This POWER PLANT Discharge was Hiding GIANT Fish!!! (BIGGEST in Years!)

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oh my gosh there the take some has it guys fish on oh monster fish monster fish in the discharge monster fish in the discharge yeah something has to bait there we go big fish big fish what's going on everybody Nick 618 fishing here and welcome back to another fishing Adventure today's episode should be an epic one because we are going to be fishing a hot water discharge coming out of a power plant that I have never fished before but I've had my eye on for a very long time but there is one big obstacle when it comes to fishing this Spillway and that is actually getting there and we have made it to where we are going to take off from as you can tell there is a giant River there behind me I've got my kayak loaded up with all of my gear and in the distance approximately a mile and a half Upstream is the power plant I've never done anything like this I'm a little nervous but excited and we are off this current looks pretty strong holy cow that current is really strong it looks like I've got some slack water opposite of the River from where I'm at so let's go ahead and make our way across the river okay this is actually a lot harder than what I was expecting I've made almost no progress as far as going Upstream goes this current is ridiculous but I did a little scouting with my drone I'm going to try my best to get there but this is going to be very difficult okay here we go guys back out into the current oh my gosh you guys this is impossible I just pedal so hard for so long my legs are dead and I barely made it to this next little pocket of slack water oh man this a going to happen that was rough I didn't think I was going to make it to this pocket I thought I was going to have to give up this has turned into a seemingly impossible mission but I just had a little bit of time to rest think about my life choices and I looked on Google Earth it appears that I am almost halfway there I am not ready to give up quite yet all right let's [Music] go I think we might have gotten lucky here and we'll be able to cut right through this slack water to get to the next pocket of slack water if this was not here I don't know if this fishing Adventure would go on ooh that current picked up right there that caught me off guard almost sent me right into those logs as much as I would like to get to this spot with my kayak it looks like I'm going to have to continue on foot okay I've got most of my gear loaded up see you later kayak please be there when I get back and we're [Music] [Music] [Applause] off okay this is a very steep bank but it looks like we might actually be able to make it down to the water from here oh wow you guys that discharge looks so cool this is absolutely incredible I've been looking at this spot on Google Earth forever I did not think I was ever actually going to see it in person especially after how the day started but somehow some way we have managed to make it to the hot water water discharge and this looks absolutely gnarly I cannot wait to see if there's any fish hiding out there beneath the surface I am exhausted my legs are on fire but I am beyond excited let's start by tossing out a lure and see if anything wants to pick it [Music] up man this current is [Music] insane oh oh my gosh I had a fish no way I've had One Singular bite right here at this discharge I think this water is a little bit too turbulent let's move just a little bit Downstream I've moved about 100 yards Downstream from that discharge and the water out here is significantly calmer than what it was directly beneath that waterfall let's go ahead and toss out this castable sonar right here I'm curious to see how hot this water is as well as how deep it is the water temperature is very warm it is 69 almost 70° but as far as depth goes it looks like it's between 5 to 7 ft deep we might have to go find some deeper water oh there's a bite there we go fish on no way you guys we finally have a fish on oh how am I going to land him yes please stay on there we go you guys oh no way I think this is a moai I believe it's called a very cool looking fish I don't catch many of these but apparently they make for some great catfish bait so let's go ahead and rig this guy up on the bigger Rod to see if we can catch a monster I think that might be the most effort I've put into catching a singular fish but I am so happy to finally get the skunk off the board but the spot that we have moved down to which is about 200 yards down from the discharge where this empties into the rest of the river it looks deep and it looks like a spot where a monster would be hiding let's go ahead and try to catch one I've got a piece of that moony rigged up on a Carolina rig here we [Music] go oh my gosh they're going to take some has it guys fish on oh nice fish nice fish oh my gosh nice fish holy smokes oh really nice fish monster fish monster fish in the discharge monster fish in the discharge oh my gosh please stay on please stay on please stay on please stay on oh I have no good place to land this fish what did we just hook into oh my gosh it's a monster it's a monster drum holy smokes we need to get this guy in the net oh easy buddy easy buddy in the net look at the size of this fish I cannot believe this right now this dude picked