This is why I have 17,342 pounds of tools

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so you may have noticed i have a lot of tools i have a lot of tools in fact my wife tells me you have a problem and everyone else tells me they want a shop tour but i just can't show you all my tools without some results so here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna design and fabricate a catapult with every machine in my shop that's nine catapults and they're all gonna be totally different this will let me show you the machines and how they work it'll also give us some really fun results i also see some very exciting ways to prank my wife what's in the box i have all these tools so i can make whatever pops into my head as quickly as possible they're basically the conduit from my brain to the physical world and it's awesome each of the catapults that i'm going to make corresponds to a different part of the shop i have tools for working with metals and plastics additively and subtractively and a whole lot of other stuff this should be cool because it'll show just how many ways you can solve a problem thinking this through i'm gonna have to stretch the definition of the catapult really far this is definitely a catapult right so here's my rules it shoots half inch steel bearings this is the premier size to take an eye out all of the important parts need to be made on the machine so if i was making a 3d printed catapult i couldn't just 3d print the trigger for a potato cannon i'm going to be trying to keep the danger level to about a 3 out of 10. we'll see how that goes i had try not to get too carried away but i've already broken that rule so it's gone i really should stop saying catapult but i've said it too many times so they're catapults we're going to start simple with some of the more basic tools i'm limiting myself to the bandsaw the drill press and the belt sander for all of these designs i'm using a really important tool called computer-aided design although most people just call it cad i'm using autodesk inventor to design everything in the computer before i build anything doing this means that everything usually fits together and it also lets me do things like calculating the strength i came up with this kind of wacky handheld catapult and i'm using the 3d model to make paper templates so that i can cut everything out accurately this is a really powerful technique you can make almost anything this way it just takes a while i'm using a little portable bandsaw on a stand that i made and this thing is incredible i use this on literally every project the drill press and belt sander are cheap imports from harbor freight i've had them for over a decade and they just won't die i kind of wish they would so i could get a better one you can do an incredible amount of things with these machines they are definitely the most bang for buck way to get into making these kinds of things that i know i invested in a high quality eight inch vise early on and i have zero regrets this thing is amazing i'm also using it to do some low end blacksmithing a little glue and a couple screws and we've got a catapult it looks like i should have one of those little white looney tunes surrender flags on it doesn't it all right let's try it out it like this ball goes here i don't even know how to aim this thing this thing turned out really cool because i love everything that i make i asked my wife to give an impartial score really a four if this was a competition for a food fight tool then it would be higher you're lucky it wasn't loaded breaking glass isn't the most scientific test but it's the funnest test this catapult is just impossible to aim well that was anticlimactic let's make the next catapult i am so jealous of kids these days growing up with their fancy 3d printers when i was a kid all i had was a corded drill and a rusty chisel and i liked it anyway i'm gonna make a catapult with my fancy 3d printers i came up with a design that's fully 3d printed including the spring plastic doesn't really want to be a powerful spring so i have 18 kind of weak plastic springs working together to make one mighty spring this is one of the 3d printers i'm going to be using it's called a form3 it's a resin printer made by formlabs and as a fun little fact i was actually responsible for developing this machine that's what i was doing before i started making youtube videos this machine has a tank full of liquid plastic which it shines a very tiny laser spot at and wherever the light touches the plastic it triggers a chemical reaction that turns it into a solid the machine will steer the laser around to cure a very thin layer and then it'll move that layer up and then cure another very thin layer on top of the previous layer if you repeat that a bunch of times eventually you get a solid thing the parts come out sticky so you wash them off in a bath of basically rubbing alcohol these weird structures that the parts are on are automatically generated supports this is actually an algorithm that i spent a lot of time on they're super optimized so they just break off and you have a nice part if i could only have one tool in the shop this machine would probably be it so i don't think i've shown this in any videos this is an sls machine it's called a fuse one it's also made by form labs it prints things out of nylon powder and the parts are just fantastic i said this was an sls machine but i think the more correct technical term for this is an absolute unit it works by spreading out a very thin layer of nylon powder