this new sims update is confusing...

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The Sims had a livestream yesterday, so we have  a lot to talk about. I was planning on posting   this video yesterday, but the stream was an  hour long and I was expecting it to be like,   30 minutes, and they were also like  15 minutes late, so I had to stream   and I couldn't post the video, but  I'll break it down for you now. And by the way, all week this week I'm  raising money for AbleGamers on Twitch.   AbleGamers is a charity that's working  to make video games more accessible,   so if you want to drop by the streams,  I've got a lot of exciting plans, so   I'm just saying. I'll link that down  below, but let's talk about The Sims. So yesterday was an Inside Maxis stream, and  they always post pre-the Inside Maxis stream,   a little agenda like this one. and these  Inside Maxis streams are not necessarily like,   news streams, these are more like  a community talk show kind of vibe,   and they always have been. So the focus is not on  like, announcement, announcement, announcement,   announcement, the focus is on like, let's talk  to the community and talk with people from the   community and interview simmers, and then  at the end, they usually tease new content. And they told us that in advance. Like, to me, it  looks like the whole purpose of this stream was to   celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, and they had  this whole Latin American players make The Sims   feature, the two SimGurus hosting kind of talked  about their background and where they're from,   they talked about putting a piece of art  from a Latin American artist into the game   and showed off the art piece. In the creator  chat, they had four creators on to come talk.   And I loved this part, they were speaking in  Spanish and so they had English subtitles and   just talking about their stories and like,  how they got started playing The Sims. The problem was the Twitch chat. I banned  10 people in my stream that I saw being so   disrespectful and just blatantly rude in the  Twitch chat during this segment. And I don't   mean just people being like, oh, this is boring,  because there was a lot of that. I mean like, flat   out nasty, horrible comments. I had to close the  chat, like I found this so infuriating to see the   people's reaction to this. And just in general,  everyone was being so disrespectful, like why   are you acting surprised that they're doing this?  They told you in advance they were gonna do this,   that was the whole point of the stream. I  understand you want new content, but like,   this was never gonna be some big announcement  stream. Like, they didn't lead you to believe   that, they never have been. I don't know, I was  just really frustrated by the reaction of the   Twitch chat to what I thought was a really special  opportunity for a bunch of creators. I'm gonna   link all four of these creators down below, they  are incredible. AndrewArcade is a dear friend of   mine, and also MTsims is one of the best builders  in The Sims 4, just hands down flat out, like   look at this from two days ago, like, hello? So  definitely a good follow, I will have them linked. Then after that, they had a SpecialEffect  special guest, which is kind of fun to say, but   SpecialEffect is a charity in the UK, a lot like  AbleGamers that's working to make video games more   accessible. They do similar things like consulting  with video game companies to build games that are   more accessible, and like working on distributing  accessible controllers or like, other assistive   technology to people who need it. So when I saw  that, I was kind of hoping that maybe there would   be some acknowledgment of like, players' requests  to add disabilities to The Sims. That wasn't what   it was. SpecialEffect recently had an art contest  to make like, posters for games. And a simmer   won it! So they came on to talk about it. I love  Tazreen, I've been following her for a very long   time, she makes amazing art. Also a really good  follow on Twitter if you like this kind of thing,   but this is the poster she made. I loved this,  like I really enjoyed this stream. I love this   kind of community stuff, I I'm sad that people  didn't seem to like it because I really did. And then we get into The Sims 411, where  they did some hot topics. In this segment   they always like, answer some questions from  the community. Not like, live chat questions,   like rehearsed, pre-planned answers to like,  make statements on things in the community. So they mentioned a few things: number one, they  did actually acknowledge the disabilities topic.   They acknowledged they had seen a petition  that was going around and basically were like,   we hear you, we understand, we're looking into  it. So basically, a few months ago there was a   petition that went around to add pronoun selection  into the game. If you guys didn't know, right now   you can make a trans sim or make a non-binary  sim, obviously, but there's a lot of gendered   language in the game's text, so it'll keep  saying she, she, she, even if your sim is a he,   or uses they/them pronouns, you can't change that.  