How To Sharpen Like A Pro

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welcome back friends to the shop so one of the things that in the shop that I've really struggled with is establishing these grinds especially on the big chisels I've used the diamond stones and I've used the gauges and all of that and I often end up with what well the results are kind of unsatisfactory remember this beautiful timber framing chisel that my father-in-law sent and we did the restoration video and made the handle on it one thing it's that was outside Millett my ability was I couldn't flatten the back just I mean how much time would it take I probably have a half a day re-establishing this grind by hand on those diamond stones and still it's just not very good we'll take a close look at it here I'll show you what I'm talking about so I've been kind of trying to figure out how how can a guy do that well you know you don't want to put a heavy power tool on it or a belt sander it's gonna ruin it my old neighbor Gary unfortunately he passed away a couple years ago but when he first moved here from Alaska I went over to his woodworking shop and he was a master wood carver super super talented he was a I mean he was adamant about super sharp tools when when I was in his shop he had this a platter grinder you know imagine like a record turntable and it had a stone on it and it had kind of a gauge deal and he would he would hone those tools on that on that thing as it spun flat and that gave him those perfect perfect angles I asked him do you get something like that if it sadly don't make it anymore so when I was doing the workshop video for the knife system last week I was on their website trying to get the email for us to do that giveaway for you guys I saw that they had a platter style grinder that I didn't know existed so I emailed them and they and they sent one out and it just showed up yesterday so let's take a look at it and try it and see if we can see if we can correct these problems that I'm having and of course harnessing the power of the electron microscope we can see the fruit of my labor here so this is the big the inch and a half the timber framing chisel that I did this was my absolute best work the bet this is was done by hand that was and it was half a day and still it's not great the biggest problem I had was maintaining that angle and that that's as good as I can get and I've you know I'm not unskilled I'm not the best but I'm not unskilled at it either here's the issue and why it's not really functioning very well it's that I can't flat in the back the most important thing with your chisels where you start is flattening that back even your factory chisels if you test them on glass like I've done before they're far from flat and that's a big problem you can see here we've got pitting from rust and what we basically have if we look even closer is kind of a serrated edge a ragged edge that's just not not very good how do you get that out of there if there's if there's kind of a convex there how do you get that out of there by hand I mean unless you have an age a year just to grind on that thing it's just not very feasible on the smaller stuff here you know like our regular three-quarter inch woodworking chisels you can see now this is one this is my main go-to chisel the Stanley 750 and this is what it looks like after many many times sharpening you know you can see that we don't have perfect angles it's it's not truly ninety degrees off the side the back is flat but look at you can see that it's longer on this point then at this point I just have not been able to establish that perfectly and the more I sharpen it you know the more it gets off alright enough jibber-jabber does it work right that's what I'm interested in okay so how how we got this deal here is that this is the angle this is going to change the angle 20 degrees 25 degrees 30 degrees so what I want on my chisel is I'm gonna run these things at 25 degrees I can see that that's 25 and then this angle will go up there and then they touch that stone on the bottom if you look right there this is a it says it's a heat sink I don't really know understand what that's about but I did read the QuickStart guide and it basically I just said tighten this up right here so that it fits the particular tool you're putting in so anything you know like your planer iron or whatever is gonna be able to fit in there losses two inches so I don't want that too tight I want that to slide freely but to you know give me some consistency right right there okay see the sandpaper on there that's - as I introduce this to the wheel as I pull it back that sandpaper is just gonna knock the knock that wire off so the first thing you want to do is flatten let's see how it flattens here you saw the back of it right how it flattens the very first thing you're going to do with all of your chisels or any of your irons for your planes I don't care what we're what they are who makes them you want to flatten that back now I'm gonna go directly I'm gonna skip the 120 because that's pretty coarse and this is reasonably flat on the back we'll just go right to the what is this this is a 400 grit and so we're turning this direction and so when you're introducing a chisel you want to make sure you start with the heel I mean the back of it and then roll in the tip you don't want to go in tip first because you can you can ruin that flatness so start that and just work it in there you can see the back of that look how I get the polished how flat that is I'm really excited to try this on that