This Pirates Movie Was A BIT Different... *Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides*

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hi friends hope everyone's having a great day today for today's video we are watching the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film on Stranger Tides I am going completely blind like I really have absolutely no clue what this film could POS possibly be about I don't know if this movie can live up to those first three films because they were amazing phenomenal so I'm really excited to jump into this if you guys are new to the channel hi my name is V and on this channel I watch shows movies and I commentate react and do reviews on everything that I watch so if that's something you're interested in be sure to check out some of my other videos If by the end of the video you really want to support the channel really like the content want me to continue making more be sure to check out my patreon there you have access to my full unedited reactions for everything that I have ever watched without further Ado let's get into the fourth parts of the Caribbean movie let's go but before we continue on to the video I wanted to thank today's sponsor hellofresh as many of you know I've been working with hellofresh for some time now and I absolutely love them they help you save time money energy and just make your life easier hellofresh is a meal kit service that helps bring delicious Farm to Table pre-portioned ingredients straight to your door in today's video I made a weakness of mine garlicky shrimp couscous bowls and I cannot tell you how delicious this came out it was so quick and easy to make with everything already laid out for you and ready to go hello fresh is really just home-cooked meals ready to be cooked and thrown out on the table so even if you're hesitant to cook because you're scared you'll mess something up don't worry because hello fresh provides foolproof step-by-step instructions with every tasty easy to prepare meal and if you're like me and you feel like you run out of recipes and don't have the Creative Energy to find new ones you can trust that you'll never get 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oh they're fishing I thought it was like another ship coming out of the water where are you oh okay all right no no not not about that no thank you the British nope this is Spain I've got him up in a fishing net we believe he's found him hello I told you I thought that was a legend Alone died 200 years ago okay the Fountain of Youth I was gonna say it's a fountain of youth yes yes yes right now with the diet [Music] hanging there it's trial hanging comes this afternoon what's wrong with the people of this time they're like public hanging I know what we're doing this afternoon bring the kids all the kids all of them what's wrong with these people the name gives now no what what you were saying I'm not Jack Sparrow who I would be happy to identify to the court I think that would be a poor defense why how did this happen listen to being Jack Sparrow how do you find guilty verdict means he'll hang order that you'll be imprisoned for the remainder of your miserable moribund mutton shot and then they're gonna break him out he's gonna help him out Gibbs always helps out Jack and Jack are those apples there was a banana right there I would have taken that I was paid off the driver 10 minutes we'll be outside londontown horses waiting it's like his hair bleached from all the sun huh I thought you were employed elsewhere or otherwise engaged but I always listened like a thief the news of the Black Pearl Jack sparrows in London with a ship you're signing up men tonight I'm not there is another Jack Sparrow out there selling my good name an imposter because they're looking for the Fountain of Youth I heard you were hell-bent to find the Fountain of Youth I'm just as bench as ever I should taste Those portions Master gives it's so funny how in each film Jack is so terrified of his own mortality that he'll do anything to like live forever all right well part of the plan yes [Applause] well that he got paid even more by the British I would I would not hide the fact that I'm trying to eat what's on the table I I would not hide it at all I'd be like hungry and you put food in front of me what do you want you are Jack Sparrow there should be a captain in there somewhere you were in the presence of George Augustus Duke of Brunswick number he looks so tired of life you have come to London to procure a crew for your that is someone else dispose of this impossible wait wait wait wait I'm Jack Sparrow the one and only someone please remove this yes please we know you're in possession the map I lost it Spanish have located the Fountain of I will not have somebody he's like a massive man baby you do know the way to the Fountain you could guide an expedition of your permission you know your hiney you will be providing them a ship and a captain what is Barbosa Barbosa in a