Splatoon 2 Kensa Weapons are for SNOBS

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I hear you like Tony Kenz aha you like the Ken's a weapon collection let me tell you something about kenza weapons they're bougie yeah that's right bougie I don't even know how to spell that now why is the kensic collection bougie you might be asking me what why are you using that word so much first off it's so much fun to say bougie just try it boogy boogy boogy okay anyway why are Ken's at weapons booty they're expensive they're also black and white which means they're sleek which means they're supposed to be expensive and they have clothing pins which is I guess artsy and the art is expensive so that's why I'm here today I'm gonna see if Ken's at weapons are really all that great we're using a the the sloshing machine and can I just say I actually quite really let enjoy using sloshing machines they're fun to use they're you know they're they're um they're fun to use they're actually quite efficient in killing which is you know when I'm looking for an item to purchase that's the first thing on my tier list it can it kill someone with quick and ease and if it does it from not buying it is that a hairbrush is gonna kill somebody with quick ease and discretion no it's not put it down is that a pack of 64 Legos don't buy that Alessa kill actually Legos could probably kill someone with ease if you just lay like 60 of them out in front of your house you could totally wipe out all criminals also did we just win whoever picked up the Rainmaker just went like 0 to 60 in 25 seconds and went straight for the podium and made it I mean I ranked up so I'm not gonna complain I have splashed down with this which I will not complain kind of my favorite special I'm a spider shot mane so you having to splash down handy on me is pretty good for situations when I'm panicking and freaking out and not knowing what I'm doing just hit the splashdown button it solves every problem except when it doesn't which is a lot of the time but I like to think that it does excuse me I appear to be allergic to all the boo genus in the air I gotta stop saying bougie it's not it's really not funny anymore in fact I don't think it was funny to begin with you never really see anybody using sloshing machine and I don't get it they're so good they're way better than I thought they were there they're just they kill people in tune it's their Swift they're not great with covering turf but they don't need to be because they're meant for you know frontline ranked competitive action which honestly is my life ready for this wait can I just like win this right now like real quick can I just like win this real quick yep okay awesome look at that I don't really use brushes ever I don't really like them I'm not good with them and I'm also scared of them because if you ever actually like gone against a really good brush player you know how they like like you don't see them and then they don't and then you're dead because you never it's just that's how it is it's terrifying right I'm scared of them because of that reason what even kill or Luna blaster of course and with a full thing of main power Rob because what else would you put on a little blaster well you put bomb defense to protect yourself from the enemies explosions now respawn Punisher to really give your team the upper hand now no no no main power up to eviscerate anything that you sneeze near they don't play around but neither do i I play in a square so you get it because like I said play around but like the it's like something's like different from a circle will be a square so instead of playing around I play in a square okay you know honestly I deserve that I think after that pun I definitely had that coming doesn't win a blaster right there got you in my sights Ilona all right someone else did I guess too but that's okay yes oh that was a sweet double kill nice crispy juicy sweet double killed like a quesadilla on Sunday let's go like a quesadilla on Sunday what the hell does that mean what I have ultra stamp I could be using that right now but I'm not I'm too busy dealing with all that main power up dude is there some kind of meta behind main powerup is it like this is it like the strength up of splatoon to where any weapon you have just getting you off ah surprise attack now these things are good for surprise attacks gotta give him that and that was the surprise attack if I've ever seen one wow I had no idea he was there but guess what dude guess what I got a little Sam too two can play at that game my boy so get ready for some sauce cuz your meatballs about to get drenched that sounds way weirder than I wanted it to I meant like meatballs and sauce like tomato sauce like like stew like you get like that put the sauce on the meatballs but it just ended up sounding okay psych no we ain't come on side wait he had armor hold on I gotta do it again come on side there ya go second time's the charm yeah [Music] okay didn't get anyone but and it's okay hi Rainmaker don't step in that bomb oh right see we're gonna be a little bit of a rebellious team today that's fine that's fine take orders from now on I see we are like what twelve Inklings I think are twelve years old or something so you know we all reach that phase it's okay if you want to run into a explosive nearly detonated bomb go for it we've been on this map a lot today I can't say I'm a big fan of it but whatevs it's all good is I I'm a very calm and collected person you will know something about me I'm calm and collected I don't scream I don't rage I don't get mad I don't get salty on a real note I don't actually get salty at this game I'm quite proud of that when I was a kid though all bets were off like when I was 15 when splatoon like first came out like the first game man I wouldn't go to I would not go to sleep until I want a ranked match and some days like I would I would have to go to bed because it'd be like a school night and then I would like go I would be so mad I'd be like and I'd be a little salty kid when I wake up in the morning but then I'd have to go to school and then it'd be his salty all day and in high school and he will be like real why you such a salty do so watch this easy