This Roblox Game Slowly Gets DISTURBING

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what if i told you there was a game on roblox that started sort of normal but slowly got scarier or worse or whatever the title of this video is look at the creator of this game uh what do you think type of game this guy would make it looks like he's been lying in a pile of mud for years and just crawled out but yeah yeah basically i made a video about a game that slowly got scary like a week ago it got enough likes for me to make a part two and then that got on the flights for me to make a part three so now i'm doing it because i'm full of bad ideas i've been scarred for life three times in a row might as well make it four might as well go for a new high score but yeah today we're playing the tenth spirit usually in these videos i'm accompanied by my friend macho he's not here today he's died unfortunately but he ditched sinned me this game unlike the last two videos i've never played this before i'm going in completely blind i have no idea what this is i don't even know this is going to be a good video so like this video if you see it because that means i decided to not not upload it and it worked out a-okay assuming i don't get scarred for life badge octic spirit award not not sure if i want that what's the volume like in this game oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah i love this canyon ambience i love being in a canyon i love sniffing rocks like cocaine all right all right back to the game back to the game i'm gonna turn the volume down and probably put my own music in i don't know but wow this looks so awesome i love the look i'm going for i love how i look like a 2006 roblox noob click to move r to rotate wait i can what what am i doing oh i guess that's how you click things to pick up oh look i can click this board and then rotate it i love this game i'm a builder it's what i do look i've built it and now it's built i broke it unfortunately for all of us you know this game is ambient enough i'll just let the volume do its own thing let's pick up this awesome little board and move it over here guys we're making an awesome staircase to get up this canyon i love this game i hope this game doesn't slowly get weird oh i hope this game doesn't insert the title of the video all right well these are not the best for parkour wow yeah not at all wow do i just have to jump up here on my shelf i have to make do dude i don't know if i can can i jump up here myself this is difficult i'm not having a good time right now see this seems normal enough right this doesn't seem like it's gonna slowly get scared it's gonna it's gonna get horrifying isn't it i am not looking forward to this game i don't even know what's gonna happen see the last games i felt uh some sort of safety in because like i knew that they weren't that bad because i played them before this one i have no idea what's happening why why is everything sideways is it just me or is everything sideways right now am i tripping am i dying yeah macho told me that there was something so scary in this game he literally could not play by himself which i'm looking forward to seeing i think that i legit screwed up and might need to restart now look look man i'm not going to parkour i don't know how to handle boards all right back into the game back into the last mistake i'll ever make i'm so ready guys wow all right here's this board i think i probably only need one to do what i need to do you know what i'm saying there we go now i'm up what the hell why is it so empty this is why is it getting dark why did it just get dark what's happening right now oh no i think i just broke these planks that i need to go across oh i'm not having a good time uh does something bad happen if i jump in the water i guess we'll try it out oh so i just have to keep on retrying if i even make one mistake i hate this game the 10th spirit more like the lame spirit nailed it this kid's gonna be crying when he goes to school tomorrow that roast was so hard yeah for the most part as normal as this game seems it seems normal now it still doesn't seem that normal but it doesn't seem scary or anything you know besides the part where it gets really dark and scary that part does seem scary i'm gonna be honest all right i think we got a parkour over this part oh not sure if i can make this with one board might have to use two boards nope nope two boards no longer an option i got this i got this see i'm a parkour pro what i tell you what i tell you i'm a genius they call me the beethoven of parkour that doesn't that doesn't make sense what about this i have to be really careful not to touch them or else they just shatter into a jillion pieces all right all right all right i got this i just gotta move i'm like an engineer you know what i'm saying look at this ready to see this my craft is complete oh my god i'm a genius does this one fall apart i don't know if this one falls apart um i don't want to test if it falls apart or not because then i'm gonna have to play the whole game again but it looks like a different material it falls apart well third time's a charm baby guess i'm gonna have to make a lot of cuts in this video this may be a bit more of an endeavor than i anticipated actually you know what if we take a different path not because i just spent like five minutes trying to go on the other path that we didn't failing miserably but because i want to explore more of the game you know all right so you can go over here you i'm gonna actually need this time so being very very very careful not to touch you you go there what wait