A New HORROR Tactical Shooter With ENTITIES...

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all right guys so welcome to something I've had my eye on for quite some time this is called entities now the reason I was drawn to this is because it describes itself as a horror SL tactical shooter and you guys will know from the SCP videos I really really enjoy those so I was hoping that this would be something similar to that if not we're going to get something like spat or something along those lines which I'm sure you guys will enjoy if you've never heard of this before though this is what it says welcome to the har pounding world of entities where horror meets tactical shooting in an experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat gather your courage and prepare to face the unknown either alone or with a group of up to four players every match offers a uniquely intense Adventure featuring a dynamic puzzle system and Relentless randomized entities that are out to hunt you down and impede your progress towards your go go welcome to vital SAR your gateway to becoming a skilled search and rescue operative we're thrilled to have you on board before you embark on your mission let's begin with the basics you'll often encounter barricaded doorways in the field to breach one you'll need a tool or a weapon there's an axe right next to the doorway approach the axe and pick it up you do it I picked up the axe have you picked up the Crowbar as well I'm going to put my axxe on number two so don't give a hoot wait the Crowbar yeah yeah yeah just at the blue box underneath uh the walkie-talkie no wait tab tab sorry just Tab and you're going to have a flash oh look at you okay right so my flashlight is going on oh there dude there's so many decisions right let's put that on three let's put the flashlight should a crowbar work on the wood right here uh yeah but you want axe right you want ax to Splinter so pistol oh damn that's like instant switching you see how instant that is dude we're super soldiers we're super quick right are you breaking the wood yes I broke the wood yeah I'm going in oh he's talking in this next room you'll encounter a locked door that can only be opened by entering a code into the keypad to find that code you'll need to carefully search the area recogniz voice somewhere take your flashlight out of your back back to begin sounds like you to be honest why why why do you say that stop it cuz you're super British isn't the American talking on walk it's American yeah oh uh you your flashlight I'm looking around for the for the oh I found the code I think I did oh that's a very basic code isn't it 9999 did you get the same one no I got the 44444 oh it's not basic then see you just got you just destroyed myself didn't I and then wait stop what's happening pushing the wrong buttons great put an X and a v on a Cod now for your next are you outside you'll need to figure out how to open that reinforced steel door ahead here's a hint to get you started pay attention to the ladder standing just outside sometimes the solution to a puzzle lies in unexpected places okay sometimes the solution lies in unexpected places H what do you mean with that he he lean the ladder up against a barrel for me up against the barel oh what push the ladder down and you should be able to get up on this uh water thing oh yeah I can see it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and do that have you done it how do you climb up though you just push push on the ladder and it's going to be a oh do we go around the back is it oh okay okay so you go inside the building you pick it up what are you talking about you go inside the building like you push the ladder over then you go go down into like the little Shack behind it oh yeah um yeah yeah let's go into the house then yeah and there's three buttons on the wall but I'm scared to death to press them ooh okay this is what he talked about then I take it there's a key on the Ed on the Shelf near the door at the end I'm going to Y that and I'm going to yeah I unlock the door the urge of me actually I really wanted to push the buttons right there you know I how I am yeah should we let's have a look these are kind of switches you will encounter in the field okay so as an operative we're going to come across stuff like that so we have a choice to press it or not to press it I kind of like that well oh so I pulled one and then I can't pull the other ones yeah you doomed yourself touched all of it are we walking out uh yeah I'm I'm just going over to the find a switch to unlock the door okay oh wait you switch yeah yeah you're right then so I guess you got to find the switches oh wait I did the right thing then so the wanted the right for me okay On's are the right so the big Jun I wonder how do I how have I survived all these years on this Earth wait oh no I turned the power off so I think maybe that's oh is that disabled the door so I can get in I think so yeah oh look at that super I'm waiting at the door for you I don't know why I keep on looking after you I'm here right now yeah right we're opening the door oh you've been doing a fantastic job recruit your skills are coming along nicely now it's time to put your Marksmanship to the test head down to the shooting range where you'll find a set of ballistic gel targets Take Aim and let your shots count oh just so you know you can break the boxes open for for for some juicy loot oh with the Crowbar yeah all the ax yeah oh yeah crowbar doesn't work right shoot the target tell oh they've got vital organs tell me when you're ready blow them off oh I'm shooting okay congratulations recruit you've successfully completed vital sar's rigorous operator course your dedication and hard work have paid off and you're now ready to take on the challenges of real