The Best F2P Teams in Honkai: Star Rail

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welcome to the complete freetop playay team building guide to beating honai star rail the goal here will be to create teams and strategies in order to clear any content in the game using only the free characters were given either through the story or events as well as potential four and five star upgrades while you're progressing through and pulling on banners while the focus will mainly be for new or returning players all the info here will be helpful for free toop playay and low Spenders looking to clear endgame content like memory of chaos pure fiction and even the harder simulated Universe game modes with that being said let's get right into it and feel free to skip to any of the sections listed here on screen the first thing you need to know before even thinking about who to build or invest in is what makes a good team the neat thing is there's a lot of flexibility when creating teams but there's a general formula you'll want to follow and it'll vary depending on what stage of the game you're in when you're first starting and honestly for the vast majority of the game survival is the number one priority dealing damage is important and of course since the faster you do damage the less of it you'll take but early on we want to prioritize comfort so we don't end up running into a wall during the story or against certain bosses so if possible two of our four character slots will be dedicated to sustain which can be fulfilled by preservation or abundance characters the third slot will be occupied by your primary damage healer and he'll be the most important character to heavily invest in as your team's overall strength will scale the highest with their growth the fourth and final slot can be any character that amplifies the damage of your main DPS either a Harmony character to provide them with Buffs or a nihil character that can apply debuffs to your enemies once you've reached a level of survivability where you're never in any danger or you have a stronger sustained character you can actually opt to switch to a solo sustained setup instead of the second sustained character you can drop them for another amplifier or a second damage dealer you're going to be sacrificing a bit of survivability for damage but you'll find this quite often as the preferred team template in the end game there are a couple more considerations to make when building a team being skill point management and Elemental typing but we'll get more into that once we've gone over the characters we have access to and what roles they'd fulfill for our sustain slots we have March 7th Natasha and eventually fire Trailblazer and Lynx these are fairly interchangeable but I recommend you pick one from each path to get a good balance between damage mitigation and healing for example a common of fire Trailblazer and Natasha or Lynx or March 7th with Natasha or Lynx of course if you manage to get any of the five star sustain characters you can use them in place of any of the aformentioned characters or as a solo sustain especially if they're a limited Five Star as for damage healers we are given the physical Trailblazer Dan hung sural Hera chingcha and the MVP doctor ratio that's a lot of DPS options and the most important factor in deciding who you bring to a fight will depend on whether the enemy is weak to their element or not matching the right elements will not only let you do more damage since their Elemental resistances will be lower but you'll also be able to inflict damage to their toughness bar since your DPS characters will be the ones attacking your enemies the most they'll generally have the highest toughness damage output on your team when a character depletes an enemy's toughness spark completely they'll apply a weakness break with an effect that corresponds to their element and this not only prevents them from moving momentarily but also increases the damage they take while not having a toughness bar weakness breaking is one of the core mechanics of the game and you can see why it's so important since you're not only increasing the amount of damage you deal but also increasing your survivability however there are counterarguments for choosing a DPS based on their elements and you'll find this most common when you're progressing through the earlier stages of the game we only get a finite amount of resources each day and we don't want to spread ourselves too thin by building too many characters if the goal is to clear content efficiently it's worth considering only investing in one or two damage dealers at the start if they're sufficiently strong they'll be able to Brute Force content regardless of enemy weaknesses and this is a viable option even in the late game but of course once you do have access to more resources you'll want to run a damage healer that corresponds to the enemy's weakness we'll go over some the sample teams for each element after we cover our final slot the amplifiers our two free options are ASA and yukong and until the end of version 2.0 we'll have access to Gwen as a free fourstar choice so I'll be including her in the discussion as well who you choose as your amplifier will mostly depend on how they enable your main damage dealer and we'll get into