This Megalithic City Is Millions Of Years Old And Russia Has Kept It A Secret For Decades

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this is Tony with our thousand earth history and recently I made an amazing discovery if I was to tell you what this discovery was without the evidence or the image for it most people wouldn't believe it so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take you on the same journey that I took to make this amazing discovery our journey is gonna start in Siberia in this area of the lena river and what's unique about this area is there's these stone formations on the river they called the lena pillars and as I begin to go through different images I just had the feeling that these were out of place so there was just something wrong and I couldn't figure it out so I searched the web to find or try to find a close-up of the surface of one of these pillars and I did it was on a website called Greenpeace Russia before we examine the surface of this pillar we're gonna look at the age and how this was formed and it says right here these are composed of Cambrian limestone rock formed more than 500 million years ago then it says it's most commonly forms in clear warm shallow marine waters it is usually an organic sedimentary rock that forms from an accumulation of shale coral algae and fecal LaBrie's it can also be a chemical sedimentary rock formed by the precipitation of calcium carbonate from like or ocean water I'm going to make some enhancements to this image so we can see the details of the surface after the enhancement now you can really see the vertical and horizontal lines and what they call a rock formation and you can see that they're real consistent and they're almost equally spaced apart of course this whole area has shifted and here's the Bulge if you were to realign it this rock formation originally the way that they say it was formed these lines would be perfectly vertical now look at the plates bring them in and the thickness is almost equal all the way down now these plates are large they're playing excessive four-foot thick but there's not a lot of erosion between most of them okay and we're going to go to a different rock formation that's just like it and notice has diagonal lines in it there's a lot of irregularities in it the edges between where the layers are at they have a lot of erosion so there's a lot of irregularities to this formation we're at the lena pillars there is not a lot of irregularities now we're going to go to a different area of where these lina pillars are found and I'm gonna bring this image in closer so we can see the surface details and I'm gonna make one more adjustment and if you look close you can see the horizontal lines even though this whole area has shifted are still almost perfectly aligned all through here and you can see them in this area and then the vertical lines are almost perfect the blocks still have 90-degree edges on it and there's very little erosion between where these block are joined together after examining the surface of one of the pillars and one of the rock formations that's connected to the Lima pillars I could only come up with one conclusion of course this is speculation at this point is that the pillars were intelligently constructed and not naturally formed so they probably had a limestone quarry that they worked out of and with their advanced engineering I'm sure they had advanced tools to cut these stones and polish them according to their specifications to build this super megalithic structure and because they had this advanced building technology these stones and that they fabricated were so precision that when you stacked them on top of each other they created a natural sill that way they didn't need concrete or any type of sealant between them when they put them into place now the question is could it really be possible that the lina pillars were intelligently engineered and constructed well that's not so much of a new idea there's another set of stones in Russia called the Russian megaliths and I think they're located in southern Russia and this is one of the images that was posted and again you notice these vertical lines through here and how these blocks said perfectly together now of course the geologists say these are naturally formed but there has been other researchers that are familiar with megalithic stone structures and they have gone in there and they said that these definitely our structures are not naturally formed and we're going to look at another picture and see and this one all you see is vertical and horizontal lines and you can see where the blocks were placed perfectly together and of course they have separated slightly because of the erosion and here's another set of these stones you can see right here and near perfect 90-degree sharp edge and then when I do a close-up you can see how straight these edges were at one time in this sits inside of this area of these blocks and then here's a pair of blocks are identical so I agree with the researchers this also looks like a super megalithic stone structure and not naturally formed now I'm going to take you to our final destination which is going to be the Lena River Delta and once we get into this area it's going to completely change your perception of what you think or what you have been talked about Earth's past history this is where starts getting really interesting the Lena River flows out into the laptop sea and the laptop CEA's part of the Arctic Ocean and with it it carries sediments in sand and different types of Merrill's and then over the years it deposits those sediments and creates this Delta this Delta has a lot of unusual anomalies to it especially in this area where it's purple and with the close-up of the surface there's legs all over that area and they do have a geometric pattern to them and it looks like they all fit together like a puzzle but the scientists claim that these are called thermal cars which is where the permafrost indiscriminately melts in certain areas but if you look at the other different thermal cars they don't have like an intelligent