This New American Nuclear Bomb Shocked Russia

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with the ongoing and deadly russian and ukraine war the world continues to hold its breath as death tolls buildings communities and relationships are shattered the russian invasion has been nothing short of devastation with russian forces inflicting so much pain the trickle-down effects are not just with the two battling countries involved but it has also created a domino effect on world powers like the united states there have been fears that with the slowing progress of the russian front that they may instigate everyone's worst nightmare a nuclear bomb attack russia has stated before that any country that will assist ukraine will feel powers like never before this can only be assumed that putin may use nuclear weapons to assist him with the victory of the russia ukraine conflict however the united states has entered the chat and rumors of the us advancing their nuclear technology in order to counter attack any form of nuclear war has begun [Music] believe it or not it is the united states that's testing the most dangerous nuclear bomb in modern history and russia could soon panic with these new and recent developments in december 2021 the u.s air force awarded raytheon missiles and defense a 250 million dollar contract for its storm breaker a small diameter bomb sdb what makes this bomb so unique is the fact that it is an american-built precision-guided glide bomb unique to this particular bomb is the ability to identify and target mobile objects from long distances in any weather condition imagine just identifying the target and putting in the coordinates from the base pad miles away once triggered these special bombs can bypass any severe weather conditions and hit its target with such precision that it almost seems unfair against any other military operative though the missile does not have a nuclear weapon attached to it it does set the precedent of attaching a nuclear warhead to stormbreaker for now it currently weighs just 200 pounds or 91 kilograms stormbreaker measures 69 inches 175 centimeters long six to seven inches 15 to 18 centimeters in diameter 105 pound warhead stormbreaker utilizes a tri-mode seeker which means it includes multi-meter wave radar and infrared imaging that makes it able to see through fog smoke and rain it can travel over 45 miles or 72 kilometers and strike a target that's either at a fixed position or even if it's moving through land or sea a missile that's able to change its trajectory to precisely hit a target is a miracle of modern warfare additionally it also includes high-tech gps that's coupled with inertial guidance and data link in other words having the exact coordinates and being able to detect the speed of the target and quickly synthesizing this data almost always hits its target finally what makes this missile even more unique compared to its predecessors and counterparts is the fact that it can be launched from one platform and controlled from another imagine this ukraine launches the rocket right outside of the black sea and once it passes the body of water a launch pad that was secretly put in russia allows it to control the missile and direct it even more accurately to its intended target modern warfare has taken accuracy control and precision to the next level plans for deploying stormbreaker include using the best modern fighter jets around the f a-18 hornet and the f-35 lightning fighters let's briefly discuss these two fighter jets and why they make the best candidate for hauling stormbreaker with this fa-18 hornet fighter jet this fighter jet can travel faster than the speed of sound aka it's supersonic it's designed as a fighter jet for air-to-air combat and also an attack aircraft carrying out air strikes with extreme precision this is why it's called fa fighter attack aircraft it's also made to be manufactured and carrying different types of bombs or other weapons what makes this aircraft fitting for stormbreaker is the fact that it can be fast enough to dodge enemy aircrafts while also having the ability of carrying an equally precise weapon to hit targets you could almost say it'll be hard to miss its target with such an advanced aircraft with a super advanced missile additionally it's important for the aircraft to dodge any sort of attack or risk having the nuclear bomb exploding in mid-air as for the f-35 lightning fighters this single-seat aircraft is designed for aerial combat and strike missions they also include air-to-air combat aerial bombing reconnaissance electronic warfare and suppression of air defenses even more impressive is the fact that they can be stealth mode in which they avoid detection radar infrared visible light radio and audio frequency this makes this fighter jet one of the best options to carry a possible missile with a nuclear warhead free from detection and even by the time opposing militaries detect this aircraft it may be too late and the nuclear missile stormbreaker has already been deployed when world war ii ended september 2nd 1945 the united states had a new vision of what war could look like especially in the nuclear bomb division americans were already planning out the future of having smart bombs or bombs that could be optimized with a directed navigation system rather than carefully measuring distance time and target in a mathematical equation aka having a dumb bomb the united states knew that one day a navigation oriented bomb could be developed that may turn the tide in future wars this is no surprise since the atomic bomb did so much damage in nagasaki and hiroshima just a month before the war ended the united states understood that atomic bombs were deadly to humanity but what if smaller nuclear bombs or missiles could be developed to limit the casualties or deaths to ordinary citizens the original small diameter bomb sdb was created by the boeing company for stationary or non-moving targets in 2010 after 26 missions and testing within 21 days raytheon was awarded with a 450 million dollar contract to develop the second iteration of this missile bomb dubbed sdb2 after just two years of development and testing sdb2 was put on the f-35 lightning fighter jet and was able to successfully hit a moving target for the first time with perfect accuracy this gave the confidence the united states military needed in order to have one of the best automated weaponry available when called upon in response to the ukraine and russia crisis the united states military has decided to invest heavily in infrastructure for storing nuclear weapons in the uk president biden's administration has requested a budget for the 2023 department of defense to fund nato countries receiving 384 million dollars in investments to store special weapons these can only be assumed as nuclear weapons to support ukraine trying to stop russia's involvement in their takeover of ukraine a portion of this funding will most likely go to stormbreaker and will now be housed to european countries in nato who are closer to the russia ukraine conflict the united states continues to pour money into their military and defense but more importantly they are once again heavily investing in nuclear weapons and the possibility of using these if russia continues to escalate conflict with so much funding going to government contractors and military spending abroad let's take a look at just how much each unit costs and why it's in the best interest of the u.s to continue developing stormbreaker the united states air force and the navy will be the primary users for stormbreaker each one of these high-tech missiles costs 195 thousand dollars to manufacture additionally there are plans to develop a total of 17 143 storm breakers an amazing feat that will be achieved and with the full backing of the united states government there may be more that could be developed if a nuclear war does indeed happen with so many units of the guided precision glidebomb missile in development the united states are also planning to integrate stormbreaker on the f-15e strike eagle aircraft by 2023 all the f-35 variants are projected to be installed with the stormbreaker smart weapon for context the f-15 strike aircraft is a long-range high-speed aircraft that can carry out deep strikes against high-value targets and combat air patrols and even provide close air support for coalition troops variations of this aircraft are being planned to be developed in the next year or two and it makes sense that stormbreaker can be compatible with this mighty military machine though russia feels that their invasion is going well and they're carrying out their operations to demilitarize and de-nazify ukraine i would bet to believe that russia is actually panicking with the nato country's strong support for ukraine strong support such as backing ukraine's military with weapons ships artillery money and even with a guided weapon should make putin and russia worried about ending this war or risk of a possible nuclear attack the united states and nato countries are preparing for such an escalation and have developed the most advanced guided missile in stormbreaker that can engage multiple mobile targets for more than 72 kilometers or 44 miles away and hit its target with extreme precision no other countries have this type of sophisticated nuclear weapon on a guided missile and it'll be interesting to see if it's actually deployed of course we do not hope for a nuclear war as it could spell doom for humanity however it's important to note that weaponry like this truly amplifies the importance of having the most advanced modern warfare and weapons that could alternate the world's future what's your thoughts on stormbreaker do you think russia should be worried let me know in the comments below and please hit the like and subscribe button for more videos like this until next time
Channel: Daily Aviation
Views: 1,730,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: russia ukraine war, ukraine, vladimir putin, ukraine war, russia, nuclear bomb, dangerous, panic, US, test, bomb, aircraft, us military, ukrainian military, ukraine vs russia, new, powerful, military tech, drones in ukraine, drones killers
Id: rubODyLYdsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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