that right now with our sample team compositions we might as well start strong with Dr ratio he's going to provide imaginary damage coverage for us and also dominate fights with lots of Elites or bosses the most important consideration when building a team around him is ensuring we're able to consistently apply 3 debuffs on enemies this will enable his talent ful attack to occur 100% of the time which is where a vast majority of his damage will come from for our amplifier slot guifen will actually be the best choice thanks to both her burn status effect and fire kiss adding to the debuff count which she can easily maintain on all enemies what's more is her fire kiss allows her to stack vulnerability on enemies a rare source of damage amplification that multiplicatively increases the damage they take she's a great unit to pair with Dr ratio and can even contribute a moderate amount of damage you can get away with running Assa here instead as her Ascension for Trace has a chance for her basic attack to apply a burn to an enemy Target but it's a bit inconsistent due to its low base chance she's really just here for her attack and speed Buffs as for the sustain options both fire Trailblazer and March 7th can apply debuffs one with their taunt and one with their freeze though you definitely don't want to rely on them and their main job will still be to help mitigate damage I'd recommend fire MC personally as they can perform that task even by just using their basic attack to generate skill points for the Healer either Lynx or Natasha will work and it most mostly comes down to availability they both have an emergency team wide heal on their alts and access to Cleansing which will be important for removing debuffs from your allies Lynx is the better pick though in general so use her if you can now if we can stay alive with only one sustained character we'd want to go with one Healer and this will allow one of our slots to be opened up for another amplifier or DPS best option in this case would be AA but yukong is pretty effective as well if you are planning on using yukong you need to make sure Dr ratio is the next Ally to act right after she does so he can benefit from her roaring bow strings this will not only increase his attack but also his crw rate and damage when you use her alt the reason you want Dr Raa to go after yukong is although roaring bow strings last for the next two allies' actions he wants his allies to hit enemies marked by his alt so he can launch his followup attacks if roaring bow strings isn't active during that time he won't be buffed while his followup attacks are going off even still it's a bit difficult to make full use of yuk Kong's Buffs unless you have other characters with damaging Al which allow them to proc Dr ratio's fall attacks outside of their turns but she's still good and thanks to her Ascension for Trace you also get a nice little 12% imaginary damage bonus just by having her on the team for those of you that were fortunate enough to have gotten a Pella or silver wolf either of the two will be the best and Slot upgrade in place of GW fin for the second amplifier role haa will be more of a side grade to ASA but still a decent option with Ting Yun being the top fourstar option overall and roughly on par with Ron May though of course one is a limited five star character the neat thing about Ron is her ultimate does add one to the count of debuffs when it's active BR can work in this slot but she'll make skill point management a bit difficult as well as not being able to maintain her skills damage buff on all of Dr ratio's fall attacks on the other hand while Sparkle can maintain all her Buffs on ratio while he's using his fob attacks there isn't any crazy Synergy between the two and you're better off with running tenan or Ron me okay it's time for us to move on sural can provide lightning damage coverage for us and she'll do well in multi-target scenarios thanks to her AOE attacks and shock dots thankfully she's a lot more straightforward to run than drct ratio and we'll be using the same dual sustain setup to start ASA is going to be your best amplifier if she's available since her attack percent Buffs affect all parts of sur's Kit if we can afford to drop one of the sustained characters we can add yukong to greatly improve sur's damage output tingan is the best fourstar upgrade over ASA and overall the best pick for the primary amplifier you have a variety of options to choose for your second slot over yukong with Pella and ha both being great choices again it's no surprise that Ron May is the best here but basically it's a choose two for the amplifiers Ron May tingan Pella ASA haa and yukong in that order now I wanted to quickly call out that some of Cal's best teams will run a kfco or Black Swan but since those are less of surval teams where she's the primary focus and the aformentioned characters are limited five stars I'm not going to cover them in too much detail ideally you'd have your one sustain surval kofka or Black Swan and the final slot can go to a team wide damage amplifier this can be Pella or ASA as solid options or Ron may as the top again while they might be the best teams with surval in them they aren't the best teams for kfka or Black Swan nonetheless if you like surala and want to run her