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2020 has been a year that none of us will ever forget a year of massive challenges things we never saw coming so you know we live our lives day to day right and we think that tomorrow is going to be like today and yesterday and for years and years that can be true but of course within our individual lives within lives of our family our community and country for that matter something can happen and everything is the change everything has changed at that point and it's maybe never going to be like it was before but we adapt we move forward maybe sometimes we don't do it the right way or you know we don't attack it like we should we have to remember it you know we have to we've got history there for a reason so that we can look back and see what happened and see what people have done before us in the 18th century in north america perfect example a lot of great upheavals societal upheavals changes in uh culture we've got wars revolutions uh we've got epidemics we've got all these things happening and we have to look at what comes out of it and how those people reacted to it and some reacted you know the wrong way and other people use those difficulties those challenges to build a foundation of ideas and i don't know toughness for the lack of a better word maybe or just resilience to build a better world from those ashes as it were maybe we don't want to admit it but we're sometimes in situations just like that where we have to figure out how to build upon those ashes and we can retreat and we can look back and some people you know some people accuse us here on the channel of living in the past of not looking to the future but the very reason why we look at the past and we live in it as it were as in some ways is to meet the challenges of the future that's the very reason why we look back there at those things because this is nothing new this is nothing you know a great extraordinary occurrence it's never ever happened in the world before now maybe this is a little more you know involved in some ways but in other ways they had even bigger challenges than we do so can we build on those ashes that that old foundation using what we've looked back in the past and build on that come up with new ideas new adaptions yes of course we can and we will on the on the channel we had great plans for 2020. going to all sorts of historic sites and things like that but we couldn't do them they were not possible for us to do so we had to take ideas that we had sort of way out there in the future and and bring them into the now and do them right away and so that's exactly what we did it worked because you were there to support us no one alone attacks these ideas builds on these foundations and has great success they all have to come together as family as community as you know larger communities or countries whatever that is that they they have to come together to build on those foundations and that's what you guys have done for us we could not build uh and change and adapt without the support of the community and some of that support is simply watching and commenting and suggesting and sharing our videos and some people come along and help support us financially all these things make it truly possible i could not do it without you of course i could not do it without the team i don't make these videos alone so you know together as a team aaron and ryan and i have worked together to create content specifically for this year and hopefully that's been a great benefit and help and we want to continue to do that into 2021 we've got some great plans we can't wait to get there and we'll be adapting and changing and doing what we can all along the way again could not could not do it without you folks uh there in the channel supporting what we do i am so excited to get into this next year and these new ideas and we've got lots of stuff lots of stuff on the plate to work on it is going to be even if it's challenging and we know 2021 is going to be challenging no matter how challenging it is we want to keep doing what we do here on the channel with your support thank you so much for all you do i hope you have a tremendous 2021 and thanks for watching today
Channel: Townsends
Views: 330,031
Rating: 4.9644933 out of 5
Keywords: townsends, jas townsend and son, reenacting, history, 18th century, 19th century, jon townsend, 18th century cooking
Id: RLkI38HxWV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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