Just GIMME A HANDGUN!! | MAX PLAYS: Resident Evil 4 HD Randomized (Part 4 - Finale)

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let's go [Music] we're at chapter end somewhere at 4-3 where the hell are we okay we were right after the uh the progeninator what the heck was his name the uh the crazy Predator dude we were right there look at these textures Chad oh my God four handgun bullets that I can't use fantastic hard save this in case nothing crashes the Verdugo goes yeah [Music] I still do not have a handgun we're getting screen tearing again oh we definitely are disgusting amount of screen tearing [Music] up here how many bullets do I have in my SMG very little I have an absolute metric [ __ ] ton of rifle ammo and a huge occupance of handgun ammo taking up all my inventory space oh joy oh joy [Music] oh joy foreign that's a big jump I was about to say [Music] holy [ __ ] Leon that's what triggers it okay okay so what do we got to fight in here chickens nice nothing but a bunch of chickens [ __ ] chicken so drop good stuff that didn't drop anything didn't drop anything good oh that frame drop [ __ ] oh they're laying eggs all over the place nice a chicken is freaking out big jump Leon okay okay you want these eggs these are just regular eggs regular eggs don't recover anything [Music] dang it this is much easier with chickens here I will say maybe less engaging but one easier yeah the game is like a 180 now I've gotten chickens several times in very difficult spots of the game I think it's at the top right [Music] cheeky no chickens up here laying eggs come on lay an egg give me something golden you have full health thing I don't want to knife you get out of the way something weird is happening foreign very difficult puzzle that's why I know dang look at that wall [Music] foreign okay close this is definitely gonna be in the remake definitely okay not dead this part can't be in the remake if it isn't it doesn't have any heart no soul soulless remake you again the sacred ride that's about to begin at this Tower shall endow the girl with magnificent power she will join us become one of us this is no ritual it's terrorism isn't that a popular word these days not to worry special ritual for you foreign why do you throw the knife at him you gave him gave him ammunition why'd he throw the knife out of him what an idiot why would he do that handgun ammo oh lovely tell me there's a merchant up here oh that's helpful [Music] okay give me some uh SMG ammo please I need TMP ammo it's the only normal gun I have let me get to play Donkey Kong oh so grenade guys okay no Donkey Kong put that down [ __ ] no Donkey Kong right Donkey Kong guy's gone oh but those guys are definitely pissed thank you greenish urbish oh my God [ __ ] that guy's dead Tim aggressive way I hear an explosive I don't see one operate it's a lift go up yes it's not going up maybe it's overload capacity what the [ __ ] I'm being so picky oh well that was bad all right all right all right all right all right all right all right eat this egg eat this other egg okay eat this thing good golf why foreign people are shooting at me and I don't know where let's turn into a Sky's bucket get out of here wow oh that hurts now that really hurts oh my God timeout timeout timeout [Music] these guys where are these guys oh screw him screw him oh thanks sweet baby Jesus [Music] this is the most unaccurate gun in the game give me a break okay Ricky down thank you use your handgun what handgun what handgun use my handgun what handgun tell me the Magnum I'm gonna use the Magnum on that guy from like a mile away this one the Magnum throw the bullets yes okay no more no more advice from the chat how about that [Music] jump down here oh okay bangle going up maybe uh uh just maybe there's like a merchant around here I don't remember if he is somebody's dead hmm I feel like I'm missing something right Chad are we good Music's Over nice the Merchant's a bad guy the merchant was a bad guy so unfortunate Merchant was randomized into a [ __ ] all right this about to become very challenging [Music] people are still shooting at me all right so what's this going to turn into um in fact chat this is this is bugging the Holy Holy free holy out of me uh a second [Music] how are we looking absolutely awful or awfully awfully absolutely that do it is it the mystical fix Gucci all right let's go very bad frame the frame drops were freaking me out man oh this was White's gonna be a great time I have to do this without the rocket launcher I usually have an RPG for this I just missed her the ritual is over she left with my men to an island what the island I guess I'm going to foreign I don't think so and I forgot how to fight him maybe we'll get lucky and he has bird Health monsters yes after this there'll be one less to worry about oh [ __ ] excuse me last second that's it big [ __ ] I'm lucky that I'm just like missing all these right [Music] okay I'm lucky I'm not getting hit by the tentacles I like where I'm at right now [ __ ] I'm not moving pull it back okay bam what [Music] oh God oh God suddenly became very dangerous right so I think when I see that right I think when I see that I have to turn around and jump down I think there's I think there's a spot where I can turn around and jump down so I get my ammo back I do so I don't have to miss all those shots again right oh man did the screen tearing really come back this has been a burden chat huge burden it's okay I have plenty more Minds down yeah let's get out of here oh that's bad there's dogs that are home holy what the [ __ ] what the don't want to go down here don't want to go down here foreign holy [ __ ] okay throw it that was close okay handgun ammo exactly what I needed I can just pop one of these I don't want to look at it I have no more mines I don't okay rifle ammo great incendiary grenade fantastic [Music] CMP ammo it's exactly what I want that was a little painful okay about to pull a Target foreign foreign okay that's the tell Patel is that he opens up he opens wide [Music] [ __ ] god look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] what [ __ ] I didn't get that Dodge oh my God and I lost my opportunity if I can aim up right here oh the answer is no and ow that hurt pull it back oh scary four shots left let's not wave these here what okay okay one bullet left in there that's bad foreign there we go this guy took a lot of ammo I wish I had a rocket I think the rocket is a one-hit kill all right now I'm desperately low on a lot of stuff I'm one one shot left there uh no mine ammo no rifle [Music] it's more handgun