how did that happen on i'm a confused man right now yeah you go there there's no way we're making it to this other path that is that is literally impossible there's there's genuinely no way guess if we move it like oh yeah well there's actually no way now sheesh dude this is tough oh why do i keep doing it this game is impossible to do this isn't even like slowly getting scary yet like sure it's scary at the beginning a little but it's just difficult this sucks all right time to cut the video again i guess [Music] see i'm slowly starting to get the hang of the angles i gotta do look at this boom i'm a parkour god see i'm starting to understand the madness of this game a little a little tiny bit actually all right you know what you can do buddy you can come over here i'm going an alternative route you come over here rotate like that and i'm not gonna be able to make this jump we need to plan we need to come up with a strategy men this is such a strange movement mechanic and everything's still getting more sideways oh are you kidding me great now the game's not even working well while we wait for the game to work it's the middle of the video that means it's time for me to beg you to subscribe to the channel so uh subscribe if you want to i like to ask at the middle cause by now you know if you want to subscribe or not it's your choice i'm not gonna force you to not gonna pull up youtube analytics but yeah you start go laugh it gives me money back to the video wait forgot that the video isn't happening because it's 10 seconds left man why does the game what this is this is more painful than scary no the game literally broke the game isn't actually working anymore oh it's cause someone else joined screw you man i'll cut back to when i'm doing stuff again this is gonna be a very different video for me i'm not used to cutting this much also if you want to play it this game is going to be linked in the pinned comment if you want to put yourself through this [Music] torture [Music] wait hold on oh the rusty ones hold on for a bit i'm learning so the rusty ones are good i'm a genius oh i keep doing this man [Music] oh yeah that touched me yeah this game sucks man actually wait i have a strategy i have a strategy that just might work and then the game might get a lot scarier i i have no idea what's in store honestly [Music] remember what your therapist told you miles just don't get mad it's gonna be okay see why is everything getting sideways does this not look sideways to you this is so strange all right i got this okay okay okay okay i did it i did it oh why is this so difficult why did they make it so hard all right now what's this zone all about i'm assuming i probably just keep going forward oh so usually i have a timer for these videos so i can do the middle of video subscribe reminder at the middle of the video this video i did not even bother i've been playing this for like 20 20 minutes now it's not easy i haven't even gotten past the first part and i still need to wait until it gets scary i like the challenge okay i'm not gonna blame the game for being this horn there's hard games on roblox it'll annoy me but you can still enjoy the game it's gonna be in the pinned comment if you wanna try this challenge but i'm gonna get mad as i'll tell you what are you to be honest this game is a pretty fun challenge i'm not having an awful time i could be having a better time but it's not awful see look i feel like a genius figuring out stuff like that like how i have to put that one higher because i have more time on it it's a nice sense of satisfaction is the darkness drawing in closer not sure not sure about that one what happens if i play this game on 10 graphics oh yeah wow that is much scarier good thing i'm not doing that because it would lag horribly all right this one i need to pick up like i got this i'm strong i'm agile i'm slowly like advancing in this game i'm slowly starting to do things quicker and better so how do i pick this up oh i did it i did it okay okay rotate thank you and now i should grab it from from up here there we go put it on down here there we go oh no oh i'm gonna jump on those aren't i oh i got this i got this no i broke both didn't i oh oh why aren't they going away why are they just staying there's ghosts to taunt me yeah yeah it's over i just don't get what i'm supposed to do i get what i'm supposed to do but it's like every time i make progress there's a new obstacle to come [Music] but it's like every time i make progress there's a new obstacle to come stick its finger in my ass no yeah is it just me or does the game feel sideways like it's actively getting darker right now like it's fading i i feel like i'm not hallucinating this i don't like the tone of this game i don't like how it's slowly changing don't like how it's getting more and more sideways but you know sometimes a roblox game is just sideways and you have to accept that just because it's different doesn't mean that it's bad all right please let me pick this one up please no that was impossible to pick up what am i supposed to do i'll come up with a strategy i'll figure it out maybe i should try picking it up from the side i think that's what i'll do when i get over there why didn't i try picking it up from the side i pick up literally everything else from the side okay this one's just me being dumb i just i just i'm stupid yeah yeah okay that works a lot better i don't i don't know why i didn't try that all right now i just got to make sure that these don't break i need to jump on these so that they don't break that would be ideal i can land right here it is water