wing pirate's name Privateer on a sanctioned Mission under the authoritude protection of the crowd his hair he's like you see this yeah what has become of my beloved Pearl I lost a pearl as I lost my leg you should be sunk with it where's the Harem in China and the wind inside and you do meet a nicer class there's I understand everything except that wig he's getting away that man has walked one foot he's getting away [Music] come now and this is so funny the random lines that the the officers have is so soft leave it to me [Laughter] find him [Music] snitch [Music] is that it what stranger's earlobe vomit they can't compete with us with like a horse but still [Applause] please don't light the colon oh my Lord filthy pirate Barbosa hello Jackie that we met him last what see that's why he looks he looks as I am we saw him in the last movie and he didn't say hi Dad ships they have a ship can I come with you I didn't know that was his dad why didn't they mention that or like suggest it in the last film he was there was Jack in the meeting though he wasn't at the meeting Jack Sparrow together a Molly Spencer he'll buy a Sailor a drink [Applause] who's the Imposter who is it are you are you the Imposter from Among Us I'm here to take myself back what's happening it's like a shadow this is so strange show me your face doesn't even have the nerve to fight him hand to hand he's running away only one person alive knows that move is it Elizabeth and I'm Angelica who is that I hear tell you've been to the Fountain waste of time I may have unintentionally slighted some king or whatever of course he did okay so he knew that she was not Jack Sparrow but then everybody else thought she was Jack Sparrow you seduced me and you used me I was innocent in the voice of men demonstrated a lot of technique for someone I supposedly corrupted how is she gonna get away with being Jack Sparrow on the ship she can't wear the get up oh that's Jack what is wrong with you my guy how did you mistake priorities what if I was like blood I'm just I'm kidding oh I mean it's a bar it was a safe bet that that was not a barrel of blood you don't happen to be in position of two silver chalices sucker Ponce de Leon no you are of course aware of ritual yes I am what is required a mermaid forcing the man to twist his own hanging rope it's lie in your bed the way you made it or Bo so you know Gibbs is a good dude whether be Jack Sparrow he escaped the HMS Providence had sail at first light speak now take me with you have you anything you can offer me gifts hand it over let him live though fertile circles so it is Blackbeard how do those sales work maybe just patch them it'll be more efficient he's a curious one he's been zombified hey make some more compliant yeah what does that mean now let it happen on account of his Premier standing with the Lord's first mate sticking her neck in some prisoner yeah okay no misogyny here now in these times not that's really accurate [Laughter] okay sorry she looks like Elizabeth to me for like a second they have a very similar like eyes and lips I guess Vicki your facial blindness is showing black man has a ship which I am now imprisoned the Fountain of Youth Blackbeard listens to no one maybe to his own daughter what we found oh she's good I guess he will be dead there's a Blackbeard will meet his death within a fortnight but the hands of a one-legged man Barbosa gonna be doing some murdering in this movie oh goodness gracious oh my Lord be we on the proper car skips there's your proof our hands battle station already oh yep you need that drum solo right that man is on ship just to play the drum guns on the waiting order sir Fountain is the prize now we've fallen behind using the most foul I signed up to sail under Jack's Battle the mention was failed to be made there it is there it is mostly to his cabin he must come out sometime any of you sailed with him before any of you seen him before then how do you know how do you know what the Blackbeard you have been monstrously deceived we are deceptive he looks so done with every single one of them death lies before us unless we take the shoe we'll fight the ship it if this is a dream you can keep the sword and puts on it's a dream [Music] we're taking the ship why was there no blood on that sword why why he's not bleeding why why okay so they've been zombified the best way to deal with you're on a ship in the middle they'll just throw them over [Music] you're right I'm with us or against us I'm not with you neither am I against you he's religious I believe it's required I love how understanding Jack is he really is one of the best characters to ever exist [Music] there he is he's like dudes I was trying to get my beauty sleep and you guys are just making too much noise and it's it's the worst black we did this casting though there I were resting I hear an ungodly Row one day taking the ship for themselves he can control mutineers now we know the answer to that you can take on the entire Mutiny