This minecart is real and fast

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a portion of this video was sponsored by bespoke post this is a real minecraft minecart which i designed and built specifically for the giant miniature train tracks at the little america amusement park the tracks here are incredibly close in size to the actual tracks in minecraft and there are miles of them passing through beautiful and wild scenery which is why i had to design a near game perfect minecart that just might be capable of reaching actual minecart top speed on actual iron wheels but maybe you've never heard of minecraft i mean you probably you probably have but for the sake of those few who haven't let's all take a moment to try and convey the magic the moment the loading screen finished on my first world i finally got why it was so popular the endless landscapes adventurous caverns architectural sandbox overarching heroic adventure and all suspended in an ether of haunting melodic melancholy it was beautiful and difficult all at the same time i was lost in a sea of possibility and overwhelmed by the sheer scale of it until i built my first mine cart track maybe it's because i've always loved trains well not exactly the trains but the idea of riding down a track you see when you're on rails no matter what you encounter along the way all you have to do is hold on and enjoy the ride my first minecart tracks made me feel like i was finally getting a handle on the crazy wilderness of minecraft and there were times when i never wanted to leave that little iron box and that's why i had to try and bring that magic to life figuring out the mechanical portion of the minecart was a combination of repurposing materials careful measurement and a lot of trial and error if you want to know more about that part of the build process i made a separate video detailing the crazy journey and you should definitely check it out once i had the mechanical part tested and solidified the last little details to ensure the wheels wouldn't fall off again it was finally time to make it look just like a real mindset the structure of the minecart is a plywood box but in case you hadn't noticed the walls of a minecart are quite uh thick building this entirely out of iron would make it incredibly expensive and heavy and even using only wood would still be less than ideal but thankfully i have a ton of 2 inch thick foamular boards this foam was already painted to look like metal because i used leftover pieces from the underground bunker movie set i built for the film infinitus so it was sort of like i was mining iron i had my cnc machine score the outline of the pixels onto the foam so that each pixel would be perfectly square after cutting them i cleaned them up and then gave them to my wife to hand paint each pixel to match the picture from the game the foam gets sandwiched around the wood frame creating the perfect thickness with the minecart painted it was finally time to take it to little america for our day of testing but to get it there i'd need the help of my friend damian all right you ready to see what we're doing today so you know the game minecraft oh yeah oh those are like legit twitter moves uh they're actually brake drums what how fast does it go the max speed in the game is like 25. i'm gonna try and get up to 25 but it's a little scary because like if anything goes wrong did you bring a helmet that's what i forgot the rest of my team assembled on site we've got my wife kirsten on camera my friend graydon on drone and of course frank wait who's frank frank is just the guy i met on like craigslist he was like selling his services building lithium-ion battery packs and then basically told me at this pack and he's like yeah you can use it so we're just borrowing it we also randomly met a guy who worked there named trevor but we'll talk more about him later it actually has a key yeah minecart so i got the battery hooked up and got it onto the tracks and lined it up properly and i couldn't believe the moment was finally here now just like any new vehicle there are some tips and tricks that make driving the mine cart a breeze so here's what i figured out during the first few minutes on mine for one switch tracks are no problem if they're switched in the right direction unlike last time number two mine carts run best when all of your electrical connectors are fully connected number three minecarts don't actually have a speedometer so if you want to know how fast you're going it's best to download an app to your phone number four and this is a big one don't run over sticks that was rough did we run over a stick is that what that couldn't have done does that do this oh and number five uh is anyone missing some thailand hey look some tylenol so what i've learned is if there's a stick on the tracks you definitely don't want to go over it on a big train you know you can just crush the stick because big trains weigh a lot but my car only weighs like 300 pounds with me on it maybe so we can't really crush everything oh my gosh this is incredible [Music] after realizing that my minecart actually activated the railroad crossing it was finally starting to sink in this is gonna be one of the coolest things i've ever done in my life this is so much fun i was on a real minecart on real tracks and not just any tracks but really cool tracks that were surrounded by incredible scenery and to think a few short weeks ago this was all just an idea in my head now that i was starting to get the hang of things i was ready to link up with my crew so that we could all go discover more of this incredible track together and find a nice long stretch to see if i could hit the top speed but not before we address some important business building a real minecart is not cheap but thankfully we have a sponsor bespoke post spokepost is a membership club that sends awesome stuff to you every month like this sweet looking japanese nada from their slash box in the winter time my furnace gets hungry and a versatile tool like this can help me make kindling defeat it strip down branches and of course be prepared for the occasional zombie and when i'm ready to leave my base for supplies this old school weekender bag is the perfect real life inventory bar i love that 90 of bespoke's products come from small businesses many of them are based in the us like bare bones who made the nada and is based in salt lake city with bespoke you'll get around seventy dollars a value for forty five dollars a box and you only pay for what you want they base your boxes off of the quiz that you take when signing up but even before they send it you get the option to preview what's inside and then you