double kill wait I might've been hold on easy triple kill let me have this quad kill hold on wait wait okay never mind wow yeah oh dude I am never able to take down hydra splatling the fact that i just achieved that says a lot about this weapon I don't know why I don't use it more often honestly I guess because I prefer my spider shot over anything else okay that's the second time I've tried to use a booyah bomb and exploded from miscellaneous things all right buddy this would be going on for way too long we are in overtime now there you go we actually won see this weapon is good okay finally wrong Manson Maria I've been waiting to go on this map for a while a little change of scenery change of weapon everything's looking pretty good although I do have gloog adieu lose which I just realized I don't know how to use that's fine there you go see this weapon is good is it just a good weapon I'll have sort of bomb as well busy bomb or whatever the so it's fizzy soda bomb some coca-cola bomb who knows who carries a climber let's go there you go oh yeah okay definitely shouldn't have done that should I jump to you you're gonna die in a second I think but you aren't so I'm for all you died okay wait a second this might be okay thank you Dooley dashing you saved my life just then I don't know where I'd be without you probably dead actually I think I think I know exactly where I'd be without you dead I might have not should not have done that okay oh go over here my voice increased as I got more terrified we lost the lead so I got to kill him and I'm dead Oh would flopping of course what a nice guy okay so whatever we use that well we haven't used over the mini splatling ignore the fact that I almost never use it still like it they are gonna male sorry sorry sorry I know I wasn't have an idea that didn't what that didn't get him that totally got him oh he was wearing camouflage I couldn't see him oh oh you made a mistake honeyBun you made a mistake sweetheart you made a mistake babycakes come on come on come on come on come on come on come on that guy can run she where'd it even go I want to make a real life fizzy bomb I guess that it gets that's actually kind of easier done than said cuz you just gotta just gotta take a soak and shake it up throw it good guy fizzy bomb don't mind if I do does that count as kills towards me or was it the Rainmaker solely the Rainmaker actually would get credit for that maybe I don't know I don't care okay I didn't see him I couldn't it's the camouflage dude he's so good at hiding what what are you what are you doing what are you doing the round is still going he can still win oh never mind okay all right I haven't given this a shot yet if I don't know how to use this but we're gonna try the Kenza Danella think about the cans of the namib allure is that it's probably the most boozy out of all these bougie bunch maybe i should all whoopsies i had a hiccup all that was happening they're getting way too close someone's got to stop it it'll be me the denominator second and there he goes fight someone grab that and run off the map there you go Man Overboard it's okay though he's taking 114 whoa guys yeah got one of them at least when it comes over here I'll be ready for him I will be so ready for him well okay gets not coming over here all right then no yes No Oh that was not cool I had one little last glimpse of hope one last dynamo flick now I know we didn't do every Kenzel weapon but I really do want to finish using the splatter scope now I gotta admit man this weapon looks awesome I wish I use it as a main weapon because the kit isn't my favorite but man Oh whoopsies didn't mean to do that just kidding I did it's always good if you could make your attacks look like an accident and it's even better when sometimes they actually are accidents I've had that happen quite often where I don't mean to kill someone but I do anyway and I just play it off is like yeah yeah I meant that you know some days my charger aim is just on point other days you know it's not and I wish it were always but it's never like right now I needed to be on point and it's not give me this I'm gonna take it if you want something done right do it yourself okay I'm doing it wrong please help someone help don't know what to do kind of someone help are you good really okay this is not good I'm stuck here somebody please help I mean he can't get to me technically right they technically can't get to me so I could just stay here forever and we'll be fine dang it I did what I could I hung in there for as long as I could it wasn't enough but I did it okay I was clinging on for dear life and you know what at the end of the day I think it paid off I just want to get some sick charger shot so I can look way cooler than I actually am that's how you really like that's how you want to talk about how to get Klout that's how you get Klout Magus of epic charger shots I wish I could do that I mean I can sometimes but just usually the cameras off and you never see him excuse me gentlemen do you mind if I just cook booyah no yeah okay I don't like the sub weapon just realized it's a sprinkler and I can't do anything with the sprinkler on a Rainmaker match what am I gonna do with a sprinkler I guess what'll help you build up your special but it's like what what other purpose is in half like yeah you you go you go sprinkler so lame oh speaking of lame nice jump nerd bag cheese man I wish I was good at this game oh that's that's really embarrassing so that's all the kinds of weapons I care to look through what do we learn today folks lesson at the end of the day moral of the story ken's of weapons there booth [Music]
Channel: JayMoji
Views: 1,423,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: splatoon, splaton, splatoon 2, splatoon two, splatoon kensa, tony kensa, kensa, splatoon 2 kensa weapons, kensa weapons, kensa brush, kensa sloshing machine, kensa splattershot, ultra stamp, booyah bomb, splatoon 2 weapons, jaymoji, funny moments, commentary, gameplay, gaming, splatoon 2 funny moments, nintendo, nintendo online, rainmaker, rankd battles, nintendo switch
Id: WXERlehoX3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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