This New Rom Hack Gives Pokemon 4 Abilities!

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have you ever wanted to play Pokémon radical red but in the hoen region well look no further than Pokemon Elite Redux this game has absolutely everything you could ever need in a rom hack rebalancing of old Pokémon type changes that suit the Pokemon better 110 new custom abilities and these go so hard and on top of that your Pokemon can have up to four abilities at the same time making them absolutely broke toen but don't say this game is going to be too easy because all of your opponents will also be able to have four abilities and that's by far my favorite feature in this game but there is a ton more to talk about there's also a reworked and stronger AI like in radical Reds to make the battles more challenging and there is a massive pile of other things that this game has changed and made better that I want to talk about but I'll be doing that as we go through the video but this won't just be a regular playthrough I'll be randomizing everything from the abilities to the Pokémon want to create absolute chaos so join me on my journey as we travel through the most optimized rum hack ever created after getting introduced to the professor and choosing our character we get a full setup list here you can choose your difficulty whether or not you want a level cap the encounter ability innate move type and individual colors randomizer what what the I don't really think I want to see a green Swamper so I'm going to be leaving that option as well as a type randomizer alone so that we don't get a dark Ghost type with a Wonder guard ability that we basically can't kill after spawning in I immediately saw that the level cap is displayed once you open up the menu as well as your wins and losses guess in the comments down below right now how many losses you think I'll suffer because it might be more than you were expecting because this game ain't easy once you go to your rival's house you can also pick which region your starter Pokemon are going to be from and since I feel like the jodo starters have kind of been left in the Dust by game freak I decided to go with them and pick syndic Quil we also help out Professor Burge by taking out the Zigzagoon with a beautiful move set of snatch Blaze kick and hydro cannon so I click Blaze kick since it's a stab move and it also shows you how much damage you did which can be very useful if you're trying to calculate damage because I thought I was going to be able to beat my rival easily I went up to may but she had a beautiful little mudkip and even though I burned it first turn with a blaze kick it still took me out with a waterfall meaning that we lose our very first match so I had to go back to the drawing board and I decided to check out the party and quickly found out that you can teach your Pokemon regular moves egg moves TM moves and tutor moves just from the menus you don't even need to breed or get TMS from Gym Leaders or the Overworld anymore and since everything is randomized this became very interesting very quickly I mean a syndical with judgment I'm not complaining I'm absolutely ready to lay down this little God's Wrath on my opponents on top of that we can get magma storm steam eruption and tail glow this little guy could become the most overpowered thing you have ever seen but then I want to take a look at the abilities and these were kind of doodo snow warning isn't going to help us heavy metal is kind of useless too Wily Majesty is nice because we can't get hit by any priority moves and SE it is kind of the worst ability we could have gotten here because we lose our resistance to grass and we can't hit it super effectively anymore once you head to the Pokémon Center after that you get all the items in the game from pokeballs to all of the held items you can need you don't have to go and defeat trainers or look in the Overworld for anything you can just team build whenever you want which is great for creators like me because it makes us able to run through the game a lot quicker once you open up your B you also see a ton of useful key items like a candy box that will basically serve as an infinite rare candy so you can level up to the level cap whenever you want an infinite repel in case you don't want to encounter any Pokemon an infinite Escape rope and a poke vile so you don't have to enter the Pokémon Center I'm telling you it doesn't get more optimized than this here's also where I decided to add a rule to this video I can only capture the first Pokemon on each route just like a regular nuzlock but instead I'll just not be doing a nuzlock this is just going to make sure that it limits my team options so that I'm not stuck hours on team building and can Wallop over everything I see so I went ahead and evolved my syndic into a Cava with the rare candy box and also grab my first three encounters cyc Serena and cact turn another really cool thing in this game is that every single Pokemon has a 100% catch rat so you're not stuck on trying to capture any legendaries with really low catch rates so really good notable abilities I got on these three are hyper aggressive on pyic which makes you hit twice on every single move but the second move only does 25% of the damage this is actually super useful to break through sturdy it also has hydrate which makes normal moves become water and they get a 20% boost seren with multiscale