with just looking around okay [Music] he would have rather drowned than we oh my Lord then deal with this okay they are sheep you their Shepherd we need you then I'll walk the path of righteousness the way of the light no sir the truth is it'd be much simpler than I'm a bad man wait that's actually such a dope line uh why the missionary is here you truly wish to save me every soul can be saved the UIC is a bit of a long shot you disarm me with your faith he has such a soft spot for her which of you don't watch you lower the Long Boat are they gonna run him over in a robot I don't see the purpose of of that because you're you're wasting a boat to be honest with you tries to show the worth of your prayers holy smoke dude flamethrowers on a pirate ship that's that was that was brutal that's a brutal way to go oh goodness gracious that's rough what what is him he's like I'm loving this again quartermaster see things before they happen he might get skeptical of predicting any future I will reach the fountain you a knife will serve you no better than the new new device he gained me an audience with you I warn you know don't touch the woman is consummate in the after deception that I mostly own whizzingly says we're on a wicked path you claim to be the one who corrupted her oh that's oh that's so bad Jack pure evil Beast father sweetness he will help us [Music] if I not make it to the fountain in time neither will you he's eating good today all the apples he loves his apples Barbosa loves apples happy to report rumors rumors that you don't like apples white Cape every worthless Seaman fears the name and rightly so mermaid Waters that's be our path you idiots are we not Kingsman and bear away stealing ahead Delight Cafe ooh the Rhymes Barbosa drop in some fire bars here he's such a he's so good at the crowd he's really good as a leader hola did you say hola I think we've traveled down this road before Jack I remember it well as other friends yep she is not messing around go to the Fountain together from the Fountain of you see mirroring tear of a mermaid you have to make it cry okay yes take holy years of life from another ritual requires a victim I found my desire for the fountain greatly listen but there is something on board you do want [Music] the Black Pearl in the bottle I don't know not going to steal the life of some innocent man what about the one-legged man I need ears Jack for my father I am truly the daughter of Blackbeard you lied to me by telling me the truth yes yes it's complicated I'll use that interesting I do not give up this Quest I want a father Jack your father you cannot be saved you owe me [Music] longboats do you have you just lit one on fire for the fun of it make him look pretty fraudine smell that whale oil can you make it work made by the English let's not get our hopes up that's actually so funny perfect for hunting a mermaid's tear so first we have to meet a mermaid then we have to make it cry and then we have to get close enough to to bottle it you're doomed there'll be mermaids Upon Us within the hourly mermaids are all females um please snatch a sailor out of a boat drown and eaten they like to wear my name is Pierce my Cupid are mermaids dumb enough to be like oh this is definitely a trap it's like everything we like all at once look there can you choke she can only scream oh never mind [Music] oh they're all about to get eaten aren't they that's kind of creepy to be honest it has begun this is actually terrifying [Music] or they could just go under the water more water [Music] oh yes classic flame throwing pirate ship classic it's a terrible idea what since when can they do that crazy to think that like Jack Sparrow is the the most level-headed one here oh he causes so much destruction he's gonna form like a very nice relationship with this mermaid oh this thing like I'm sorry that made me laugh those look so abrupt well done sailor back to the ship we head for protective Cove is that mermaid games for men will I hear nothing see those Nest I love the gaslighting I love the cats lady from Barbosa what the Hecks oh that's what the glass coffin was for to you now Sparrow what do I want responsibility on the ship why is it we've got to bring her along because tears don't keep we need them fresh water from the fountain and the mermaid's tail the person who drinks the water with the tear gets all the years of life from the other I would like it noted here and now that I'm fully prepared to believe in whatever I must you can convert I was thinking more of an as needed basis can't breathe she cannot breathe I support the missionaries position she also can't escape onward what is she gonna do and be in the swamp I don't think she wants to be there [Music] not this way this is the way isn't it spiral go find the ship retrieve the chalices we cannot trust him father how much farther to the Fountain about a day's March North following that River get to a series of pools a series of pools I want to go that sounds