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you definitely know how to solve this one I mean of course they're color-coordinated and everything how could I miss this salt fight it is highly recommended to play with Sam in awesome what hello player can you hear me yeah okay try changing volume it's really important that you know I said I can wear two one two Mic Check you all set you can hear me now I say yeah hey did you notice the subtitles it's actually me typing them as I speak pretty neat scale great I can't even tell you with my eyes closed alright so how did I do [Music] No okay let's continue whenever you already started getting ahold of some tubes Colonel quarry kitchen and welcome to dude stop dude that needs to stop this is freaking merry because I'm already tired of but let's see what this game is about let's give him a chance all right I love our new player Marino participating in my test just follow my instructions and all will be fine okay you can click start okay did read the rules and do not proceed without me cuz you're gonna break something okay you kids always do okay you just call me a kid nah I'm not touching then get on a frickin grows none I looked away for 10 seconds you already smashed it was an accident anyway what do we be doing here you were supposed to wait on the previous screen you were taking all day fine I'll try new face really are told when a game right company I really need to make this call so just just sit tight and don't click anything I'm in a burned and not awesome hello this is daddy's losses page no no so about that better yeah I still think this one won't fail I'm missing out or is the tester the hell they excuse I just made a bet that you're gonna be nice and you already lost on every puzzle so little your bounces is trash alright do you want me to do huh [Music] let me tell you something there were 15 people before you and they all did well congratulations team don't you dare be some sort of us special snowflake and ruin the game for me I'm braking hear me I'm breaking your game yeah this side up for 17 no this side down got ya know the arrow it's supposed to he's getting triggered you're not gonna play by the rules are you nice I'm nice that's what I get to be too trusting yeah I could have tried to taste it all by myself but no I needed to invite you up Cory can't see that's why is it [Music] smoking I go to the next one you already see how you're gonna ruin everything laugh with me and then read a walkthrough online just to find the best way to be the worst you're not doing that not in my game you nasty piece of brought you the game is over hmm wait am I too harsh on you yeah you just didn't know what to do take your pills that stepped on your keyboard no no no there were no good solutions oh it was an accident you know stuff happen it wasn't anyway I need to punish you don't take it personally it's just you did bad and I want to discourage you from doing that again oh okay well I see the trash here I'm just gonna empty it you know like it's gonna be a fun ride everything with great into this fight yeah yeah worried about that what why are the packs unlocking that's a bug Doh click better go ah okay you can look but you can't touch no I'm starting what is it starts simple should be an easy solution for you right the stamp definitely goes here oh wow so this is a hard puzzle for you what a great start I just want to trigger this game I just wanted trigger him you do know there is also a correct way to solve puzzles right so you put the socks on with the sandals in the sandal that's not how you wear them why not who wrote the rules on sandal wear huh I want to see them ever heard of a butterfly effect yet so we're just gonna take out oh wait that's the wrong way it's not gonna change the in-game font I remove that feature Comic Sans of touring the wrong one Oh makes the best part of all time ask Baldy education and learning that's bollocks yeah this is your last chance to be good okay wait that's a puzzle piece we're gonna take a picture of the rainbow upside down please don't upload it anywhere it's still a rainbow all right here is your prize oh Jessie condition I'm about to get down your hard work in the pack okay watch closely it's on the left and now shuffling shuffling shuffling where is it you actually thought that was gone it's in the middle obviously no not this one left not this one either it leaves it's not a diamond of course it's not a diamond you are ruining my game why would it be a diamond oh it's so funny you should have seen your face I got some for you though my guy about to take a dump in your toilet and leave it there for you all right should I enable the duck or no not yet let me unlock you a pack I need you to pass some tests Oh so you get different if you're a nice 80% you get good cup but what's this oh it's another pack for being monster before starting let me tell you a story I don't wanna hear there were three little piggies one piggy made a house out of straw second piggy stole a bunch of bird eggs and regretted it and the third piggy kept ruining all my puzzles slanted well you know what piggies don't get to play my game and what a coincidence I have a little test right here to see if you are one of them and don't even bother asking me I'm just gonna judge sadly from that corner okay obviously I'm gonna get a nice mature age cuz that's what I am which of the following is correct Flat Earth marker okay it's obviously spherical hmm yes yes that's right you know it is which of the following is correct do we orbit the Sun or does the Sun orbit us we do okay yeah let's make let's make this guy happy this time this vaccination really cause autism no aha okay is it true that world is controlled by lizard people no your Apple you are hmm okay Zelda name is for a boy or a girl [Music] [Applause] you were definitely big boy doom I hope you're watching this man yes this question was made for you all right it's definitely a girl Oh hmm according to everybody played do which of the following is allowed to do if you play what which of the following is allowed to do okay if you are playing a video game sin invite requests literally anything else yeah those invites are they're kind of annoying uh-huh okay would you believe that Illuminati control everything hmm done here are your results how old am i and you did well you passed the exam congratulations yeah Oh my little ones become so bad such an achievement for you such a great job I'm so proud of you no I'm not any human with a shed of common sense should be able to pass this exam don't get too excited but good job um we had a freaking attitude problem man I should have filled it on purpose you've probably seen it in the trailer right and they keep on the internet you definitely know how to solve this one I mean of course they're color-coordinated and everything how could I miss this up [Music] sike Green is on the left no wait my left your right why bother do my finger slipped now there's only one box one quite hard to mess that up okay so put the toys in the box bro this is a light work in come on psych hey you dropped one or was that on purpose [Music] dude I was trying to grab the puzzle piece I was gonna get it but ah I stepped on something let's cut the pizza nice this actually makes me triggered let's make it correct alright hey that's a nice pizza right there yeah man I better get a pizza a vegetarian you can imagine the red circles or tomatoes okay I'm not but okay yes done for it's not an S in our game it means five oh the colors are not gonna match but whose crayons ever who actually put the crayons in how they're supposed to that's this obsessed you just double down on Nazi and deserve some extra call except we're out of coke were you Santa freaked out of my face wanna see a magic trick I'm gonna make this line disappear and he thinks he's gonna do it Oh ruined it's fantastic oh you finished all puzzles let me prepare the stage ladies and gents gather around we have a winner thank you and this person is gonna receive some special trophy tonight look closely here it comes yeah bring it on a bath oh my back behind the next one okay gonna be legit Jerry Roy now wasn't it how many got busy once again legend dare wasn't here before oh maybe next one okay yeah we're very close oh my gosh ready look at it look look look I hope I ruined it for you guys [Music] I was on the last page okay guys this is a weird game about doing or not doing what the narrator tells you to do you know it really reminds me of the Stanley parable that game was so good it was so magnificent I really like how the narrator gets so triggered like it just makes you wanna do a monster decision for everything and not be nice that being said hopefully you guys enjoyed it if you be sure to say - like that like button subscribing to join us a merry and it's on next timer businesses [Music]
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 11,367,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dude stop, dude, stop, gameplay, funny, hilarious, moments, game, monster, decisions, narrator, triggered, how, to, make, mad, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, full game, lets, play, stanley parable, like, choice, driven, monster ending, pack
Id: PqAKZJtgX5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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