and then it melts together the areas that it wants to be solid using a laser and just like the other machine if you stack a bunch of these layers on top of each other eventually you get a solid object the parts come out surrounded in powder and you sift through it like an archaeologist this machine collects all the unused powder and then recycles it back into the machine so you don't waste it if something i want to make can be done on a 3d printer that's what i'm going to do they take the least amount of work by far and they can also do the widest variety of shapes of any tool in my shop the reasons that i won't use a 3d printer is i need something big very accurate or very strong i also want to mention that i did not buy this it was given to me and that's actually true of almost all the big expensive tools in my shop this has been one of the best things about having a youtube channel and it's great because you win iowin and the tool maker wins when something awesome gets made and i'm so grateful to be in this position there is just way too much to show here if you want more details keep an eye on my second channel so this one's pretty similar to the last one except for that it's totally different you it like this put in the ball and you're ready to fire these things are just impossible to aim [Music] that was kind of weak iv four this is better than a four eighteen leaf springs or one two three yeah eighteen leaf springs i'd have to know what a leaf spring is to be impressed by that will it break the glass yeah i didn't think so all right next up we're gonna be looking at the cnc router it's a tormach 24r it's basically a wood router attached to a robot that can move it around to cut out whatever shape you want it's really good at making big things out of sheets it cuts up to 2x4 feet i use it to make all kinds of more precise wood stuff and especially explosive bats i think a trebuchet would be perfect for this router i was chatting with patrons on my discord and someone brought up the really good idea of a floating arm trebuchet so that's what we're gonna do i'm holding the wood in place with plastic nails so that i don't break the bit when i hit one i love using the router because it's really easy you put your wood in it cuts the parts out and that's pretty much it and those plastic nails just sheer in half with a hammer tap this whole thing goes together kind of like lincoln logs the way i designed this is just a little bit too narrow here we go [Music] that is way more powerful are you just messing with me now let's just fire it with 10 pounds hopefully it doesn't break two one snap the arm in half we won't get to find out if it would have broken the glass but we all know it would have milling machines take a lot of work to use but they're probably the most satisfying tool in my shop i've really been looking forward to designing a catapult for these machines so one thing led to another and i accidentally made something kind of insane this is a centrifugal catapult that fires half inch steel ball bearings full auto this is way overkill for demoing my mills but i just couldn't help myself it's so cool so i'm going to build it and show how the mills work but there's probably going to be an entire video just about the awesome things you can do with this kind of machine the general idea is that you have a spinning arm that flings the balls before we can machine anything we have to cut our stock out the little band saw i showed earlier is a total workhorse but when you want to cut a slice off something like this it just isn't going to happen so let's talk about my horizontal bandsaw it's a grizzly g0613 and i love it this thing is perfect when i have thick stuff long stuff and when i need an accurate square or angled cut this design is awesome because the entire vise rotates and you can cut really accurate miters this is my first cnc machine i actually made it in an apartment years ago and it doesn't get much use these days because i have bigger and better machines but building this i learned so much about cnc i really recommend it it is a fantastic baptism by fire computer-controlled cnc machines are amazing but human-controlled manual mills are also amazing this is my precision matthews 935 it's called a nemil because of the configuration of all the pieces it's kind of a standard layout machines like this are great because you can just throw stuff in them and start cutting you don't have to go up to computer and program the moves that it's going to do it's super fast for a certain type of work that i do all the time it has knobs that you turn to move the thing you want to cut in three dimensions and you pretty much just force the cutter into the metal and it cuts through it like butter did you know you can cut metal with a sharp knife that's exactly what these machines are doing they're spinning around knife that just cuts through the metal one of the most important thing for milling machines is getting the speed and depth that the knives are cutting correct people call these feeds and speeds whenever i show people the mill they think that the part is going to be really hot but it's not most of the heat goes into these shavings which are called chips but they're not edible there are tons of different tools and cutters to do different things in the mill but i'm not going to get into those i'm using the mill to make a bunch of the simpler parts and this part which you would normally make on a lathe i have two lathes but according to my rules i can't use them but i can use my mill as