THIS is WHY We Don't Re-Use OLD Framing Lumber..

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hey gang it's paul with sledpack welcome back to the channel in our previous video you saw jordan i raised this 300-pound beam into place to take the place of the original load-bearing wall that came out super now you may also notice that the load-bearing wall that was here at the end of our previous video is gone so what happened we installed the beam on a saturday and one of the owners was coming home sunday night she hasn't been here for two weeks so she really hasn't seen this except on youtube she never got the full effect of it by walking into this house so i wanted to have this wall gone when she got home so i thought well sunday morning i'll just go get some of these sloped hangers install them and i can take down this wall well i checked all three of our blue box stores all three of our orange box stores they didn't have them so i said man i really want to get that wall out of here so i just came over here i had these structural screws you've seen us use and i put one in the bottom of each joist that was plenty to hold that up very little load here and i took that wall down cleaned up she got home that evening and was just floored she absolutely loved it i saw her this morning she keeps walking in here and just looks at it it's super so i went to my lumber yard this morning i ordered all the lumber for our new ceiling that's going in here and wouldn't you know they had these sloped hangers right there behind the counter so we waited six days for these beans from them but they had these in stock and the lumber was here in less than two hours so awesome so let me walk you through these hangers and show you how they're installed all right so this hanger is by simpson it's an lsu oh sorry any of you that live in the southeastern united states you know what i'm talking about let's try that again this is an lsu-26 hanger and it's adjustable it can be at a ridge and accommodate a rafter going down at different angles and you can bend it up as in our case to accommodate the rafter coming down super critical with any metal connector that you follow the manufacturer's recommendations according to the nailing schedule and we all have phones now it's easy to look up online i just searched for simpson lsu 26 installation nailing schedule came right up it wants six 10d nails into the face this is the face that's going to be going into our beam one two three four five it wants five 10d nails into the joist the seat one first we'll show you that up there so one two three four five the 10 d nail that goes in here they want a 10 d by inch and a half just like that and on the end it even says 10. that way the inspector knows you're using the proper size nail for these hangers it also specifies a 10d here but you can't use a short one it wants a three inch nail right there and then you can see how these slots are a little elongated they want you to drive them in at an angle and again that's for more pull out strength much harder to pull a nail out at an angle than it is straight like that and that also makes it easier to hammer a nail in or use a tool to drive a nail in at an angle so let's put the rest of these up i actually got to start earlier this morning i was able to do those before jordan got here these two i needed his help we're going to straighten those out and then we'll do the rest so let me show you what's going on right here so these four hangers here i already have installed and as i'm installing them i'm making sure that they're flushing out at the bottom of the beam right here this is a critical corner because the drywall is going to wrap right here and i want it nice and perfectly straight so those first four went okay but these two they're not okay this one has a pretty bad twist to it and i want it straight and it's too low so we're gonna get the twist out of this one and push it up where it belongs let's get that done first so this bottom right hole is where i want it to be so i'm going to drive a nail right there first now the hanger as we twist it will pivot on that one nail so let's put our board here that we use as a lever to twist this and put that thing where it belongs there's our board clamped to the rafter i'm gonna have jordan push it to my left and get that thing straight and i'll drive the nail a little more bud all right you ready all right that'll stay we'll take this off let's drive the rest of those nails so this rafter is now secured in place where it goes this one is also right here but it's got a pretty bad bow i can sight across here and see this is really high like half an inch so on this other side on the rafter i made a soft cut almost all the way through so this part up here where i didn't cut through is going to act like a hinge and watch what happens when i pull down see how it's pulling down we'll pull it down as much as we can and drive these two screws in to hold it in place so i'm gonna need your help bud you ready yep all right all right this one's up where it needs to be this one's down where it needs to be ouch now let's just plane this little piece of 2x4 right off of there so this is flush [Music] once you come get a shot on this side and you can see how this perfect cut really opened up and helped straighten out that joist so now that those are fixed let's fly through the rest of these [Music] alrighty guys you saw us in the time lapse putting up all these hangers we were almost at the end but we wanted to bring you out of time lapse and show you this huge problem we ran into we've had a lot of comments about this old lumber what are we doing with it you've seen shots of it in the dumpster a lot of you think we can pull all the nails and save it and reuse it for framing or use it for this or reuse it for that what i'm going to show you is the main reason i don't reuse this stuff check it out right here it's split right into i can pull that out by hand a little one and a half inch nail on each side this stuff is so dry and brittle that's what it does when you try to reuse it for framing and that's why i don't like to use it for new framing and we totally agree with you guys there's plenty of purposes for this old wood those