This NEW Glitch Just BROKE GTA: San Andreas!

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at the beginning of October 2019 the world record for beating grand theft auto san andreas was three hours 52 minutes and seven seconds two weeks later it was less than 20 minutes so what on earth happened on the 5th of october the san andreas speedrunner powdinet dropped a reddit post titled grand theft auto san andreas skipped that saves over 3 hours in 90% he outlined a ridiculous strategy that would enable players to go from essentially the start of the game to the very final mission these types of major skips aren't necessarily new to speedrunning the most famous of these types of strategies is likely the wrong warp in Zelda Ocarina of Time using very specific tricks we can go from the Deku Tree which is basically the first dungeon of the game to the end of the very last dungeon enabling players to beat the game in under 20 minutes even in the Grand Theft Auto series this type of exploit has been seen before in 2016 a glitch known as script stack underflow was uncovered that allowed speedrunners to beat GTA Vice City in less than 10 minutes these glitches are crazy and truth be told upon initial viewing a lot of people think they are fake or the product of hacking or cheats but they are indeed very real albeit extremely complex and difficult to grasp it has always been fascinating to me how games can be manipulated in such extreme ways this new san andreas skip is really cool and today we will learn the basics of how it is achieved it is a very precise trick and has a bunch of non-obvious moving parts hopefully after this video you'll have a better understanding of just what is going on when speedrunners beat is an Andres in less than 20 minutes let's jump straight into it upon gaining control of CJ the first thing we need to do is get hold of a police bike police spawn in random locations but it's usually not too hard to find one relatively quickly the police bike is necessary for several key steps throughout the run but at present we needed to activate the vigilante mission which can only be done from a police vehicle we don't plan to actually complete the vigilante mission though the reason we activate it is so that we can cancel it at a very specific moment that moment lies 80 2070 milliseconds after starting the game the mission needs to be cancelled within a window of just 33 milliseconds luckily we do have some indication of where this window lies and players can use the in-game time to help with the timing the mission needs to be canceled just as the in-game clock turns to 746 there is no way to know if you've cancelled it at the right time until the second half of the speedrun so you basically just have to hope at this point canceling the mission at this precise moment sets an internal variable to the value needed during this first phase of the run we also need to accumulate $10,000 so that we can purchase a safehouse later the best known way is to search foreign kill drug dealers drug dealers spawn randomly so there is a bit of luck required here to find five of them quickly once we have the money we need to head home and park the police bike inside about garage this will prevent the bike from D spawning as we will need it again later here we also start the mission big smoke completing big smoke grants access to the next mission which we will use to perform the major skip it also activates the first phone call which we will use for the next glitch throughout this entire run it is imperative that we stay at least eighty meters away from vending machines this is because vending machines will activate a script that will change the internal value we set up earlier so the quickest routes between all of these locations usually can't be taken and we need to take a detour before finishing Big Smoke we also need to acquire the box fill this is needed so that we can activate the burglar mission in the next part of the run after finishing Big Smoke we park the van in the garage to stop it from D spawning and then save the game saving the game will progress the time of day forward six hours which we need to do as the burglar mission can only be started between 8 p.m. and a 6 a.m. the next section of the speedrun revolves around a value called on mission when we are not in a mission on mission is set to zero this tells the game that it is ok to start new missions when a mission is active the flag is set to 1 this tells the game to prevent new missions from starting our end goal is to be able to start the mission vigilante during a specific moment of the ryder mission obviously normally this wouldn't be possible as when the writer mission is active we can't start new missions so we need to perform a series of steps so that the on mission value is zero while we are in the writer mission the first step is to hop inside the box fill then head to a safe house when we get to the safe house we need to purchase it just before a phone call comes in the phone call is set to arrive 20 seconds after the Big Smoke mission was completed and given that the travel time to the safe house is greater than 20 seconds we need to reset the call timer while we're on the way this can be done by starting the burglar mission and then cancelling it when the mission ended message pops up we can use the timer on-screen to count to 20 seconds so in this case the message came up at late twenty thirty four so we should buy the safehouse at late twenty fifty four though we need to time it ever so slightly before the twenty second mark so that the phone call comes in just after we make the purchase the phone call stops the game from checking to see if a purchase has been made which gives us enough time to enter the van and start the burglar mission however we need to use a technique called call halting or else we would answer the call before we enter the van which would ruin the trick we can hold calls by pressing and holding the action key calls can be held indefinitely and when we release the action key the call will be answered that is of course unless we release the call while inside a vehicle which will cancel the call completely this will reset the twenty second call timer after which the call will repeat so we make the purchase just before the call comes in we hold the call until we entered the van and then release the call which cancels it now that the phone call has ended the game will check to see if any purchases have been made this check is on a global timer and happens once every 1.5 seconds in order to execute this trick correctly we need to start the burglar mission on the same frame that the game performs this check if this happens the burglar mission will become active but the on mission value will be set to zero there is no way to set this trick up and it's basically a case of spamming the mission start button and hoping that it lands on the correct frame luckily you can keep trying if it fails however if the purchased check happens before you start the burglar mission the trick will fail and the run will be over when the purchase check does happen and the game detects that you have bought the safe house a blip of sound letting you know after the blip reload the autosave which should place you where the blip happened with the burgle emission active and the on mission value at zero if you failed the trick the autosave will put you back home now we head home to prepare for the Ryder mission and