The game will like, consistently misgender you,   which is really frustrating, so there's a lot  of talk about wanting to make those texts more   gender-neutral, and they acknowledged that again  today and talked about doing more research on it,   and like, trying to implement it. So there's  not like a timeline for that, but it does sound   like they're still actively working on it, and I  appreciate them addressing it. They also mentioned   adding this toddler hair into the base game, and  they sort of mentioned why they keep adding pack   hairs into the base game, and this one is a really  hot topic, like they do this a bunch it seems,   where like they'll have a hair that came out a  few years ago, and then they'll just surprise   push it to the base game. They did it with City  Living hairs, they did it with Parenthood hairs,   they're doing it with this hair. And their  reasoning today was, we have heard feedback   that there are hairs currently gated behind  DLC or a pack that offer more in representation   than those included with the base game. We want  to make sure they're available for everybody. And I understand their intentions here, right,  because it's true. The base game is like,   severely lacking when it comes to Black  hair, and they've been trying to add more.   They've been doing, in my opinion, a good  job of adding some things to the base game,   and like updating old base game ones, but  they've also been like, pulling from packs   to make those base game as well. And a lot of  people argue, well, why don't you just make new   ones instead of pulling them from the other packs?  Which I agree with. I would also appreciate more,   and not just like, making the other ones available  for everybody, but I don't really see a problem   with them making them base game either. Like, I  don't think that anybody is gonna buy a pack just   for one hair. I think when it comes to CAS assets,  I don't really mind them pulling those base game. Like, this is not the same thing as  them making a hot tub base game after   people spent money for the hot tub pack,  like Perfect Patio was a hot tub pack,   you bought it just to have hot tubs, and they  made a base game hot tub years later. Like that,   in my opinion, is annoying. I don't think  that the hairs are the same level as that,   does that make sense? But I do see the argument  of like, you know, why don't you just make   more? But I appreciate them making other ones  base game in the meantime to make up for it. Also, the Industrial Loft kit window! Oh boy. So. To catch you up to speed on this one: they  released promo images for the Industrial Loft   kit with a window that kind of looks similar to  the Mosquito stuff window. This was the window in   the promo art, and then this is the official  render, like the release art with the real   window included. So, please note the difference  between these two windows, they are not the same. Well, this is the one that came in the pack. This  was the promo art, and this is the one that came   in the pack. This window does not exist. So this  was like a whole thing when the pack first came   out, and then they came on and said, hey, we will  give you that window in the promo art, just give   us some time. And so this leads me to believe  that this was an accident. Like, that art that   we're seeing, the first one, it's fake, I don't  think the window exists. Like, maybe that was the   original plan was to make that window, and then  they changed their minds and made a different one,   and somehow a memo was not gotten. Like, some  teams did not communicate and no one noticed?   I don't know how this happened, I don't think it  was like, some intentional false marketing, like.   The window we got's not bad, I think I like this  one better, it's just not the same as the promo. So what I mean is, I don't think that they  were like, trying to falsely advertise this one   to trick us into buying the kit and then  get this one. I think it was an accident,   but it's not a good accident. And so yesterday  they confirmed that they're gonna add that   window at the end of November, but into  the base game, so everyone's gonna have   that window. And I think that's a good call.  I think this was big enough drama that like,   they should give the window to  everyone after what happened. I saw some talk on Twitter about the Industrial  Loft kit being made base game, and that's not   true. Just the window that currently doesn't exist  will be base game, the whole kit won't be, just   the new window. And there's not an official  date, just like, "end of November." They also talked about the Spa Day refresh,  basically they had on the stream like,   a question would pop up and then they would talk  about it, and the question was like, will there   be more pack refreshes? And so everybody in  chat was like, what are you gonna announce?   