This MATTED DOG Had Lot's Of Hair in His Ears

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hello grooming lovers hello so we have a very very mad dog on our table but before we start grooming him we just want to thank you for supporting us on our other channels on sanyas and her mom's cooking channel cooking by yes thank you so much and on Sunday the night ice cream channels ice cream roller lovers if you didn't you can check those channels up they're going to be in the description of this video but thank you for supporting us since we made those channels okay so this guy is like uh Maltese mix something like that he looks according to his teeth he looks very very young just going to show you he was found in a place called transcommitter it's a very picked the dog from our last Studio up the lady that was uh taking care of the dog from our last video send us this boy and told that he was on the street and no he's no one's and we just came there picked him up and he seems to be a very very good boy he didn't make his Troubles by while putting him in the cage in the car lifting him you know patting him so hopefully he's going to be okay while roaming I'm going to let you sleep the clipper and task with the Clipper while it's on because I don't want to give me the blade first let him sniff the clipper and okay and after this we're going to go to the veterinarian do all the tests and then take him to a temporary home right where we keep other dog if we see it from the street and then you know get him neutered vaccinated and everything in The Next Period of time and then we're going to find him a good home and hopefully that is going to happen soon but he's going to be with us until he finds home okay so when doing his back with an eight and a half eight and a half is about three millimeters long I'm going to use the scissors also [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign his head and this dog is really really behaving great it's really amazing that a dog in this condition acts this good and hopefully he'll stay this way for the whole room for the bathing OR Nail clipping for ear cleaning and everything okay I'm going to take this saw because sun is here to hold him foreign let me just take a picture of this let's continue yeah this is a very bad case of dogging neglect unfortunately there's a lot of these cases [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] take a look at that let's do his other side just Softly that one normally I groom these met the dogs with a shorter blade like a 10 15 he is behaving great and these parts are not that close these mats are not that close to the skin I mean they are but it's much easier to grow my body with seven blade which is longer and then some parts like legs you know and where dogs have you know joints and those thinner parts of the body because on the body you have a big flat surface and normally the legs get even more matted you know because the dog is walking on train thank you and stepping into puddles [Music] and when here gets wet and not brushed it gets even more matted so I'm probably going to use a shorter blade on the legs as I did now on his stomach I took the template the template is like one millimeter long or like 1.2 millimeters long and the bigger the number of the blade the shorter the blade is for example the shortest blade that I use his number 40 I used to use a 52 but I don't do it anymore the short blade is 50 which is like 0.2 or 0.25 millimeters and the longest blade is 5 which is about six millimeters so again the bigger the number the shorter the blade is okay I'm going to keep using the template around this private area because you know the skin is more sensitive here skin is thinner [Applause] and if Matt's dirt and poop are very close to the skin it's much better to use a shorter blade I mean even if they are not even the dog is not matted he always use a shorter blade here okay actually I'm going to use the 40 Blade here because of the shortest to take this all off okay foreign [Music] [Applause] okay so I took the gloves finish this area and guys this is why we always shave this area around the dog's butt foreign sorry it's a seven blade no eight and a half blade again let's free this matted tail from here and I have lots of experience with these matted tails and the best ways to go about and cut it open like this of course be extremely careful not to enter the tail foreign so the tail is free and we can now okay I'm going to finish his back legs now and then go to this upper part this is very noisy so Sanya created a new Channel with her mom as I already said it's a cooking channel and they already have like 30 videos and or more 31 videos sorry and 1700 subscribers and they're making some pretty cool recipes so make sure that you check it out again the link is going to be in the description of this video and I have a I mean sunny and I have sometimes I filmed with her and sometimes alone it's a ice cream rolls Channel you probably know this ice cream rolls machine machines I bought one and I'm preparing all kinds of ice creams and in the end of the video I try the ice cream so sorry guys someone was at the door and now I forgot what I was talking about anyway we made new channels and that's it [Applause] [Applause] okay okay yeah he does not like this part okay foreign from this side [Applause] [Applause] oh okay as I was telling dogs get very matted in these