THIS is Why You Have ZERO GOLD Each Week, and How to Change It! (Lost Ark)

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I'm with you I am broke every single week I have 20,000 gold and usually I'm draining it all the way to zero each week now that theine is out and Transcendence is in today we're going to talk about a couple of different underlying issues with the reason that you literally have no gold every single week so let's go ahead and get into it the first thing we're going to talk about are Elixir and Transcendence and their entire system so for now many people are saying reduce the gold cost we don't need this gold sink in our version of the game right in the west everything is sped up that's what everyone is saying we don't have enough time we don't have all these resources to continually grow upon and have all this gold to sink into these systems well this is partially true for sure but also I believe the issue with Transcendence in Elixir is not the gold cost per tap in my opinion it's the actual system and it needs a heavy Improvement not only for all the veterans that have been playing the game since day one or just for a long time in general that really dislike this system imagine a new player perspective on this system literally throwing all of your gold on this crazy RNG two crazy RNG systems that still are likely not giving you functionally what you're trying to get out of it which is 35 or 40 set and hitting your transendence to a point where it actually makes a difference in your raids and in your boss fights I definitely don't have all the solutions but it is a massive pain point for most players the these two systems especially Elixir because it's been in the game longer and it's pretty much a requirement to get into the later systems of the game later raids like they mind and then second the Transcendence system system again this is the same thing it's just another RNG system that you have to pour a ton of gold in just for my glaver to go to level seven on her chest piece in two pants 125,000 gold W for some people it takes 20,000 gold and that's the real problem is that the range that it can take because of how heavy the RNG is is so punishing and this seems to be a little bit of a trend um we're going to talk about this in just a second as well with some of the other systems in the game right now but the difference between getting pretty lucky and pretty unlucky is just too far apart and affects you not just in those systems but in everything else that you want to do with that character or that account imagine having an extra 100,000 gold to buy another level 9 gem instead of spending that 100,000 gold on Transcendence because you got unlucky or because you were able to get lucky and now you can spend that gold on a gem or maybe you wanted to hone up another alt because you want to do you know those activities well now you can't because you were unlucky with this particular system or whatever it may be and I think that feels really bad and it feels extremely unrewarding the good news is is that the director has already come out and stated that he is looking to change both of those systems because they are too punishing and because they are not fun for new players and big trust they're not fun for older players either so that is something that I'm looking forward to changing in the future and that's why I'm not pushing like I said my Elixir is too hard right now trying to get 3540 set on any of my alts or anything like that I'm chilling now another topic for this massive disparity here is honing and I'm just going to touch on this just a second because uh honing has been a complaint for a long time especially honing a con gear is that again the disparity is too large between getting lucky and unlucky it's hundreds of thousands of gold hundreds of thousands of materials hundreds of thousands of shards it's just too much at the end of the day this is to progress to doing normal events in the game normal raids not going for the allout crazy going for 1630 that's a whole another topic on its own this is just to get to 1610 just to get to 1620 in June for a kidna that's normal raid activities this is something that just makes the game feel bad honing used to feel fun it's like oh my God yes I get to go tap my gear 20 times you know over the course of a day or two now you go and do all your dailies you do your raids and it's like okay I get to tap once or twice and you're likely going to fail those attempts and in my opinion they already have the solution to this problem they've utilized this in their Express passes you get more artisen per tap when you fail and your honing chances are better that way the average cost for a particular hone is much closer and it brings in those edges of being super lucky and super unlucky and it just brings them in so that more players are falling in the average Zone and that's how it needs to be for for honing you shouldn't have to wait and go through the terrible process of honing to 1620 just to get to advance honing which is actually a somewhat decent system and it looks really fun because you're always progressing no matter what and they've brought in those severe edges of unlucky and lucky a lot with that honing system so that's why I'm so excited for kid a come but even honing my w dancer right now trying to get her up to 1620 it's not the most fun thing in in the world it just feels bad it's like okay well you know this is something I got to do tap tap tap tap tap okay now I have zero gold so these three systems really they all need