missions oh I love real missions dude hey I love fake [Music] missions operator we've received numerous reports emanating from both the motel area and the warehouse behind it our mission is Crystal Clear locate the artifact hidden Within These locations be vigilant stay focused let's check this guy out I think do you think is dead do you think he's dead he dead now what kind of company do you work for I didn't sign up for this right hold on are we going are we going off into those scary woods cuz that is super dark that is super dark I think I mean it's pretty open ain't it oh no I you can't see anything dude I'm not scared even what what's our objective wait do you do you know what our objective is just turning off wa wait where have you gone I'm coming I'm coming it's just Wily loud I'm coming what the game is yeah okay we got some like o wait what's this oh I'll wait for you to catch up I'm a yeah I'm a little bit behind here look at this there's like a little entrance way to something what is this a gargoyle death wait what who what oh no no what did you almost black out dude yes I did what what is going on in this and in real life I couldn't do anything oh my God so clueless I didn't even see him he just came out of the darkness right over to this there something something more coming up where do you see that the bunker in front of us there's something moving up and down have you turned the bright up no I haven't I saw his eyes oh this is so much nicer oh wow I can really see everything oh my immersion oh this is the guy that I saw look at this guy look at this guy oh oh they're like ghouls be careful oh what what dude something you okay dude I shat myself me too I think my butthole just whistled a little bit with a little bit of [ __ ] came out all right watch out for these guys is this T Stark yeah it's the alternate universe of the uh of the Avengers so when they stand and do that like doing all everything backwards I think they uh send something El like a I don't know you want break that box open see if you can get that's some good breaking of boxes there good job than thank you right so was was there anything here or was it just a bath of of Bones yeah I think it's just the bath and then we have the uh the star right here but it seems like we have a cab down to the right as well all right should we follow this road then where we were going yeah I think we should dude that broke my brain all of that that went so like z00 so quick yeah those thing and we we can't loot these things right no I don't think so and I think we're actually running out of ammo I have no is it still say Oh No 19 bullets all right sweet yeah we should be all right I'm going to switch out my crowbar for the flares in case we need them for anything like we get um turned around cuz we don't have any kind of tracker on each other so we could easily get turned around here yeah that's it that's true we it seems like we have something in front of us and also down to the left through the woods right that let's go to the end here and then we'll uh we'll we'll sweep that perimeter area down to that doorway okay oh oh oh heads up ahead there's a witch in the middle of the thing oh you want to sneak you know what this is this is spack but on steroids yeah CH a little bit of extra we got a little bit of extra training and we're good oh I hit the tree oh he got I saved your life oh was it was it a a person yeah it was that's really unfortunate they shouldn't be sitting in like like Space Ghost or whatever it is I mean dust yeah hot boxing no she's definitely a creature look at look at her heels there got some Tippy toy shoes up but they're moving what's that thing called there's something down here what's that thing called in your favorite movie Evil Dead the the Necronomicon what that's what they are evil she's an evil dead that's it yeah this is Evil Dead oh oh wo w w oh he's Frozen in time okay oh I can't impenetrable gate yeah it doesn't penetrate oh look at this guy yeah do you see him he's asking for help that's what I said spend in time wait was this guy you the one you tried to shoot the innocent on the floor not the guy behind with glowing eyes we don't know if he's been bit we don't know what we're dealing with here we're private contractors you're a horrible person in order to help other people FIS you have to help yourself first okay kill the kill the innocent there's no point in becoming a sacrifice you don't help anyone oh whoa whoa look at that over there whoa wait what's going oning yeah oh what did I scare you yeah a little bit let's let's follow this uh wall right here and we should end up uh where we wanted to go I you that I never seen someone being as tactical as you right now am I super Tactical super tactical this yeah you can't even oh you sneak look at me look look at me how I take this imagine I'm coming up no idea you there yeah you BL cover yeah I'm so scared though that something's going to be in this grass and just going to pop out us it's a good thing that we have a little bit of night vision Le least what is that we got a lot of this smoke right here is that a hole in the wall uh I yeah we got movement down to the left yeah oh I see some red eyes take the shot nice down Target down there's no need for us to check them right Ooh Yeah remember to slap the boxes oh something's coming what was that I don't know I don't want to go that way yet though just running the other way I don't like that there was a bunch of boxes remember to slap them right what's this is this just a straight up light or can we break it oh yeah that's some sort this big ass insect like flicking away oh that would be a great position for us to be in right imagine a big spider just coming crawling down no way for us to get away no why why would you even say that don't