nice big truck there's no way I need those chalices you will go or I will kill her give me six more pistols remove the shot from all but two but do not tell me which two you get to choose Mr Sparrow yes again no he's sick if you jump and die then she will have her chance kind of a bad dad like I just just you know it's not the greatest father I'd say if I jump the doll now you will survive he went instead of her he wanted her wanted her to be protected like he does have a heart towards her right [Music] of course my love what a liar what a liar oh very still dare not let her touch your skin but you're wrong with an older man having a hobby that's cute I like it Barbosa has really softened up kinda he's got a little Hobbies how did it get up there is a captain by Ponce de Leon oh there's no one there you dinguses oh my gosh you guys are so dumb what wait she turns into a girl I should have known mermaids oh my gosh I should have known we must not stop oh there's he oh they're still gonna fall in love I'm calling it [Music] walk or die put your arms around do not ask for help if you need it just say I'll carry you don't make it like put your arms around me it's like I'll carry you just like like Dory oh she's all covered in uh the jungle now you're in a hurry yes hold here till I say such beauty surely you're one of God's Own creations he's in love with her yup remind yourself you attacked me what your friend protect you pushed me down out of the way you see the phone time oh never mind bring the creature cover his head she has a name what's your name Serena oh that's such a pretty name I love that name listen don't talk to Serena that way high tide does not go up that high Pirates dreamed 40 nights of treasure he would not match the contents of this oh we've seen we've seen more treasure you you Blackbeard semi silver chalices a fleas I'm sure there's like oh I'm sure that's terrible fade it's an awesome approximately what about that the chalices thank you he doesn't want to die oh rocks I'm gonna say Spanish they're ahead of us mate no oh wait by that much I wonder why they left the spot huh how does that work s is the most likely so they're gonna team up and fight the Spanish why does everybody hate the Spanish so much every country back then has committed atrocities I was just the only way to bring you out of jail oh she escapes all this loss your people murdered harvested for their tears won't you cry oh die even you soon I hear can you not hear your sister scream we need but one team Where Are You Gonna store it where's your voice in this maybe she'll have a change of heart we should build a fire no you will not torture go pray I was wrong not every soul can be saved you care for her he does in fact fancy her question is a she fancy you can't touch the death of his poor souls what mermaids are tough why would they they just killed him I love like the others get rid of this I am a woman so is she there is a girl perhaps I should say damsel he's had a change of heart apparently this is the woman from Seville I may have had stirrings what like feelings more like stirrings all right feelings damn you oh that's low I mean leaving it all faking that you lovers faking anything getting their hopes up messed up wait from a signal no there that's [Music] that's funny poisonous toes smart isn't that how you do it no no he does he just gets lucky like 98 of the time I'd say oh there it is aqua he's so hyper fixate on his one stupid chalice how wait honestly how are they doing that this man I'm pretty sure he has tunnel vision [Music] it's so funny because Jack and Barbosa like they're never on the same side but they're almost always fighting on the same side when it comes down to it just like put aside your differences you guys love each other best friends best buddies I've saved pure knife for me I because I love you beautifully and I love you she got that tear you got your stupid tear you don't have to kill him or anything to your joy they say these be the more potent anyway let it go you don't need enough no we leave it with our own why can't you just let them chill like they just want to be want to be enjoy their time but no you guys are mean there's your chance to improvise oh you got a knife better I want one of those [Laughter] oh my gosh okay Jack do you really want to drink from that that's fine that's been on his leg his sweaty leg for how long come coming back to lion and white we were off the coast of Hispaniola when we came under attack we were Pepper with Colin fire the Pearl who's pitching and yarn violently the Reagan had come to life he's seen some stuff tangling the crew wrapping around him like snakes wrap it around my leg I am the master of my ship not black bears so I did what needed done I survived you're not after the fountain drive from a poisoned play through his through his heart so that's what happened so Blackbeard can just like stumble upon a ship and then take it and put it in a small bottle and it's so interesting