a lathe which is a nice trick to know sometimes can get you out of a jam when i need metal parts for a project which is like every project ever i'm using this machine it's a tormach 1100 mx it's a cnc mill so it's just like the manual mill except for there's a computer turning the knobs instead of me computers are fast and precise so they can do stuff that i just can't do with my hands the liquid that it's spraying is called coolant this lubricates the tool and keeps metal from sticking to it and is really important for washing chips away so they don't build up and break your tool it holds 10 tools that it switches between automatically which is amazing because i can just put metal in it and it'll make the part for me while i do other stuff it also has this rotating axis that really reminds me of cooking something on a spit it'll spin your part as it cuts and it'll allow you to do all kinds of fancy things you can get machines that have a rotary axis like this stacked on top of another rotary axis it sounds kind of crazy but you can do some incredible things with that setup i don't know if you're out there haas but if you can hear me i'd love to talk about a umc 500 i can at least dream right this thing is so over engineered i think in french they call this a resistance piece hold on why is there a 3d printed part here i mean if you're going to cheat you might as well commit right you spin the launcher mechanism with this crank and drop a ball in and it should launch it okay it's not at all where i was expecting it to fire it's like my hundredth try finally more chooch means more power and i totally agree with that score although it's not really a score but it will be fixed in a future video i'm going to attach a high power motor to this and do some really cool things the other thing that it really needs is a timing mechanism so the balls go in at the right point of the rotation right now they go in at a random time and shoot out at a random point we need them to always come out of the end of the tube at the same time so that they fly consistently i'm not even going to try to hit the glass i could barely hit the foam [Music] metal joining and cutting is a really important part of my shop it allows me to make big strong things really fast i'm going to weld up a steel replica of da vinci's catapult design before we can get to welding i have to cut out a lot of thick steel and we are going to use a tool that would have absolutely blown da vinci's mind [Music] this is plasma cutting it is raw power cutting through steel like butter the way they do this is super cool plasma cutters use electricity to make a super hot stream of ionized gas which is called a plasma plasma conducts electricity which allows an arc to form between the torch and the metal that you want to cut the energy from the ark melts the metal and the focused blast of ionized gas shoots the molten metal away add in some computer control and you can cut out whatever shape you want this is a tormach 1300 pl that cuts up to four foot by four foot and i cannot overstate how superior this is to cutting metal with a grinder or any other way so this is the torch and this is what does the cutting you can actually move this around by hand but here i have it mounted to this gantry which moves it around and cuts out whatever shape you want the whole thing is powered by a hypertherm powermax power supply i designed and built a plasma cutter before this one but it isn't with us anymore it's watching over the new machine from plasma cutter heaven and now the fun part i'm welding everything with a vulcan protig 200 from harbor freight it is surprisingly good but you can't get it as far as i can tell harbor freight got sued so hard by lincoln electric that they just deleted the thing from the internet it's a tig machine which stands for tungsten inner gas which basically describes how the machine works this pointy rod is the tungsten it's charged with electricity which makes an arc between it and the material you want to weld this delivers so much energy that it melts the metal almost instantly although most metals have this annoying problem when you get them very hot they rust super fast to avoid this the machine flows a bubble of inert gas around the weld in my case it's argon argon is a noble gas which means aside from its aristocratic lineage does not want to react with anything unlike oxygen which will react with pretty much anything that moves since argon won't react with stuff you don't get oxidation tig doesn't really fume or smoke which is great for the basement when you're welding parts the heating and cooling tends to distort them so my welding table has a very thick top which you can clamp the parts to and this helps minimize the warping all these holes which make it look like a precision block of swiss cheese are made to accept drop in clamps and other fixtures which makes setup super fast and easy if you're wondering my welding table is called a rhino cart to make the catapult spring i'm using this cool tool called a ring roller and it's used for rolling rings i think that's as much as i'm going to be able to do if you put your hand in front of this knit one off i bet it would break your fingers oh gosh [Music] yeah that's what i'm saying that da vinci was one smart guy with a few tweaks this thing could be really powerful we all know what's going to happen the glass but come on i know the davinci catapult is fast but i want to know how fast and i have the perfect tool for the job so there's eight of these cameras hanging from