This month I have lost it all!

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hi and welcome to chops garage and today you uh catch me in a darkened unit I can't even bring myself to open the shutters today let me tell you why uh the reason is it's one of those months so those of you that follow the channel regularly will know I am a small car dealer and as much as people like to think it's it's all about just bringing cars in ing them off and making bucket loads of money those that follow regularly will know that the car trade is very much ups and downs and some of the troughs can be very big the Peaks aren't as big as you'd like them to be versus the troughs but that's the uh that's the reality now had a bit of a quiet month this month anyway which a few people have been saying I think that's probably more on me than is the market I didn't have a lot of cars ready at the beginning of the month it taking me a while to get them ready during the month so I've only really been advertising a lot of them probably for the last sort of we've got a few days left of the month but the last 10 days of the month so that may well affect it but other people have told me they've been a bit quiet as well that's off the back of a number of very busy month so let's you know let's not put to much of a down on that the thing that's really going to kick me is as well as being a low month is I have just had a little wave of warranty claims now normally I'd say in any given month warranty claims aren't particularly high if I send say 15 20 odd cars out the door I might get one or two warranty claims so bear in mind again I'm selling cars that are around about 10 years old with anywhere sort of average say average of 880,000 Mi on them they're cars that as we say time and time again on this channel most of the components on the car are coming to end of life so it's not the cars are bad they will just need repair because they're that age we do new advisory free ms on the cars before we go out if they do a service within the next six months we do a service we road test them for about an hour or so um and the guys down at the garage that I use have an open checkbook to get any work done they feel needs doing so the cars do go out fully prepped but once someone goes out there as I say again time and time again once someone goes out and starts using the car on a daily basis day in day out for a few months things can come to light and you know things can you know wear out in that time they may have been fine when it came to the checks previously but they can wear out within that time so what have we had in terms of warranty claims so it be interesting as we go through the wary claims to see what your feedback is on um on sort of the age of the car and how far long you think someone should be responsible as a dealer for these items as we do them that's always an interesting debate to have so um and obviously bearing in mind that warranties whatever people might think you put a warranty on a car I think there seems to be some kind of belief that when you put a warranty on a car it covers every component on the car otherwise you should say there's no warranty at all which I don't I don't agree with so if a car is uh 5 years old versus 10 years old and 50,000 Mi versus 100,000 Mi you can warranty both of them for 3 months but I think it's fair to say that the older car less of the component should be warranted than on the newer car and by saying that I don't think it completely devalues having a warranty on the car because there still very large components you wouldn't want to put in your hand in your pocket for that would be covered so for example as I've said before you might say on a 10-year-old car with 880,000 Mi I'll cover the body control unit I'll cover the engine ECU I'll cover the gearbox I'll cover the engine but I won't necessarily cover say your electric windows um I won't cover your stereo um I won't cover things like your shock absorbers and your Springs but I will cover those major components whereas say something that's say 5 years old I say yeah I'll cover your Springs I'll cover your shock absorbers as well I'll cover your exhaust system I think that's entirely fair to say some people can disagree with that which I do think is strange because I'm not sure how much they would expect somebody to pay over and above a private sale on a 10 old 80,000 M car if the dealer is supposed to cover every single component on it the Gap wouldn't be £500 would it it' be2 Grand or so I would have thought anyway I digress so what claims have we had so we've had a 66 plate scod Yeti that went out the door and that needed an ABS s doing straightway that's fine but now we've had a phone call after uh it's been out for is it a month yet maybe not maybe not a year month yet saying she's having to top up the coolant a bit I don't know if that I don't think that's been since day dot I think it's more recently looks like I would imagine those 2 L diesels are pretty reliable I don't hear of head gaskets that kind of thing I suspect we've either got water leak from the radiator or we water leak from the water pump that kind of thing so that's got to be booked in and checked out but either way there'll be a decent spend to be had on that I think that one's quite open and shut because it's very early on in the process it's losing colant 66 plate it did do has done 120,000 125 ,000 mil I will say that although it's fairly new for me it has done 125,000 mil so and I did put a 3month warranty on it there are a lot of people out there would say you'd only do a month warranty on a car that age but yeah again be interested in your feedback down below so that one that one's coming we've got a Ford cmax that went out I would say probably two months ago uh 66 plate Ford cmax with 50,000 Mi on it uh the customers have an issue where the brake pedal sorry the clutch pedal is sticking to the floor sometimes have to lift it with their foot not all the time every now and then we don't know whether it's concentric slav don't know whether it's the master C unfortunately it's got a concentric slave CER which means that uh the slave CER which used to be on the outside of gearboxes when people had common sense and if it went you could replace it easily they now put inside the gearbox bell housing which means you have to take the gearbox off to get to it so we don't know if it's that or it's the slave the master and which will live on the bulkhead of the car there it could be either or I suspect it does relate to either of those um rather than the pedal in the