beams we put out at the curb a guy came and picked him up this morning he's going to make shutters out of them for his new building he said this 40 year old fur is so clear and beautiful you can't get it anymore and that's true but this stuff is just not good for framing and that's why we don't reuse it for that so we're gonna fix this but let's finish this side right now alrighty gang as i was making this repair i noticed jordan with the gopro and i said dude are you recording this he goes yeah we're gonna put in the video i said oh my gosh i can already hear the comments about this so on this repair this is going to be fine so sometimes things need to be strong because it's holding up the house sometimes they don't in this application this 2x6 all it's doing is supporting this drywall there is no load on top of this from the main roof there's no equipment load nothing like that so this is going to be plenty strong enough i still have the hanger under this block it is glued and screwed to here right now and there's a huge strong back about right here mid span connecting all these two by sixes together and if you really want me to i'll come back later and i'll put a block across the three of these to further support this one let me know in the comments if you want me to add that block i appreciate it so right now we're going to call it a day story of my life where one hanger short i know i order 13 and i in my head always count always count make sure the guy pulled the right amount so i'll pick up that last hanger in the morning finish this and we'll reframe this entire ceiling tomorrow so we'll see you then hey gang so yesterday you saw us get the rafters attached to our new beam here and today's project is to install this ceiling but before we start on that i want to address a lot of comments you guys have been leaving about adhesive and gluing king studs stud packs and lvls together i never do that so i actually sent an email to my structural engineer and asked them about adhesives i said hey i get a lot of questions about adhesives what's your what's your perspective this is a structural engineer so what austin says is mechanical fasteners are all that are needed for beams and columns i mean that's how they design them we're here in the south united states no snow loads no seismic so to me they're designing these structures to rely on the fasteners only he goes on to say that a couple of circumstances where i specify glue is floor sheathing we've all glued down floor sheathing and then he goes on and says and in addition to fasteners when retrofitting plywood gussets to structural members and then in parentheses it helps mitigate rotation and slip but it's not considered for additional load capacity the adhesive is there for another purpose not to increase the load capacity my take on glue is primarily belt and suspenders approach to mitigate serviceability issues now i had no idea what serviceability issues were so i asked him he says hey no worries serviceability is a factor that impacts the function of the building but not necessarily the structural integrity like deflection in a beam or vibrations in a floor system so we've all been in a commercial building and you can feel the floor vibrating when we're walking on it so my take on that is they would add adhesive in a wood frame building to make the vibrations less you know jordan it would have been interesting to measure from here to the bottom of this beam and then see the difference when we added this load wouldn't that have been cool yeah i bet i bet it's not a 32nd of an inch probably nothing yep so i really appreciated austin's response i hope that answers your question you know and the other thing about gluing stuff together is it's a huge mess i've had glue all over my framing gun my hammers my hands can you just imagine all the construction adhesive dripping out of here all over our floor right and out of here it would have been a mess so i don't use it but it makes you more comfortable like you said belt and suspenders go for it so now let's take a look at our ceiling there's a lot going on up here we had to kind of design this as we went so let me hop up on the ladder and show you what we got alrighty guys the original plan was for the faux beams to stay imagine this was our faux beam that we took down and is now being recycled now it can't just end and be hanging down in the air like that it's hollow and that would look silly if it were down here so the original plan was for the bottom of this beam to be lower so that the faux beams had somewhere to die into like that it would look something like that my concern was that at some point the owners would decide to remove the faux beams and now our lvl beam is way down here instead of up here where it really should be because it looks better let me take you over there and explain that now here's our eight foot ceiling in the kitchen our cathedral ceiling and our nine foot ceiling in the dining room we wanted the bottom of these two beams to be flush no matter what elevation they were at because it would look better instead of a big step here between this beam and this one so what i decided to do was i'm gonna put the beams way up here at eight feet so they flush out with the eight foot ceiling in the kitchen and then i can build out the bottom of this beam with two bys to account for the place that i need for the faux beams to die into then if the owners decided to remove the faux beams later we could pull all this framing down the beams are where i want them and everything's cool so the worst thing that could have happened would have been for us to put the beams lower to accommodate the faux beams then the owners decide to remove the faux beams and now we're stuck with these guys about six or seven inches too low i would have come in that door every morning looked at those and tried to resist the urge to raise the beams which there's no way i would have done it would have made a huge impact on the final uh outcome of the project so i'm so glad we put them up here so now that your comments actually saved us a headache on this side they actually created a headache on this side so let me hop over there on that ladder and i'll show you what i'm talking