the ceiling throughout my shop and these are motion tracking cameras they're made by a company called optitrack and you've probably seen these used in video games or movies you see people wearing silly suits with white dots all over it that's for these cameras so the way that these work is they flash a really bright light that we can't see it's invisible to humans but the cameras can see it and then anything that's reflective that light bounces it back to the camera this allows the camera to very reliably see the things you want to track if you have multiple cameras you can triangulate where that thing is in space this is the same thing that your eyes do to figure out how far away stuff is these things are super fast super accurate and the next project i'm working on uses the heck out of them i think it's very fitting that you calibrate the tracking system by basically waving a magic wand all right the system is up and tracking a ball as i move around on the table and here we go all right this is pretty cool this is the path that the ball took the catapult zinged it up it bounced off the foam went into the ceiling and then came out over here and fell to the ground we hit about 38 miles per hour it traversed my workbench in 150 milliseconds that's how long a blink takes machining is awesome although starting with a block of material and removing everything that isn't your part is pretty slow and expensive this is why i love plasma cut and folded sheet metal you're only using the material that you need to make the part and it's really fast and easy to make big strong things for example an all metal crossbow this crossbow has been designed to be folded out of thin sheet metal kind of like origami my cad software can flatten it out into a pattern that i cut on the plasma cutter this is basically the same as the davinci catapult when you cut thin sheet metal a bit of the molten metal tends to stick to the bottom of the parts i'm grinding it off at my downdraft there's a powerful metal dust collector attached to it this sucks all the metal particles away so they don't go into my lungs i find it hard to spend toolbox on safety stuff but it is important and it turns out my wife agrees finding a way to classify a tool is safety critical is the best way to sneak it by my wife isn't that amazing just look at the hot dog why don't you just not put your hand in the table saw while we're on the topic of safety let me show you what i do for first aid if you're gonna have big tools you have to be prepared for some big injuries tourniquet just in case this probably only applies to my shop but if i have a chest wound this will seal it if i'm having a really bad day it'll also seal the exit wound so you've got a skin stapler which i hope my wife will never have to use on me but it is pretty easy to catch your scalp on the stuff yeah this is what i use whenever my wife talks about one of my projects this is super glue for closing up wounds way better than bandages this is actually made for animals not humans but i think it's basically the same stuff and it's a lot cheaper don't quote me on that i'm not a doctor get the human stuff the vet stuff is a bad idea i'm an idiot and i'm going to be getting the human stuff probably [Music] bending sheet metal accurately is really hard to do which is why i have such a ridiculous bender the technical term for this is a break and it's made by grizzly it'll do 16 gauge steel up to 50 inches wide and this thing is phenomenal the amount of pain i went through before i got this thing is just off the charts getting the bender is most the work once you have it it's pretty simple to use you take whatever it is you want to bend and clamp it in the break and then pull this pivoting part up to whatever bend angle you want you can also take these fingers out to make clearance for bends that you couldn't make otherwise and that's it that's my first secret to sheet metal success i normally wouldn't give you the second secret until you recruit at least three people to the program but i'm feeling generous the secret is spot welders i think spot welders are just completely underrated they are super useful they're affordable but i don't see anyone using them i just don't understand it so let me show you you take two pieces of metal clamp them in the spot welder press the trigger and you're done really high heat a bit of pressure and two become one just like marriage this will join all the pieces of the crossbow together super fast i just love that even the string is sheet metal this one you have to it with a glove on you never want to get your fingers in front of it [Applause] it seems to have a lot less power than i calculated [Music] five i can't believe you give that a five as i said for style it has 18 stacked leaf springs my wife isn't impressed with i'm sure these ones are all touching each other so they all have to rub to fire and you lose a lot of energy i think i think it shows what you can do with sheet metal pretty well though it's only cool if you can break your house windows with it that's too bad i thought this one was cool this next catapult is designed for laser cutting laser cutting is a really fast really useful prototyping tool before 3d printers laser cutters were the king my goal for this one is to make a wrist mounted catapult so this fancy glass box this is my laser cutter it's a glowforge pro it cuts soft materials like wood and plastic with a beam of focused light the focused light is delivered by a co2 laser this is basically a glass tube filled with co2 