put any ideas out there don't try and manifest a giant bug coming after us I can still hear that thing up top there Sor dude it's freaking me out I've got full-blown chills now about like some massive insect coming after us cuz look at this we're like we're in like a valley system or something yeah we're so screwed if there is actually a big bug coming after us I think we can handle these uh dead dudes head heads up heads up heads up yep well done wait this one had a bag I think oh that's a torso never mind no boxes no boxes we had where we were just a torso classic looks like a bag just going to school with a Tor on the back is this the way we were supposed to go maybe yeah I think so I think we're doing this all all around so yeah but that's the way we do it everybody knows that it's fine yeah that's the way to do it though isn't it yeah yeah you you complete the game first and you work out how you completed it it's the best way to do it exactly uh it seems like uh this is the parking lot up here I love parking lots yeah you say like that screwing with me makes me feel better about myself oh okay should we go home now because of my broken English no let's just go home wait that guy is sitting up now oh dude that's scary as heck I'm going there no dude okay way let's uh let's just walk back to to the boxes over there shall we walk I mean this is this is walking isn't it it's a light a slowest slowest Special Forces ever I'm glad we're recording this though cuz inevitably something's going to happen to us where people are going to have to work out what it was so at least we're recording the whole thing and they're going to look at the footage and be like oh those two idiots just it's just the usual stuff they were too busy arguing with each other like an old married couple that they never get anything done and they just both destroyed each other Case Closed oh what the dead body's gone there a giant spider eating them I think so that's not even funny G that would make you [ __ ] yourself yeah like even thinking about it it's making me do a little poop would do one of those inhale screams like all right I guess we got to go over that wall then uh yes we had a bunch of boxes right there as well so hopefully we're going to get some ammo I can't help but think this would be so much nicer if we had a couple of shotguns or a couple of SMGs or something like that you know right SMG at least a little bit something with a range you know I I want something with a bit kick I'm happy taking a shotgun if we come across it I'll let you have the SMG yep that's something that we do really well though when we go out on missions like this we usually go one short distance and one long distance I need to give that to us you know yeah you're going to give us some credit dude is that what you're doing yeah all right I'll give you all the credit in the world you go first and scope it out brother I'm just going to break these boxes man what boxes wait you don't see these oh no I think the phantom um smoke is making you see things I see a load here though oh yeah probably yeah I don't I don't think we can break these yeah you can wait where did you find the ax it's in your inventory no I have a crowbar it's [ __ ] there was an axe on the wall you taking all the loot there was an axe on the wall train yeah dude I see that on your back the biggest backpack ever you have the same backpack I don't believe you oh dude what does this say prop house oh no does that mean there's going to be mannequins in there ooh Doctor Who you know doctor who right who you you just going to now yeah I'm not I'm not I'm not bited I've about enough oh nice coming from inside the building yeah someone got slapped to death dude okay we going in going there I'm going to there W okay I'm good are you okay D I think I'm blacked out dude so did I I screamed as well that was horrible those screams are so ridiculous but they're so scary at the same time so loud then it was right in my face oh there's a femur there look at that um there's some ammo here dude if you need it grab that ooh key y nice you need the ammo thank you y y how do you check your ammo again oh okay tab check your backpack y nothing else that we can swipe oh gross stars on the walls everywhere ritualistic type [ __ ] I think I got a whiplash from that dude that was crazy supply box more Amun I'll hold on to it for you okay I have I've got a little bit in reserve I can drop it as well what can you drop it I don't know you don't I'll defend you R though if you need to I got 19 bullets someone squished him with the delivery van yeah that's crazy I think this was um the thing we heard him dropping it okay check right I got left we got to be oh [ __ ] oh my god dude that scared me so bad oh my God [ __ ] okay I need to turn that down a bit oh my God that was such a real scream as well holy [ __ ] I was talking mid scream so it made me jump even more holy F you do repel back don't you in your chairs like oh whip it's so ridiculous the sound but it catches you off guard oh dude yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey dude dude dude this is mine back [Music] up there you go you can have it if you want oh wait no you took it is the flare there on the floor there's a flare there yeah I'm going to I'm going to load my gun with the flare no worries dude look at my flare I'm attracting a T-Rex wait oh dude imagine I can't throw it no I can turn my flashlight on and off can't throw it though I guess this is for dark areas but we uh we hack the Matrix we're able to see a little bit better I mean this is still as terrifying even with the gamma turned up I think we need to slap these down like what no missions are the same right uh yeah no it changes all the time apparently like there's uh Dynamic puzzles as well that are never