up a big chunk of that moony my personal best freshwater drum was 12 lb and I caught it 4 years ago let's go ahead and get a weight of this fish the net weighs about 2 lb inside the net this guy weighs 8.7 lb so this dude comes in at 6.7 lb and is the second biggest freshwater drum that I have ever caught look at the belly on this fish this dude is super healthy see later buddy yes getting to where I am at currently was not easy in fact it was incredibly difficult but that fish right there that monster freshwater drum just made up for all of that struggle I cannot believe I just caught that fish and he picked up that bait almost immediately I have to get another bait out there because I want to see what else is hiding out there beneath the depths in this hot water that guy picked up a very similar sized chunk of that fish I caught earlier let's go ahead rig up another one on this small circle hook and cast it back out there we are quickly running out of daylight but that also should mean that these big predatory fish are going to start feeding especially since this water is nearly 70° which is wild all right here we go oh there's M there we go fish on fish on Fish on oh it's another drum let's see if I can get him up there we go yes another freshwater drum if I did not already have enough bait I would have kept this guy but we are solid on bait so let's go ahead get a closeup and then let this dude go oh there's a bite there we go fish on what in the world is that what in the world was that no it's off dang it see you later buddy as I was getting a closeup of that drum a very interesting looking fish picked up this bait I'm not sure what that was let's go ahead and rig up a fresh piece of bait and see if we can get another [Music] chance [Music] there's a take something has this ba fish on Fish on oh this is a nice fish this is a nice fish I really want to see what this fish is this is on my ultral light of all rods I was using a small all night crawler and of course we hooked into a nice one what in the world is that oh it's a catfish you guys it's a catfish my net is over there let's see if we can walk him that way without getting tangled in my other line all right now we just need to get him in the net there we go you guys a decent little channel catfish on the ultralite yes fourth species of the day all of which have come in the last hour this is incredible see you later buddy I am seeing a ton of fish activity out in that slack water at the end of that Peninsula let's see if I can try and get my bait over into that slack water let's try and do this without breaking the fishing pole here we go it is just out of my range barely let's give it one more try all right guys I think I barely got it to the slack [Applause] [Music] water [Music] okay I think something has the bait yeah something has the bait there we go big fish big [Music] fish holy smokes I think I might be wrapped around something he was on the opposite side of the discharge oh my gosh big fish big fish what in the world did we look into he was on the opposite side in that slack water what in the world is [Music] that oh my gosh really nice fish really nice fish holy smokes you [Music] guys holy smokes we have to land this fish we have to land this fish oh my gosh he was opposite of where I'm at and he picked up that piece of bait fish oh he's not giving up [Music] [Music] there we go you guys oh my gosh we just got a really nice blue catfish I think this is the second biggest blue catfish that I've ever caught it has been such a long time since I caught my last one oh my gosh I'm so happy to have caught this fish what a beast my personal best blue catfish was 23 lb I caught it nearly 3 years ago I don't think this is going to beat it but I do believe this is the second biggest one I've ever caught it beats my previous second biggest blue catfish by .1 lbs yes see you later buddy as much as I want to stick around and keep fishing I cannot because that sun has set and I do not want to cross this River in the dark we need to start making our way back to the kayak okay Moment of Truth is the kayak still there yes it is okay I was incredibly nervous going into today I did not know what to expect but I did know that I wanted to fish that hot water discharge it's something I wanted to do for a very long time I decided today to give it the go and honestly I thought it was going going to be a fail right off the bat I was exhausted immediately I did not think we were going to get there but we got there and not only did we get there but we caught some epic fish so needless to say I had a lot of fun today if you guys enjoyed this episode I'd really appreciate it if youself a thumbs up possibly think about subscribing if you haven't I will catch you guys on the next one when the monster CS out of the sea you're going to need somebody like me when your brothers got put in the streets you better call somebody like me oh no almost broke my camera I'll be honest I'm a tad bit jealous of those guys over there in that [Music] boat in case you guys were wondering yes I did make it back to the boat ramp man what an adventure
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 153,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xfPtw-qVxh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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