big chisel because I was not able to get anywhere close to this I've got the 120 grit mounted on the downside here so I you know 25 degrees I think we're set so we'll just bring our chisel right up in there set about to two seconds or so and then bring it back to knock the wire off here we'll just three times see what it's doing here so that was about six seconds of grind time and you can see it's starting to show where I've been off it's making contact right there on that corner and it's working its way down so I don't need to pull back and knock the wire off because I'm not even on the edge yet it's still a step it's just as reestablishing that at 25° that i should have I'm really surprised how far off I was with that now you can see I just we just got to the point right there all that material had to be moved and now look at the precision of that that's how far off I am you can see we haven't even touched over there because the the chisels longer on this point on the other end this is going to correct all that [Laughter] now take a look at that absolute perfection look at the sharp the square edges the flat back that is perfect now that was the heavy lifting part of it now we just polish what we already have established never have to use the 120 grit ever again on that chisel it's just gonna be polishing from this point out so I'll flip this over to the what are we going that this is the 400 now 400 is down and don't over tighten this guy I it's just just a little bit it seems to kind of self tighten as you're going so this is going to be of our number we're going you 5 stages here for the initial polish this will be the medium here's the 400 starting to see see the lines and the steel starting to disappear being polished out so next we'll go to the thousand once I get all my angles established I don't suspect that I'll even really have much use for this one but it is really cool to have to because if you get a new tool you can go back to that and reestablish that but I want to show you these so this is that heavy tempered glass wheel that's what it looks like so I've got a thousand grit that's I was just kind of messing around there yesterday and then they included a 3600 grit I mean I that is super super fine so I want to show you how to stick these on so I've got some paint thinner on here and you want to make sure that that's clean since they're not gonna they're gonna stick don't use mineral spirits because that's got oil on it some guys confuse those two but how I did it here is I this is always the hard part getting these paper things off of here try not to touch the sticky eating more than possible but if we we don't want to get air or anything trapped underneath in there because that's gonna mess this up specially with this fine grinding we're gonna line up that hole and then roll these out just like you would put a decals on right there press that out there it press any bumps or any air pockets out of there I think we got it pretty good 3600 grit that's insane okay so let's try see what we get with the 1000 it's very fine doesn't even really feel like you really feel like you're doing much and here's the 1,000 just perfect isn't it one problem we're gonna run into with grinding you know with no lubricant is that these these are gonna get dust gonna build up on them right so they got this piece this is a piece of crepe crepe is like a rubber if you heard of crepe boots or crepe soles it's that squishy rubber stuff kind of a high density rubber stuff that they use in shoes and they've provided this is like an eraser so you can see all of that all that on there so if we take that the crepe and we just start at the beginning here and kind of work out see it just cleans all that off there so that's going to make those it's gonna carry away those all of those shavings in there it's gonna make this guy last a lot longer now we're ready for the 3200 3200 that is very fine indeed yeah it doesn't it just feels like it's polishing here's what 3200 looks like and that is just nearly perfect mice will clean that off there while we have it on there I just goes it's like like a magic eraser there all right you ready for the coolest part well I don't think this comes with it this is a I believe it's an accessory because it came in its own package it wasn't in the box but this is bonded leather to another wheel so we get the leather strop and of course that's the way I finish all of these guys actually I'm supposed to do something to it here so it came with this just kind of a well it's like a jelly of some sort or a leather protectant and it said initially this guy is gonna kind of moisturize the moisturize of leather so we'll work that in there and then we'll put our our super super fine our green polishing compound so it feels kind of like a petroleum jelly you know leather you have to remember leather is it will dry out and crack so you need to keep introducing especially like your work boots that's why the open off is so good is because it keeps it's kind of you know it's it's it needs to be replenished the fat that leeches out of it I would imagine the same thing going on here so I believe it said that we need to we can go ahead and stall this guy here now we can put this this is the buffing compound so any of you who have ever polished steel or aluminum will be familiar with this big shops will have they kept us on my dad's first jobs I think he said he's polished aluminum so you've just covered in black afterwards so we'll start here and we'll coat that whole thing you gots turning green and that's