areas around the legs cleaned legs and these mats are harder to pick off than the ones on the body but we'll do it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] It's Gonna Change come on okay imagine having this method here on this little leg bye bye okay so I'm taking the 30 blade because this here is very melted and the mats are close to the skin so in order to take this off I'm going to use 30 blade which is one of the shortest ones okay and this was so close to the skin okay I'm going to grab the 10 blade back again so the reason why we don't usually use that short blades on the body and everywhere it's first of all of course you don't want to hear to be that short and the second reason is you know the shorter the you see the dog and the bigger trance is that log is going to have some irritations that can happen in these cases when the dog is this method but you just need to take this here off okay [Music] [Applause] because under here is this method it does not allow a skin to breed can cause all kinds of infections okay go over to proper dogs yeah the girl played in that kept him from yesterday until today in her house named him tropical in our language then we normally call the dog troopco and their hair they have lots of hair like this guy and translate it to English I think it'd be like fluffy or I don't know okay so the Clipper that I'm using inside tiny gear opal okay and if you ask me this is one of the best Clipper on the market I bought it like one year ago maybe a little bit more it's great it's very quiet it was even more more quiet when I bought it every Clipper gets louder by time foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] okay here's some areas here between his legs but I want to let him Chill from that from touching that area so I put the eight and a half blade back again try to do this area with that blade but guys if needed I'm going to use a short blade okay I need him to stand thank you I don't know what happened he was just started going backwards this is so matted [Applause] [Music] because [Music] these are all eggs from fleas there's a lively here and yeah we are going to bathe him with the nails tomosan she's going to kill all of that but I have to be careful to have to clean the salon later I don't want these things in my salon you know [Music] foreign and as you can see the ears are very matted I mean the ear exactly is not that matters really this thing behind the ear but I took the template because it's easier it's easier and safer and when you have a longer blade then the gaps between these blades is bigger and also it's bigger chance that you injure a dog if the skin gets there and when you're grooming these areas like between the neck and the ears and the ears it's better to use a shorter blade than the here is this method when here is not matted you can use a longer blade foreign but be very careful [Applause] okay so he has a lot of hair in his ear canal and the worst thing is that when the here from near Canal gets Tangled with the hair from not from the ear canal but from the other parts of the ear and you just cannot just pull it out you have to first you have to cut the thing here that is connecting the here from your canal and here here from the neck or everywhere because you don't want to pull all of that you just want to pull out here from an ear canal right Tanya that's all right Darian because I need your yes [Music] foreign [Music] this yeah it hurts him for a second but this is something that we have to do for the health or his of his ears because when there's here in the ear canal the ear cannot breed that increases the chances of veneer getting infected okay let's continue foreign [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] foreign and this is a fox tail plant it is very dangerous when it gets into the dark skin like my name is foreign absolutely foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah foreign [Music] [Applause] okay so this groom is taking time but you cannot do it fast really foreign foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] blade come on man hey you're nice foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] um foreign I just got the call from my friend who was it if he was a law student that he just [Applause] [Applause] foreign yeah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no more foreign [Applause] oh you're so sweet [Music] [Laughter] hello there okay let's take the seven to let's take the eight and I can't blame to finish the head but it is good be done it's all coming coming off he looked like a llama foreign [Music] laughs okay I'm going to plug this here from his ear canal now again here from an ear canal got tangled from here from near shell and here from here okay it's so cute he actually had small we have a small head yeah it's him that he has a big head yeah it's small but it was here he's so tired from everything but we are not done we have to give him a bath too I mean you have to give him a bath then I have to shave him again but we are on the wood s what can I want to do his private area foreign [Music] [Applause] hey hey [Applause] I want to do his paw pants and then Sonia can give him a bath when I say to his popes I mean shave this here between the pads we do that because then the poles don't get slippery then the Mad dirt maybe other dogs poop will not stick to this and if this here gets matted it's gonna get