these are possible upgrades to consider next up is windan hung and he can definitely hold his own especially in single Target scenarios he's got DEC utility as well in the form of a speed reduction from his skill and you want to build a team that can enable him to cast his alt when his talent is online the situation with the sustains is the same old but keep in mind that you can actually activate Dan hung's Talent by using a skill with March or with either Natasha's skill or alts it's the same with links but we're not going to go over every example cuz that would take forever the best free amplifier will easily be ASA as her alt does trigger his talent while further increasing the team speed and overall just synergizes really well with Dan hung's own speed reduction in a Solo sustained environment you can throw in yukong but keep in mind that she can't actually trigger his talent with any of her abilities as for upgrades tingan strikes once again as the top option in place of Asa with haa still being decent this time around though all of the five stars do take the top spots on this team so if you do have them pick one of BR or Sparkle and then in order of strength the second can be Ron May tingan Pella haa and yukong the great thing with this setup is you can run the same supports with Ching chit instead of Dan Hong and now we have our Quantum team this is the most universal support setup for most teams and again the DPS is fairly interchangeable whenever you pull a limited DPS character chances are they'd fit in this team their preferred Harmony and nil characters might change a little bit but from here on you can use this as the base template for any team building and just throw any new DPS onto it on that note since I haven't mentioned them yet and as our last two free characters as much as I like them I just can't justify recommending physical Trail wazer and Hera since we're looking for the best free-to-play teams if you want to play them cuz you like the characters by all means go ahead it's definitely doable but it'll take a little more effort than usual however this does change a bit for Pure fiction where Hera becomes an absolute monster and is undoubtedly one of if not the best for that game mode in particular but in short we have four solid teams for General use covering four of the elements using only free characters Dr ratio for Imaginary survol for lightning Dan hung for wind and chingcho for Quantum when you're clearing content like memory of chaos you'll need to pick two teams one for each side there's no concrete answer to which teams are going to be the best it's completely situational but the two things I want you to consider are weakness matching and avoiding support overlap for example Dr ratio can go on one side cuz he favors less contested supports like G fin which leaves more options for your other half if you find yourself struggling to clear Caverns or Echoes of war in the Overworld don't be afraid to use the support character feature you can easily find highly invested units to carry you and don't be ashamed you're just trying to be efficient you can also use food Buffs to your advantage for these types of fights and same thing goes for a simulated Universe in the normal version you can use food Buffs but not in swarm disaster or golden gears if you're having trouble surviving again it's okay to go with double sustains blessings will do most of the work for you so while character investment is still important they do a lot less of the heavy lifting as a final note for Pure fiction if you're looking to clear it especially when you're restricted by unit choice you need to use herle on at least one of your teams and she'll be able to carry on your second team survol will be able to handle multi-wave AOE combat the best so stick with the team I recommended for her once you do get more characters you now know where to slot them in to upgrade your teams but I'm hoping this will be a good Baseline for newer players to help set them up for Success there's so much more that I could cover but I didn't want to stray away from the main goal which was making the most out of what we are given you will have stronger teams than this so best of luck to those of you looking to take on the end game honestly with the free doctor ratio right now is probably the best time to join the game and after doing all this I kind of feel motivated to start a brand new f2p account but we'll see where that goes if you have any questions about team building or the game in general I'll be looking out in the comments to help so leave them there and with that thank you for watching
Channel: Artumbo
Views: 25,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: memory of chaos, honkai star rail, hsr, moc, dr ratio, pure fiction, moc 12, acheron, f2p team hsr, f2p moc, dr ratio team, dr ratio build, best team hsr, acheron team, best acheron team, aventurine, how good is acheron, aventurine team, aventurine build, aventurine guide, acheron guide, acheron build, f2p hsr, hsr best teams, hsr tier list, 2.1 hsr, who to pull hsr, 2.1 banners, acheron or aventurine, version 2.1, acheron signature light cone, how strong is acheron, asta
Id: qPEdaRxw4Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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