is going to be very nice but Kutz is kind of a disappointment and Freddy DET cact turn wants to be an electric type with tough claws definitely not bad if I say so myself I then distributed my EVS which was really easy to do you can just do it from your Pokémon's menu and give it any EV spread you want on top of that you can also change the nature whenever you want and on top of that they will also have Max IVs and with cact turn by my side we absolutely cooked May and went back to our starting town to pick up the National Pokedex an old rod and a coin case I guess our mom wants us to do some gambling great parenting as my very next encounter I got froslass a nice ice Ghost type that might actually be useful now considering Majestic bird boosts its special attack by 50% which is insane that's like a free choice specs and it doesn't even lock you in a move which makes it even better I also found out that you can also change your ability between two others giving you access to seven abilities on every single Pokémon in total we're going to absolutely cook every trainer from here on out we help art our dad by helping Wall-E catch a Pokémon but we also found out that towns have also got added grass patches meaning that if you're doing a nus loock or something like me you actually get access to a ton more encounters which is very nice you know in case your multiscale Serena isn't good enough we grabbed two more encounters into den and Trum beak which honestly weren't all that special so I headed over to the local Woods instead and fought some Pirates speaking of pirates I actually just watched the one piece series on Netflix and Zoro is the best character ever just outside of Rosboro City we also find a salazzle with artillery and water absorb as well as unaware this girl could definitely turn into a long-term M team member and with moves like blue flare sludge bomb and origin puls in its Arsenal I don't think anything is going to be able to stand up against it except for maybe Rock Sand's Onyx with sturdy That Could Just Kill Me with earthquake but no worries because we have more than enough of super effective moves against their entire team I mean curn with sappy seed kava with steam eruption and froth with Flur Cannon were more than enough to break rock sand stones on the next rounde I decided to head over to the nice Beach and relaxing the sun when all of a sudden an alligator popped out from the sea and asked me hey kid can I join your team and I just said yes because this man has primordial c as an ability on a water type and I knew I didn't have to ask for anything else except for maybe anger point so let's hope our opponents get a couple of crits on us on top of that there is also a little area called the sea spray cave added into this game which gives you access to even more encounters here I grabbed a codon and also found a shiny sand slash and yes there is a shiny odds booster in this game but I didn't touch it does that mean this is a full odds I don't know but I will definitely take it there's also these trainers on every route and if you talk to them they will ask you for some side quests but this one I couldn't even start because I need to be Pokemon League champion first so if you guys want me to fully complete this game in a 100 hour video please let me know because I think that would be the funnest thing ever the sigui was our next encounter but its ability kind of sucked so I yeated it in the trash for now and took on some more pirates in caves after Saving Mr bry's Pico for the 100th time I don't know how he keeps losing him we also find a hunch Crow and he can actually boost its attack by 60% if he goes last and uses contact moves and since hunch grow isn't that fast anyway this thing will hit like an absolute truck and on top of that it gets magic bounce so get those pesky stealth rocks out of here opponents we are having none of that the only nice ability on Sand slash was sturdy and after that we headed over to the mayor's house and get a free phone I just hope that it's not the new iPhone because I've heard that they break quite easily After exiting the different Corporation we snatch up Rox Sand's number because you can always go in rematch the gym meters if you want to and straight after we also break ma Spirit Mr Bry takes us to duer town with his wck of a boat and there we find two more new areas a nice field of flowers and an abandoned Mansion where you can get obviously two more encounters here I managed to grab a stupid standler that I never used but then after that I found its Godfather xerus the way better deer that can shoot moons out of its antlers just imagine if we would have gotten that Broly would have been a piece of cake the other encounter was a useless goldfish so I headed over to Granite cave instead to fight Steven Stone that's right you don't just have to deliver a letter here before he even letss you give the letter letter to him you have to show your worth he had a very decent team for Sly in the game matang lycanrock delmi CR and a lan duck Trio definitely gave me some trouble but obviously nothing my amazing team couldn't handle themselves I mean my deui literally has a move that's called Excalibur which means I'm probably the chosen one so after meteor is solding Steven out of the cave we made the trip to slay Port City where Broly is standing in line with a bunch of pirates so we tell him to go back to his