really painful for the dog as you can see he has a Maddie okay I think here I mean a mud in this here okay and the last one come on it's okay okay and I want to check his nails too and then we did everything before the bed actually these nails fine let's just check this one on the side cool okay let's give him a little rest and then give him a bath okay here we are in the bathtub and guys I have good news my friend called me when we were making a break and told me that he had passed his last exam at the Law College and because my friend we called my friend kiesa we decided to name this dog keza his honor for for finishing College so this dog is no longer it's queza and guys if you want to please you can congratulate my friend in comments saying congratulations uh k e z a and if you want you can also do that in Serbian please guys congratulate him in comments he is going to be so happy and this is okay his keys are now okay this susana's idea by the way Yes actually okay my friend is so happy and it's going to be so fun if you congratulations the comments okay let's be okay [Music] amazing [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] hmm okay Sony's first she's going to apply the mouse to my son that he's going to steal everything that is alive on him we're going to put that on his hair and then leave it for like 10 or 15 minutes and then wash it out and then we'll ask you two times with the shampoo and apply the dark conditioner and after that I'm going to dry we're going to rinse him on Sundays then dry it oh yes please okay we're going to rinsky now thank you and it seems to be enjoying hot water [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] three quarter fleas with water prep some classic water pressure too and some fleas while the I can take off some fleas while sun is bathing him foreign [Music] mm-hmm um foreign [Music] thank you something [Music] [Music] okay Sun is going to apply this second shampoo now and then the dog conditioner okay I'm going to dry him now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you go over there hey hey hey hey [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] now he is clean he's dry hey and all I have to do now shave his body again I finished shaving his body again and now I want to groom his head and he's done I'm going to groom the top of the ears with template foreign foreign s are done I'll just have to clean this one up a little bit yes some things it's like when I boogers stick to the here I think I'm going to let the veterinarian take care of that foreign so guys if you remember our cooking videos that we had on this channel where we first baked 3000 tags then we prepared and then we cooked 50 chickens and then like 500 kilograms of fish and other dog food for my friends dog shelter we decided to put those videos to upload those videos on a separate Channel and that Channel's name is pet chef and we took a little break from filming those videos but I'm assuming assuming that we're going to continue like in a few months don't know exactly when so if you want to you can try that you can check that channel up and give us support there too I'm going to use these cotton pads foreign a little bit but we are going to the vet later and the wet is going to examine him completely so I leave ears a little bit dirty they'll keep they'll take care of that okay let's find a necklace for him maybe this black one this green is probably too big this one's pink okay this black one is for him foreign and he's done let's let him okay we are going to take a little break we gave him some water and some food and you're going to let him take a pee or poop outside and then take him to the veterinary and to do all the tests hopefully he's healthy and then we are going to take him to a temporary home and we'll keep you posted it was very late yesterday when we got back home and we were tired so I decided to make to film this part today we took KSAT of the veterinarian and he is negative on hard form his negative one Anna plus Moses on early here but he is positive on Guardian and he has to be isolated from underdogs for the next week where he will receive medications and the therapy is going to end in one week so he's going to be fine and the his blood results are great so he's a young veterinarian says that he's like one year old so he's a young healthy dog exactly for that Jardin that is going to be taking care in one week and that's it we'll keep you posted about him we are going to get nurtured vaccinated after this therapy and hopefully he's going to find a great home pretty fast thank you guys so much for supporting us for watching us and hopefully we will see you soon bye
Channel: Man's Best Friend
Views: 74,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bichon, bichon frise, how to grom bichon, bichon haircut, bichon grooming, bichon frise grooming, neglected, matted, stray, matted dog, matted dog hair removal, dogs, puppies, dog video, german shepherd dog, german shepherd, golden retriever, pomeranian dog, cute dogs, puppy crying, persian cat, corgi, shih tzu, pomeranin dog, border collie, samoyed, grooming, goldendoodle, bernese mountain dog, poodle, maltese dog, yorkie puppies, akita dog, lagotto, lagotto romagnolo
Id: cob2T5Xdvqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 20sec (5180 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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