car itself so what would have to happen there is we need to get it diagnosed now he did talk about using someone up his way the only fear with that is part dos is that somebody gets it wrong and then wants to replace another component afterwards so we're going to get it back to our Moors guys to have a check now what I have said to that customer is if it turns out it's the concentric slave sender inside the bell housing we will have the gearbox off at that point you might decide you want to put a new clutch in because otherwise if you have to do a clutch a later date that all has to come off again there is obviously no reason for me as a dealer to pay for the clutch because I'm going to be doing the the problem the the the fault that exists which is the concentric slaves in there but nobody in their right mind when the gearbox was off the car wouldn't put a new clutch in because all the customer would have to pay for is the actual clutch friction plate and the release bearing and they wouldn't be paying for all the labor of the gearbox coming off so I've SU Ed to them if that's the problem we will uh we will I would suggest them they get it done at the same time they pay that proportion of the bill so again that was a 66 plate with 50,000 Mi on the clutch pedal sticking after a couple of months Okay so we've got that one so that's two so far number three I've just picked up a message from our subscriber who bought our 1992 sa 900 turbo convertible that had 880,000 M on he's had that for a couple of months now I believe if you remember we H got that car in it been standing for about 10 years we put a new clutch in it we put it for anot test drive was all good he came picked up and drove it all the way to Ireland um now he has had a problem that's just happened in his turbo has gone he's left me a message asking for that to be covered by warranty so um the turbo just gone he's got all upside of the car so it looks like he's going to need a turbo rebuild on that one now obviously that is a very old car that's 1992 with 80,000 M on it uh has obviously got him all the way to Ireland from um North Devon all the way to Ireland driven all the way there so it's fair to say that when the vehicle left that wasn't a fault at point of sale um and the car was reliable enough to get that far what do we think get in the comments down below I'd be interested to say say I mean don't get me wrong this subscriber is brilliant is just asking the question would it be covered um I'd be interested in people's feedback below as to whether you think it would be or not but that one if we get involved in that even if it's a contribution you know we could probably already be up to across those three perhaps into over ,000 worth of work right warranty claim number four is it a warranty claim I'm not sure so customer took a k Rio out um a couple of uh what two weeks ago two weeks ago took a kir Rio out and they have called to say that uh that was a 2013 with 9,000 M on it that they I don't know if he classes a warranty claim or not it' be interesting whether you would get it done but the uh I had noticed it to be honest it's a cosmetic thing the passenger seat the recliner for the back seat is missing its handle it's got the metal bit coming out but it hasn't got the plastic handle over the top so they were asking about that and they said that the handbrake they um they've pulled it up a couple of times and they they needed to pull it up higher and they don't think it should have to go quite that far they'd like us to um look at the handbrake on it obviously that had a brand new between went out door so it's clearly past the handbrake test and I think my guys might have done some breakes work on it as well so that one should be relatively low cost I have no idea how I would go about finding the the cover for the seat if anybody's got any clever ideas down below or should I be doing it at all interesting question again uh another one F 500 we sold about a month ago I told you they're all hitting me in one lump I haven't had this many claims across probably I'd say 4 months or so same sort of cars I normally do same sort of age I just low of averages says it's going to happen every now and then doesn't it 3500 customer says he's got a little bit of a knock he thinks from one of the front wheels again that been down advisory 3ot um spent quite a lot of money on that put a new exhaust system on it put some tires on it uh did some breakes I think that kind of thing did did quite quite a bit and that one was 2009 with I want to say 50,000 Mi on anything it was 2009 50,000 miles on it so he's got a bit of knock from suspension but he's also asked he said he's he's seeing a little bit of water on the driveway not a lot but a little bit of water when he's on the driveway uh car isn't overheating so I'm not sure where that's coming from so that's got to be checked out as well difficult one to say what that's going to be as to whether it would be covered by warranty or not because it's difficult to say what the problem is until the guys have assessed it but if there's a knock on the suspension and we've got um we got some bushing gone or something like that that's a difficult one again it's past M advisory fre so they should have then checked see if there's any play in the bushings when they did it but it is fairly early on in the process and I guess the guys will come back to me as to whether they can track that knockdown or not so final one potential biggest one I shouldn't say final one cuz this month it seems to be a on top so there could be more to come is our uh we did a video recently on our brilliant buyer Dave I think was Dave wasn't it sorry uh who had the Hyandai I30 off me I40 off me and he fixed the what did he fix himself he fixed the cruise control button by pulling it out putting a bit of cleaner on it and also downloaded the satnav map for his satnav to update it because I wasn't getting in the right location he's run and we've had a little chat and he said that occasionally every now and then he's got a noise coming from the engine bay and he's not sure what it is he thinks it might relate relate to the time and chain but we're not 100% now the thing with it is is if a timing chain is bad normally it will always rattle from cold it won't be occasionally if you've got a tensioner that's weak that can be occasional but normally again that will pretty much always do it when you start the car from cold cuz the oil pressure will have gone from the tensioner when you start it from cold before it gets oil pressure allow the chain to