And then they were like, we don't currently  have any news about this at this time. So. A lot of people seem to take that as them  being like, soon though. So maybe there   will be more pack refreshes soon, they  didn't like, actually address it though.   They just said that they don't have any  news, so do with that what you will. And then, this one was very weird. This was  like, really out of left field in my opinion.   They brought up "Sims Delivery Express,"  SDX. And I guess the idea behind this,   is that they want to be able to add new  assets into the game, like new hairs or a   chair or whatever without having to have a  full base game update. What they said was   a sim delivery could be a build mode asset or a  create a sim asset, it can be a clothing, a hair,   an accessory, or a combination of those. It can be  something in build mode, or a couple of things in   build mode. It could be tiny little fixes that  don't need a base game update to apply to your   game. Something that's not complex, so that we  can potentially get them in your game that way. So the idea is that we could get some little  tidbits without having to do a full patch.   By the way, SimsCommunity has  the livestream segments like,   completely transcribed on their website, so  this is like, exactly what they said and only   what they said. So if you need this,  I can link these articles for you to. But whenever sim deliveries are out, all you  need to do is launch your game per usual,   and your game will check to see if  there's new content available. You   won't need to do much to know what's  going on, if there's content available,   you'll download it and restart your  game after the download is completed,   it's seamless in that way. It'll work on PC,  Mac, PlayStation, and Xbox, and they'll have   a full peek at that system in the next Inside  Maxis because it's not coming out for a while. Other interesting thing is  that it'll be for free content,   and it will also not negatively impact mods or  CC, so it won't disable your mods when they do   it. And I think I understand their purpose here,  like not everyone reads patch notes, or like,   is as actively involved in this as we are. And  also, I think they're tied to like a really tight,   strict schedule for when like, big base game  patches can come out. And "big" doesn't even   mean like, big-big. Like I think that's  just like, the monthly patches are like,   very specific, but if they wanted to drop things  sooner, they could do it like this? I don't know. Also, when you patch the game it  like, auto-disables your mods,   then you have to go back in and re-enable  them, and that's like a whole ordeal,   and a lot of people don't realize that and  they're like, oh my god, my mods are broken,   and then I'm like, they're just turned off.  Don't worry. But it sounds like this will   not do that, so they're probably trying to  minimize the like, complications of this. One thing they did say as a note for console  players, you'll need to link your console   account to an EA account to be able to use SDX  when it comes available. I don't have a console,   I don't know how hard that is to do, but they  did like, specifically mention doing that now,   so that when the thing comes out, you've already  got it set up. They also said every sims delivery,   either previously downloaded or not downloaded  by a player will be included in a future game   update after, except when there's limited  content. We'll try to incorporate those in   a future game update, so that if you  miss it, you'll eventually have it. So it sounds like, if you can't  download it with their SDX thing,   you'll get it when like, the update  comes out. The like, bigger one   comes out. So they're just trying to get us  stuff sooner, but what does limited content mean?   I don't know. This is bizarre. So we'll  see. I don't really understand it either,   so I can't answer your questions. We'll have to  wait for more information in the next live stream. And then, the other thing that was like,  so bizarre and I was not expecting. The   Sims 4 is getting official in-game challenges  that they're calling scenarios, next week. In   an update next week. So like, probably  on Tuesday. So here's what they showed,   it's gonna launch in the free update with two  scenarios, and then it sounds like they're gonna   be adding a bunch more and they like, already have  some more in the works. And so on the main menu,   you'll be able to click new scenario underneath  the play button, and then you can start from an   existing save or in a new save, and play through  one of these scenarios. The one they showed off on   stream was the making money one, and so they've  basically made like, an official rags to riches   challenge. Description. Step one: move to a new  place and start off without a single simoleon in   your bank account. Step two: figure it out. And  then step three: become a millionaire. Household   funds will be set to zero after moving into this  lot. So this one has no requirements, and the   potential outcomes are that you have a million  simoleons. They didn't show off the other one,   so I don't know what that's gonna look like. And  they also specifically mentioned that there's   gonna be one where you have a bunch of toddlers  in your household, and probably more to come after   that. They said too many toddlers and perfectly  well-rounded are two more that are coming,   and there's also gonna be some limited time  scenarios in the game, which is interesting. So I have a lot of thoughts on this, but let  me tell you what other people are saying first.   