I'm all lovely that's exactly what I wanted and that's exactly what I needed it's over here shotgun ammo helpful I think there's one last bootable that'd have been very helpful it has more ammo for the collection it's a little it getting a little weird at this point you know 10 000 bucks fifty thousand damn that was stacked okay all right there's got to be a merchant somewhere around here it's good anything more I can pillage from this place it doesn't look like it [ __ ] snake foreign okay stuff [Music] potentially a merchant I don't believe it I don't believe there's a merchant here I don't believe it more ammo for my collection hello no you don't here's the thing you don't you don't have anything new on sale you don't you have nothing new this guy never ever ever has new [ __ ] thank you Chris is the Firepower beyond the weapons threshold is that all strange I'm about to buy that [ __ ] right is that old is that old thank you about to I'm about to buy that [ __ ] they need to buy out of him so he opens up space is that it what are you buying is that old thank you six six there is CS6 Maps six Castle Maps six [Music] [Music] [Music] better hurry up before I buy every single thing in this inventory open up some more chances you better hurry up better hurry up I need I need a reason to not do that the next Merchant I come by is the last time I might possibly get a handgun well here's the or a rifle right here's the thing why is it why is he never update why does he never update [Music] four chicken eggs foreign [Music] [Music] thank you ah let the sell more handgun have a trigger the Gods anyone here have you went there and the merchant never [ __ ] updates seems convenient right but the game just doesn't want me to have any of the things that I should have okay let me get a second TMP is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna buy another TMP another stock as well buy another scope for the rifle I don't have what are you selling I'm gonna sell some rifle ammo too 86 rifle rounds buddy is that old thank you [Music] need some space I have no space is that old thank you what are you buying what are you buying is that old I got it thank you I bought that and bought that I swear to God you piece of [ __ ] you're gonna next time I see you you're going to give me a handgun or a rifle all right the next time we meet it's gonna be either the handgun or the rifle and I swear to God the next time we meet if you don't have it that's it it's over I'll I'll take my chances I'm getting a random drop from you piece of [ __ ] here we go hey that I don't have a handgun Leon that's not realistic okay need a ride handsome foreign okay here we go chapter five one we're in end game boys with no handgun and no rifle foreign [Music] [Laughter] I hate to break it out to you but Salazar is dead yes it seems that way sailor why don't you give up and let Ashley go home perhaps you are disillusioned with overconfidence just because you killed my small time subordinate Sadler your small time no he said the thing arrive in my cage of Torment he said the thing he said the thing you're a small time he said the thing though come on Leon say the thing I shot this from here by already Agro are we being serious something has already aggroed me fantastic some ludicles over here actually I think this is Ada loot yeah Ada like enters from this side I can't remember because she comes she enters the uh from that area uh that dude isn't the dude that's normally what excuse me that's not the guy that normally do that but okay don't worry about it chickens oh no we got these dudes oh dear oh hello [Music] nice I'm still getting the uh good [ __ ] you guys are actually weaker than the dudes that are normally here oh that's the big boy [Music] there we go thank you who is that okay good get him don't have time to slide slightly more holy dumb [ __ ] footsies that's what this is good for right here [Music] really still alive you must have been a boss or some [ __ ] oh hi how's it going cool cool nice that damage upgrade definitely paying out and that that one guy had JJ health long story short move this duh what that what did [ __ ] what look at aim's right there right that might be a problem don't worry about it later it's holes hold on to this lovely and now I gotta turn the light huh only I remembered where hey stop it hey stop it damn I will [ __ ] ah okay anyone else a lot of shiny [ __ ] down there they still think I'm up there let me get down he died from that hey don't don't burst where's our uh uh light source that we gotta move it's around here somewhere benefit thank you very much [Music] it's up here oh I'm about to get lasered and cut in half or some [ __ ] this is not ideal zip that's re5 yeah I'm like this puzzle is very familiar I like the soundtrack shut up I think it's good it's like Predator music you know [Music] all right let me shoot that light out I can neat growing in enemy should be the same right that look like it's about to crush me because I'm smart [Music] box it is the same guys give him the good kick did he drop his weapon I think he did good no no dude's busting okay that sounds different yeah actual Island guys on the island which I've been dealing oh God which I've been dealing with the whole freaking game where we looking cool oh delicious rifle ammo somebody's cooking it for me Jesus these guys got some uh not bird Health on them I think I got a combo for this yeah okay explosivo neat holy [ __ ] cool Kitty experience local customs now I'm lost oh I've been found what people seem mad wow that guy just ran away I said cool oh hi goodbye what what is this hole oh oh okay [ __ ] there's a lot of [ __ ] guys all right okay don't do it don't do it sweet Jesus dude sick of it ow it's so are they [Music] what dick head hole all right don't you do it what what are you what where is he going picking the button got some rare things on sale stranger all right so here we go 25 gift Subs if there's a rifle 50 gift Subs if there is any handgun right that's my bet 25 gift Subs if there's a rifle 50 gift Subs if there's a handgun in three two one oh I don't believe it I don't I don't we did it actually got a pistol right it actually got a pistol don't believe it it happened at the end of the game it eventually happened took that long to get a goddamn pistol dude took that long well we did it finally got our pistol and I think it is like the shittiest one right is it is the Blacktail isn't even the default gun you get is it it's just like just just a gun is that old I'll take it I'll take it is that the default one tied with red nine