This New Roll Up Door Opener is a GAME CHANGER!

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if you ever wondered how to install a rollup door on a pole barn you're going to find out today we have Keith Collins and his wife Lauren here today and we're going to be installing a 12x10 roll up on the end of this pole barn so while Keith's getting set up we'll talk about this a little bit this was framed out in metal as you can see so we've got all of the spacing here correct for the door Keith came out while they were installing that on the pole barn here and made sure those measurements were correct and we have electrical all already up there it'll be a powered rollup door now what's interesting is I asked Keith where is my switch going to be and he said wherever you want it to be it's wireless so that's really cool so we'll be able to have the wireless switch over here behind the camera where we enter the pole barn so when Deb comes through this door instead of having to walk over to the to the actual rollup door and hit a button she'll have her wireless switch right here she'll be able to open up the rollup door and let her animals free into the pasture what I think is really cool is the whole husband and wife team that's what you get a lot out here on Piney Grove and it's just cool to watch them work like a well oiled machine all right Keith's got this handy dandy water level with Lauren holding the other side this is how Keith is going to use the water level he's got Lauren holding this side then he's going to go over to the other side of the opening correct and make some marks I believe so what he did is he laid all this out so there's no kinks in the hose so it'll give a good level indication all right Lauren if you hold it up against there like that right there and once the water stops M mark it where the water level is and then we'll measure it what will line up with that Mark it's going to measure it and we're going to get the measurements and it'll show whether one side's up or down and then that way my door will be level against the floor he's got the water line that puts a mark on either side of the door and then he measured it and he said that the left side and the right side are 1/2 in off and that's most likely because the concrete isn't perfect so this isn't the first time Keith has been on Piney Grove he actually put in the rollup door behind the camera which is a manual rollup door and I don't know if you guys have had contractor work done but it's hard to get someone to answer the phone it's twice as hard to get someone to show up and Keith has always answered the phone and he always shows up on time if you're in the north Florida or South Alabama area look up Keith Collins we will put his information on the screen and also Down Below in the description so I asked Keith how's he going to get this rollup door in he said him and Lauren got it on the trailer and they'll have no problem getting it set up on the lift to install it I just asked Keith how much that door weighs he said around 300 lb so each of them were lifting about 150 lb over this uneven ground and thankfully they didn't Dro my door because the last door that we installed when Keith went to install it he didn't actually provide the door it had a hole in it they someone had put a forklift in it and then we used some hammers to to beat it straight cuz doors are really hard to come by a couple years ago so the motor size has got significantly smaller for these rollup doors so that thing is probably onethird of the size of what rollup doors used to have in them and they're telling me we're one of one of the first ones to get these installed but it also means you're the first one to start the long-term test so Keith put together the brackets ahead of time and these brackets will attach to this part of the rollup and what we found up here is that he really didn't have a good way to attach the bracket because he didn't have the right screws to go into that metal we thought maybe we could get a bolt here but that this little Channel or this coration won't necessarily be in the right place where he needs it up there so what we're going to do is take off that white trim and we'll be able to through bolt it through that square tubing we got the trim off and now he's going to measure to make sure he has the right size bolts to go all the way through the tubing so Keith puts up doors every day of his life that's what he does for a business and this one's being challenging because it's got a different structure or different framing than he's used to so we're just working through the problems to make sure that we get this bracket installed and it's nice and um secure because that's a 300 lb door the pole barn Keith is putting that rollup door on is very unique because part of it's framed in Wood part of it framed in metal and the part that he's attaching the rollup door to is not framed in the exact same way as this metal building that I'm in so I'm going to show you how a rollup door attaches on a true metal building so it's a different type of door and it does doesn't have the electrical motor but you can see that this L bracket attaches directly to the rail of the door and the one that Keith is installing for me has to have a little space for the motor and that L bracket or that frame for the roll up attaches directly to the building as opposed to the rails that hold that the door actually rolls up and down into it don't count if you didn't make a face Keith said what do you think of the bolt I said what bolt he put it in there and he siliconed it and he painted it first class all right he's marking the second bracket and he said once these brackets are on this is going to go up really quick and I watched them put up that other rollup door that I showed you earlier and it and after these brackets are on it does go up really quick especially with this lift here oh wondering why the drill bit stopped an hour four of our 2-hour garage door install I've been giving Keith some grief because we thought this would go quick but all that customization slowed him down but luckily there's no job after us so this is the only job they had planned for the day unfortunately they're not going to make any money on me today Keith started cutting off those bolts without eye protection I said man put some goggles on I need you to finish this job today we're getting ready for the big muscle movement here we're going to get that door put up on those brackets and then things are going to go real quick after that point that's what Keith keeps telling me anyway I've actually seen him do this before this is uh this is really cool to watch so much better than the way that I thought rollup doors go up which is a man on each side or in this case a woman in on one side and a man on the other I was talking about husband and wife team earlier and Keith started working the lift and then he backed off in said come on hun you can do this about halfway up we just got to get that part up to there and then once that's up there then he'll Mount the motor on the other side or he'll do the rails we'll just have to see Lauren's working to lift and what we're trying to do is we're trying to get that pipe right there lined up with those holes where there'll be some UB bolts that drop down from the top we're looking at that spacing there where that round Rod comes out of the center of the spool and the bracket just making sure that that spacing is equal right there on both sides you can see it's up on top of this bracket now this side's on top as well so it's supported by the brackets a little bit so I thought he was going to use UB bolts but he's going to