A 20 Year Old DOOM Record Was Finally Broken
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Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 3,050,029
Rating: 4.8014631 out of 5
Keywords: speedrunning, speedrun, speedruns, doom, ultimate doom, id software, karl jobst, speedlore, classic gaming, fps, gaming history, games done quick, world record progression, world record, wr, speedrunning news, doom deathmatch, doom speedrun
Id: PwngnOCWIZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I assume the demo file also saves the RNG values? Otherwise if it only had the button inputs saved, the RNG would still cause different playbacks?
I appreciate the video because as a huge Doom fan it's kind of disappointing how little exposure the game seems to get in the modern speedrunning scene compared to games like Metroid or Mario Bros. Doom had the ability to record demos consisting of a sequence of keypresses since its original DOS releases, with people exchanging demos over BBS's and the early consumer internet, and record-keeping sites date all the way back to 1994.
I hope we get to see more of these videos. Karl Jobst is a well known Goldeneye and Perfect Dark speedrunner who has released a couple of popular videos for those games in the past, and it's cool to see him putting the same kind of care into a Doom video.
If you're curious about doom speedrunning, the most complete and up-to-date records website these days is the Doom Speed Demos Archive (which is not the same site as the original Speed Demos Archive), and each record comes with a demo file you can download and play with the appropriate Doom source port. If you just want to watch Doom speedruns on YouTube, the DSDA has a youtube channel here. Most speedrunning discussion happens in the Doom Speed Demos subforum on Doomworld. I don't know of any single place that covers all of the tech in the game, but a good illustrated overview of some of the movement tech in the game can be found in this forum thread.
I like how the narrator just casually drops a 9s Hanger speedrun after saying he hasn't played it in 20 years, with absolutely zero attention brought to it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=990&v=PwngnOCWIZo for the actual record run with a few seconds hybe before
16:39 for the run
Key point: Doom speedrunners, like Goldeneye ones, use the in-game clock with no sub-second resolution. Historical reasons I guess? In any case, it's not like the 20 year old Doom record wasn't beaten many times already. This is simply the first time the level was beaten in less than 9 seconds.
It seems like a lot of consternation could be saved if they would just time the runs by frames.
IMO it's not very accurate to say the record hasn't been broken since 1998.
Does anyone know what the TAS time is, for comparison? (Really, it's always disappointing to me when these world-record videos don't contain TAS times for comparison, especially as TAS is commonly used as a source of new strategies, and gives us some idea as to just how much the RTA record could improve.)
This is amazing, but let's be fair that during these 20 years the 9.91 was certainly improved; it just never got down to 8.??, so the in-game engine counted all those runs as the same time - 9 seconds. That's just a side effect of how the speedrunning community agreed to measure the time in Doom.