with electrical connections on either end when electricity is applied it causes some of the co2 to emit light kind of like a tiny light bulb but what's special about this glass tube is that it has mirrors on either end some of this light will go towards the mirrors and start bouncing back and forth between them and sometimes something interesting happens when the light goes by another co2 molecule the co2 molecule will emit more light which will be going in the same direction as a light that's already bouncing back and forth between the mirrors this is called stimulated emission and it's basically what the word laser stands for so you get this enormous build up of light bouncing back and forth between these mirrors if you were to figuratively poke a little hole in one of the mirrors some of this light will come through and it will be an intense beam of light all going in the same direction which doesn't really happen in nature which is why lasers are so special so whenever you point this laser at something it just goes what the heck and disappears in a puff of smoke wherever the laser's touching it you really don't want to breathe this smoke so it gets sucked up into this filter the laser is moved around on a gantry so that it can cut anywhere on a sheet laser cutters are great because they're really easy to design for and cutting stuff out is fast and takes almost no work you just load a 2d drawing of what you want to cut in the software and hit cut that's it if you're in the market for one of these there's a link in the description that'll get you 500 off all right who needs a taser when you can have a wrist rocket like this alright ready not the most powerful i really like how the low profile articulating pivot came out i think with a couple tweaks it could be quite a lot more powerful [Music] i think i look like spider-man yep it does look like spider-man's web shooter a little bit especially the way you fire it the glass is a lost cause i accidentally kind of broke it so it can't even hit the glass from one foot away now now for the project that's a real conundrum how the heck am i going to make a catapult on the lathe you typically only make round parts on a lathe but i can't think of any examples of catapults that are made out of round parts well if you use my definition of catapult i can think of one unfortunately using explosives are against my rules so we're going to do something a little bit different everything is basically round and air pressure counts it's basically a spring so i have an idea i'm gonna build a launcher that you pump up and then release the pressure with a valve to shoot the ball i have two lathes this is my mini lathe which i had in my apartment and it is absolutely beaten to death this is the big brother to my mini lathe it's a precision matthews 1440 gt this thing is just an absolute joy to use the lathes work by holding whatever it is you want to cut in some kind of chuck as the chuck spins you stick various tools into the part to cut material off and just like the mill it cuts into the metal like butter there's a ton of different tools that you can use in the lathe but the thing that they pretty much all have in common is that they make round parts i have an issue with the trigger valve for this launcher although it's possible these parts are very difficult to make on a traditional lathe setup did you know a lathe is just a mill on its side with some missing parts we can add those parts back now we have a mill [Music] pretty cool you can do milling with this but you should not put it into a quick change tool post it's not stiff and you can potentially damage stuff be smart don't do what i did i was able to get this pretty simple the hardest parts to make were the check valves for the pump i designed everything to go up to at least a thousand psi but i screwed up the pump and i'm way under that you pump this one up a bunch of times [Music] [Music] can it break the glass that's the question no no no [Music] yeah won't even break the glass you showed me i showed you yeah not a great indoor toy eight yes finally it's twice as good that's very satisfying and this is definitely a catapult right well actually it's just using the power of the wind rather than the power of the inclined plane or whatever i really wasn't sure what the best catapult would be to show off my woodworking tools but i've got it i wanted one of my catapults to have a wife mode so i'm making a box with a secret catapult in the lid when you open the box you won't see anything but then the secret arm will come down and launch a ball at you i have all these woodworking tools because they are surprisingly useful for making functional stuff aside from that i do zero woodworking this tool right here is a planer it's a dewalt 735 i think inside of it there's a spinning set of blades that can remove a thin layer from a piece of wood you put a plank of wood in one side and it comes out the other side slightly thinner flat and with a good surface finish my main use of this is when i need accurate flat wood for some kind of fixture or when i need to make a big flat piece of wood out of small glued together pieces i did this a ton for my crocs project this is my compound miter saw this thing is so useful i think this is the first power tool i got for this shop you can cut two by fours you can cut smaller pieces of plywood you can cut aluminum i use this on almost every project this machine is a jointer and i am absolutely terrified of it this thing will take you from five fingers to zero in the blink