THIS is why I dont play salmon run in splatoon 2

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hello everybody and welcome back now it's no surprise that I don't play salmon run very often I don't play a lot of splatoon in general when I'm not streaming but I definitely don't play salmon run which is weird because this modes a lot of fun not super stoked about those supply weapons today but it's you know it could be worse all right enough messing around let's go ahead and do this the best part about salmon run is you get those little level up tickets as a bonus you know those ones you can use a crusty Shawn shop I really really need some of those I'm only like professional 100 right so I can't imagine this would be that bad thought I wouldn't notice you uh he thought you'd be alone over here nobody would know I was outside of the I was away from it I was clearly outside of the mouth come on come on come on stop stop stop absurd me I hate those things I hate those things so much there's a lot of bosses I don't like in this mode but those are potentially my least favorite I don't know we finished the first wave with 20 out of 9 I have a feeling we're gonna be okay this round where as our other teammate where is he he's gone he disconnected that's why he was asking for nine eggs I knew that was low on the bright side that person disconnecting reduced our quota by like a billion so we only need nine eggs which should be pretty easy to get there you go we go that's 20 out of nine again we're killing this right now this is easy is it easy this is the only mode we're having a disconnect actually makes it easier for you wait so is there a oh I thought I thought we had two disconnects I was about to be like bro the quota better be like to be patient I'm throwing it in the right there you go booyah I deserves a booyah that is next-level coordination right there okay we got this so easy there's more eggs than we even know what to do it are you dead stop dying stuff done stop I'm gonna die I died that's embarrassing oh my god please save me oh my god drew of us are dead don't don't you dare don't you dare don't you dare it's over it's done if we died that would have been the most infuriating thing reset your job title what No why would anyone want to do that Oh reset rank what why would you want to reset your rank what can someone in the comments please tell me what the purpose of that would be I still don't understand the decoration and the atmosphere of this map like there's two giant sausages being stabbed over there there's a giant asparagus stick three is giant asparagus what what is this map that corn you must smell fantastic here there's just constant barbecue everywhere wait for it wait for it I got it no I got it I got it I don't got it I don't everything no I got it no oh my god the railing the railing just saved my life I'm alive this is great I'm out of here screw that sloshing machine is great by the way this is a great weapon in general salmon run just as good now stop stop yeah you better what stop stop stop stop really there were so many of them I haven't seen one of you guys in a while what's up snot mouth yeah that's right gotta excuse me rude excuse me rude I think fly fish are my absolutely favorite I know I said that the stingers are something were my least favorite earlier but I take it back fly fish have been and always will be my least favorite boss nicely done waves completed with four teammates at this rate dude I'll get to like professional 500 in no time oh no it's just it's one of these modes well I haven't seen this in a minute oh here they come no don't bring them up here I'm up here this is supposed to be my safe spot oh this is bad this is really bad we can't all be up here we're gonna die yo those eggs just flew across the Metro oh boy oh boy they killed them and they're gonna come for me Oh God yo Brella is Oh Pete Rose Oh Pete next time they come for me I'm just gonna send my Brella in a straight line right after them it'll work trust me on this go Brella go okay never mind run run run there's two of us yo this is not good this is really not a good spot to be hanging out for this I get there just near the basket or whatever but it's really like they're getting to us pretty easily up here don't come for me please don't go for me you know what dude go for me is I'm ready yeah that's right letter I come this way go Brella look at it look at it go no I thought I was so cool with my umbrella who's that shooting over there I'm gonna handle him personally I'm gonna go over there personally I'm gonna give him what for no no guys I got this I got this I got this I don't need any help all right well Oh what are you guys again y'all got some nerve showing up here y'all got some are you trying to kill me actually that's the answer he definitely is trying to kill me come get some come get snow hey there's one of us left please don't okay I might possibly be doing like the absolute worst on the team Rey is having a blast look at him go he's so stoked about being here he's just so he's that guy you know that guy at work who's just can't wait to clock in at 5:00 a.m. we could beat that we could win right here we can do this right here this is like this is like a billion eggs the billion eggs okay it's one like six or seven Julian's are spectacular and salmon run they're so powerful they help you dodge stuff they're great okay there you go my man's is alive I'm scared I'm scared I'm dead why am I the one that keeps dying so much I can't possibly be that bad at this not bad thirty-one out of 17 in the last wave that's pretty we're pretty much gods look at me no look at me look at me with the moves right now I did a double backflip that was dope I've never seen that before esophagus that's a weird weird username who decided okay so I have to I have to make a name for myself on switch that the whole world's gonna see I'm gonna name myself esophagus Oh what's canons I love this mode I think I think I love this mode I'm not really too sure what's up buddy how you doing there hold on esophagus I'll take care of you there you go what a strange sentence that was I can probably kill that guy with this right I can kill that guy I can nice yeah that's why I like these cannons they kill those guys instantly and I hate them I hate them with a passion Mario karts are like the least intimidating thing they're they're the easiest to take care of right I like taking care of them do them and moss are like my two favorite bosses there's the easiest easiest to kill he'll lead him right to the basket go for the quick kill and you're good to go these guys on the other hand who they never like to cooperate all right buddy open up your dumpsters you freaking trash heap there I said it I'm sorry but I had to say a nice throw dude nice throw really good oh nice throw two times two times this man is a real Michael B Jordan if I ever seen one there you go we have the eggs we're done we're good to go I'm leaving screw you guys I'd say if I were to have the ultimate salmon run loadout it would have to have