Tsar Bomba | Will Putin Use The World’s Largest Nuclear Bomb If The Ukraine Russia War Escalates?

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foreign [Music] Russia could launch a nuclear attack within months Russia has the biggest nuclear Arsenal in the world Putin could use a tactical nuclear weapon Russia is already in a position to destroy the world several times over there humanity is just when misunderstanding when miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation to Papas in a battle for Supremacy in Ukraine a personalists [Music] fundamental role of U.S nuclear weapons is to deter nuclear attacks on the United States on our allies and partners they are bragging that they can destroy with nuclear weapons not only a certain country but the entire planet with nuclear armed Nations locking horns could the cause of War Force Russia to resort to its deadly nuclear weapons and in Putin's nuclear Arsenal is the biggest weapon ever made the world's largest ever nuclear device the Tsar Burma or the Emperor of bombs [Music] October 30th 1961 the peak of the Cold War and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev sent an unmistakable warning to the West [Music] [Applause] a Soviet 295v bomber took off from the olenia Airfield in the Kola Peninsula in the far north of Russia the plane painted bright white to lessen the impact of the mega bombs flash arrived at its Target point Novia zamalia a sparsely populated area in the barren sea the pilot brought his bear bomber to mitushi kabe a Soviet testing range at a height of 34 000 feet following him was another modified 216. to film the blast that would make history the massive bomb was attached to a parachute meant to delay its fall and the detonation an attempt to give the pilot enough time to fly out of range even so the chances of survival for the Soviet crew were grim the odds were only 50 percent that they would live they reached their destination open the locks and dropped their deadly cargo at 11 32 am Moscow time the bomb exploded the fireball eight kilometers wide the explosion produced about 57 000 kilotons of energy it was so intense that the flash could be seen from a thousand kilometers away severni and uninhabited Village 55 kilometers from Ground Zero was leveled all buildings within this radius were completely destroyed Windows within hundreds of kilometers were broken the bomb was detonated four kilometers above the ground to minimize radioactive fallout but even then the ground below the explosion was incinerated by the intense heat the Rocks turned to Ash the plumes kept Rising until they reached nearly 65 kilometers high the shock wave generated after the explosion was so big that it traveled three times around the Earth on the ground the heat from the explosion was so much that even 100 kilometers away from the blast site it would have caused third degree burns and although the Warhead was detonated miles above the ground it generated a strong seismic wave with a magnitude of over five a Soviet cameraman described the explosion like this the clouds beneath the aircraft and in the distance were lit up by the powerful Flash the Sea of light spread under the hatch and even clouds began to glow and became transparent at that moment our aircraft emerged from between two Cloud layers and down below in the Gap a huge bright orange ball was emerging the ball was powerful and arrogant like Jupiter slowly and silently it crept upwards having broken through the thick layer of clouds it kept growing it seemed to suck the whole earth into it the spectacle was fantastic unreal Supernatural [Music] the bomb was eight meters long had a diameter of nearly 2.6 meters and weighed more than 27 tons the weight of five elephants it was so big it couldn't even fit in the internal view of the huge plane that flew it to the test site and the scale of its power was staggering first in a test in the United States it was 2 000 times more powerful than the American bomb dropped on Nagasaki ten times the total Firepower used in the entire second World War little boy it was 15 kilo tons of TNT the Tsar bomma was equivalent to 58 megatons of TNT [Music] as immense as it was the Tsar bomber was still only half as powerful as its original plan the first blueprint was for a bomb with a hundred Megaton yield but Soviet scientists feared the radiation could blanket the entire northern part of the Soviet Union eventually the original three layers of uranium were replaced with three layers of lead to cut its impact in half that call was taken by one of the three people who played critical roles in the Journey of the Tsar Bomba Andrei sakharov this Soviet nuclear scientist developed the bomb along with his team but he later became a disarmament Crusader faced with the extent of Devastation that nuclear bombs he had helped to create could cause Sakura was later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize but in 1961 Sakura was following the orders of Nikita Khrushchev the man who was leading the Soviet Union and wanted his country to have the world's biggest bomb the third man who made the sarbama possible was Andrew 3 do not step the pilot who dropped the bomb [Music] [Music] do not save managed to fly his plane almost 45 kilometers away before the bomb that he had dropped exploded but the blast still knocked him of course with his bare bomber dropping nearly a kilometer towards the ground luckily the pilot managed to regain control and Against All Odds the plane landed safely do not say was later promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and named a hero of the Soviet Union the Tsar bomma had one clear purpose to make the West tremble as they watched the might of Soviet technology before the Cold War started in 1947 the race to acquire the world's most destructive