thank you it's not the best one but it is one of the two big go-to's I get you is that old it's not enough cash stranger oh my God now I actually need money what are you selling so I might as well just toss and sell all my rifle ammo right I'm not going to come across I'm gonna sell all my other rifle [ __ ] my rifle scope don't need that anymore thank you uh rifle ammo gone thank you and ganemo is actually usable now uh uh is that old is that okay the emeralds do these go inside anything I don't think they do right so I think these fit inside something else in fact I can probably start is that old thank you [Music] thank you I was setting something I'll wait on that it was setting something that goes in here right golden links with three holes okay all right hang on a second I have a lot of treasure so uh green and red that's already green and that's red this this butterfly lamp I think I can sell now because I can't get the the purple one which I think goes with it green and red that in there the blue one yeah it's like one blue one okay no no nothing goes in there um if I get lucky with a random insect s Maybe yeah that already has green in it right um okay I'll just sell the emeralds I'm about to get [ __ ] attacked no answer is no what are your boys hey is that old you sell the emeralds they're not really they don't go into anything right now chaotic fear wandering majig uh betamax tapes thank you guys yeah thank you and then the red eyes I think I can sell the two masks now right there's nothing else I can stick inside there Salazar crown uh I'll buy it at a high price thank you everything but the butterfly lamp the golden links what goes in here I just picked this up too [Music] Alfred thank you it's got three holes in it keep the cat yeah keep the cat okay what are you buying Blacktail let me go drop some bullets I haven't shot a pistol in this entire playthrough you're gonna drop 15 rounds into some dickhead's face back piece of [ __ ] okay wow effective is what it is okay don't reload let's go up upgrade it back [ __ ] give them the accuracy [ __ ] don't die don't die don't die well that went poorly what are you boys screw it is that old but what do I want to boost on this thing just Firepower capacity reload speed maybe one on reload thank you thank you awesome night thank you that old stranger thank you is that okay thank you it's cool let's save it was there even a save point there is okay I have a pistol I have a pistol [Music] Austin thanks for the 10 gift Subs all right damn that reload speed holy moly engaging the game's mechanics damn Sergeant scribbles or SLG scribbles thank you here's the scariest part if a regenerator shows up I'm screwed I have no rifle is that two crowsers is that two [ __ ] krausers in this room [Music] my [ __ ] taken care of no problem don't worry about it [Music] okay it's a Spooby double Krauszer's my ass it's a spoon oh this place looks amazing uh I think the last time we played this uh the island might not have been completely done but now it is and holy [ __ ] everything in extreme detail what is this what gross [Music] thank you huh oven man was missing what was he doing in here well he wasn't in there exactly it was a dud yeah it was like one of those popcorn bags where it's just like a dud that's all it was ah [Music] foreign [Music] what the [ __ ] man foreign [Music] [Music] gather myself hold on a second um [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] brace yourself Leon foreign thank Christ thank God I'm coming those those were the Raiders guys right the Raiders fans Ashley those were the Raiders fans [Music] okay amateurs just hang in there Ashley I'm coming for you I'm where uh uh okay just gonna run around till [ __ ] happens wow El Presidente you can actually see the pictures see all the wiring in here my God this really is a remastered jet another merchante yeah things Hawaiian I got excited for a second for one second there was a moment a very brief fleeting moment he still has one treasure map left what are you buying is that all stranger [Music] [Music] all right what open that [ __ ] back up to hold your door [Music] okay better what [ __ ] back up man holy [ __ ] [Music] I'm an expert I don't have much of a shot on this guy that's why he has an armored face what the hell's going on here [Music] the hell I think this over here had something in it right yeah foreign [Music] [Music] pocket something pocket watch cool foreign thank you cool [Music] cool at least be a chicken foreign this is about to become extremely challenging if these dudes are uh actually these dudes in this area because my ass does not have the gun to kill them with to the stage of History the stage of History I don't think anyone's ever done this puzzle before no one's ever actually figured it out the Hideous creatures such as the El higante and the novistadors are merely byproducts of the Diabolical and inhumane experiments conducted on the specimens that were once human but there's one type of creature that clearly distinguishes itself from the rest they're called regenerators Superior metabolism and allows them to spoilers foreign cool [ __ ] you no way see you later [Music] foreign okay they actually have regenerator health right regenerators don't have a lot of Health it's just finding out you know where to hit them [Music] foreign [Applause] that'll happen very fast [Music] a very very fast [ __ ] foreign this thing is moving bro sucks to be them rifle ammo to collect geez everything's in such goddamn detail foreign oh my God creepy sure whatever foreign [Music] I didn't need to grab that [Music] I've already killed him they're already dead they're already dead don't worry about it the two guys that were in there were already dead it's all good don't worry about it chat [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign regular villagers are they common uh they really commented foreign [Music] the [ __ ] what the hell did he just throw at me [Music] I'm good at this game I haven't used a pistol in the whole [ __ ] playthrough good [Music] cool bird AI yeah not bird health I got bird AI this place is relatively normal got a lot of dank ass Urban here [ __ ] [Music] coming last time I was down here is some very dangerous things were running at me foreign these are Raiders fans so they're gonna have a lot of help [Music] thank you okay I don't have that bye-bye hold on Ashley let me just slowly pull out this other pick oh close [Music] okay [Music] got an easy room here got lucky what are the x-rays showing that down put it down [Music] hey thank you for that ah what it's