use this tensioner bracket this is a tensioner bracket once I get it on there I can put the motor on the other side and then I can wind on the end of it and it'll hold tension to it because this locks the the bar in okay yeah I see it now and then it'll lock the tube in this the first time Keith's put in this model of door opener but we've got it figured out and again by we I mean Keith I was no help at all it fits over that shaft coming out of the door and then it has two prongs that go into the hole of the door it spins and turns the door you see the holes there on the end and that's what those prongs of the door opener fit into so she's working the Hoist so that he can have clearance as he puts the motor in and another thing he had to make sure was on that bracket that he screwed into the wall that there was enough space to fit the motor into the end there I'll show you what I mean on this side on this side it's a little bit tighter the motor wouldn't have fit in there so that bracket has to be put in correctly I asked Keith when the power is off how do I get this door down and he said there's a a catch or a release or something with that motor and then Once you pull that you can just pull it down manually cuz with storms and stuff you never know when you lose power and the only other way other than to do it manually would be to hook a generator up to it and power the door up or down all right we're making progress we got the sensor right there all routed across the top of the door and the other one's over there and what they do is um make sure no one's in the path of the door when it comes down and now Keith is putting up the left rail so we really just got a rail on each side and then the door's installed and hopefully if you'll see up there is the outlet and you see the length of the cord hopefully that cord will reach that outlet it's going to be close we haven't tried it yet but it there will not be much to spare if it does fit if it doesn't fit we can um get an electrician to come in and move that box down but we really want to see this door go up and down before Keith leaves tonight so if you're watching this video to see the installation of the door but also to know how much a door cost in 2020 3 I was just talking to Keith and he said before the pandemic this door would have cost ,750 installed today it cost 3850 to install this same door so I just asked him if prices are stabilizing he says they've been increasing over the past couple years rapidly he said he's starting to see a lot less CH uh supply chain issues and also prices are stabilizing so 3,800 to 4,000 should be the going price for this type of door going forward after he gets get all this off the tracks will go on and we can bring the door down now one thing that you can do on a garage door a rollup door is you can get what's called um hurricane proof or windproof and they have um extra stabilizing straps that go on the side of the door and basically doesn't let air go past the track now this one is not one of those type of doors and those type of doors it adds a significant amount to the cost but you'll see some strapping here and this is what's called a wind loock door the door we're putting on the pole barn is not a wind loock door I just asked Keith if we had asked for a wind loock door on the pole barn how much would that have added to it he said about 1,000 bucks so if that door on the pole barn was wind locked it would be $ 4800 well there's the door going up and it's springloaded so it goes up largely by itself the motor doesn't really have to pick up that much of it so this thing is fighting us the whole way this rail won't go up flush with the wall so he's going to have to drill a hole to allow that bolt that nut right there to protrude into the rail so a little close up of the problem you see that nut right there that holds that bracket on that's not allowing this track to ride flush on this mounting metal right here so what he's going to do is drill a hole in the back of the track so that that nut can go through the hole that he drills and that'll let it lay flat on here so this can go down inside the rail properly so that's the first screw of the track going into the third of the wall and he drilled those holes at the top of the track up there to go over top of those nuts all right so this is the first test of the door coming down in the new track he just put on and this has just been a fight the whole way I mean he had to go out to the hardware store and get different bolts he had to cut those bolts off then he had to make a hole in the track track so those bolts could protrude through but it came down pretty smoothly and that's not powered that's with the emergency release pulled and that's just um the spring tension of the door all right Keith explain how the water level that we used earlier gave you a smooth or a level bottom of the door when we first began it told me it was a/ inch off so we raised up the side that needed the half inch and your bottom seal on Long you're it would have been a/ inch off it would have been a gap you could have saw up under it so now it's set it's going to set level so on a scale of 1 to 10 with um five being what a normal door would be to install of this size where does this one rank for um difficulty about a nine so Piney Grove wins again with a nine for difficulty but I I don't know if uh if Keith thinks that's a win once he gets this second track installed we'll be real close to having the door installed and then hopefully we can just hit that button and watch the door go up and down we're ready to put on the second rail here Keith is a great husband he's wiping off his wife's handprints that she put all over my brand new door thank you Keith I appreciate that buddy I keep asking him like literally every 15 minutes are we at the point where we can hit the button the door wasn't heavy enough so Keith decided he was going to add some weight to it I'm sure Deb will appreciate that now he's installing the stop so you got this bar here then you have a bar up there that will catch that and not let it over rotate or roll up here's the moment of truth will the power cord reach the electrical box keiths run out of ladder though hopefully OSHA isn't watching this oh yeah we got plenty putting the door sensors in he's got the left side in the right side's ready over there getting real close to hitting that button we got the door to come down and go up one time but it's not really doing it as quickly as it's supposed to the door doesn't have have a lot of weight cuz it's spring-loaded so it's not like the motor has to do a lot of work this is coming all the way up it wouldn't do this just a minute ago yeah so it was holding the buttons and now it looks like it's it's going through some sort of programming maybe it'll hit the bottom and bounce and no see he's not touching anything shut off in just a minute looks like it's Auto programming he said it'll shut off in a minute we're going to put the rollup door wireless switch right here or control and the door is over there so we'll have that one mounted on that post and then we'll also have two that you can put in your pocket or put in your car so that's pretty neat we don't have to run wires or anything all right it's all installed here we go here's the checkout push the button and the door is going down that's nice that's just so awesome we'll catch you on the next video guys
Channel: Piney Grove Homestead
Views: 11,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #florida, #homestead, #polebarn, #garagedoor, #rollupdoor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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