sure then write E3 in the chat it doesn't work of course not I just trolled you hahaha what a great day to play Rob Lowe's I will give you 999 million 999 999 robots for free dude it's not even funny don't bother me don't you believe me of course not you have to spend all your aerobics in less than a minute or I'll take them back what I don't even know what to buy you don't have much time hurry up cringe I finally got my first Robux I need to buy something thank you it's too expensive I need to sort by lowest price [Music] all right wow are you a Bobby man yes I'm Robeks man then can you give me bobook sure how much do you need 100 million why do you need so much you'll find out soon thank you courage did you spend all your Robux on this yes and I don't regret it what the heck who are you it doesn't make any difference I only have one question Stitch face or 80 Bow Box oh what would you choose Stitch face or Edie bowbox of course at bobook but Stitch face costs 4 000 bowbox but it's ugly and a few moments later added a new face to Roblox for a long time so so you should add a new one but I don't have any ideas for a new face just try I have an idea [Music] [Music] foreign it's the best thing I've ever done it's a masterpiece it's disgusting wow are you a real Roblox yay wow I can't believe you're real so if you're real can you delete Stitch face I have a better idea oh I will make Stitch face free what where did he go okay I hope he was joking [Music] wanna date [Music] sup why are you crying I can't use voice chat because I don't have an ID I can give you mine really will it work sure is it real yes okay I'll try [Music] we all right hey move I can't just click on the button I'm on the phone I can't click then how do you type on the keyboard my way nice do you have problems no then why are you screaming I don't know sassy Bata hey guys Roblox has finally added voice chat so I need to verify my age to use it but my ID was eaten by hamster but I have an idea how to verify my age I'll draw it myself in Photoshop [Music] [Applause] let's check if it works yo Roblox has finally added voice chat but I'm not old enough what should I do I can draw all the it in Photoshop moments later now I can use voice chat oh no laughs all right what the [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] game [Music] what are you okay what the [ __ ] is this game about Roblox finally added a voice chat I no longer need to tell people to make up but first I have to verify my age but I'm not old enough so I'm going to use a fake ID wow I didn't expect this to work a few moments later hello guys welcome to my Minecraft let's play today we are going to be mining [Music] mining we move no why yes okay I'll move on one condition oh you have to give me three by book I can give two no [Laughter] hey want free Robux what is Robux Robux is Bobak oh okay so do you want free public yeah then write your password in the chat your password in the chat you stupid I meant write your password in the chat your password sup ugly bacon why you bullying me because you're bacon nobody likes bacon nobody likes slenders Everyone likes me no only birds like you oh why because you have a nest on your head hi let's play together of course I won't play with you why because I hate bacons for what for being ugly you know what what I'm eating bacon right now bro stop it is it funny to you yeah look at me eating it foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] shut up I want stab talk I wanted nobody cares I just want it you mad I just wanted to imagine being trash I just wanted to ask nobody asked I just wanted to ask how you talk when your mouth is stitched hi poor bacon what did you say little kid I said you poor said the kid who stole a credit card from his mom it sounds like some poor person would say Jude don't stop me from playing ha ha [Music] ha ha why you bullying me what I didn't even say anything why are you running man I'm not running I'm just standing what the dog doing what the dog doing dude stop spamming you sassy Baka foreign what did you say I said hi noob hi your hair looks ugly your hair looks like a bird's nest what did you say I said your hair looks like a bird's nest my cup kid or are you afraid no I'm not let's my cup anything but an umbrella nice [Music] oops I broke my cookie bro chill I'm joking anyway it's just a toy gun you can't do anything to me laughs [Music] dude you gave me a broken cookie give me another one another one another one another one foreign [Music] hi you're beautiful thank you wanna be my girl sure nice But first you have to turn on the webcam oh so that I can make sure that you are a girl no problem but you have to turn on the webcam first okay oh now it's your turn um [Music] hey yeah I won Roberts really yeah how I wrote my password in the chat and they transferred me one thousand bobex for it okay wow can I try it too sure foreign [Music] no this is because you entered the wrong password okay I'll write the correct one [Music] hey Bob scribers welcome back to another YouTube video today we are going to play the squid game and try to win this time hope you all enjoy and make sure you leave a like button and subscribe to my channel hey can I get a shout out sure what is the name of your Channel my YouTube channel is called thank you I wanted to say what [Music] hahaha you're too weak [Music] it's always chat OS much better beautiful nobody loves you will reference with you let's be friends [Music] [Music] I finally beat this hard Hobby and I got this rare free item now my avatar will become more unique hey I found a new game we need to try this game looks scary you know I don't like scary games I promise not okay [Music] thank you
Channel: roblox be like
Views: 7,455,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox animations, roblox memes, roblox meme, roblox be like, robux, bobux, free robux, how to get robux
Id: JP6Ku5ky7X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 42sec (3642 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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