the same so mhm uh so we need to be oh yeah I got the key there you go oh careful uh you go first yeah go you got my back oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he do have a head why did he come for me then he real that I was completely freaked out and I pissed myself and it made him look like yeah know did you squirt a little bit okay so in this you have no time to react so you have to absolutely clear like every single corner there there's no time to react oh this is the head you found the head yeah the head is just down here damn poor guy hey don't feel sorry for him he was going to eat us how he didn't have a mouth just stuff us down his throat ass he's secondary mouth heads up right do we want to give this person a chance or are they are they are they full-blown zombie mode what's going on full-blown zombie I would say okay you want to come here a sec Miss hello Miss man miss man oh we have one to the left as well oh no she looks fine right she she making some weird noises Fisk I think it was for the best yeah one to the left as well copy that take taking it down well done one more one more nice I think he I think it was innocent it's okay it's all right no we can't take any chances we can't loot the uh no the vehicles or anything no I think it's just the oh wait wait we got a uh Arrow right here wait Delan there we got an arrow right here yeah break over the boxes oh key y it it got it nice wait so observant right am I that much of a car nerd that I can work out what that is no no I think this is an Audi yeah Audi T10 nice wait wait boxes right here box is right here oh whoa whoa look at you sneaky thing hiding in the corner you got that D I'm collecting she's like fullblown like twitching VI braen yeah she could have been been innocent and she could have been like in the mid part of possession but again we can't take any chances okay pardon me P A Part what are you talking about you did a p part did I really yeah I I only do that but I'm really scared oh look at that ammunition you would have got on the floor if you wasn't a dick so put your have you seen how big that crowbar is it's it's comical look at this really Wham oh my God that made you look so small how big do you want your crowbar yes extra size right let's keep it moving we're going to take all these possessed demonic entities out of this place 100% back you know uh our ancestors when uh it's like in the wild west did the same thing you know banishing monsters what I'm out of I'm out of you [Laughter] okay it's okay I took to my giant crowbar are you fine I'm trying to see if there's a way I can throw this no uh so about that ammo you can drop it right yeah um yeah about that can I drop it uh let's see hold on uh discard there you go there's some health kits uh discard all of that did you get it you had a health kit nice have you got some ammunition yeah yeah 16 bullets another arrow right here was that you walking through a puddle yeah that was okay okay uh you have another arrow right here so you want to look for these I take it oh I hear that stupid bug sound again I hope so hard there's going to be a giant bug please don't do that I really do I why would you want that why would you wish that evil upon me Fisk I don't need that kind of negativity in my life right now oh okay dude I need to I think I had a gen stroke of Genius okay was it just a stroke could could have been come here come here come here hold on a second I'm scanning Fisk I'm being tactical with special forces oh did you check this out wait is this just puddles need to breach that area in there wow that's a bright ass flare uh there's some ammunition there too dude if you want it thank you no I was thinking if there was oil puddles that we can throw the uh the flare inside you know to make that's and then draw them there's no way into this building here I think we can jump through here we can't jump we can't jump we're too heavy it's the backpacks isn't it I don't know I hate that though when you can't jump makes me sad uh right I guess we push on then oh there's another box here let's uh look for doors that we need to open as well get out of my face dude you just up in it you're just all around there like what are you looking at what is it just half life two crab in [Laughter] you there some more boes all our flares by the way you said you found a key though too oh it's you oh my God I just switched to my axe as well I could see the fear in see I could see the you can see the you can see the I could see the fear in your face oh watch right watch right dude I hate that that it I just close my eyes for some reason when I see something I just close my eyes yeah you're we're passing out dude there's a lot going on remember we got to check for areas with the U lighting as well oh true true true true true I absolutely snuck that ammo by the way if you need more just let me know did oh what you silly goose I need ammunition too F true I'm oh we got one right here get in the in the leaves nice it's like they are possessed like just preying you know floating about wait did the audio just Loop bar what happened I don't know what just happened with the music oh you got the music I don't have music man that wasn't subtle at all uh we we got another one right here wait he going to Le into a house we've lost each other did you get a l lost in a maze I'm at the front of the house dude I'm coming I'm coming I'm goinging to get you where are you on the front of the house no come on what are you doing you're messing with me aren't you you lost me in the Maze look at this so doesn't know how to turn his flashlight on look there you go right we need a key hello no no no we need to go this way dude trust me I was checking if anybody's home just want to burst into someone's house you get your head blown off