what Jack said if if the Pearl went down you would go down with it so he didn't buy any of it from the very beginning that makes so much sense it's a good display of his character I love that I feel like he would lose his balance pulling a palm tree to his palm tree the prisoners escaping I figured that was the signal how does Jack manage to get away with all the bull the BS that he like pulls what is this even how is he getting away with any of this you brought the chalices sparrow I see you brought our friends I'll be having the covers back no no secondly upon your word bring no harm to Angelica she was never in arms is that why you didn't know what bullet was in the gun and then you were like willing to kill her we'll be having the compass back I do deserve it and note how poorly I have treated Mr Gibbs my loyal first mate you must let him go free Jack if it's all the same to you I'd be just done perhaps if you don't mind I could tag along with you folklore he doesn't have a ship this will lead you to Freedom mate he just gave up his Compass to give it to Gibbs He does care and he does love him that show's right there it's not how gravity works works [Music] looks like he found it that's the Fountain of use all right guys field trip field trip time oh God oh my Lord dinner I'm starting to think you don't know where you're going jealous is if you please stand back have you ever seen with your with your own eyes the Fountain of your view I'm sorry could you repeat the question that is enough oh my gosh they're gonna like soil the Fountain of Youth with their stinky pirate feet ugh what anti-gravity water that bird just drowned itself oh my wait this is actually beautiful Sparrow I'll be the first to taste those Waters the one looking man you brought him here would I do that yes Edward Teach by The Authority granted Me by his majesty the king I hear my place you in the custody of the Court my tricks out you don't have a boat you don't have a ropes to assault Barbosa with now treason murder torture of the most heinous sort I'll have one last fight these are sacred Waters you will fight against them they will fight against you all on account of him wanting to kill him where is the sense Let them fight each other I like Jack's style I like that it's good it's good all right never mind I like Jack's idea better plus they have guns so I I you know [Music] that kid's cool he's cool catch a break ever I would also run because I'd be like someone's gonna want me to drink from the Chalice I'd be really upset I'd be like I I'm not gonna do that I don't want to even be like in the lineup to get picked I'm more afraid you've heard than I am interesting oh there's a good laugh the chalices if you believe I need years and now the Earth's weaker you could just drop it though you will not take uh she's like by he did all this just for her to leave no she's different though she's gonna do something [Music] I expected fate to put up more of a fight [Music] oh now they arrived everybody's here now the party can officially begin by forever claimed someone make a note of that much bravery wait what why is he so good about it nice that's disrespectful the chalices like what challenge what else is I don't know what you're talking about there's a rituals get grunts eternal life not this Pagan water what he went through all this trouble just to be like f you destroy this profane Temple [Music] is light enough to see but Darkness enough to fly barbosers got you for the plural dance is poison [Music] attack there's no way they can take it down with a bunch of pulling they really don't care about the Fountain of Youth that's it's like an insane wonder and they want to destroy it God created the Earth therefore this Fountain of Youth he created so why would you destroy one of his creations no logic no logic there twice my tears okay so he's gonna give it to Angelica this one is that to you Blackbeard he's going to be selfish and want it okay save your daughter oh Jack switched them 100 unless the like riddle thing was backwards it's like the tear takes life might have been the other way around the father saved you perhaps his soul is now redeemed Blackbeard was a terrible father a man my oh I did not like that oh she's gonna need so much therapy after this jump scare because of you I was lost I can see you I'm telling you it's because she's beautiful if she was like ago in his opinion he would never start feeling this way just because she's different doesn't mean he would fall Head Over Heels it would never be catches into a merman no they can only be female [Music] the years I possessed stolen from my own father Well Jack gave you them back one pistol one shot oh this is a well-traveled trade route signal passing ship and how will I get free of this bomb throw three of your bones half an hour ago waiting for the presage moment to pout if you had a sister and a dog and choose the dog there is a test with jewels you're making that up I am with child she is