Jon's Other Interests! - Q&A

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we've got a great set of questions this week the main question is on my other interests thanks for joining us today on questions and answers with James Townsend and son here's a question on the pemmican series it's James de Leske James I have a question was pemmican made with pork or can it be oh I don't know that's a really good question it's likely that you could make it with pork but I've never tried it maybe someone out there in YouTube land has tried making pemmican with pork if you have please do give a comment down in the comment section below here is 3000gt welder it's on the roast beef episode he says do you just wear new clothes every episode they always look new never broken in and maybe I'll just take really good care of my clothes no usually I just throw them in a pile on the ground and I don't know why they look good all the time the camera must make them look new because I certainly don't keep them clean here's an interesting question it's on the baking bread in the earthen oven it's Hubert's or ski says can you get the ingredients for making the bread please it's kind of an interesting thing right here in the 18th century actually they had a problem with our alterations of bread and in England during the in the bread Assizes in the late 18th century they actually had rules about exactly what bread was and they said bread is made of four ingredients it's flour water salt and yeast that's it that's all that bread was supposed to be at least the kind that you would buy from the baker in an everyday setting not enriched breads that would have milk or eggs in them so bread in the time period and even today is very very simple really you don't need very much of the salt or very much of the yeast it's basically get the right amount of flour in there with the right amount of water and you've got it this one came in on the steak pudding episode and in that episode I've got Kevin sort of co-hosting with me and David golf says your son looks older than you well Kevin's not my son number one he's just a friend who works here at James Townsend and son and he is older than me so there you go here's one from the most recent episode where we did the pigeon pie in the pork Cheshire pie it's actually rerun from the first or second season this is Robert Zak ow question would they have used root vegetables as well so the answer is yes in the 18th century they did do things that are kind of what we would call maybe a chicken pot pie these were sort of similar to that but they didn't have vegetables in them there is an interesting vegetable pie episode that we've done in the past I'll make sure to put a link down in the description section so you can see that one here we go this one is on the earth and oven in in a day or the 24-hour earthen oven episode that I did that was the second earthen oven episode this one is mr. Ferguson how long would one of these last just an educated guess that oven I covered it up with a tarp it lasted several months three or four months right there on the ground like that but generally the ones that are made on the ground like this probably really shouldn't be used for any great length of time they don't they don't age well and if you want to make sure to check out the earthen oven in a day one the last one we did at the 5:00 metal event last fall that one you can see what how the the ground oven lasted compared to the one up on top again most of these ovens will last quite a while if you protect them from the weather if you don't they're going to be gone in a week if your oven is protected and especially up off the ground it can last for years the very first one we made that was four or five maybe even six years ago that oven is still usable today although actually a whole bunch of bees live in it bee hive decided to take up and their home inside the beehive oven which is really weird here's just Jay this one's on the pigeon pie episode also anything on cheese making in colonial times yet we have got some cheese making episodes scheduled into the future it may be all the way until fall because we're going to go out to a stork site to do those episodes but again stay tuned were working on it and here's Matthew five six seven by heart and it's on the pigeon pie when he says how long did you cook the pigeon pie excellent question that was a white quite a while ago but a pie like this the internal ingredients are all basically cooked already so we don't need to worry about that so much we're basically just cooking the shell 3040 minutes something like that here's a great question from Vicki summers and this is on the puff paste crust how to make puff paste episode is it an American thing or an 18th century thing to call pastry just paste and if you look in almost of the 18th century cookbooks the English cookbooks they all will reference the reference pastry and the reference paste itself in other words just the crust so it's it's basically an 18th century thing it's not specifically American this is Maria Bloomberg it's from a recent or maybe quite a while back qat he says she says an orderly book I recently worked on describes cutting up tents to make flour bags during the Revolutionary War circa 1781 and then I asked her about that reference because that's not a very interesting to me and here's what she says it's part of a collection of Revolutionary War orderly books that has been or have been digitized at the Huntington Library where I work and she goes on to describe the the manuscripts of all these in very interesting orderly books from the Revolutionary War II era if you want to check this out I'll make sure to put a link down in the description section that will take you to the library and to its manuscript section so you can see some of these original eighteenth-century documents they're actually the one I picked up very easy to read and some very interesting content it takes a little bit more to dig out the the Nuggets but it's the kind of stuff that you won't find place else this one's from big closet junk John I'm curious are there any other things you'd like to do other than 18th century related things wow I hope you've got a while here are some here's a quick list I like video production in general it's one of the reasons why we do all these youtubes but I also like doing 16 millimeter film with actual film that's fun stuff I don't get to do enough of it I haven't been able to do very much of it lately photography in general whether it's chemical photography or digital photography I enjoy that sailing and boat building I love sailing in boat building I have a lot of fun with that and it's again kind of quasi 18th century related I love studying the 18th century stuff and playing with the modern stuff computers in general I've always been a computer guy ham radio I'm a ham radio operator haven't played around with that lately but electronics in general radio controlled airplanes anything that's old technology and especially things like tube amplifiers and all that kind of stuff so and that's just a few of the oddball things that I really enjoy doing besides 18th century related things and I have a lot of fun with 18th century stuff too all this old technology stuff I very interested in it hey we're working on some great content right now and that is a getting started series we're really experimenting with this we're not sure exactly how we want to do it but we got the first episode done and it's sort of a video slash podcast thing we're not sure what it is yet it's that weird anyway if you'd like to sign up and start getting this content I'm going to put a link down in the comment section it's going to be called the getting started series it'll be a link on our website and all you got to do is fill out your email address and then you'll get that content as soon as it becomes available really we're almost ready to release the first one so make sure to sign up for that if you're interested in getting started with living at all I want to thank everyone for your amazing questions and your wonderful in-kind comments that encouraged us so much thank you for all you do for us sharing videos in the comments thank you so much for all that and thanks for watching if you're a new viewer and you haven't subscribed press the subscribe button up here that will take you to a spot where you can subscribe I want to thank everyone for watching
Channel: Townsends
Views: 187,211
Rating: 4.9711523 out of 5
Keywords: bread, baking, jon townsend, hobby, jas townsend and son, reenacting, history, 18th century, mud oven, colonial cooking
Id: qz9BqylSeM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2016
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