this is where the previous setup pays off before starting Ryder we need to wait for a phone call to come in at which point we can hold the call now the on mission flag is set at 1:00 but because the burglar mission is still running we can cancel that and set it back to zero this leaves us with what is called a non mission zero call we trigger the next mission which is Ryder and during the fade-out we released the call we were holding when the Ryder mission starts up we need to immediately enter the vehicle before CJ answers the call we just released this achieves two things the first is that it cancels the call and sets the on mission flag back to zero as starting the Ryder mission set it to one the second is that it lodged the phone call animation while still skipping the call this will come in handy a little bit later now we head to the barber to get a haircut on the way we need to collect some grenades which we will use in a couple of minutes before entering the bar bar another call will come in which we will need to hold during the entire barber sequence inside the bar bar we need to get one of two specific haircuts so that Ryder says the correct line when we come back outside during the fade-out as we leave the barber we released the call we were holding which glitches the next cutscene and gives movement to CJ the fact that we loaded the call animation earlier in the run means we can hang up the call before Ryder says his first two line if we hung up later during his line it would skip his line and make the rest of the run impossible because the cutscene is supposed to be running the camera is now fixed in place but we can fix this by re-entering the barber in order to skip to the end of the game we need to start the vigilante mission at a specific time in the cutscene that was playing when we left the barber here is how they cut scene normally plays out you know some I take it back oh we still got it cracking then what's this ridiculous the window we have to work with opens at one second after the camera change after riders first line and it closes two seconds after that camera change I'll play the cutscene again but I'll highlight the screen during that window you know some I take it back oh we still got it cracking what's this this is all seemingly impossible as there is no way we can start vigilante this quickly after leaving the barber but we can restart writers line repeatedly by pressing pause which starts the audio again so for the next section of the run players will need to press pause every few seconds the cutscene audio can be extended indefinitely using this method I'll take you back oh we still got it you know some I'll take you back oh we still got it you know some I'll take you back Oh after leaving the barbers for the second time we need to head back home which is where we stored the police vehicle when we arrive we first need to restart the Ryder mission this is because when we executed the cutscene glitch that enabled movement we lost the ability to enter vehicles so starting Ryder gives us back this ability upon starting the Ryder mission the on mission flag is set to one which would prevent us from starting vigilante in order to fix this we used the grenade we picked up earlier to fail the mission so we drive Ryder to the garage where the police bike is stored then lob a grenade at the car which blows it up failing the mission after we throw the grenade we also need to get on the police bike to get ready to start vigilante and here is where everything comes together when the grenade blows up the car and fails the mission the mission failed screen will appear this will skip riders first line of that cutscene we have been extending as soon as the mission failed cutscene appears we need to start the process of getting off the bike this process takes approximately one second and we can still start the vigilante mission until the process is fully completed once 1000 milliseconds has passed in the cutscene we need to start the Antti mission as soon as the vigilante mission is activated because of everything we've set up previously in the run the game will start the mission called end of the line which is the final mission of the game during the fade-out into the mission the process of getting off the bike will complete which fails the vigilante mission if we didn't do this the vigilante would continue to run and the game would crash now remember that 33 millisecond window at the beginning of the run the one that we needed to cancel the vigilante in if we missed that window the game will crash at this point as well this is the moment of truth to find out if we actually hit the window successfully ideally we did manage to do everything correctly and as mentioned the emission end of the line will start not only that but it's conveniently the final part of the mission as well the rest of the run is extremely straightforward and is performed as normal this final mission essentially acts as an autoscroller and we need to simply go through the motions until the fire truck we are chasing loses control and crashes off the bridge finishing the game this glitch really is crazy and has so many epic strategies that all come together in an amazing way to make it happen even if you're not a big fan of speedruns that exploit glitches you have to appreciate just how complex and genius this strategy is the amount of deep knowledge required to make this happen is absolutely astonishing the first person to execute the strategy in a legitimate run and use it to beat the existing record was joshimuz this is the moment it was successfully pulled off for the first time one elephant yes yes let's [ __ ] go the elephants for the elephant's faq split yes [ __ ] your [ __ ] shitty setup palnet I'll just make my own one up [ __ ] that alright good joshimuz managed to complete the game in one hour 32 minutes and 8 seconds beating the previous record by almost three hours over the next week the record was lowered all the way down to 19 minutes and 34 seconds which was achieved by a powdinet on the 15th of october speaking of powdinet a huge thanks to him for helping me learn and understand the strategy please go and show your support and reward him for figuring out this epic strategy by following him on YouTube and twitch links will be in the description and if you want to be a huge champion please subscribe to my channel I'm really trying to get to 100,000 in my previous doing video I issued the challenge to beat my time of 1 minute and three seconds on e to Ma X congratulations to the following heroes who managed to beat my time also I'm sorry for missing a couple of people who beat my previous quake challenge so I'll include them here as well thank you so much for watching you absolute legends I hope you are having a fantastic day and I will see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 1,908,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grand theft auto, gta san andreas, gta speedrun, san andreas speedrun, karl jobst, world record, world record progression, speedrun, speedrunning, grand theft auto speedrun, gta glitches, san andreas glitches, grand theft auto glitches, video game glitches, speedrun glitches, gta san andreas glitches, glitch, glitches, gamebreaking, broke, gta world record, gta san andreas world record, new, gaming, games, cj, big smoke, new glitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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