the same treatment they need to decrease the disparity between luck and unluck and make it more of an average so that people can progress with those systems more linearly it will feel much more rewarding and it will be a much more fun and enjoyable time because you know you're going to progress if they and when they make those changes now another thing we got to talk about with gold spending and not having much of it the general thought process of still trying to play six main characters is not possible at this point in the game if you have six characters that are all above 1600 and you're still honing all of them you're still investing that gold into all of them then they are all sucking gold out of your account and you're never making any excess gold that's just the way it is at this point in the game and I have discussed this topic in another one of my videos and according to the comments definitely one of my most controversial videos talked about why I didn't hone my alts up to 1580 at a certain point in the game I have honed a few of my alts past that point now but then I was saving all my gold I was utilizing my alts just to make gold to push to my main my glaver but if you're playing six characters and you're also honing all six of your characters and much less if you're doing Transcendence and elixir on all those characters you're never going to have any gold because they are systems that take your gold that's just the way it is and uh you know that's why I have zero gold and I only have three characters that I'm doing Transcendence on and I'm not funneling any gold into this account at all from my other rosters or anything like that this is just my main roster is gold and I run down to zero each week uh and that's only three character and two of them were doing normal now if that's the way you want to play the game that is 100% fine however it's kind of going against the design of the endgame of lost Arc and the fact that we just don't get enough materials and enough gold to do that because as the exponential cost increases your gold increases your material increases are not exponential they are extremely linear through the different eye levels and events and raids and things that you do for example you know Doing Hard a con right 1600 eye level you get what 10,000 gold well doing B Hard 1 through three plus four normal gives you 10,000 gold as well but that only costs ,550 item level to get to which is exponentially less it's crazy the difference that it costs to go from ,550 to 1,600 but you're still you're you're getting the same amount of gold for one of those raids and that's why I say the gold amount the material increase your resources are extremely linearly increased not exponential but your cost is very exponential goes Sky High okay so that's just something you have to understand just some food for thought and there's no wrong way to play the game you know as long as you're having fun and that's what you want to do that's cool but you got to accept that that that's also what's going to happen if you decide to play like that now if you're wanting to know how to make more gold I definitely have a few guides that you can go watch on how to make more gold in general it covers pretty much everything besides Market flipping or auction house flipping anything like that it covers all the main ways that you're going to be able to make gold in Lost AR and besides that a huge thing that I would suggest you do if you are pretty concerned with how much gold you're having at the end of the week look at where spending your gold are you spending it on skins are you spending it on all of your alt or maybe you're trying to minmax your accessories when really you're not getting a whole lot out of it but try to look at ways to reduce your gold cost that way you can spend your gold in a more fulfilling way that's going to make you enjoy the game more instead of just banging your head against the wall and you know talking about how bad the transendence and elixir systems are or honing systems or whatever and that way you can at least be using your gold efficiently in the present state of the game but guys let me know down in the comments below what you think about all this The Elixir system the Transcendent system maybe some solutions uh the honing system let me know be constructive hit me in the deepest part of my brain okay I want to hear about what y'all think but that is everything for this video I just really wanted to talk about this topic a little bit maybe give you some things to think about so if I did that if you liked the video if I gave you some things to think about maybe looking at a little bit different perspective then make sure to leave a like on the video subscribe to the channel or if you just like Lost Art content consider subscribing as well I would love to see you around here more but guys that is everything for this one and I will see you on the next one and I'll see you around arcasia actually I've been seeing a lot of y'all around and it's always nice whenever you say hi so but don't be shy guys I I always say hi back I promise but for now bye-bye
Channel: itsDubla
Views: 4,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, today, How to earn more gold each week, transcendence system lost ark, elixer system lost ark, gold sinks in lost ark, Why I have no gold in lost ark, how to change transcendence system in lost ark, how to change elixer system in lost ark
Id: cwo6z2WaIHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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