already in my ass [ __ ] him God damn it [ __ ] why is this guy have so much life it's got a ridiculous amount of Health so yeah this is the really buff regenerator foreign yeah the mine thrower was pretty good but that's kind of scary right now I essentially need to get them away from me you didn't get them like stunned a little bit I'll [ __ ] believe it oh my God damn damn [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] dancing with this dude in here [Music] oh sweet Jesus Well that took a while [Music] I literally had to wrestle this dude to get this key card off of him perfect for my collection take that [Music] okay all right foreign are those birds all right foreign [Music] good things on sale stranger what are you buying [Music] is that okay not enough cash stranger what are you selling is that old thank you [Music] thank you is that all yes thank you thank you come back anytime this is Leon request backup I repeat request backup [Applause] I can't contact my people can literally read the notes this [ __ ] sound all right oh God [Music] foreign not worth it it's just not worth it at all in any way at all not worth it whatever loot those birds had you know it was not worth it [Music] uh what are we looking gotta go straight unfair [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] okay it's fine hell's Ashley [Music] was she right around this corner right here foreign [Music] what Leon you okay come on let's get out of here oh that's gonna be interesting maybe maybe the tractor will be piloted by a bear trap again that's where we get the note from Ada right I'm able to get out of here by using the waste disposal vent thanks Ada wait ideas oh good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] follow me okay Ashley where the hell do we gotta go um foreign [Music] waste disposal event uh no back the other way I finally got a pistol yeah not that long ago no rifle Bang Bang what you were not there a second ago [Music] [Music] cheesy CR whoa cheesy crazy [Music] explosive looks like this is it stinks sure does no way Leon way good are you out of your mind I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt you what is this come on let's go don't look at that oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] foreign [Music] don't worry about it you should have just locked it in there and it never would have come out maybe I could do that here here Ashley chill out Ashley follow me whatever oh no well that's a shitty situation well this is a a shitty situation don't ask any more questions foreign [Music] [Music] so as soon wait a minute oh thank God damn bunny peace it's definitely been challenging what Christ wait [Music] what reverse bird health [Music] come on follow me not missing anything okay moving on in oh sh wait [ __ ] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you everyone's taking a bath today [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] back [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] that Shield dude didn't give a [ __ ] thank you [Music] follow me seriously [Music] a lot of flipping and dipping going on right now oh God damn [Music] what about you Ashley [Music] [Music] foreign wait follow me [Music] wait these guys foreign it's got to be endless right grab her so I can stab you [Music] [Music] should we foreign [Music] yeah that's the better I was holding out man okay I was holding out I was just confirmed I was not dying [ __ ] [Music] foreign look there's a gate here you didn't say that last time what [Music] [Music] that is [Music] that you big piece of [ __ ] [Music] that should be all right [Music] come on Ashley [Music] whoa okay not dead We're Not Dead or lovely uh rifle ammo that I can't use foreign it's like a kennel huh come on give me that money ooh double money Verdugo is going to be piloting the truck or some [ __ ] oh good that's helpful I have a lot of shotgun them I should just stick with this for now leave it to me Leon brilliant uh let's just take care of this right now [Music] one last room ah I knew it welcome welcome got a selection of good what are you selling I got a lot of money uh I haven't found many uh generals and stuff what are you buying what are you selling what are you selling is that old what are you buying what are you buying hmm Firepower and the striker can still go up adds homing to the Mind darts and significantly increase their blast radius it's only 30k [Music] I think I have to I've never done this before I think I have to strange job right I have to thank you is that old thank you is that okay oh my God that still goes holy [ __ ] um you know Compton animator thank you black beast Lord tickle ducks man Hancock jibs beautiful otako thanks for the gift sub Mr gamer and midnight perp Elmora Prince marinar thanks guys uh we're getting low on funny thank you what are you selling what are you buying buyers are a couple of flash grenades he's got eight flash grenades it's actually quite good come back anytime also good I'd be needing that [Music] run run was a little uh easy at the in the middle area now it's getting a bit challenging man [Music] wait follow me there are levers on both side of the door right Ashley can you use one Paul right so can we like do this together wait funny foreign this could be absolutely terrible right Leon this could be all verdugos but I have a lot of shock on ammunition so could be it could be chickens it could be bear traps okay so it's challenging [Music] well that's one hell of a jumped there buddy thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at that my dad I'm Not Dead foreign I noticed well [ __ ] [Music] [Music] out of here man [Music] foreign okay what the [ __ ] that was a funny sound The Shield guys are something else [Music] foreign ah it's not gonna run anymore oh [ __ ] oh [Music] grab some gold bars you know like whatever the hell this is read this plaque is actually legible foreign man what are you buying can't tune up the TMP anymore so I'm like truly out of ammo on it [Music] greenstone of judgment into the kitty it goes is that it is that all that goes into the cat [Music] what are you selling [Music] no no there's got more stuff [Music] what much ammo do I got it's getting Harry it's starting to get hairy ammunition is starting to get a little hairy yeah foreign [Music] ever so strongly inside you [Music] perhaps you can resist parasite Wi-Fi you cannot be serve pain now come to me Ashley nobody will notice that roses that loud beeping thing on our back it's already begun jeez man jeez man I think we're only a couple more chapters to the end right we're