of an eye so it has a set of spinning blades just like the planer and it removes a thin layer of wood just like the planer but the difference is that this is designed to make your wood square so this wood is not square on the side this is an extreme example but you run it through the joiner a few times and it's square i'm using a router table to make the rabbit joints for the box there's not a whole lot to these they just hold a router in a very dangerous mangle your hand upside down position you can also get special bits for deburring and chamfering aluminum and steel woodworking machines make a ludicrous amount of dust so i have a central dust collection system that sucks all the dust out of all the woodworking machines this is a grizzly 860 dust collector it's centrifugal which is super sweet and inside the dust collector it looks like this at the center there's essentially a shop vac pulling air in from all directions and this end is open it's where it sucks the dusty air in and because the air has mass as it comes in it doesn't go straight into the hole it actually spirals around and then goes into the vacuum the sawdust in the air weighs a lot more when it comes flying in it can actually make this sharp of a turn so it hits the wall slows down and drops into the collection bin the air continues on without the dust in it and gets sucked up into the vacuum the dust that makes it through goes into this air filter but it is an absolutely tiny amount of dust which is really good because it would otherwise clog this filter which is a huge hassle to deal with if you're looking at getting a dust collector i really recommend some kind of centrifugal one assembling the box is just straightforward woodworker stuff that i'm not very good at i'm using a magnet to hold the ball on the catapult upside down [Music] when someone opens this they don't see the arm until it's too late i haven't tried to plenty fast ones on my wife in quite a while so i think i should be good check this out what's in the box it's my woodworking catapult so smooth yeah it turned out pretty nice oh ow why would you point it at me i've learned this gets the 10 let's see if we can hit something besides my neck that's not surprising i tried to make this one only a nuisance not deadly don't you think we should put this in the guest room whenever we had people visit ignoring performance which is your favorite tube tube very satisfying to get in the phone there i mean they're all so great it's like it's like choosing a favorite child i knew you were gonna say that i didn't say they're my children i'm just saying it's like children i think my favorite is the 3d printed one just because the design is unusual all the stacked springs it's like pocketable catapult i actually like sheet metal one for the same reason but i wouldn't say it's a good design but it's interesting it's not good but it's unique yeah i think i may have gotten a little bit carried away with all these catapults at least a little bit it was a lot of fun though and i hope that you enjoyed it i try really hard to give you a bit more than you bargained for with all these videos and if you do enjoy them please consider subscribing it helps me out and it'll keep you in the loop when there's some new stuff made here and like i said before i designed so many things that i had to gloss over almost all the details i'm planning to post more videos going into the details of these on my second channel so check that out if you're interested so if you think about what's actually happening here i'm a guy in his basement building catapults for your enjoyment it is a very strange time to be alive and the reason i'm able to put so much time into projects like this that are kind of pointless but hopefully entertaining and educational is mostly thanks to video sponsors so if you want to help ensure that more videos like this get made taking a minute to check out the sponsor is very helpful and the sponsor for this video is micro center i'm a huge micro center fanboy the fact that they want to sponsor my videos is still amazing and makes me really happy it all comes down to the fact that i'm a nerd i do nerd things and i need electronics computers 3d printers and i need them now micro center has all that and their prices are really good i built my entire computer from parts from micro center and it was cheaper than buying the parts online it's also the only physical store that i know of that i can go buy electronics kits if you do anything even tangentially related to nerd stuff you should go visit a micro center there's 25 of them across the us take some time to walk around you're going to find stuff that you can't find anywhere else and if you do go to one they're doing something i think is a little crazy they're going to give you a free pair of bluetooth headphones like totally free so if you're interested in headphones all you have to do is click on the link in the description put in your email and they'll give you a coupon that you can take to the store and they'll give you a free pair of headphones it's a little crazy they'll give you headphones just for visiting but i guess they know the store is great and that you're gonna like it so go check out micro center it is great and if you're interested get some free headphones [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Stuff Made Here
Views: 12,057,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SjJulcvTA7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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