oh that's how you do it when you're super a super soldier though okay got it have you seen have you seen those movies with Arnold and Steven SE nice that's literally us we are The Expendables five exp five I'm a universal Soldier I don't know what you're talking about oh DOL Lan represent you include vom that's you vom wait what is that some I think we got a puzzle right here man and a whole bunch of crap around the other side too all right yeah we got to one more dead to the right wait where did you go inside big flare no no no wait did he go back where into the mate no into the mate you okay no no look at you standing there with your FL there there get right there yeah I want you to kill him with a crowbar that's what I'm trying to do I'm using the flare every time I try to take this out okay come on then look howow is you got this dude no don't let them get close don't let them okay no no no take your take your crowbar out Ser see take it out take it out no I'm not I'm not falling for your peer pressure no no I will not do it what is it I want you to take it out and go up to this one up here okay if this oh behind us behind us yeah take it down take it [Music] down I'm not doing it on that one that wasn't one you did it on oh hey I got this one this one oh I'm sorry James oh [ __ ] oh do you see what I mean stop it oh [ __ ] I'm just going to check this puzzle real quick okay all right uh there is yeah obviously a button uh we need to find a switch to unlock this gate Proby that so we need to find the switch I guess uh where you're heading towards I think the buildings are off limits oh yeah can you hear the quiver in my voice I'm terrified surprised my aim's not like this right now just shaking oh we have health too how do we keep ey on our health where is it oh good lower left you press tab look low left he says good we just got good health dude we're good we're just good yep you okay for ammunition and stuff uh yes I am very good oh that's so weird when they lean over backwards like that on your left on your left on your left oh there we go yeah we got stairs down into the underground as well uh we got two of them right here y there we go perfect I'm just going to check the road it seems like this one is off limits yeah so there's no Rhyme or Reason why those things without a head oh what is that God oh oh you oh are you okay uh I'm Health good dude oh it's moving its hand it was the Dem yeah it's come from the uh a different dimension the yeah the demagorgon dimension yeah that's what it's called Tango down all right can we uh I can hear you swinging very I think we can bro bro break this down I think this one yeah there's wait dude you are so lucky that you're with the puzzle monster man I really am yeah I really really am I'm just checking my um my health good okay Health good yeah Health good I'm just going to close some files in here oh energy drinks look at this yeah let's just get off our face on G fuel dude wo flares down there I need some I used all of mine all right uh oh switch right there behind [Music] you we unleash hell I think we opened the gate where we had to go right oh the little arrow pointed to the switch beautiful dude it's so cool when we work together isn't it it really is like it's people have never seen anything like it now this is on a whole ooh a Polish car cool oh good spot look at you what does it say a automobile automobile uh oh I think did you hear that yeah it's down here it's just this depth of depths of Madness screaming right oh no I didn't hear that I think that was behind us I don't know what's going on we're going to be that thing doesn't have arms this is uh do you know uh the uh the movie Harry or whatever uh the old man from Batman oh what you better recognize who that is that man's a national treasure for me yeah I know I I forgot his name Michael Michael Moore uh this is Michael Moore no I'm I'm I'm not we're not doing it though no we're moving on no this is like a tunnel in in London you're bound to get stabbed down here he's going to pull out the monster is going to pull out a shank I just killed this innocent Guy what's that I don't I know what that was we got it though sweet this is pretty cool then no no this is where we came from do you remember no no no this is a different spot completely no no no definitely different spot stop it let's go and uh check the uh the gate then you know what I really I just want the ladders that something's out there I heard it yeah it's in the pipe he's hiding it's just a really big turd that wouldn't flush right oh oh invisible barrier dud invisible bar another one hit fire just gets me oh they just okay let's see if we can get through here without setting them off through where oh you way the road yeah yeah I was just checking down here first right I'm on my way coming back we got a lot of uh people around here on your six yeah dude beat him to death with your crowbar you got this I'm never going to get close to one of those again you have to you have to save me fish there's nothing I can do kill him oh my God there's so many of them yeah what we doing are we killing them or sneaking no we just uh sneaking we need to save our oh boy dude you just saved me oh my God you whipped her into the pavement you made her a part of it don't give a hoot dude everything is ready now give a hoot look all right we can get through here now at Le get us in we're through we're through all right we got a house to the right I guess this is going to be the one that we need to get into now wait there's no codes anywhere oh that's you oh Place everything turning purple I'm going to oh I've got to do it oh oh no yes the smile she had on her face look at that I bet she was such a nice lady but not taking that risk oh [ __ ] oh what is that what we're used to it now why do