pretty much almost there it's a memo need some animal needs some ammo because the agent was love chiefman at Mendez and Ramon nevertheless everything will proceed according to plan something however the loss of my loyal man is a bit disheartening but I will deal with it replacing that loss will not come as easy I must Choose Wisely for the plague or reflects the contents of their hosts have chosen poorly they could betray me I need men who will swear their allegiance I've learned on this one when Sarah betrayed me I will not make the same mistake again an important hour I will not stand in my way sorry excuse me there's a lot of enemies up this area I think what's the news on our friend Leon he's not making it easy the sample Sadler's got it it seems he sniffed out our little game perfect just so we understand each other clearly I don't trust you nor does whisker if you try to do anything clever I will kill you is that so you know I met Wesker long before you we'll see soon enough if you did yeah we'll see Ada wait five bullets in this thing it's not good [Music] dude [Music] jump out I got the Mind drawer but I have to conserve I have to conserve I can't just like start killing everything again oh [ __ ] [Music] oh here we go it's probably gonna look really good with all the new textures foreign comrade krauser I died in a crash two years ago is that what they told you you're the one who kidnapped Ashley quick as expected after all you and I both know where we come from what do you want the sample Sadler developed that's all leave Ashley out of this oh I needed her to buy Sadler's trusted me like you I'm American foreign you got her involved just for that doing well or for umbrella's sake umbrella almost let it slip enough talk die comrade Ada well that isn't the [ __ ] in the red dress looks like we have the upper hand here you may be able to prolong your life but it's not like you can escape your inevitable death is it foreign you knew each other more or less maybe it's about time you told me the reason why you're here maybe some other time dips out [Applause] enjoy the reunion with your old friend as a matter of fact I did wonderful I wouldn't want my special guests on the island feeling unattended guess I'm supposed to thank you right ah I have an idea since you're here why don't I introduce you to it it should keep you busy this can't remember the name [ __ ] thing a senior moment perhaps enjoy the fun uh so what's this thing gonna turn into it's definitely going to be random because we ran into it earlier and didn't fight it oh fun [Music] [Music] look up [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] okay we're back take the general I remember this the elegant headdress and the swag chair very good there's no time for resting what are you doing Leon is what Ashley would say if she was here foreign this part is not going to be fun we got to get this thing out of us welcome got some rare things what are you buying what are you buying I could just go with the striker you know uh but it's really expensive what are you selling the elegant headdress uh so it's by itself one of a kind [Music] thank you emeralds are by themselves stranger thank you still waiting on some of this stuff come back anytime oh God [Music] oh God getting the striker exclusive is a good idea yeah it seems like it is I just need more money [Music] [Music] no gems on the wall there was a red herb on the door where the merchant was ah [ __ ] I should go back and get it I need that stuff I need anything now man use them what Chad are we drunk in the door at this oh man I thought this I thought this was going to lead to uh the friggin shooting range how weird [Music] to know Chad you got modded and then unmodded you lost your privilege already that's what happened like I modded him and then I unmodded him very quickly he abused his power too fast got lucky and then unlucky welcome back to the stage on a Saturday this big creepy [ __ ] thing What's it gonna be oh it is just what it is hoodie foreign holy [ __ ] I really gotta shake that thing off of me okay so all right all righty then yeah no changes it is what it is I think about you [Music] each man foreign changes but I go backwards I got turned the [ __ ] around are we being serious [Music] foreign [Music] all right [ __ ] really Tiff all right all right hang on a second hang on a second foreign I'm hitting it on the second cart I'm upset I was straight lied to today [Music] I don't even know where they're at [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign Ty got right God damn it foreign convenient so that's if that sequence has to be the way it is because it's like a puzzle sequence right what I'm saying is that this boss fight this version of him should be random we're gonna find out [Music] just making a regular ganado right regular gennado because this [ __ ] is about to have a ton of Health foreign here we go [ __ ] it's not oh my God [Music] foreign oh [ __ ] [Music] thank you oh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] no no no no Jesus Christ man okay all righty then this boy got some life huh [Music] [ __ ] test this damn it I wanted to see if I could stun lock him with the striker and I could not fair enough [Music] I don't think he gives a [ __ ] thank you foreign [Music] foreign got a couple of good hits in a couple hits in for good measure [Music] foreign that sucked so it goes underway three times [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] how many times this [ __ ] go under foreign [Music] [Music] there we go oh God damn ammo dump give me your money [Music] take this damn door open Francisco where's this go guessing the power is not working what the hell oh if for whatever reason you wanted to go back okay all right okay that's fine foreign [Music] foreign [Music] laughs let's go faster let's go faster [Music] he's dead he's dead one more Barrel in here [ __ ] so this is where I need to go piece of [ __ ] just a mystery dog somewhere possible okay [Music] oh that was actually a very good drop from that dog oh that goes into the cat I'm imagining foreign [Music] that's a snake I'm gonna be pissed no Merchant I wonder what Krauser's gonna turn into if it has to be krauser maybe it doesn't get a little weird [Music] foreign [Music] the merchant was the dog yeah I see I get it now I get it now there's a lot of weird ass enemies that pop up in this fight like a lot so if they're all bear traps or chickens so Krauser's a chicken so you two are all hooked up now is that it where's Ashley do you really want to know she's beyond that gate but you'll