Dooley's bamboozler Bambuser is great in my opinion this mode probably Brella and probably I think rollers are pretty good normally I'll take that thank you very much yes more points for me I'm shooting this like it's a competition it's not one second left a we did it nicely done with only two casualties we haven't actually lost one of these games yet so I'd say we're doing pretty good so far if I could just get this kid ruses please could you go please could you go I need help hey help really really oh I'm gonna remember that you were gonna regret that decision because I'm gonna frickin next time you need saving oh I'm gonna die I'm scared okay hello hello hi hi nice to meet you no thanks there's too much rain there's too much right I'm you know what I'm just gonna real quick oh my god did I just get my splashdown cancelled and salmon run you know fly fish just canceled my splashdown in salmon run this is like the one the last place I would expect a splashdown I get cancelled and a freaking fly fish with his missile from the great beyond that happen twice on the second wave we're still very salty about that last round I have no splashdowns now that's supposed to be like the best in my opinion the best special in this game and and in salmon run especially but no I got proven today that even salmonids can ruin no chances of having a successful splash now that's garbage hey buddy can do that right in front of my face all right man stop can someone stop that stingray please someone stop that guy I'll go handle it myself then since no one wants to freaking go over and kill freaking stinger can't be bothered let's focus on the mall instead let's focus on a steel eel no it's didn't right he can wait he's all the way over there he can wait meanwhile he's shooting me down no one else cares we just won with 37 eggs on the third wave and the second way we like barely made it by the skin of our teeth I don't see how that works but okay I would love to see a weapon or our mold rather in salmon run where you can customize the bosses and customize the level so much like you could have like a million steel evils come after you and that's it you know what I mean like when spittoon ever gets modded it's platoon 2 reaches that point where it can be modded which it inevitably will I want to see custom salmon run modes what's going on over here you all right buddy yeah having some trouble with the moth poor guy I saved you it's all good it's all good oh we did it I didn't even use my special once I shouldn't brag about that it probably cost someone their life oh it's not over yet it's not over yet that was the second way I thought that was the third wave that's really awkward that's really awkward uh well let's hope I don't need my special in the third wave because I just totally wasted one oh my god I'm such an idiot sometimes man we're all out here just doing our best you know that best night beating that may not be to be help help help help help help oh my god okay who's dead who's dead I'll save got you buddy gosh you looking at easy win I don't even care if I died easy win where we're dealing with here high tide okay I got the Dooley so that's good oh oh this is bad this is bad okay off to a great start with this round aren't we Jordan no I'm doing absolute bones this round I'm doing absolute bones and in all three of us are you see I'm okay I'm gonna act like that didn't happen okay forgetting the previous round what previous round I don't know I don't even know what I'm just I'm just saying things one of those things called again steel heads no iron heads metal heads I don't remember don't swing your pan at me who's that what yeah what are you called what do you call are you called the steel head I think it's called the steel head oh I see you creeping up here they're not be walking up here how do you walk up here your honor you're on a stove top how do you get up here I can't see a thing and of course I fall right in the water like a fool the biggest enemy to the game now I'm stuck with Campbell's soup over here creaking spitting is there you go problem solved okay we got a double steel eel situation going on here that's interesting call-out we got a double steal little situation on our on our six run run okay more missiles enough of these please oh oh okay I'm in the thick of it now I'm out of here see you later no I almost got up out of my chair I was genuinely scared just then collect egg put in no I couldn't run away this mode gets pretty bull after a certain period of time No are you serious we didn't have enough eggs we got to the third wave give us something cool like fog or something we're gonna have those Goldie's come out that dropped like a billion eggs that's what I want I don't think it's that many pans to give to all these salmon like they must have like millions and millions of pans down there wherever it is that they're coming from now I wanna know what's down there I want to see the salmon base that's without my ghost will 2 & 3 better have like a salmon story mode where we go underwater somehow and we can see like where the salmon live I want to know what's down there where these guys are coming from and now they have so many goddamn pants oh no it's this mode again okay Aaron umbrella this time oh I have splatling that's fine we're fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm not fine I'm gonna die definitely gonna die but we're gonna die Jeff Lee dying right here okay there's my death guys I need help guys I had an accident the connection is stable and that guy's uh-oh what is happening right now are you alright we're running out of time dude there's like a mosh pit of salmon happening right here all right then Oh God hello where'd you even come from I didn't even see you you're sneaky aren't you these steel eels you would think for being giant mechanical machines they'd be a little bit a little bit less stealthy yet I always find myself surprised when I turn around in one of them just kisses me right in the face with their cold metal lips yo what if we had stamp and booyah bomb in this mode and it'd be so cool the super stamp would be amazing in this mode which I guess is probably why they don't put it in I have a splashdown don't be scared to use it there's one there's one use Oh I could have done a splashdown save them I was doing so good we were doing so good I have a hundred and eighty pay grade I barely made any progress today I got so far and for what nothing screw this I'm done you
Channel: JayMoji
Views: 621,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: splatoon, splaton, splatoon 2, splatoon two, splatoon to, spla2n, splatoon salmon run, splatoon 2 salmon run, splatoon 2 salmon run online, splatoon 2 multiplayer, splatoon 2 random weapon, splatoon salmon run funny moments, splatoon funny moments, gameplay, commentary, highlights, splatoon 2 salmon run glitch, jaymoji, jaymoji splatoon, jaymoji salmon run, nintendo switch, nintendo online
Id: HGbthTRdc9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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