Cheap Mercedes C220 CDI - This is exactly why you should NOT buy old Diesels!

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hi everyone welcome back to chops garage and I've been doing it again I've been buying cars I probably really shouldn't now recently I bought a lot of nice low mileage stock which is you know people would tend to like low mileage although they don't like paying a premium for it but this is totally the other end of a spectrum this isn't a card I've gone and I'm looked for to be honest it's from a subscriber he swung by the unit When I Was Here straight back from holiday so I was in a good mood so that probably helped and um it's a c220 Mercedes and that's the CDI so it's a 2.1 diesel it's obviously the estate and it's the sport version as well really nice looking car he swung by and said look I'm getting myself a new Mercedes a newer Mercedes lower mileage and I thought you might be interested in this because I watched the channel so we had a good chat about it had a good look over it and um we did a deal on it now obviously the reason I shouldn't really be buying this is because it's 159 000 miles so for a retail sale that is incredibly risky and being a diesel we've obviously got a list of other things that could go wrong with it we've got the Dual Mass flywheel we've got the injectors we've got the EGR valves we've got the jump the D DPF the diesel particular filter and that's just the start of things obviously at this age as well you know there could be a lot of other wear within the car that could cause quite a lot of problems so um yeah a bit of a risky buy again I probably wouldn't have bought it if I didn't happen to be here when he swung by and I had a chance to have a chat with him I'm a bit Brave with cars like this when they come from subscribers because they tend to be honest and let me know what the score is with it so let's have a little look around it so two keys 59 plate don't know if it's 2010 or a 2009 we'll have a look in a minute that key doesn't seem to have any power in it well this one that one does so we need a battery for one of the keys we've got a tow bar on the back I didn't ask about how often he used that it doesn't look massively used um body work wise really nice Alloys have got a little bit of discoloration them a couple of places down this side seems to be good yeah like I say the Allies overall they present well it's got a little bit of Peel if you get close up on them around the front bumper seems okay I know some light scratching down there but I think a lot of that will buff out I mean one of the reasons I didn't mind the mileage was I say he's using it daily and it's a clean car and as a general roll stuff that's used every day tends to be looked after and tends to run well as you know I'm a big high mileage sort of guy I don't mind let's say I bought the the um I bought the Jaguar 150 000 miles on it this has got 135 000 miles on it mileage doesn't really bother me as much as it seems to bother everybody else but then I like I'm tight I like to buy them cheap anyway so you don't get both you don't get cheap cars with low mileage that's not the way it works inside for the mileage it trims all nice it's got that mistake why did I almost say these smell the same I think it's their um m-tech leather isn't it whatever it is which isn't actually leather a little bit of a crack down there but otherwise these three pretty darn good 159 887 miles now I did say it hasn't got a full service history but he said during his ownership he's looked after it and we've got a lot of paperwork here let's have a quick look I don't want to show you his detail just put a new advisory free mot on it or within a month or so it is a 2009 nearly 2010 2011. uh it's the c220 blue efficiency sport CDI estate so sports are always nice looking ones yeah and two point uh 2.1 uh 2100 cc engine mat to the sick 2024 so yeah done a couple of months ago advisory free got a couple of services here 2018 2019 we've got one in 2023 let's just cover up his information here 2023 rear brake pads front brake pads and discs I thought they all look clean sensor wires adjust front wheel bearings replacing inside front spring lower arm anti-roll should drive nicely with all suspension updated like that all work here 2022 gaskets oil cooler thermostat water pump um throttle body 122 more suspension tires gaskets um sorted out some oil and cooled and leaks by the looks of it there as well yes service in 2022 there's a service here in 2020 as well four former Keepers overall not a full service issue what I would say is during our subscribers ownership they've obviously given it whatever it needs to be done and had it serviced and it's had a lot of the big stuff you'd want done at this sort of age so yeah I mean I think I think with the mileage yeah should be okay I'd have said but automatic of course with paddle shifts which most of the mercs are let's um just start her up from coal because she has been sitting here overnight it is saying it's overdue's service there so it'll be worth us doing an oil and filter on it starts up sweetly no dual Mass flywheel rattle no indication and we leaked down with any smoke pouring down where the injectors leak down into the cylinders a nice little screen up there don't let the system distract you from the traffic situation we won't Bluetooth yeah nice nice motor we need to go for a driving this I think what we'll do is we'll probably drive it home in a bit and I will report back now our subscriber did say he occasionally got an engine light that gave him a reduced power which sounds like a um sounds like a limp mode of some kind so I think we want to run some codes on it I say I want to do a bit of driving in it now it could be DPF might have a blocked up DPF if it's happening occasionally could be something as simple as an air mass meter it could be ECU well you know we're not really gonna know till we start driving again but we'll plug in and see if there's any any um codes that have been sitting around in it just out of Interest oh electrically lifting boom that's nice that's under here bit of a paint touch-up kit I can see the spare wheel down there this all looks clean and tidy and we've got the boot cover as well which they can get expensive they're missing these days all right so it is proper electric boot lovely job I don't think we can check the oil I think they're electronic on these aren't they you