This Isn't Fun But It Makes Me $2k A Hour

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i'm gonna say this in a monotone voice because it sounds super hypey but if you just do what i lay out in this video you will be successful this is the number one reason why people are not successful now look you guys always come to this channel you say alex my god you are good looking you have a fantastic body you are also a billionaire and there's no youtuber on earth who is more successful than you how do i possibly get as woke as you the answer that one eat mamba meat which i'm sure you can't afford it's okay don't worry about it because you can go to number two which is next time you die and re-roll ask god to be nicer to you ask him to give you big brains like me ask him to make you family friendly so people enjoy your presence i don't i'm not i don't even know where i'm going with this but i'm just gonna lay this out for you guys i have all these entrepreneur friends and i think they're stupider than normal people to be honest i think successful people you become dumber as you get more successful and they always debate why people aren't successful usually when you get into like this lower level of entrepreneur it's like people don't want enough they don't want to hustle they don't want to hustle it's just a gary vee video for 15 minutes and it's just not true if you're watching this video i think you probably want to be successful like you probably want it really bad and it probably irks you in the back of your head if you're not successful and if you are successful you probably want to be more successful i don't think there's a lack of want for financial success in this world i think there was a lack of understanding how to operate as a human being to reach a form of success and if you follow what i'm gonna do in this video this is this is just how you do it okay so look it's very very simple there's three reasons there's actually three layers and almost nobody has these three layers down the people that do have this down are super duper successful the people that sort of have this down are really successful people that don't have this down are just not successful so there's three layers and because i want you to watch the end of this video by the way if you make it to the end i give you like 40 hours worth of courses for free i show you where to get them and breaks down all my businesses how i built my first multi-million dollar businesses my advertising copywriting marketing techniques it's all there so just stick around to then but also i'm not going to reveal them all at once because i want you to stick to that so the first layer of this is poor time management now look this is not going to be a management like how to organize your sock drawer kind of video this is the problem so most people when they're trying to be successful they have let's just say 14 hours in a day actually 16. that's if you sleep a perfect eight hours which i don't i usually sleep like six hours a night anyways about eight of these hours is going to be taken up with their job okay which also resembles a butt if you look closely enough a butt with an eight tattoo on it so here's the problem people cannot use these other eight hours to create enough success to then roll these eight hours into this actually being their job let me explain this so when you're building a business obviously if you have more time to work on it or if you're doing anything and you want to be successful in life i'm just going to talk about financial success in this video you need to put in a lot of time into it and the problem is a lot of people don't have a lot of time or at least they don't think they do because they're working a job they have to put eight to ten hours into something else and so the main reason why a lot of people get hamstrung initially is because they don't know how to spend these other eight hours and they don't know how to sacrifice these eight hours in order to make it so they can get to the point where their eight hours of work per day can actually put towards something that they own or something that actually brings them any type of financial wealth well the best tip i could ever give you first and foremost find a job where you can work in the back room on your business while your boss isn't watching that's that's the best tip ever but if you can't do that you need to ensure that the time that you have outside of work has absolutely no distractions you have to have excellent time management what time management really is is not planning out your day it's removing all the stupid stuff that distracts you so here's some good tips that have made me much more successful just move just just move if you move to a place where you have no friends no family no distractions all you're gonna have during this eight hours is to work on something next get rid of social media television and hobbies you can have them back in the future however during this time period right here what these things are going to do is it's going to drag you away and pull you into things that don't allow you to move this eight hours into this eight hours you basically need to make it so when you get off work you have absolutely nothing to do except work in a business you have no tv you have no friends you have no hobbies this is this the definition of a happy life was the definition of the life you have right now happy you want to change it well you're probably gonna have to do something you don't want to do to get to that point so yes this sucks there's gonna have to be a little bit of suck so this is the first layer of why i don't think most people ever reach any success is because they get off work and they have like their girlfriend screaming at them they watch a movie they play a little bit of video games and they just have these chunks of time super distracted and so they don't maximize the time that they have when i was building my first business when i got off work i would be working on the weekends on it i didn't have much of a social life and when i got home from work i'd usually put in about an hour and a half to two hours which then brings us to the second layer the second layer of this is very simple consistency you need to be able to put in one to two hours a day every single day like clockwork it doesn't take four to five hours it doesn't take eight hours a day takes a good one hour to two hours every single day of focused work which brings us to the third layer which is where i think everybody gets locked down what do i mean by focused work so when most people they have their eight hours a day they have their butt crack of time okay and so during this time period right here you got two to four hours a day where you can just really work on whatever you're gonna do you can learn or whatever what happens during this time period is let's imagine this is your time period block right here people don't know how to sit down and do something for two to four hours so for example you're going to start to work on something and you're going to check social media and then you're gonna start to work on something and you're gonna check your phone and then you're gonna start to work on something and you're gonna go be like oh crap my laundry is not done and then you're gonna go