gym duties and stop slacking off and then I just sit his entire gym on fire with blue flares from salazzle yeah I know his team might have been pretty strong but nothing could withstand the Hellfire that I reigned upon him that day we then went back to the museum where Archie the leader of the blue skull Pirates challenged me to a gauntlet battle against him and his two grunts he only survived with the skin of our teeth because once you beat the two grunts some of your Pokémon are probably going going to be fainted and then you have to face Archie with only a couple of team members left I managed to make it out with only 39 HP left of my Serena I managed to send the Pirates back to Sea I also won't be showing you every single encounter anymore because if I get an encounter that I literally never used in the video there is no use in showing it to you but what is worthy of some Spotlight is this me sha with iron barbs tinted lens and Aral a this will be a mid encounter at most but its high attack and speed are definitely going to come in handy I also evolved my kava into tyion to get a much needed buff I mean what am I talking about we don't need to buff anything CU our shiny sand slashes hear the baa sound with a priority Aqua Jet combined with the choice band this becomes a devastating move for Ma vikavolt and mimikyu she also had some other very nice Pokemon like a Swampert and Serena for herself but nothing my grass and fire type moves couldn't smash into the ground and Scorch we end up in Marvel City straight after and have to find little boy Wall-E and normally he is the weakest trainer ever with just a regular Walts but here he has an absolutely awesome team with Pokemon like gavor Garo Rose ra talum flame I was definitely surprised to see this guy become such an amazing trainer but since he's still my rival we have to crush him with glacial lances from mea magma storms from tyion and shell sidearms from Serena now I'm going to show you my ambipom encounter and you might think what this is the ugliest Pokemon to ever exist why are you putting it in the video well this ambon will show its destructive Powers a little later on in our journey but he's definitely not as good as our next encounter Charizard with Gorilla tactics a move that basically works as a choice band so you are going to have to give this thing another Choice band or a choice scarf to make sure it's always going to hit like a truck on top of that it also has drizzle and sea Guardian making this the perfect Pokemon to sweep with you might think rain for a fire type Pokemon might not be the best but this thing got surging strikes one of the best moves in Pokemon period so Pokemon's most overhyped pokemon might also be our most overhyped team member but now I'm going to shock you because it's time to take on Watson slle starts off by taking out the first Pokémon and the second one with blue FL and doing some extra damage against the water electric type electros Serena then proceeded to take down arisal electros and piritu with close combat and his oversized lawn mower got magma stormed into Oblivion literally like he stuck down there forever let's hope it can make some friends with the devil because we're out of here and onto the next rounde where we grab another encounter this time it was the plant Fox Leafeon which we definitely won't use right away because there is a fire and flying type gym coming up but after that it could definitely become useful we also see May in this little cut scene that they added where she just says that we have to go to Meteor Falls to help save one of the scientists because he's getting harassed by Team Magma a nice little addition but honestly nothing that was needed on the next rout I actually found my soulmate a Kyogre which will by far be the best team member we may ever see just because of its hyper aggressive ability which makes its moves hit twice could you imagine a choice spec w water spout from full health hitting twice yeah I don't think anything is surviving that unless you might have water absorb we do reach Meteor Falls straight after this and have to do a double battle together with May against tapa and a grunt this was one of the easiest boss battles so far because salazzle and Charizard were the only two team members needed because after this beown te magma started crying and ran back to their mommies so we went to the top of a volcano and talk to their mommy to show them what real carnage looks like is what I would have said that if this didn't turn out to be one of the hardest battles I actually lost against Maxi over six times just because I was able to outspeed and wall most of my team with fast Pokemon like lyen rock nagan Nadal and Crobat but in the end my Kyogre was able to sweep like half of his team while Charizard and Sans slash did the rest of the work as I said surging strikes is super overpowered and it came in use multiple times in this battle because if you don't have high defense or resist water you're probably going to get one shot we drop Maxi into the volcano head down the path and find a landeras another legendary but he's definitely not as powerful as Kyogre hence why he's also a part of the inferior Weather Trio he does have some very nice abilities like weak armor berserk and punk rock which can boost his speed as well as his special attack and sound based moves so he'll definitely feature in a couple of fights for this