we keep blacking out I don't know I don't know I'm going in oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute when those things get close to us are We Are we almost getting possessed maybe that might be it actually you you yeah yeah no you said yeah because you okay calm down fist there there was a demon right that took over these bodies uh when we getting close we see the demon they are demons yeah I don't know maybe it's act like a you know like a virus like you get like a a demonic virus we're so cool the demon just want to be us do we just break this case wide open yeah wide open why are you going through all the loot why you you're not killing things either what have you just found in here oh my God why did he chase after me I don't know oh you're right look it is London yeah knife yeah bro right let's go let's carry on what are these blue ones did he go into one of these did he go into the hangar uh I went into the fire and there's there's a way down to the left yeah but can we go this way yeah we can okay so there's an underground system back where we came from you're not having that M give it oh I can't go that way dude my frames just H zero come this way there's a subway system you just waddling away away waddling you little wadler wow he got me fat dude yeah you're cute though I like it fat but cute I'm going to make a shirt with that on it fat but cute oh yeah no we can go this way that's something that I always had a weakness for you ever oh hey you ever watched the Lord of The Lord of the Flies no no there is like this uh a chubby kid that gets a rock in his head spoilers by the way and I feel so bad for him in movies chubby little kids I dude I feel so bad for them you call me chubby all the time no no no you never feel bad for me I oh oh this this is weird wait we're missing something yeah we are it feels that way I feel like we need to get into I don't know if we need to find a switch or something well we can't go around there oh there's ladders I found ladders oh there here's the puzzle yeah here's the puzzle right follow me dude watch this ready uh I don't know where you are follow me go go into the front room oh this one is also red [ __ ] we need a key yeah so we need to go deeper into this place then come back and then then it's it's a ladder puzzle oh F you should go in there and check out what that is I don't know what you you have some wait did you go up did I go up wait dude I don't understand what you do you disappear so easily I don't understand hello thank you my God is that how you called me [Applause] [Music] now my gun just clicked back off not reload dude you got this right we need a key look for a key okay how's your health looking uh Health good cool um I had health fine there for a while o here we go dude your little walking puzzle let's go been waiting for this nice we need puzzles too it's like we're Unstoppable puzzles caution authorized person [Music] no dude I hate this yeah my my gun just jammed I didn't know what to do the door is locked from the other side oh there's a key somewhere we're missing it perfect we'll get it though oh look at this this is actually really cool I got to say what's that like conspiracy theory where there's a warehouse with all the like world's secret artifacts in it oh like in the Jan Junes yeah but I can't remember what it's called it's really cool like one of the cool conspiracy theories where they hide and everything um o the best that money can't buy can't buy oh oh my God it's a [ __ ] dorph F got it got it got it oh [ __ ] dud look at that oh my God f is a goddamn Cen [Laughter] morph the fear in you Dude tell me that didn't look look like a oh you can't see his face but he looked like a Zeno from the front yeah and then he got this uh Terminator looking hand as well or Spike I guess dude that's that's stop laughing at me stop being cruel right I need I need ammunition really bad I'm using all my flares right here dude I don't even care stop burning your flares up oh get it oh I'm out of ammunition Vis I'm all out all right can I give you some yes please no no I don't I have Six Bullets yeah give me at least four no there you go you can take this one oh thank you how we got I got 11 nice right we got it I'm going to rely on my crowbar right okay I'll do the same unless we see the big xenos or whatever they are there we go I got some more ammo whoa you fine I swear I just heard something creeping up on us then right we have a button right here o button can we this is storage okay this doesn't matter right can we push any of them we can't right maybe smack it with your crowbar no we're good you're going to get push now unlocked oh you must have found a key or one of us might have oh this is to loot backr okay yeah so what do we accomplish by going in there then yeah that's [ __ ] isn't it that's super super [ __ ] right I'm going to check this uh part you check there okay yeah get my uh my flashlight out as well but we don't really need any Whatchamacallit like codes right now do we yeah we do the red door that didn't open where we came from but was that was that a code or was that a button or something like a key all right maybe I should try wait let's see maybe I have the key already I don't know I didn't try it um I don't think I have oh [ __ ] get it get it nice nice welcome to London [ __ ] oh oh another one it's Slender man dude oh my God close the door right run away run away f are we just going to ignore it my God what do we do against that I don't know I don't know I have okay I have 17 bullets I'll I'll do my part all right and shoot it you do your part you uh Starship Trooper you do it yeah look at me oh I'm all I'm already blacking out oh it must be fair it got me dude what do you mean it was holding me kill it nice that was my last bullet it