need three insignias to open it what are you gonna do krauser there's one in the North and the other in the east and let me guess you got the last one pretty much means you're on a tight leash sounds like you thought this went out pretty well oh [ __ ] could be knifed here ow no he cannot it's not the same weaknesses no [ __ ] um you have to wait till he gets his big dumb bird arm or something okay good to know foreign chest oh [ __ ] oh God all right I wonder if it procs that sequence right if that's what you get you get like a qte they might get a whole I can hit a whole ass once and it's over ah goodbye oh God ow he's stabbing the [ __ ] face man you have to be fast as [ __ ] okay right [Music] so I have to hit the lock on the door first it has a timer on it or some [ __ ] [Music] foreign probably do this by uh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I have to like twist my [ __ ] hand to get to the L stick uh I think I can just Mash anything for that one I think so yeah I'll just abuse the latter if that's the case because it has to jump down the ladder you just stab him jump up the ladder stab him jump down the ladder just repeat rinse and repeat foreign [ __ ] that really took off half my goddamn health okay oh he pops down there [Music] foreign [Music] and he's gone okay probably could have done that better but you know figure it out no oh I'm actually crazy full on uh oh my [ __ ] right I'm crazy full so I don't need to worry about it we've got Max health for days did he shot me in the [ __ ] face okay but jump over Leon holy [ __ ] not as good as ladder cheese thank you [Music] okay well I almost didn't see that so you're looking all over the place with stupid things what do you intend to do restoring umbrella to bring order and balance to this insane world of ours psycho like you can't bring order or balance you don't seriously think a conservative mind can chart a new course for the world do you that's what I'm talking about oh God don't just stand there come out and fight like a man I'm not falling for that one just try to have fun what are you supposed to do here [Music] ow now I must solve puzzles damn it I went too far foreign missing I got the herb yeah foreign look over here and it's over there all right foreign [Music] what are you doing these actually might be better than dealing with the robots no [ __ ] what is it that you fight for comrade shot I haven't passed I suppose cheap walked in here with me good talk I think that's the Insignia over there and now I need to you know like this I need to joint this and then we go on a knife fight might as well pop one of these too just in case okay the holy Beast [Music] two down one more to go krauser we'll see about that [Applause] foreign foreign okay he's dead or I did oh wow what happened to you used to be one of the good guys I know he looks [ __ ] bad [ __ ] is looking bad that was anticlimactic you just stamp them come on there's textures dude texture land all right time to get the bloggers out of us foreign [Music] all right there's a lot of enemies here [Music] shall I return creation what are you talking about I thought he was with you what are you talking about you talking about I think I trust an American to tell you the truth I was contemplating how to get rid of him thanks to you that no longer necessary you were just using him right from the start oh I must hand it to you you've demonstrated quite a bit of Promise by killing krauser when your assimilation with Las plagas is complete I'll have you serve as my God unfortunately I'm gonna have to decline your generous offer I have prior engagements enjoy your smart mouthing while you can talk [ __ ] to the boss mode on mic and again this is a lot of [ __ ] you think they'll keep the cheesy dialogue absolutely not hey it's about time sorry bad traffic I'll cover you I love this car watch this I remember this this part right here no one heard it [Music] nobody hears the chopper until the thing is crashing down upon them always Now That's What I Call backup her name is Mike you're looking for Firepower you come to the right way it's nuke this [ __ ] Island oh no thanks Mike this dude really on this [ __ ] I don't have a sniper rifle it's bad it's bad yeah a very bad start shaft very bad start foreign put that RPG down what the [ __ ] [ __ ] is on a spindle holy sweet Jesus Christ this is [ __ ] nuts Mike worth of support Mike where's the support Mike okay Mike doesn't help you in Pro uh Jesus Christ I don't have a sniper rifle to take this [ __ ] out yeah we're going full ass Dodge Mode really so I have a rifle for me to uh you know just save it's crazy Jacob hello two RPGs already what the [ __ ] foreign just get me out of here everybody has RPGs every guy's an RPG guy this guy have JJ health he did all right Founders get the hell out of here the other way [ __ ] oh [ __ ] foreign oh dude not being able to snipe the guys in the uh not being able to snipe the dudes that are sitting on the chain guns is ridiculous man okay yeah you know what I'll just mind throw it I'm just trying to save that I mean oh [ __ ] huh huh huh I'm just gonna go back and loot everything foreign [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] explosivo [Music] I think I went the long ass long way [Music] about to get Harry foreign so scared [Music] [Music] I like can't do anything about these guys oh my God you idiot [Music] sell it dude this is [ __ ] yo what okay no sniper rifle makes this very difficult this is uh this is very difficult all right just have to find the way I need to go and go that way you know oh no did I not grab all this [ __ ] I didn't maybe they'll blow each other up [Music] dude what the [ __ ] you guys got some help [Music] where foreign [Music] [Music] I don't even know where this other one is [Music] you're bopping behind me to where am I being shot from like where oh he's down and below me all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right down and below so I gotta go back and grab the uh the red herb and all this stuff that's right here because I need this [ __ ] every single guy has an RPG great [Music] foreign damn it I have the shot blow yourselves up foreign [Music] foreign didn't hurt that guy foreign I gotta get an eye on where this dude is oh [ __ ] maybe we did it I don't know there's a lot of dead dudes come on the [ __ ] with the RPG there's two switches of course [Music] foreign music kick back up friendly scared the [ __ ] out of me dude so where do I gotta go get this [ __ ] unlocked over there okay yeah Mike helps now all right thanks Mike appreciate it