next battle against flener though he didn't come out instead I just threw out Charizard and ones shot everything except for some flora and vulona they were able to survive my surging strikes and take down my mighty Dragon so I had to bring out my fire lizard and killed fire with fire next up I found myself a gerder and evolved into coner it doesn't have the best abilities but intimidate is always goated definitely when you're facing a behemoth like my father as he took out his belt but even with this intimidate my dad definitely still did a number on my team as everybody on my side had to pull their own weight because nobody survived except for Charizard who was able to deliver the final blow a couple of major threats were his Doo that's super fast and once he gets a kill Moxy activates which makes it a lot harder to kill and it can basically one-hot everything after that except for my sand slash who was able to double iron bash it kungur and Charizard dealt with balant and the sigi somehow took down his major Beast slacking with a little bit of help of a super effective meteor assault Kyogre finished off his Mega Benet which is the first mega Pokémon we do see in this playthrough so from now on they'll probably be more common and this last Pokemon ambipom got sent back to the shadow realm with surging strikes from Charizard five gym badges acquired time to leave our dad in the dust and grab the HM for surf which unlocks a lot more encounters for us the first one of those being an applon which in a couple of battles will feature as a major wall against the opponent I went it to somebody's basement and found a Mewtwo there I'm guessing this might have been Blaine's basement but hey another overpowered legendary that I'm definitely not complaining about I mean he had an ability that literally UPS his special attack by one stage when he enters the field at that to his already monstrous special attack stat and you get an absolute monster a monster that destroyed the weather Institute and honestly didn't do anything to try and beat Shelly he just got destroyed by a Mega Absol with Wicked blow and a choice scar luckily the rest of my team were strong enough to actually do something and eventually Thunder us even finished it off with a leaf storm after receiving the useless thing that's cast form we went over the bridge and had to fight our rival May once more this is where Mewtwo finally showed its real potential and was able to take down two Pokemon with boom burst and if it wasn't for this pisky mimikyu and its stupid disguise ability it probably would have been able to go all the way and take everything out luckily we still have our multikill Serena in the back as well as Poseidon the god of the sea who with their combined attacks washed away May after pushing a kick Leon off the bridge Steven gives me a reward which allows us to enter Winona's gym and she has been turned into a double battle which makes it a lot harder believe me I got stuck here for a couple of deums I lost to her 16 times before I actually had my winning run and how did I manage to take her out well let's find out start out with Kyogre and Serena and use sparkling ARA which actually hits every one of my foes as well as my team members so I use spiky shield with Serena so it doesn't take any damage while I take out the corvite and swellow their next two Pokémon are roro and hunch grow one shot both of my Pokémon so it's time for a new pair to come in the den and landeras with moonblast and Draco meteors they're able to take down the hrow and do some chip damage against the ni Pokemon Dragonite as well as the oricorio my Charizard then takes out the oricorio and I also bring in meww while their last Pokemon is going to be a mega pincer with one last surging strikes and the hydro Canon both of them fall and we finally get our six gym batch allowing us to use fly and Traverse the region a lot easier it changed around the team a little bit by adding in Appleton and ambipom and as you can see ambipom abilities definitely aren't the best but it has access to a ton of great moves and with a whopping 125 speed it even Rivals Sonic the Hedgehog with a move like fishes Ren in its Arsenal it's also going to hit very hard which is basically a requirement to be on my team so we hike up the big Cemetery see the Pirates steal some orbs and head to Lily Co City to challenge our rival and since I've been hyping ambipom up for the last 10 minutes he dies against the first Pokemon he faces a vikavolt mission failed time to bring in Serena who can only take out one Pokemon before I have to bring out the most overpowered boy ever Charizard who can surging strikes through our entire team straight into a volcano where we meet up with maxi AKA Team Magma's Mommy before he can awaken to Behemoth D's Groudon I have to show him my Behemoth ape who basically sweeps the entirety of Maxi's team with fishes Ren and triple axle it does also very much help when your entire team is weak to those moves after this we watch a submarine gets stolen defeat a very muscular man and capture Larry deum another legendary that honestly wasn't used all that much we also found a thick ass Wimer and a bergmite that's actually very useful with Quick Draw which makes it move first a lot of the time basically making its bad speed Obsolete and inner focus and flame body are always nice abilities to have kind of ironic that a little ice cube has