held me man oh dude I just near passed out from laughing hold on a second it's crabbed me it got me dude that was so funny oh cuz on my screen nothing happened literally nothing you couldn't have been more you couldn't have been more like relaxed and like professional about it so enatic no okay we need to find some like that wait does this just go if you look at oh all right I see I see I see and we can't get over that God I need ammo and nothing fles should we leave this for a second because we need to go back all uh to check the car right yeah let's go back around yeah that's we can't put on a jog can we it got me dude that was great it really got me oh if there's a key back there I'm going to be pissed yeah yeah going to be so sad it's got to be it's got to be a key or thing is those buttons we saw right there before we went I feel like we should be able to push them that's the thing just want to push it oh on the Left Behind the the bags see him oh he's coming he's coming just take care of him dude while I'm I'm looting you don't see him you have no idea what I'm talking about I feel I feel him Fisk there I didn't see that's what you get that is what you get you just jump on break in the boxes open your little loot Goblin and then that's what happens nice and I get the one that's got stuff in it perfect I didn't even see him oh I'm stuck I go this way I'm stuck how much ammunition do you have uh I have right now zero bullets wait do I have 10 Glocks 10 Glocks if you look at your inventory does it say 10 next to the next to the pistol it does it does it does I got 10 pistols on me dude I'm going to sell them oh no it's lady's back yeah I need to slap her though show your she's looking at me go take her go take her dude I was vibrating I'm baiting oh no oh head wiggling yeah you got it you got this one yep yeah coming com oh she's back again it's the same lady yeah [Laughter] oh why does that keep getting to me I don't know Health good health good yeah Health good so look for arrows wait hold on how how much health do you have like actual health kits I think it re regener oh health kits three I have six here you go I think it it regenerates as well you know what I'm just going to attack him with my flares cuz I got like 5,000 of them just burn them yeah oh oh help me oh he did TR so this one doesn't get the demon jumping out on us no it's just these ones he just he tried to shank me come here demon I not what you want this guy this guy looks like me does he yeah it's wild I love highing shirts as well that's so wild look at him do you have eyebrows like that couple slugs running crush your forehead yes yes I do wait are we going down here for we have to go down here super ominous and scary Corridor of death get your car you want to get that for some ammunition get a crowbar oh thank you perfect oh I felt like something was going to grab me then okay no we checked the corridor it's good we're good area clear changing mag changing mag I'm still going to use my axe though until I need can you see me running like a SP no know it's it's super like we're super professional dude it's not you know what I mean are I mean we're still alive aren't we so we're doing something right we're riding this world of demonic entities all this smoke is that is this supposed to be some sort of man manholes or something like that no I think it's the the sign of a possess oh my [ __ ] yep that'll get you that will definitely get you holy uh uh there we got one more right here bending over oh look at that look up there we it looks like we have an apartment we can check out I love Apartments down here as well oh we got me as well what wait are we are you going yeah wait should we stick together let's stick together it's a luxurious one isn't it I closed the door it's okay don't Don't Panic look at you not even sharing the loot stop shaking your Cow Bar at me they oh you darn kids wait can I get in here no why are you already going because oh [Music] [ __ ] open that over there I can't hear anything let's go and take him I think my health took a a beat in there yeah we're fine okay use oh you fine so okay I've got like infinite uh Health packs let me check if there's any Amo right here dude you want to make a telephone on this Wham telephone I'm in to call wait do you want to make a telephone yeah I'm scared okay shut your mouth there is no logic when I'm like like this [ __ ] there's going to be something in there come out now with your hands up what are you swinging at a box I've got I mean a box that I've got double of boxes what did you get did you get it yeah I got it stop it I know what you're doing you're trying to get me flustered and then you're just going yes I saved your life get out the way a minute let me see if there's any boxes in here look at that TV yeah that Wham it's a little bit older but look at that they've had they've had some pizza they had a bear a sodi pop chilling out in the bed the thing is the kids born today don't know how it's like this was small for a TV once you know what do you mean this is small for a TV yeah you know it's like the the thick TVs that we had when we were kids you're thick oh yeah stay out there just getting rid of the problem FIS I'm handling business what are you doing oh you're out you know what what hit me it's probably in the office the key that we need yeah but we're looting we need we need ammo and stuff true we're being super tactical aren't we I'll take care of the problem Oh my [ __ ] again it's every time every time oh is that on you oh oh yeah it was box this wait there's something more I think wait did you need any ammo are you fine uh no I'm not I'm far from fine I've got eight rounds all right cool I have uh 23 oh we have all the upstairs as well yeah okay I'll check the upstairs you check the main