that's basically filling all that leather with a super super fine polishing grit compound see how that's all green in there now now this is where you really get perfection make sure that you don't you don't we're not going to use the gauge for the leather the leather we're gonna use the rest on the top this is adjustable so you can move it up and down if you want to just freehand so this is gonna be used on the top and we're gonna drop that leather actually this leather wheel is gonna be you good for all those things if I I might just keep this on my bench with the leather on it and everything I have with an edge on it you could you could basically just come here when you go in your shop and just and just touch that up and rarely are you gonna ever need to sharpen anything so how does it look after the leather man oh man look at that that is absolutely perfect polish on that so how sharp is it well I've got that you know the backing like the backing they put on those sanding discs it's kind of really light I mean you can it's it's beyond sharp and this is a chisel this is a chisel doing that look at that how does it do with wood let's see how it does here with the with the wood I got a piece of fur it is so beyond sharp it's so beyond anything I've been able to do freehand the caffeine wicked and it doesn't take any effort to push it through it's just so sharp if you want to really get after it look at that I'm going against the grain there a little bit but you can see that look at that tough sharp that is I am very very pleased with that all right so what do we learn so it's got some extra stuff in here that I haven't got into I didn't read through but apparently you can fight you can do gouges and different things and it's got this wheel that is you can see through so we'll get into that in the future right I just I don't I don't I've never been able to sharpen gouges so I hope to read up on that but it's it's really it's really nice it you know kind of looks complicated when I had everything out of the box but it really breaks down to this it's gonna come with two wheels you're gonna have your course in your medium that's gonna you're gonna just reestablish your grinds and once all your tools are re-established that's basically I don't know that you'd really use it too much how I would set this up is and then you've got the second wheel it's gonna have the thousand and 3200 I think how I'd set this up once of all my tools are sharp all my chisels are have the perfect grind on them I'll probably use the lead I like the leather that's that's the most important one I would definitely order the leather one is I'll put a thousand grit on the back of this wheel and I'll just leave the leather on there and this would probably be what rests on the machine and when I'm ready to sharpen something I'm gonna go in I'm just gonna very quickly just touch it on that 1000 I'm gonna flip this guy over and I'm gonna use the leather to to bring those points together to get that wire off there and to do that final polish and I mean that's basically it I mean I think it's going to be pretty err for me that I'll even gonna have to use the gauge I'll get once I feel this getting a little bit dull I'll just touch it on the leather really quick and that's gonna it's gonna last make that edge last a long time that's why the old barbers you've heard of a leather strap right they used to shave with a straight razor well he had those long straps and they would had a fine and of course compound and they would go back and forth back and forth they're not regrinding the blade every time they're just bringing those those wires that microscopic little metal points together on that leather so that's that's probably how I'm gonna use it it's really cool I was gonna do the big one we don't have time I got to talking too much in and probably took up all of our time with this one but man this is really really nice yeah let me know in the comments what you think you know and you know I'll talk to the guys maybe they want to do a giveaway as well like we did with the knife sharpener and those of you guys who won your emails have all been forwarded on they've got them they're gonna be sending them out so we'll look for those very soon so yeah it'd be cool if they would do the same thing for this because if you're a woodworker and you've had trouble of chisels man this is awesome I'm even gonna I'm gonna keep that leather went on there I think you can just come up even your pocket knife and your axes and all that stuff can work on there it's really nice I'm anxious to try the lathe tools because I you know those lathe tools have the con caves in them I haven't been had much success sharpening those actually when I sharpened them I had they end up worse than when I started so we'll try that in another video and see if that actually works so all right well thanks for watching and we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 160,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube, knife sharpening, how to sharpen a knife, sharp knife, knife sharpener, knife sharpening system, how to, sharpening stone, knife sharpening with stone, knife sharpening easy, how to sharpen, sharpen knife, other way to sharpen a knife, scary sharp, knife sharpening near me, scary sharp knife, a knife, knife maintenance, custom knives, how to sharpen knives, do it yourself, sharpening stones, how to sharpen a knife razor sharp, knife strop
Id: c6r-Th7lGp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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