know look at the coolant long enough to call it to the right level let's say I'm a big fan of cheap high mileage cars like I said unfortunately everyone wants to get their cake and eat it I don't know they want low mileage stuff cheaply but that's not the way it works if it's low mileage you know it pushes the price up but there's some Bargains to be had in the up you know the higher mileage stuff if you choose the right ones I mean we see from the discs and pads here they've definitely been done they all look very new and very recently you can see the even the pads that I mean they've got no agent or tool I forget what the invoice date was them on was on them tires have got loads of tread on they're uh Cooper which I have heard of before don't I think there are falcons on the back they haven't got too long left in them but realistically something like this is probably three four nine five I'd say which is a cheap bit of Motoring really isn't it for what you're getting so when it comes to COBRA and we've got something new to try today we've got a top Don rtlink 500b we've always got time for top done anyway they are a great company they're doing really good products Mastery supported of all the Raffles must be supportive of chops garage um I might say they just do a good kit now the difference with this code reader is as I understand it and I've not read the instructions as per normal it um is a battery tester but also a code scanner as well whether it'll be in depth enough for a Mercedes I know I think I know Mercedes have a quite complex system don't they if I've read correctly but we'll give it a go so one thing with tops on you always know it's topped on product because their packaging is always really nice this is strange thing to say but it's just something you notice when you get their kit right let's get it all plugged in so we're all plugged in we can see we've got the leads here as well for if you want to do a battery test on the car which we might do in a minute and just check out how that works so we've got battery tests OBD is what we want to do uh now I haven't read the instructions as per normal so we'll click ok oh no down okay I need the keys in the ignition on I think this is my first stage right processing all right okay cool geez that was quick how quick was that uh dtc's in the system two redness complete three data stream supported right okay so let's see what the codes are then uh how do we do that how do we do that let's just click ok oh there we go that was it simple as that read okay read codes generic particular filter restrictions soot accumulation Bank One ah there we go so my quick diagnosis was right unfortunately is looks like it could be the DPF so difficult one sometimes they can be taken off and cleaned out that's probably the best thing to do with it take out and clean that sometimes you put a cleaner in and just get really hot and clear it out I think it's going to be a case of how often it comes on so I think we need to have a little drive but that'll be why he's got into limp mode as well or why he's experiencing less power because he's got a blocked up DPF all right there's another code as well isn't it so we just get down to square hold on mass or volume airflow sensor that's the other thing I said it could be is the airflow sensor so it's a difficult one isn't it because there's no codes on a dash at the moment so that could be an historic one I know it says current um and it says current that's most likely going to be the one that's stopping it performing if it's not performing all the time when you take it for drive because if it is underpowered all the time then it's going to be the air mass if it is only when that um is that right insane guys you know I'm going as long as I learned I in my experience the diesel particular filter won't stop the car from performing all of the time but the air mass will so it could be that's all we need to do to solve the problem and the um DPF one just like say put a cleaner through get it nice and hot clear it out worst case now I have it taken off and have it cleaned out that way so um I think is there's a lot this is going to come down and drive but this top time how quick was that how quick was that nice and easy to read so look at the other features so I've got the engine run now I thought I'd see what else this will do because I can see down here we've got data stream which if it's got a lot there as well that's this is probably going to be all the better kit you need if you're doing more basic fixes like me yeah that we've got uh load value coolant temperature intake manifold pressure engine RPM vehicle speed intake temperature airflow throttle um what else we've got fuel rail pressure that's a good one to have oxygen sensor Catalyst temperature to be honest this is all most of you are going to need to be honest on one of these little bits of Kit and the fact that it does your battery check as well probably all you're going to need in total yeah not read the instructions guys as you know this course so with these Mercedes you need to undo it there and then find yourself an earth which I'm not sure if there's an approved Earth somewhere here but I'm gonna choose to put it on that nut down there there's an earth nut down there oh it's already started battery test battery test cranking test charging system test System test let's just go with battery test uh oh God you just lost me I'm just a little bit regular flooded oh I don't know I can't see the battery testing Health 100 charge 100 internal so the battery is all good on this one um should we actually do a cranking test please start the engine got 30 seconds to get around here and get it started press ok Frank in time normal looks like we've got a strong battery too so as normal I'm impressed with that beer kit from Top done that's great within a few minutes you'll be able to check our battery's healthy being able to pull the codes off it get an idea of what's going on with it all nicely packaged like say luckily they put up with the fact that I'm probably the worst reviewer in the world because I don't read instructions and I don't go and read all the in-depth stuff on it because I use it like you and I are gonna you know but mostly you're going to use I know some of you will take the time to research it further than I do but on that little you know genuine first test really super easy to use got me all the information I need