just a little late that thing got nuked thank you okay hope it doesn't crash yeah this crash the last time we played this version of the game please no that was not easy every guy had a freaking RPG no Buenas man thank God all right all right all right well dead body man thank you [Applause] oh yeah thanks when we get out of here drinks are on me yeah hey I know a good bar my mind he knew a good bar no he knew a good bar that's what that's going to be on his gravestone [Music] sure you're the next to go Sadler [Applause] I'm sorry Leon Chandler you bastard it's nothing to get all upset about don't tell me you've never swatter the bothersome fly in essence it's the same thing what did you say insect's life doesn't compare to human lives when you've acquired this power you too will understand guess it's another good reason to get the parasite out of my body I wish you luck this you lock was farming oh my God [Laughter] come on I didn't know if he was gonna hit me I didn't know I was like he's walking towards me but I don't know I think he might just be bugged out walking toward me menacingly Goddamn money I need ammo shiny thing shiny thing oh shiny thing is it just a spinal that's an emerald now [Music] Swede Leon you okay [Music] [Applause] ah sorry Aida all right chili we have to get that parasite out of your body yeah but before that I gotta save Ashley fine let's split up ain't a whale cool cool totally normal behavior how else is in here nothing there was usually a regenerator in here yeah not today okay so it's either going to be like okay there's nothing going to be nothing in between this has so many enemies here that it's ridiculous it's either going to be 30 [ __ ] regenerators 30 of the crazy Wolverine [ __ ] 30 of the psycho chainsaw guys and or 30 of uh let's say 30 Mendes yeah 30 Mendez is or we get lucky in 30 chickens okay well it seems to be normal funny enough to be normal relatively did he actually take it no it's literally 30 Shield guys 20 enough foreign dudes man okay here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go [Music] this guy's a pain in my ass there are so many of them [Music] thank you Nate out they all pursued super hard so they all went downstairs at the exact same time oh what's this money did somebody have the key was it downstairs I think it was [ __ ] the truck got unlocked oh they're running yeah we never came across the sniper rifle thank you bye guys don't be a dude down here ready to hit me wherever I hear I don't see them sounds like a big guy though [Music] I think that was the guy with the key card normally why are you running combat puzzle over effective waste of ammo thank you whatever the hell you were in a previous life it had a lot of HP oh my God that's right this is a [ __ ] like boss fight you forgot about this yet it seems you would rather choose death I'm taking Ashley back whether you like it or not ah The Audacity Of Youth Leon now big green button geez that looks crazy move [Music] let's go [ __ ] GameCube game [Music] fire indeed hot oh hi welcome got a selection of what are you buying uh I wonder if I should buy any of these hand grenades or anything like that seven [ __ ] should buy the black bass what are you buying foreign [Music] thank you what are you buying thank you this is the power beyond the weapons threshold that's 80k what are you selling uh uh I'm pretty sure I should just be selling all of this [ __ ] now right now is the time ah thank you is that old [Music] is that old stranger is that okay we got some extra cash Ola mess around with uh uh gold chicken eggs and grenades he's got two is that all thank you is that is that old eggs thank you not the best I can do right now you know come back hope that I have the tools to uh to get this [ __ ] done [Music] Luis I should sell the sniper ammo I'm gonna be back here anyway in a second damn this place looks great dude holy [ __ ] all this equipment foreign so what huh what huh my God I have Ashley with me dude I have Ashley with me I can just maybe shoot mine darts at him I don't know huh I can try to run past him I can just grenade and run you know I did buy those grenades for a reason thank you [Music] good bad there's mines everywhere there's mine drones everywhere I actually have to toss this [Music] this hunk of junk so unlucky could have been a chicken find out you operate sure you want to do this yeah all right here goes nothing [Music] [Music] how are you feeling like a million bucks I thought you were gonna die all right guess I'm up Sandy no leave her alone leave Sandy alone [Music] that looks so bad that's FW you okay I don't know about you but I think it's time we go home lately I was gonna say but I could use a beer I don't know about you but I could use a beer all right yeah I'd love to go home I'd love to but what's this way it was ammo foreign this [ __ ] up Jesus man okay final Merchant [Music] definitely hobbled our way through this playthrough right I still don't know how hard Sadler's gonna be welcome got a selection of good things what are you buying 80k what do you expect anything else to sell rifle ammo thank you come back anytime there you go [Music] final boss will be a chicken I hope so I hope so something's not right Ashley you stay here Ada foreign [Music] better try a new trick as that one's getting old my knife you okay it's not a boomerang Leon I've been better [Laughter] what's so funny oh I think you know the American prevailing is a cliche that only happens in your Hollywood movies oh Mr Kennedy you entertain me to show my appreciation I will help you awaken from your world of cliches ah Jesus it's so detailed Ada stand back oh god what the [ __ ] that was just so detailed are you gonna go out to the movies like this dude thank you foreign go for the the knife foreign and then put me on a good side nicely on you don't give a [ __ ] why I'm [ __ ] super [ __ ] right come on he doesn't give a [ __ ] about fire it looks like oh my God damn foreign State you stupid [ __ ] this [ __ ] is being knocked down and he's hitting me foreign [Music] foreign shut up chat oh my God I should stop doing that this is actually a pretty good combo here right it's working out kind of well okay Let It Rock Just Let It Rock [Music] wow that was very fast what the [ __ ] uh uh I don't know why I ran over here I just got bored foreign PG yet not yet foreign Ada you here about to have to throw eggs at this guy or some [ __ ] there we go you took a while final puzzle it's gonna fit right why not oh [ __ ] hi how's it going hi you finally jumped over foreign later the weirdest randomizer run