A lot of people are angry that this is like,  one of the big updates coming to The Sims   soon because they were hoping for more like,  actual gameplay and they're seeing this as like,   recycled gameplay that simmers already do.  Like, we all already play rags to riches,   I already have a whole series on rags to riches,  you know? And they want to see more like, actual   in-depth additions to gameplay as opposed to like,  what seems to be a big aspiration. And I get that,   that makes sense. I would also like to see those  things, but I don't see this as a bad thing. Like to me, it looks like they're trying to give  official acknowledgment to the way that players   already play The Sims 4. Like, they see us all  making these challenges and they're like, hey,   how can I support you in this? How can I make  challenges official? How can I give you more,   to a thing that you're already doing? To me it's kind of like Tiny Living, how they saw  us all building tiny homes and they were like, oh,   you like that? Let me give you like, official  support for Tiny Homes and make it into a cool   challenge with perks in the game. I feel like  that's what this is, except this is base game.   And also, we've only seen two and like, the first  one seems like an integration of an official   challenge, one that like everybody already does,  we all play rags to riches, but the finding love   after a breakup seems different. Like, that --  that's not like, a standard challenge. And they   talked a lot about like, different outcomes, and  they really hyped it up. So I'm curious to see   what this is gonna end up being like, and I'm also  curious to see like, what else they add. Because   could you imagine them like, making official  support for like, the black widow challenge. And   you come in and it's like, requirements: have ten  spouses die. I just -- I think that's hilarious.   I also see it as a way for them to like,  give people more ideas of how to play. Like, how many times have you tried to make a sims  save and been like, ugh, I don't have a storyline   idea, like I don't know what to play. And then you  just build a house and then kind of stop playing.   I think like the vast majority of sims players  like, pop in for a day, and then are like, meh. Or they like, play obsessively for a week  and then kind of put it down. I am that way   with most games, although I have never put  down The Sims, so. I'm just built different. But I feel like,this is a good way for them to  give you like, some official support and like,   more ideas. Like, hey, come try out this  challenge. Try out this new way of playing   the game you maybe didn't think of before. And  I know a lot of us are like, super actively   involved in The Sims community, and so we  like, know about these, you know? We do this. But a lot of people, in fact, the majority of  their player base, has probably never heard of the   rags to riches challenge. And in my opinion, it's  a cool way to show it to them and give them like,   a new idea of how to play. Because a lot  of them might have like, only ever played   with money cheats, so trying to do this was  going to be a really different experience,   and I just -- I like it. I think this is cute. It  also kind of reminds me of like, a career mode. I play this game called Planet Zoo, and Planet Zoo  is also a big sandbox game, but instead in it you   run a zoo instead of controlling your sims' life  like god. And so you can play like, the sandbox   type mode and just build your zoo freely, but they  also have a career mode, and in the career mode it   gives you like, a bunch of different scenarios  to start out with, like, hey, in this zoo, you   need to fix this thing. Or like, in this zoo, you  need to achieve like, x, y, and z tasks, and the   goal is to like, complete all of the scenarios,  and in different packs they'll add new scenarios. And it's a good starting point, like almost  like a tutorial mode as well. If you're not   familiar with Planet Zoo, you can like, play  those and figure out how the heck you do it.   And also get some inspiration of like how to  build your zoo based on how they build theirs.   