office cuz Lobby I think it's wait we can move the car last time I'm leaving ammunition for you [ __ ] wait we can open the cars oh my [ __ ] what is that scream oh did you hear that [Laughter] scream I think we should be able to move this car so I'm so so far done it's not even funny right now come out please oh yeah we got something in the lobby I saw it through the window we need to move this car somehow yeah you better move the car then oh yes I've got ammunition yes double ammunition Dro double ammo dude y double ammo wait you didn't check those ones over there oh you're going there now okay yeah yeah what is that oh what is that dude there's going to be something in the bathroom isn't it it would be mine it would be the door is close I Clos it so you couldn't steal my Loot and it backfired on me massively you closing me now y there's going to be one in here I already know it come on uh we haven't seen any keys or anything around here right I honestly haven't been looking I've been too scared oh dude I got it I got it no way he was on the lower floor dude lower floor yeah I missed it didn't I yeah I'm just I'm not pointing any fingers dud you're lying to me are you no no no it definitely was me okay if if wait wait what are you doing what it was in this room here oh okay room on the side table sweet awesome yeah I'll take it if you have it if you're messing with me I'm just going to cry what you talking about Oh you mean the blame no I'm Jing right here we go ready I'm taking the blame look at that we got it and now oh oh it's going to run careful now you got ammunition though right sure do right get ready for this that's going to stand up that is going to stand up that's 100% what' you find well done oper oh the void is growing stronger and there is no time find a way out of the area and reach the extraction point where the team is waiting for you what the good luck wa okay we need to get out of here this sounds awfully big dude wait wait wait so we have to extract now yeah we we have to extract oh oh oh it's the Slender man dude right hide behind the desk back up behind the desk we need to we need to open the door do you want to do that is he not going to break it down no I don't think he can oh oh I'm blacking out yeah he's going to touch yeah he's going to grab you he's not going to grab me get him Rel nice there's another one another one yeah there's another one all right all right right what is that oh my God you can really body block each other be careful yeah all right should we take we need to get out oh he got me oh help me all right let's do this let's do this oh I think we need to go oh he's stuck in the door isn't he all right I'm going to open and we need to go out all right go going in go dude oh yeah dirty p on me are you okay yeah yeah there's another one still breathing though oh no it's done it's done it's done uh where do we get out this this car turned on this this light wasn't on before tell us this is our extraction man this is our extraction vehicle please please please oh here we go here we go we push be moving it uh how many bullets do you have uh three three all right do you want any or can we wait wait are we leaving do you want to drop some just in case I think I think we might be leaving but uh how do we how did I drop stop Banick again open your inventory right click and discard come on quick things are coming I can't I'm pushing everybody there you go you get it yeah I got it all right we are we're we we're extracting [Music] right oh oh okay oh I'm out I'm out I'm out get it get it nice the final stretch I feel it it's it's good I need I need to use one keep going yep keep going keep going watch we're pushing we're pushing what's that green thing uh I don't know that's a team that's a team don't shoot us dude it's just like tarov it's just like tarov dude escape from entities yes we did it dude look at the scores dude I got no objectives that's so good the pay for contract swiftly sent to your account now it's crucial to get out of there immediately the void levels in this area are intensifying becoming increasingly dangerous okay okay so that's what we we went into to get collect the data then I did a desk pop I'm sorry right so we did it we actually did it how about that I mean that was fun that was area 05 that was nice Super Special Forces Special Forces essentially you go in you got to clear the area of any entities and then what extract is that what we're doing with a cleanup crew kind of deal we we went in for to collect the data the big blue Puck that oh right that's what it was so you you you got that you swaged that and then Y what we bring it back to HQ that's what we want to do that's what we're doing okay so if you guys do want to see more of this a big thank you to the devs by the way for sending us out a key I don't know if if I've even said that before but yeah we we're able to basically take a little bit of an early look at this but if you guys do want to see more drop a like on the videos subscribe to keep up to date with everything and as always we'll see you all in the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: Fooster
Views: 729,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entities, entities game, entities gameplay, entities gameplay part 1, entities game part 1, entities multiplayer, entities multiplayer gameplay, entities multiplayer part 1, entities horror game, entities horror tactical shooter, games like scp 5k, horror games, new horror games, new horror games 2023, new horror shooter games, extraction shooter games, multiplayer horror, multiplayer horror games, new multiplayer games 2023, fooster horror games, fooster, fooster multiplayer
Id: 6KOHVljM0-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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