flame body as an ability though even though ice can actually burn you in real life and had SE guardian and bad luug as its notable abilities anyway I evolved my new team members and crafted an entire new team of Appleton coner sand slash cant avalo and Wailord all because we have to face t and Liza who use a trick room team meaning that we need to build a team that's not faster than a tortoise on top of that there is also a reverse rule active in this battle meaning that super effective moves are now not very effective and not very effective moves are super effective which definitely shake my brain a little bit but after a couple of attempts I managed to get it right and started out with a shiny sand slash and Appleton against guard of war and bronzong in the first turn we take out bronzong with attack order and double iron bashes combined with the hail that my sense slash setup I then use VC create and double iron bash to take out the incoming meoa but Gore is able to take down both of my Pokemon with expanding force and with that Soul heart activates boosting its special attack by two stages making it a very scary threat I'm bringing kilder to close combat it which is now four times super effective and take it out and Wailord also comes in who gets put to sleep by Hypno but eventually is able to set up a geomancy once Reuniclus comes in and takes out my beautiful coner I bring in avalok and take down Hypno and Reuniclus with glacial Lance and steam eruption but I also get put to sleep by hypnosis the last Pokemon is a darmanitan so with a mind blown from way Lord and a high jump kick from codon tatan Liza's Minds actually got blown now we hear a siren across Moss deep City the Earth crawlers of Team Magma have stolen a rocket and are trying to blow up the earth I can't catch your break can I luckily me me and Champion Steven Stone are there to save the day with my Mewtwo Kyogre and his genesic and Aerodactyl by our side this find became a piece of cake mainly because most of their Pokémon were once again meet the water type moves and with that we shoot te magma out of here they don't get arrested by the police or anything though instead we get a notification on our phone saying that Team Aqua have drilled a hole in the sea FL to awaken a big aquarium fish so I get my Leafeon ready for action it definitely doesn't have the best abilities but it stats and attacks definitely make up for that shortly after we already reach Archie and he has just awakened Kyogre and immediately added him to his team too luckily we can just destroy it with a single wood Hammer just like the next Pokemon electros and beud Serena coner and Charizard take care of the rest I didn't even have to bust out my own Kyogre and I mean he had a go- goat on his team one of the most useless Pokemon ever so what did you expect Groudon and Kyogre didn't have a party by almost destroying the world so we have to go to the cave of origin to try and fix it on my way over there I grabbed an Excadrill with the Quick Draw ability as well as ice skills which has special damage a kyogi can now hit me with a water spout and I'd probably survive but this is not even the best thing I got I also got an intellion in the cave of Origins which is going to be an awesome Speedy special attacker in the deepest part of the cave we meet up with Wallas and tell him to go to mount P while we head off the Sky Pillar to save the world and steal all the credit on our way over there we grab a septile and battle a trainer and on this trainer I made a miraculous Discovery you can actually check which abilities moves and Stat spread your opponent's Pokémon hats I can't believe that I didn't know this earlier this would have made a couple of fights a lot easier so if you do play this game yourself definitely keep this in mind big schnick shouts at behemoths we save the world and can enter the final gym to battle Juan we part of the battle with Leafeon against his goog but he immediately swaps out into his Mega Kingler which you can take out with sappy seed Charizard then continues to lay down his wrath by core enforcing Zapdos araknid and Kindra meww takes out Golduck and finally Kyogre finishes off Lapras and with that our final gym badge is acquired not too hard of a battle first attempt obviously it's now time for victory road we didn't really pick up any more notable Pokémon so this is going to be our team to take down Wall-E with he does still have a very good team though starting out with a guard Chom which my Charizard can deal with by using C enforcer but his next Pokemon Talonflame kills me with just a single Brave Bird Mutu is able to take down Talonflame with boom burst and do major damage against aeril before also taking the L Leafeon finishes off a AAL kelder takes care of Rose raid with preal blades while Kyogre is able to just survive a secred sword from his Mega Glade counter back with sparkling area and take out it as well as the last Pokemon m magaz Zone after this we get out of Victory roow without many Road bumps and upon entering the Pokémon League I decide to add intellion to my team because it has a dragon slayer ability as well as libero and mirror armor three great abilities and on top of that queenly Majesty I'm just saying I have to have this thing on the team I also added Serena back as well as avalo and Charizard Kyogre M meww stayed the same with my abomination of a team I went into the very first