about all right guys we're on the foyer dining room side of this beam right now and remember this beam originally was going to be lower like six or seven inches lower to accommodate those faux beams but now that it's higher we've got a problem right here so if this beam were lower these were going to sit on top of it now it wouldn't have been perfect we still would have had to build it up here but that's pretty easy but now we've got this situation not only here but we're going to have it in this whole dining room because remember that ceiling is going to be up here at nine feet now so we can't have a joist ending half on the beam and halfway in the air i can't put a hanger there because of the nailing schedule they want three inch nails through all these holes yeah that's a zero inch nail that's a zero inch nail right there so the original plan was to put a ledger here bolt it to the beam with structural screws then our hangers go here and then our wrap our ceiling joists obviously go in the hanger but that doesn't really work either because if i put a three inch nail here what do i have behind it half's gonna be in the wood half's gonna be in the air so then we started talking about what can we put behind here well if we're going to put something behind here let's just put like a 4x4 on top and put the hanger right there these four nails are in the lvl and these top four nails are in the four by four perfect solution and we don't need the ledger so i think that's the final solution for this joist to beam connection the only problem is i don't have any four by fours so let's head to the store and grab some [Music] so [Music] all right gang we're back from the store let's not waste any time let's mount these four by fours on top of our lvls we've got some quarter by six structural screws staggered pre-started so let's throw that thing up there and screw it down [Music] alrighty gang we put our hangers on these four joists for the foyer came out great that 4x4 on top of the beams worked slick our next step we're going to take this wall down real fast so it's out of our way then we're actually going to set up our line laser so we have a perfectly flat ceiling that matches the foyer ceiling and then we're kind of figuring this out as we go we think we're just going to roll the joist up there in place with one nail on a ledger take the ledger off put up our hangers but we'll see how it goes but right now let's get this wall out of here [Music] wow [Music] alrighty gang we already have a change of plans so listen to this pretty solid right so we forgot that our roof rafters our roof load is still on this wall so we're going to move them to our beam and then get rid of this let's do it for this roof brace that goes from here to the top of our beam i need to find the angle between this and our chalk line string and at the bottom between the top of the beam and the string we're letting the weight of the chalk line pull this tight and this is a representation of this side of our brace right there bud how's that more right there so let's go see what that angle is and then we'll measure the bottom one [Music] [Applause] [Music] wrong wrong day to wear long sleeves but it's hot up there all right we've got a two roof braces up it looks easy but that's kind of that was kind of complicated right a nine degree cut at the top and a 37 degree bird's mouth at the bottom and they're different lengths they're different about three-eighths of an inch but we've got our roof load transferred let's see if this wall sounds any different now i think so it's still pretty solid it is but we know we're supported right at least it's moving now i'm going to hit it the other way there we go all right let's get that board down set up our laser all right again here's our setup we have our bosch crossline laser set up on our hue par mount we just have a nail on the king side up here and it's hooked on that nail we use the rack and pinion adjust here to get it perfectly where we wanted it and our goal was right here the intersection of the new top plate and the ceiling joist remember our old ceiling used to be down here at eight feet we're going to raise it up to here on this side we added a ledger to help us install the joists so let me head over there and i'll show you that all right here's our ledger strip attached to our beam our laser beam is right on top of that that's going to guarantee that we have a perfectly flat ceiling across here so our next step we're going to go outside unbundle those two by sixes crown them so we know which way is up and get them in here but first i'm gonna cool off i can hear the ac's on oh that feels good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alrighty gang that new ceiling looks awesome that was the easiest thing we've done in this whole video huh jordan just throw those joists up there and look at this shot of all those metal hangers that looks like a house in southern california ready for an earthquake doesn't it that is solid right there so we're gonna have one more joist right here that will replace this one that's on the flat on the top of the original wall and then over here we actually have four more to do we're probably going to just put in two of them and leave this open to put our ladder here so that me and jordan our electrician the inspector everybody else can access the attic like we talked about before instead of going in the back of the house so once we finish the ceiling in here i'll be able to walk on that new nine foot ceiling and put in our roof braces on this section of the roof to our beam just like we did here this wall can come out we'll save these 16 footers to frame our new pantry and then when you stand back here you'll get the full effect of the open floor plan we cannot wait for that so get us your palm nailer your positive placement tool nail that like button for us ask us a question leave a comment and consider subscribing if you haven't already we would really appreciate that and we will see you guys on the next one
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 219,991
Rating: 4.8939781 out of 5
Id: ZJ-eFT50weE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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