And this seems similar, like get  some inspiration of how to play   your game based on how they play theirs,  you know? So I like it. I think it's cool. And also, this is more of a question, but do you  think it'll be possible for modders to make new   scenarios in The Sims? Because they'll give us  some, but like, would it be possible for there   to be like, a Not so Berry mod? And it makes like,  the Not so Berry challenge rules like, officially   integrated into the game? That challenge might  be a little bit too complicated, I would know,   I wrote it. But like, do you think it would  be possible for modders to make additional   options? I just -- I feel like there's a lot of  potential here. And I also don't think it's like,   as much of a nothing update as people  seem to be making out to be. And again,   obviously I would like to see more gameplay, like  new gameplay, but I'm not mad about this one. In general, this livestream was like, way  more info than I expected. I woulda been   happy with like, one new hair concept art  or something. They've been known to like,   leak things on these streams, by accident.  Like, we found out about the new hair color   swatch update by one of these streams, but  I don't think they showed that on purpose   because they didn't talk about it. They were  talking about something else. But I didn't   really have like high hopes for big news, but  it seems like they talked about a lot of things. I do want to end with like, a small piece of  advice for the SimGurus on how I think they   could do these in the future. Part of this stream  was pre-recorded, the interview segment was,   but the rest was live, and they had a lot of  technical difficulties, which I imagine was   very stressful. And also their closed captions  weren't working the whole time. I don't know   if you can see this, but this little tiny CC  button, you can see it's not doing anything   because it doesn't work. Closed captions are  not automatically built into Twitch livestreams,   what they're doing to have that button is  they're using a special plug-in in their OBS,   I know because I use the same one. And  these things can be kind of finicky,   there isn't like a good solution for closed  captions on Twitch right now. And obviously   when it's trying to live caption you, it's like  the YouTube auto-captions, it's gonna mess up. Something is better than nothing, so I appreciate  them trying, but my theory is that because these   in particular, the Inside Maxis streams, are kind  of short and like, scripted, really rehearsed   content, I think that these could be pre-recorded  and subtitled. Not only because a lot of people   are hard of hearing and might need it, but  also because a lot of their audience is not   English speaking. They might know some English,  but having the words on the screen would make   it a lot easier to follow for a lot of people.  This one's like an hour long, so subtitling is   not super easy to achieve, but it would make these  more accessible. Also, I would really like to see   a little bit more moderation of the Twitch chat. I  don't mean that there's people like spamming slurs   or putting like horrible things in the chat like  that. Because they have automod up really high,   so people can't do that, but there are a lot  of really mean people in the Twitch chat, and   I feel like they're trying to balance this like,  I don't want to delete people complaining about   the game because they don't want to censor them,  that's fine, don't do that, but like, there were   some things in this chat that I thought were vile.  Especially when they were talking to the creators. It wasn't like, specific attacks on individuals  or anything, but I just -- I wish that people   weren't being so rude and like, dismissive.  And I would have liked to see a little bit   more moderation in there. Also, small  shoutout to the SimGurus that did this   stream. I feel bad for them, I always do,  and I think it's because I am a streamer.   I see what they're trying to do and I know  that this would be so stressful for me,   a person who streams every day. And these people  are not streamers, this is not their day job,   they make video games. That is their day job. Salo  is a concept artist, he is not a livestreamer,   and so I can imagine this is really hard to do and  really scary, like this is public speaking on a   very large scale, and so I have a lot of respect  for them for doing it. So just want to send some   love to Salo and Nadina because I think you guys  did a great job, and I have a lot of respect for   you because I would not be brave enough to  do this stream, and I am a Sims streamer. Okay, my video is long enough already, I think  I've broken down the whole livestream. This video   might as well be as long as the livestream, I'm  sorry! I will keep you posted about future updates   and things like that, sounds like we'll have a  lot to talk about next week with the new scenarios   dropping as well, so with that being said, I  will catch you all tomorrow. Bye everybody. Just by the way, I have been up at  6am to prepare to record this video,   again. I recorded it yesterday,  and now I did it again. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 533,706
Rating: 4.9579825 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: gx2v8j64cbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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