weapon had already begun the U.S had already conducted the world's first nuclear test in 1945 and in August the same year it ended the second world war by dropping two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki it was this display of American power that prompted Joseph's talent to order the development of Soviet nuclear weapons within five years in August 1949 the Soviet Union conducted its first nuclear test codenamed rds-1 at the semi-palatinsk test site in modern day Kazakhstan meanwhile the United States tested the world's first Hydrogen Bomb called Mike in 1952 and its biggest nuclear device called Castle Bravo in 1954. a frosty Cold War had given way to a nuclear arms race Soviet scientists were also working on developing a hydrogen bomb and managed to test their first in 1955. but Nikita Khrushchev went a step further and ordered the creation of the most powerful bomb ever made [Music] although its code name was supposed to be Ivan or Vanya most of the Soviet scientists who developed the world's biggest bomb including Andrei sakharov called it just that the big bomb Khrushchev called it kuska's mother a Russian phrase that means a lesson you will never forget the Americans who Khrushchev was clearly targeting simply called it Joe 111 but its most evocative name is the one that stuck the Tsar bomber or the king of bombs [Music] the sarbama was a hydrogen aerial bomb something that's also known as a thermonuclear weapon a more advanced and Powerful version of an atomic bomb while atomic bombs use either uranium or plutonium in most cases hydrogen bombs also need additional isotopes of hydrogen called deuterium and tritium as a result the reaction that causes the explosion is also different atomic bombs rely on fission a process by the core of uranium or plutonium is compressed which then splits into Parts before releasing a huge amount of energy hydrogen bombs on the other hand not only use the energy from fission but also from secondary Fusion making the explosion much stronger in fact Andrei sakurovic's maker used the slowika method by alternating layers of deuterium and isotope of hydrogen and uranium foreign testing the world's largest and most dangerous weapon was just the beginning just months after the detonation of the Tsar bomber Khrushchev ordered the detonation of another Megaton bomb in fact Soviet scientists detonated a total of 79 nuclear bombs in the following year America too was keeping up the pace its nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands for example is something that the U.S is still paying reparations for between 1946 and 1958 the U.S cloaked the Marshall Islands in radiation worth 7 000 Hiroshima bombs seven miles into the sky the awe-inspiring Cloud pillows and charges the world had to draw the line somewhere and it did in 1963 when the two superpowers agreed to ban All Above Ground nuclear tests two years after the Tsar Bama explosion in 1963 the United States the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union signed the partial nuclear Test Ban Treaty which prohibited nuclear tests in the atmosphere in outer space and underwater over the years the USSR and the U.S continue to test a large number of nuclear bombs between 1949 and 1990 the Soviet Union conducted 750 nuclear tests the U.S 969 while the Soviet Union carried out these tests within its own borders the U.S used several foreign test sites after years of experiments testing and explosions the Soviet Union conducted its last nuclear test in 1990. for the U.S it was 1992. the number of nuclear weapons in the world has significantly declined since the Cold War Warheads have been reduced from approximately 70 300 in 1986 to an estimated 12 700 in early 2022 however the world's combined inventory of nuclear warheads remains very high nine countries possess roughly 12 700 Warheads as of 2022 approximately 90 percent of all nuclear warheads are owned by Russia and the United States each own more than five thousand the overall inventory of nuclear weapons in the world is declining but the pace of reduction has slowed over the last 30 years of the world's 12 700 nuclear warheads more than 9400 are in military stockpiles for use by missiles aircraft ships and submarines Russia released classified footage of the world's largest nuclear explosion only in 2020 to Mark the 75th anniversary of Russia's Atomic industry and it is perhaps most effective as a signal nothing more of Russia's path its very size and scale make it difficult to use any plane that would have had to carry the Tsar bomber would not be able to carry enough fuel to reach its Target however the possibility of Russia placing similar Warheads on powerful intercontinental ballistic missiles does exist and this would bring cities on the other side of the globe into moscow's crosshairs 30 years after the end of the Cold War the United States and Russia are yet again standing face to face over Ukraine both are nuclear-armed and where nuclear weapons exist there exists the possibility of a nuclear war and in Putin's Arsenal is the world's biggest nuclear bomb thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CRUX
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Keywords: tsar bomba test site, russia tsar bomba, tsar bomba test video, tsar bomba video, putin tsar bomba, tsar bomba, russia tsar bomba documentary, marshall islands, hydrogen bomb, how big is tsar bomba explosion, how big is tsar bomba, ukraine, russia tsar bomba test, worlds biggest nuclear bomb, russia nuclear bombs, nuclear bomb, putin nuclear threat, tsar bomba watch, russia biggest nuke, russia biggest nuclear bomb, russia nuclear weapons, world war 3, us russia nuclear war
Id: iAd6Q69CFxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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