ever sorry Leon hand it over Ada do know what this is hmm don't worry I'll take good care of it Ada gotta go if I even retextured this damn Chopper she really pushed it here catch better get a move on see you around [Music] very cute [Music] foreign I would have been way faster if I just ran manually right would have been way better [Music] we have to get off this island now it's gonna blow any minute I'm leaving the merchant that should probably kill the merchant right I should go back and kill the merchant that'd be that'd be the most sound thing to do but instead of killing the merchant Who's Gonna Leave Ashley hang on sweetheart see you later we're just gonna leave Ashley how do you guys not know about that huh everybody knows about that huh look it's a classic it's a hood classic okay I know just hold on that's caused by Leon having more walk speed with a glitch and it makes his animation click through faster so you just leave Ashley behind foreign what the hell we were at the end though what come on man we were right there what is literally DMC well I wonder why okay we'll do the normal one this time hang on sweetheart ostai thanks for the five gift Subs do a flip how do you do flips what's the button I also have to do a flip how do you do a flip how do you flip it right stick or some [ __ ] I know just hold on it's everything at once I can do that I'm good at that okay yeah yeah you're right that does [Music] hang on sweetheart not happy unhappy actually I'm Magic Buttons we may day we're home free I did some flips look at that [ __ ] all right Ashley where are ya come on let's go home sounds like a great idea mission accomplished right Leon not quite still have to get you home safe Island blew up did you take me back to my place how about we do some overtime no way butthead sorry somehow I knew you'd say that but it doesn't hurt fast you know so who was that woman anyway why do you ask come on tell me he's like a part of me I can't let go let's leave it at that of that jet ski I mean that looks like a very long distance we did it that's randomizer run is over man uh it was definitely interesting right at some points I do kind of like remember and wish that the game had a uh some regular enemies at times but man the mine thrower ended up coming in clutch right believe it or not we got that near the beginning of the game and the mine thrower ended up becoming super clutch the whole thing without a sniper rifle that 90 of the game without a pistol the mine thrower and TMP saved our ass uh and it's funny I look at these credits and they focus all on the villagers right and that was like so long ago in this in this playthrough that that I kind of hope that the new game is a bit more focused you know it's it's weird how like the castle makes sense the The Village makes sense but the the island really doesn't like it's funny how the island is just there there's a lot of cool stuff that happens on the island but it's it's weird how disjointed like a big chunk of the game actually is um and it just feels like a completely different game at times you know like the end of the castle and the the island feel like completely different games so I don't know I might I might actually be a bit happier with some parts even if the Remake ends up focusing the game a little bit more on this stuff right on this area with these enemies and these characters and stuff like that yeah the island sort of acts like the lab yeah kinda [Music] this is so brooding so cool [Music] yeah I love the ending so sick yeah this is still one of the greatest games of all time absolutely it's just so much fun to play that's and that's the biggest thing about it best re game it's not just one of the best re games right in the same way that metal gear revengeance is one of the best metal gear games the greatest games of all time by like a lot uh it's still super good and I understand why I understand why they're remaking it you know I get it it's just um I don't want the Remake to be like this I don't I think the Remake needs to be something unique it needs to be something different that's like the whole point behind it you know so I'm I'm sort of looking forward to a brand new approach to like gameplay as well as just sort of Direction oh this is actually the credits of the mod oh this is sick well that's sick that these are actually mod credits too I just I just realized that and yeah a big shout out to my god dude the guys that have been working on this mod for nearly like 10 years or something like that it's truly incredible yeah this game's visuals are truly incredible with this mod what a game dude holy [ __ ] it's easily my top five of all time it might be number four funny enough if you go to re4hd.com you can find out more about the mod and the guys that made it so sick [Applause] and again is that you finally the lines Jack free a hunt again no glasses forget the glasses what's the status of the mission I've rescued the subject we're returning home you did it Leon thanks you know you're kind of cute without those glasses give me your number when I get back may I remind you that you're still on duty Dory of my life definitely is a clover game that's for sure I only died 141 times right on a randomizer to upload this data to the leaderboards infinite launcher and Matilda okay Matilda does the triple shot this is our randomizer finish right here and the one above it is actually our 100 run right that was our one where we went and got nearly uh absolutely everything uh oh man well this was fun chat what a great time can't wait for the Remake really can't I hope the game I hope the Remake gives this incentive to uh play through the game multiple times in multiple different ways I'm very much looking forward to the remake of this game and you know what I I I don't feel bad if the uh if the Remake is a lot different from this because we practically have a remake for this game right here and that's saying a lot that fans pretty much remade this entire game in its entirety and it looks it looks ridiculous [Music]
Channel: Maximilian Dood
Views: 967,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maximilian, dood, fighting, games, capcom, street, fighter, hype, rage, max, reaction, twitch, videos, yo, videogames, maximilian_dood, max dood, dude, stream, streaming, resident evil 4, re4, re4 randomized, resident evil 4 randomized, resident evil 4 randomizer, resident evil 4 hd
Id: hXLi4qRm2_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 27sec (14187 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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