and i don't know eat like a pizza roll and make yourself all slow and lethargic and so what happens did i see so many people do is when they sit down the work they really only get about 15 minutes of work done here's the thing you also need to know about maximizing your time the way that time works is it's going to take you about 15 minutes to get into a flow and so when you're putting in about 15 minutes of work you're not really going to start to get a lot done think about the last time you played a video game i think about the last time you got really focused on something what usually happens is that first 15 minutes is you're kind of finding your balance and your brains getting in tune and then at that 15 minutes your work output skyrockets and then it stays at this level some people say it takes like an hour to get to this point and it grows up like this this is pretty much all you need to understand and so what happens is people are constantly getting distracted checking a social media post checking their phone eating a hot pocket what happens is you never get into the state of work right here and if you don't hit the state of work and stay in it for those two hours you're really not using the time efficiently if you're constantly going out of this again that's why i see you only get like 15 minutes of actual work done because you're so inefficient with this time a really good book on this is called deep i don't know why i drew a b deep work okay so dw i and so when i said one to two hours of work most people who work for four hours get about 15 minutes of work done it's it's biblically biblical what you need to do especially if you don't have four hours of time is you need to learn how to sit down in a room and not do anything else so how do you do this well just get rid of everything in your house for example i live in a house without any furniture or distractions there's nothing for me to do there's there's nothing for me to do in this room that i'm in except pick my nose and so what this is what does this allow me to do when i sit down there's just that's what i'm doing and then i make 100 sure not to be on social media because that's just going to ruin your life and your mind if you can do this what's going to happen is first off one your time is managed so you have a solid one to four hour chunk every single day key word every single day consistency then finally during those periods you actually get one to four hours worth of work done and try to do it at the same exact time every single day so you have a routine and then the final part of this the final part of this is you need to put it into one thing see the way 6x works is like this when you put all your your coconuts into multiple things you don't get results because success is a exponential line and until you get to about 90 effort you don't start seeing returns or at least you don't see the returns you should see you're going to see very poor returns and then suddenly when you get to about 90 95 focus that's when something explodes essentially what i just showed you before is how to maximize amount of points reward you get for your time that's really all it is most people don't get rewarded for their time because they don't know how to manage it they don't know how to consistently do it and when they do have the time they don't get any output from the time it's like you have an engine where you put in a bunch of gasoline you put in a gallon of gasoline you can only use 10 of it you can never actually go very far with that engine when you fix that though all you need to make sure is that you stay on one road because what most beginners do and what most people do is they don't stick to one road and so what happens is they stick in this layer and with that combination of poor time management what then happens is they never ever get to this point where it goes this is why so few people are successful it's not because they don't want it it's not because people are stupid and only a certain a smart few are able to be successful no that's just what arrogant idiots tell everyone it's not what it is is people don't get to this breakthrough point right here and the only way to get to that breakthrough point when you have limited time is to maximize that time and then put all that time into one thing that's the only way forward and so it's this vicious cycle that most normal people get locked into and by normal i don't mean like people who are not as woke as i am that's a joke that i make at the beginning of video it's people that are stuck in a typical life situation and that typical life situation moves you in a vicious cycle in the wrong way unless you really make an effort to put a block in it and start pushing it in the right way and then what happens when you maximize your time and laser focus it is that flywheel starts to spin the opposite direction for you and it doesn't really start spinning fast until you get to that point where you can actually quit what you're doing and focus full-time on let's say your business or whatever you want to be successful at maybe you want to be a professional smash player and make ten thousand dollars a year working full-time playing super smash bros that seems to be working for a lot of people anyways until you can actually put in eight to ten hours a day you're not going to see those tremendous results you could probably see about five to ten thousand dollars a month in results i'm talking like 100 000 a month big success and i think honestly eight to ten thousand a month would be good for most people but once you get this point if you can apply what i just said right there that's when you start seeing the you know fart noise sound effects results that i'm talking about so that's it guys i i just think people don't understand this lesson they don't understand how to use their time correctly and if you can do that you're gonna be successful even if you're an idiot i'm an idiot i'm pretty successful so you can do it too so that being said guys if you want a bunch of courses to break down how i built my first multi-million dollar businesses all you need to do is like subscribe hit the notification bell because every single week i make a post in my community tab just linking to courses i used to sell for about two to three thousand dollars it's 30 to 40 hours worth of training if you want algorithm to show you that post you better make sure you like subscribe hit the notification bell so it jams in your face on top of that the things i just discussed there's three videos after this video that talk about some of the things i think are most essential to being able to pull off what i just talked about easily knowing how to cut distractions from your life knowing how to do a dopamine detox and frankly practicing minimalism at least at one point in your life it's going to turbocharge your results it has for me and i think it will for you and if it doesn't well enjoy this really loud sound [Music] you
Channel: Alex Becker's Channel
Views: 752,582
Rating: 4.8426552 out of 5
Keywords: alex becker, sucess, make money, business, success, marketing, online business, make money omline, start a business, motivation
Id: dhatfTp0LRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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