can either keep it swap it for something else or skip the month entirely for no charge so if your inventory could use some of bespoke's ever-changing lineup of awesome tools kits and even food and you want twenty percent off your first box then click the link in the description below and enter code joelcreates20 at checkout or go to joelcreates20. help support my projects by supporting the people to keep my resources stocked thanks bespoke meanwhile back at camp that was i mean i had derailed once it turns out a stick can derail you it's like a stick like this right no no no like a twig it was like a tree trunk the stick had it out for me i'm pretty sure he said something about my mother oh that was so cool whenever we were driving along the road you were going by i was like holy that looks like a real minecart i bet it looks awesome well i'm just gonna keep going this way so why don't you guys go position yourself somewhere in the trees kirsten and damian scouted ahead for interesting locations and potential speedrun areas like a spider oh you scared me at first you want to lift g really yeah i gave grade in a ride and then lined up for some flyby shots ready now that i knew that a branch could derail me it was important to test any section of track at a lower speed before pushing it faster just in case i ran into anything that might cause the same problem and nothing reverses that's awesome it does it does not not full speed but it does i kind of want to come down that stretch even faster all right here we go more speed more power this section was beautiful and i got it up to 18 miles an hour but i still wasn't ready to take it up to the top speed just yet oh i got it it's almost 20. what'd you say holy cow i can't believe how far the track is i filmed for like 45 seconds i still didn't see the other side graydon was right this track was just massive and i couldn't wait to discover even more like our first bridge we were quickly starting to realize that even when it's freezing cold outside everything is just more fun when you've got a minecart all right damian you go hike up ahead and i'll drop her off yeah not really you didn't expect it to be so wobbly oh yeah no it's fun right all right i'll go get damien you want to ride [Music] this thing and like bring it out here again for fun yeah i know right you're happy don't do like a titanic one yeah yeah yeah every night in my [Music] i'm gonna come down here pretty quick i'm gonna see if i can hit top speed all right here we go now i don't know if you can really tell on camera but the closer that i got to 25 the more that this thing bounced back and forth and the sketchier it became but i was just not ready to give up that was 24. now i know i can push it a little further so one more think you can get it 45 i think i can hit it oh yeah i can go i could go 30 it's just it might crash let's just make sure that everything is nice and aligned everything seems tight everything seems good [Music] okay let's go top speed time [Music] wow 26 miles an hour 26 miles an hour it's cold in this thing did you get 25 it was incredible to reach the top speed of a real minecraft minecart but we still had so much more to do for instance you may have noticed that i make youtube videos for a living one of the things i've been trying to do lately is to expand my presence on other social media platforms which is why occasionally i have to say things like um i want you to film a tick tock with damian and then i'm gonna pull up and say something minecrafty but what i don't know what hey uh do you know what the next trend is oh i think i see it never mind there are endless possibilities when you've got your own mini train station and a real mine cart what would you do let me know in the comments let's see one more time one more time now at this moment i had no idea but things were about to get really crazy thanks to that guy trevor that i mentioned earlier this is a minecraft minecart and it's one of well one oh watch out wow i'm sure you have better things to do but on the off chance you don't it'd be pretty cool to go on these parallel tracks and have them sit and kind of fill me while you while you go along keep all arms hands legs and selfie sticks [Music] this was the coolest i mean how often do you and your buddies get to chase each other down your own private railroad track i'll go around and then i'll follow you guys riding around the amusement park again i couldn't help but feel that same giddiness from earlier and i realized that it wasn't just because i was riding on a minecart but that my friends and my wife were here sharing the experience with me and that we were even making new friends in the process and behind me was a massive trail of unlikely what ifs what if i had never reached out to daryl at little america and what if he had said no to me coming out here with my contraptions what if i had never run into that genius battery builder frank and what if we never said hello to trevor what if he hadn't gone over and above to make our time here so special what if i didn't have friends and family who were willing to give their time to help me on projects like this what if i listened to that little thought at the beginning of this project that said it's just too hard do something easier that's what i love about this project and really any worthwhile adventure just like a good mine cart ride if you keep your head up stay on track hang on and enjoy the ride you just might end up smiling in absolute bewilderment at your good fortune if you want to experience the beautiful track you saw in this video on one of their awesome steam trains then go check out little america in marshall wisconsin i've included a link to their website in the description below again a seriously huge thanks to daryl alex and trevor for all of their help i could not have done this without them if you want to see more content like this please consider liking and subscribing as it helps a ton thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Joel Creates
Views: 5,875,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Louis Weisz, Electo, Ryan Trahan, I did a thing, Minecraft, Minecraft IRL, Minecraft Minecart, Colin Furze, Minecart, Mineshaft, Real Minecart, minecraft in real life, irl minecraft, realistic minecraft, minecraft real life, real life minecraft, real minecraft, minecraft vs real life, irl, minecraft life, minecraft real, realistic minecraft xbox, top 5 realistic minecraft, minecraft challenge, irl minecraft house minecraft, minecart rail, minecraft minecart tutorial
Id: 21GkJ2is6aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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