leite for members room Sydney Sydney is no joke as my Charizard can't even take out more than two Pokémon only being able to finish off mandabas before liking Rock puts an end to my dragon and becomes the dragon born by killing it with Dynamic punch Mewtwo deals with it but dark cry comes in and puts a stop to him already luckily kog is a bit better than dark cry and finishes it off with just one move before getting taken out by mega Gyarados that's when Serena comes in uses close combat and Hy dragon and Sai the last two Pokémon faal a glacial Lance from my aval thank God for that quick drawability the second Elite for member Phoebe wasn't easy either Kyogre was able to drown out her first Pokemon Hoopa with sparkling Aras before Delise came in and I had to take that out with Wicked blow for my avalo as well as the next Pokemon make a Gengar once again all because of the Quick Draw ability super overpowered James Pond finished off goer with a water spound as my Charizard then blaz kicked the final two Pokémon Parasect and AE of Slash cool thing about Parasect is that it's now a ghost type making it a lot more fitting in my opinion since he's been taken over by a mushroom glaa was honestly no problem either because with a mind blow from James Pond we can take out Ninetails and do major damage on white Charizard then Corin forces his way through this curum white the turn after and through barti and does also a major amount of damage against gon but before finally biting the dust or should I say the hail close comment then finished off glacon and mega Lapras but Jong survived with like half of its HP meaning that it's probably got multiscale or something I proceeded to use thunder cage with Kyogre and that was that the battle was one onto Drake the final member and he was probably the easiest one as James Bond immediately started out with a water spout against Mega Aerodactyl to bury it Avalar once again came in clutch as it was able to take down salazzle haxus and Appleton with Wicked blows and glacial lances and Mewtwo just used four Cannon to finish off Kieran black and drag Ault and with that you know what time it is Champion time Wallace is not ready for the pain I'm about to bring down on him we start off the battle in a great fashion as Serena just sappy seeds suun which one turns it meww is enabl to hydr Canon the Crosman because of the rain this also drowns it in just one hit Kyogre one shots aam Maro with thunder cage Serena happy seeds Quagsire Mega melodic looks amazing and is from inclement Emerald by the way but doesn't survive a sappy seed and Pont James combo the last Pokemon is a Ferrothorn which is a weird thing to throw into this team but when you have an intellion with mind blown this oversized plant isn't going to help much with that we place our team into the Hall of Fame and I would definitely say that Kyogre or Charizard was the MVP and honestly if avalik would have come earlier in the Run he might have taken the crown we also ended off with 233 wins and 25 losses so if you got that right at the beginning of the video you get a cookie but all of you know that I don't think Wallace is a proper sendoff in an emerald game so we're going to be taking on the real Champion Steven Stone in the back of his cave too let's see if he's any harder we start off once again with my Pokemon winning Wicked blowing bronzong two times to bring out mil medal who gets answered by Serena's close combat I also once again do a lot of damage on his necrozma but I get sent into space just like Team Rocket with a prismatic laser I proceed to counter with boom burst from meww and also take down MCA with a hydr cannon I bring in James Pond to take care of the final two Pokemon Mega Metagross and genk with mind blown and with that we have defeated Pokemon Elite Redux with a randomized team with the most busted abilities so it really wasn't that much of a feed but it was such a fun video to make I personally think you can have so much fun with this rom hack you can play it any way you like it's not hard to grind up you can get any Pokemon you like with basically any move on it so if I'd have to rate this game I would honestly give it a 9 out of 10 that's how crazy it is with that beautiful rating we're going to have to end off the video by thanking our membership and patreon supporters as always if you want to help out the channel yourself it is always very much appreciated the money I gather from these goes back into equipment like I just bought a new mic I'm busy with hiring editors so it definitely goes a long way and it makes you super cool with that last note out of the way don't forget to leave a like subscribe and share this video with your friends I'm zgo and I'll see you guys next [Music] time
Channel: zwiggo
Views: 384,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, elite redux, rom hack, pokemon rom hacks, best pokemon gba rom hacks, best pokemon rom hack, pokemon rom hack, pokemon rom hack with 4 abilities, randomizer, randomized hardcore nuzlocke, randomized pokemon rom hack, pokemon rom hack hard, radical red, the radical red of pokemon emerald, pokemon emerald rom hack, charizard, kyogre, pokemon challenge, shiny pokemon, zwiggo, new pokemon rom hacks, 2023 rom hack, randomized pokemon, pokemon chaos, pokemon playtrough, rom
Id: Ni3joHJbV6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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