pattern to them or a geometric pattern they're just in different areas and they look more like small ponds and oddly shaped likes so I found a aerial view of that area and what became very noticeable is that this pattern is kind of round and it has an intelligent has an intelligently looking pattern too like it wasn't made natural it was like artificial after examining us image several times I was finally convinced that this was an intelligent pattern and that this possibly could been the remains of the foundation to a super structure so I went back to the surface image and through the geological data of this Delta is classified as a sand island which of course is caused from the deposits from the Lena River which means if this was the foundation there's no way it could support this type of massive foundation so the only other theory that I could come up with is there's actually a structure underneath and this is the top of the structure and these Lake areas are actually were the compartments to that structure and they caved in and what was remaining was the main part of the structure itself so there was only one way to find out if there was a structure underneath is to be able to found to find the ground-penetrating radar to see actually what was underneath this area and the whole part of the Lena Delta after going through a lot of journals in PDFs and all kind of data I finally run across a high-resolution seismic in ground Pinner penetrating radar image of that area of the Delta so let's go to the article now the first place we're going to stop is at this abstract and it says that the sand Allen is characterized by typical like thermokarst relief in other words the lakes are caused by permafrost melting in different areas but then they go on and say but there's no volumes of underground ice large enough to explain this relief are known so other words these lights shouldn't be there then it continues to say that the elongated light depressions are generally in the middle and they're between one to two meters deep or three to six foot deep and the lakes are usually oriented hollows as deep as 25 meters or 75 feet then it ends with the Stellina Delta is characterized by several unique features that are either poorly understood or unexplained so if that was a thermal course it would have a lot of ice underneath it in a dozen so those lights should not be there this is the journal that I found the ground penetrating radar image of that structure that's underneath that Delta and now we're going to take you to the page that I found it on [Music] and it's gonna be one more page down and for me this was a wild moment because you actually can see the structure and is still intact I'm going to take this image and separate it from the journal and enlarge it and now you can see the three different layers of the surface and you can see where the superstructure is just right below the first layer so my second theory was correct at least on the top layer these chambers are these rooms are classing in and that's what's causing those legs and then the borders around the lakes is what remains of the main structure of this building and I'm sure it's isolated or the deterioration or erosion is isolated to just a few floors below the surface now the reason this is an excellent preservation is because there's so area the Delta Area this is completely covered in sand and because the water stays either frozen our code most of the year that is a perfect environment to preserve this structure this structure is means of years of millions of years old and I believe it was built the same time that the leena pillars and the Russian megaliths were built in this darker image it really brought out the different levels in this structure here and then you can see how each chamber are each room is separated then you have the main entranceway or doorway right in this area and then you see where the building turn and goes in this direction I highlighted this image so you can see at the top and around the edges of this structure that it has the different floors and levels all the way through it and some of them have collapsed and it does still look like it has balconies at each level or walkways through here and then here's a close-up of the main part of the building to me it's amazing that we have a super megalithic structure that's only 3 foot from the surface and that this structure covers at least half if not all of this Delta and these scientists know about this and they lie to us the whole time and giving us scientific dissing firm ation through abstracts so I was sitting here and I was thinking well it's real close to the surface so how could we get to a structure like that to explore because I'm sure with it being millions of years old we're gonna find some unbelievable artifacts inside this structure and the only way that they really could do it is reroute the river and put up a dam around the edge of it all the way up to the shoreline and then pump it out now it would take a lot of engineering but the cost would be unbelievable it would be in the billions of dollars but the project actually would pay for itself because as large is this building this and with as many chambers as it has the Lena River has a lot of gold deposits and Dom deposits in it and I'm sure the got the gold and diamonds were more plentiful thousands of millions and years ago and they have collected in these chambers so they will be able to pay for this project and still have wealth beyond belief just from the murals that will be found in the structure of course that's speculation okay everyone I appreciate you watching I did I do need subscribers so please subscribe and thumbs up this is Tony with earth house Earth history signing out [Music]
Channel: EarthFilesEarthsHistory
Views: 214,199
Rating: 3.8810887 out of 5
Keywords: megalithic structure, megalithic stone structure, archealogy, ufo, aliens, et, ets, exterretrial, annunaki, paranormal, rivers, mountains, stone structures, secret cities
Id: gWZ-Ev--93A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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