so what we're going to do now is I'm going to leave it plugged in oh by the way we'll have a discount code for this they always give me discount codes for you guys so I'm going to put a link in the description down below with a link to it and I'll probably put the code on the screen now but it'll be in the in the description down below as well massive thanks to top Dawn as always like say fantastic supporters of the channel of the Raffles and also a fantastic manufacturer of goods as well anyway let's um have a quick look and see if I can see where I might have to go online and find out where the air mass plugs in it'll be underneath this cover I imagine somewhere and then we'll now to unplug it when we want to test what's going on uh yeah that looks like a he's staring in the face isn't it James it's going to be that down there isn't it guys it's gonna be that there I would have thought I'll double check that online it'd be one of these two here and like say if you're having performance problems we'll unplug it and see if it gets better with that unplugged now like I say our subscriber told me this it was straight up front about it he's been using it every day anyway but it was upfront about it and obviously we factored into the price that we might have to do this work and it could be as simple as an air mass meter it could be we need a diesel particular filter that's the risk when you buy these cars unfortunately as I've said before this is effectively according to the manufacturer end of life at this age and this mileage things will go wrong with your car don't buy them thinking that they won't and sometimes you'll be lucky and they won't you know sometimes you can be lucky and they won't other times you have a nightmare you have to do loads to it and then sometimes you fall in between and you just do the level of Maintenance you'd expect at this age the trouble is you cannot buy one of these off a dealer at this age and expect for it to be any different we don't have crystal balls we don't know what's going to go wrong with it yes we should sell you something's fit for purpose and if within the first 30 days you're driving this car around and fault comes up then it needs to be sorted out by the dealer but after that you're driving an old car with high mileage you can't expect to have an as new you know as a brand new car warranty on it and six months down the road whinge because you're having problems with it it's it's the risk you took if you don't want those risks go and buy it at 20 grand so I think next thing for it like I say is just take it for a drive and see what we think and we've got an idea of where we need to to be with it if we're having problems don't we and we'll see how quickly the engine lights come on there's more washers there we go cruise control it's called the toys as you'd expect in a Mercedes see how she feels yeah engine manual and lights pop straight up straight up still feels pretty nippy though cannot say it feels drastically slow or am I wrong it's smooth like you'd expect a Mercedes to be that suspension work was well worth money because the ride is nice 150 000 miles with old suspension would normally be clunking about the place steering feels tight as a drum the initial impressions are this could easily be a car they've done 60 000 miles we'll have to plug it in again and see which light the specificities come back whether both lights have come back or the one light has I'm hoping just the math ones come back but I'll be a bit too much that wouldn't it no I think it's I think it's in restricted performance paddle shifts work let's see if there's some restrictions I can't decide yeah now it's in restricted performance um let me pull over and check what code we've got because it is the map sensor I might just unplug that for a bit and see if it makes any difference I've got a feeling it'll be the DPF because I don't know if a math sensor puts you into a limp mode or if it's just or if it's just that actually the faulty math is stopping the performance or if it's just the faulty math is stopping the performance to be fair those apparently enough performance to get your ticket along a convenient place to pull over we're not going to block everyone in and unfortunately on this road there aren't a lot of places like that but no ride is ride is really nice steering's really nice seat doesn't feel like it's done that mileage the bolster is still nice and firm right I didn't set up the camera again but I've driven off down the road the lights have stayed out on the dash but we're still limited to 60 mile an hour which is a national speed limit so I don't need to go faster than that anyway do I um so I don't know I still can't decide if it's a kind of a limp mode or if we've got a problem with the math what I think I'm going to do is try and unplug the um the airflow sensor and see if we get any better performance with that because it doesn't seem to want to accelerate particularly hard and it won't go like say we need to go to Mexico and test if it goes a bit faster than that so we're going to disconnect the mass airflow seems a bit interesting I've just had a look and the sheath is cut on it and there is a little heat shrink over it the wire there so I do wonder if someone has another play before [Music] that came out a bit easily so we'll see [Music] I imagine we'll get an engine management light for the being disconnected no we haven't okay unless it forms any better um I probably haven't got time to set you up again so I'll have to stop and tell you well actually this video is running on a bit too long so I think what we'll need to do is keep you in suspenders till the next one won't we um if you want to know what it's like trading now with cars like this make sure you give that chops garage a subscribe down below and um I'll update you on the next one how we get on with this and all those other old cars we bought and all the dramas that come along with trading that kind of stuff so many thanks for watching as always and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Chops Garage
Views: 256,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mercedes, Diesel, Mercedes Diesel, Mercedes C220, Mercedes C220 CDI, Car Sales, Car Dealer, Selling Cars, Auto Sales, Automotive, Auto Salesman, Car Salesman, Topdon
Id: cgWsMkt6ZyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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