just we gotta stay calm take deep breaths sacrifice the blood of the innocent burned on an orphanage do things that make me happy i don't know how much longer i could take this i don't know if i can handle this i'm getting itchy i got this okay i think i only smashed one please tell me i only smashed one please other ones stay other ones say yes okay okay new progress we're making new progress we got this i'm strong i'm powerful i can do it i might not be able to do it not sure how confident i am in my ability to do it i think i got this yes okay okay okay actually what actually this might not be a good place i got this just a little bit of parkour i'm a genius i'm so good okay it's getting even darker now do you notice that is it is it tilting is it like tilting as i speak i think it's tilting as i speak this is so trippy i can't tell if i'm going insane or if these things i'm talking about are actually happening okay i know the strategy for this one i've been thinking about it how i was gonna get past this part what i wanna do is stack high i wanna get high and then jump off onto that it's not gonna be easy to do but i can do it or wait i i really don't know what to do guys i'm gonna be honest this seems like it's impossible because i can't place boards any further than that i have one more board though oh i think i can place them yes okay that's the strap i gotta angle my camera higher maybe jump even oh i am a genius okay okay watching this video probably feels like watching an insane man work i feel like i'm going insane honestly if you told me i was going insane i'd probably believe you honestly at this point okay i got this one two i'm dming macho right now to shame him for making me play this because this is awful i'm having a bad time i'm not editing this video i'm sending it to trilogy trilogy say hi on a scale of one to ten how awful is it editing this video trilogy i expect a 10 or else i'm getting you fired i don't know what that way is oh i may have figured out what that way is guys see you see what just happened there you see that i smacked myself on the head with the board and it launched me as far as i've ever gone now it may just be the fumes slowly getting to my brain cells but i think i can use that i think i can use that all right let's test it on this one how high can i go not high cool so i'm gonna have to do it on the rusty board because it lasts longer right hopefully i can you guys are going to see the genius of my insanity let me tell you right now all right now watch this watch this you ready oh my god wait oh my god that might work that might actually work no way wait wait what if i'm fully zoomed out is that why that happened it is okay okay guys i'm figuring it out i am a mad genius right now i am a genius i am so smart i figured it out this is how zoomed out your camera needs to be to have like a safe ride are you ready for this are you ready to see what's about to happen friends let's go no oh my god i can make it i could totally make it i am so smart the size of my brain almost hurts all right are you ready for this no no okay i can make that i can totally make that well uh got here and now i'm stranded i thought i almost made it there sheesh how long have i been going now 43 minutes still haven't gotten past the first stage [Music] i got this i got this i did it i did i got it this time okay oh i did it okay okay i did it oh okay okay okay next zone oh wow okay um oh what's that okay see now i'm concerned yeah uh wow huh i didn't expect this game to uh get that scary that quick well by quick i mean uh one hour at playtime what the hell what is that i'm confused now okay the boards just aren't breaking right now i mean i mean good news for me that first board is just sticking there that's funny all right there we go i made it again see i'm getting good at it now but what the what is this zone pretty sure for this area i need to take one board set it down here and then drag the other board with me as i jump which is gonna be annoying but i got it do you hear drums hold on a sec yeah i hear drums uh that's not reassuring yeah no it's just the drums of death coming to claim us all brothers in arms dude the what is that i'm so confused and mortified right now i'm not exactly sure what to expect it's like beating over there is it is it coming towards me or is it just turning no way is that thing getting closer well in case it is i'm gonna keep on going not a fan of psychological horror there's a rusty plank right here oh i can use my strategy if i want to oh no oh no i will use my strategy to overcome the fear of this game i will no longer be scared of the beating thing over there i'm coming for you buddy what is it what is it oh my god what the no no no no no did you hear that what the hell oh no bye subscribe if you liked it die if you don't that was worth 50 minutes what the hell what was that if you think you can get further than me please feel welcome to go to the pitt and comments that's the first time i've ever been scared by a roblox game in this series oh my god bye
Channel: Laughability
Views: 595,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox scary, roblox scary game, roblox scary games, this roblox game slowly gets disturbing, laughability scary, laughability scary game, scary roblox games, roblox challenge, roblox funny moments, roblox trolling, funny roblox game, roblox funny, funny roblox, no swearing, no cursing, roblox disturbing, disturbing roblox games, disturbing roblox game
Id: rnQnm6j95nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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