chain to Rattle a bit if the chain is stretched it will normally rattle pretty much all the time and if it's out enough it will give you an engine code as well it's a difficult one to say because he literally sounding like it can go days without doing it and it does occasionally so if anybody's had that with the 1.7 diesel in a Kia or I think it's Kia and Hyundai that engine isn't it let me know because it doesn't tie up with any sort of timing chain issue I've ever had before and normally that's fairly consistent that happening anyway um what we've said at the moment is he's had that car for probably a month I'd say and so it's quite obvious why I probably never noticed it do it because obviously I only drove it a couple of times um again for those of people say drive the cars more that's we've got to be realistic people here I drive them for more than I think most people do I probably Drive each car for at least an hour but I can't drive 20 cars in a month for three or 4 days at a time can I it's never going to happen even then it could go out the door and still have problems later on so that's probably why I didn't notice it because it was only happening very occasionally it um and it obviously didn't happen on the two times he test drove it with me so um there's nothing we can really do other than monitor it I said look sometimes things have to get worse before we can establish what it is and in that scenario what I always say to people you flagged it straight away you said you've noted it a fault early on so it's not a case of when the warranty runs out I'm going to oh no that's not covered anymore because it was a known fault potentially point of sale but sometimes people think you're blagging them but you sometimes do need something to get a bit worse before you can correctly identify it because at the moment the only option would be strip the side of the engine down have a look to find there's nothing wrong put it back again and spend a crap load of money for something that doesn't solve the problem so that's what we're going to have to do we're going to have to monitor but that obviously could be quite a very that could be a very substantial bill so like I say with a slow month sales-wise and an awful lot of bills coming in for warranties it could um it could get you down it could get you down if you're gaming I know a lot of people watch my channel have considered moving into car sales car trading and you have to have that mindset where you can't let sort of a knock back get you down otherwise you'd never carry on doing it you have to realize that it is very much es and flows but one of the reasons like I say that I do these videos is I'm interested in people's feedback on what they think is reasonable and unreasonable when it comes to warranties but also to realize that you know again we got to spell this idea that it's a case of people buying cars from auction G throwing a buet over them sending them at a door and making huge profits if you want dealers to help you when there's a problem with your car you also can't nail them to the ground on discounts look at what the fair price is for the car Al trade tell you what a fair price is for it and if the car is already at good or great or fair price then you if you want like say help when problems go wrong with the car you need to pay that price instead of trying to knock 3 4500 off on top and then come back if there's issues later on in this scenario one thing that has helped me quite a lot is I think I discussed in early videos I've stopped paying for thirdparty warranty companies to put warranties on my cars I'm self warranting them I print off my own warranty documentation and every time I do one of those I put aside in a little bit in a pot and over the course of doing that over the last few months I think I've saved it must be getting on about 7 or 8,000 I think in not paying third party warranties out I think we know that a lot of the third party warranty companies won cover a lot of the things I'm considering doing here as we discuss these these claims or are doing and they'd consider some of them either I haven't got to point off failure yet so they so there isn't anything to replace CU in case of bits of trim in the car that kind of thing then they just wouldn't do it at all because you buy the car as you see it at the point of sale sure the trolls are in the comments down below saying Cry Me a River or that kind of thing I always add the caveat that yeah I do you know I got to the point of making a good decent living doing this job I do enjoy it a lot I do enjoy doing the cars I enjoy my customers I enjoy the process of prepping and sending the cars out it's never great when they come back and it's never great when you have to spend more money on them um but this is again the reason I would say that I'm fairly you know if you are going to provide the kind of service I'd like to you have to be fairly tough on your prices and really do keep decent margins in the car you certainly can't be sending cars out of £500 a unit profit and then agree to do a lot of things we're talking about here today or warranty them for much longer than a 30-day period oh yeah get down into the comments down below i' be interested to know your thoughts on each of one of those warranty claims and which ones you would expect a dealer to do and if there's any you wouldn't expect a dealer to do and how long you'd expect to deal to cover things on the sorts of age of vehicle we're doing it's always interesting to get your feedback as always many thanks for watching the video and I'll catch you on the next one don't forget our latest raffle is live for this fantastic Merced ades CL 500 this raffle will be supporting ability FC which is a nonprofit football club in banc all for those with special needs or learning disabilities the CL 500 just had a brand new mot it's in fantastic Condition it's also been freshly serviced and I'm throwing in the first Year's Road tax tickets are just2 each there'll be a link in the video description down below there's an early bird offer as well you can get 20% off your tickets if you you missed all about this car it is in the previous video on Chops garage you can see all about this car test drive look around it and everything best of luck to you all
Channel: Chops Garage
Views: 71,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car, Car Sales, Used Car, Car Dealer, Selling Cars, Automotive Sales, Auto Dealer, Auto Dealership
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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