doing anything and everything I don't recall that we ever had you were drunk I've actually never been that drunk I love you do I always have always will I Gotta Go Jack this is not over girl just hop in the boat he can't pull you out and if he does like just keep hopping back in that's that's what I would do like what are you he's gonna do it forever she wasted her one bullet I missed I found this below decks oh heck yeah so it's the ship that gives you power oh Barbosa I don't know if you know this that ship has flamethrowers installed have fun we're going to Tortuga Feast your eyes what if Blackbeard's men got in this I employed the self-say maneuver we perfected in New Guinea any idea how to get her out we shall need a crossbow an hourglass three goats one of us must learn to play the trumpet once the other one goes like this I guarantee that's not needed and he's just sending Gibbs on a journey because he can you could have lived maybe forever whether to not know which moment baby you're lost discoverer of the Fountain of Youth it's a pirate's life for me savvy that was good that was really good and I guess Jack came to terms with his mortality because every single movie essentially is him so afraid of death and and dying and all of that and he can finally achieve immortality he's like nah I'm good and she's like there's a reason fate brought her this break his arm he left you all abandoned on a remote island or like like like like flick the back of his head a few times just like throughout the day while he's asleep just like start flicking the back of his head oh my God just like enough torture so I just finished watching the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film and it felt different with the original trilogy you really get attached to the trio you get attached to Elizabeth you get attached to will and you get attached to Jack and you you get attached to their relationships so seeing a film where it's just Jack is definitely like a like a shock based off of this film with the after credit scene of the third film they kind of killed off um Elizabeth and Will's story now will is you know chilling on the Dutchman whatever and and Elizabeth is is just raising a child so she really can't be a pirate anymore Jack is going to always be up to a shenanigans so that's how they continued the Pirates films but I did like it I like the concept because they did a lot of foreshadowing regarding the Fountain of Youth with the previous films as well as the whole concept was that Jack was always terrified of his mortality he was always terrified of dying we get to see him confused on whether he wants that or not and with Jack's character he's never you can never tell what his true intentions are whether he's a good guy whether he's a bad guy and at this point I feel like now after this film especially he's selfish but he is a good guy even with his mistakes you still respect him I actually really liked it I felt like the story itself was really good because they did do the foreshadowing with the Fountain of Youth in the previous films so I felt like this was kind of like long overdue like of course this would be the natural next step the the Mermaid scene I feel like wait wait we didn't even get to see did she just kill the guy wait she said she can save him and then just took him to the depths of the ocean someone explain to me exactly what happened but now without not with spoilers like if it if it comes back in the next film don't tell me okay don't tell me I'll be very upset no no let's just assume she saved him but like took him to like an air pocket a little twist with the Spaniards they were like nope this is this is bad we don't like the Fountain of Youth the only thing that you should be looking for God giving you gift is faith anyway all in all I really did like it I feel like the original trilogy is something that you cannot you cannot tamper and you cannot really compare anything to but this did feel like a Pirates of the Caribbean film and it feels more like it's just focused on Jack I'd say this was like a 90 85 to 90 for me I just I really I did like it I did like it a lot and I can't wait to get on to the next one and thank you guys so much for watching I truly hope you enjoyed um let me know Down Below in the comments what you like some some details about the film and thank you guys so much and I'll see you guys in the next video bye everyone [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: VKunia
Views: 115,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first time watching pirates of the caribbean on stranger tides, reacting to pirates of the caribbean on stranger tides, vkunia, pirates of the caribbean on stranger tides movie reaction, vkunia reacts to pirates of the caribbean on stranger tides, vkunia reacts, pirates of the caribbean on stranger tides, pirates of the caribbean
Id: bLCv8ykHFCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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