The Intrusion Of Modern Politics On Our YouTube Channel

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It's Thursday and normally I do a Q&A today but  I just can't do it I cannot do it you know I I've   been reading some of the comments in the channel  working through looking for questions to work on   today and it is very difficult there are times  when the comment section in the channel is just   so exciting and so energizing to read through the  comments and find out about how people are excited   about history excited about learning about other  cultures or cultures through time food sometimes   we talk about historic sites or doing historical  reenacting or you know technologies all these   things are so exciting to me I there is a there's  a thousands of miles you know deep down that we   can study there's so much to work through and yet  you know Monday's video was a cooking episode of   cooking episode about a dessert that was used  in the 18th century called an orange fool and   you know it showed up on the schedule when it did  it was just sort of you know hey we kind of spaced   out with our videos orange fool falled fell on  on July 3rd and it was one of those videos that   was that we did at Mount Vernon and it was one of  the episodes at Mount Vernon chose we said fine   that seems like a great kind of dessert that might  typically show up on the on the Washington's table   let's do it and yet so many people got the idea  that there was somehow a hidden or maybe not so   subtle message about the title of our episode  that it was somehow political in nature that   is very even longtime subscribers were thinking  that this was true and really I mean we've done   hundreds of videos three four or five hundred  videos are available on YouTube do they have   subtle hidden political messages no did Monday's  video have a political message that was put forth   by anybody at James Townsend and son no and I'm  not sure where you would get that idea especially   if you've watched our past episodes that's not  what we do and even in Monday's episode there   was nothing there that was meant to be political  in nature and especially modern politics in fact   I really am happy to bring you a channel that  has very little modern politics involved I mean   we do touch on political things having to do with  historical things I mean obviously we're dealing   with the 17th 18th 19th century and so we touch  on political issues but they tend to be kind of   general societal political issues not specific  party issues and really they're not so much   political as they are societal issues whether  it's you know how cultures interact and etc so   you know that's what we talk about here on the  channel we don't draw analogies and connections   to modern politics that's not what we're here  to do if you want that you can probably get   that on thousands millions of other channels on  YouTube there's enough of that on television on   the radio on the internet as it is we are as a  modern audience bombarded with politics highly   highly divisive politics at that we have entered  an era where and there have been eras in the past   that are equally disturbing but we have entered  this era where you know everything has to do with   politics well guess what Monday's episode was not  about politics and that is frustrating to me that   everything we do even in a simple episode about  cooking has to somehow be dragged in to that into   that arena I don't want to be there I don't do  videos about that in fact I think as individuals   we are much much more served better served by  studying individuals and how they relate to each   other in history so that we can understand that  today in our daily lives what's more important   something happening thousands of miles away that  we can't actually do anything about or very little   or our daily interactions with people around us  with our family with our co-workers or whomever   we interact with continuously throughout the day  that's ten times more important a thousand times   more important than what's happening in the  political realm and and all the energy that's   spent being worked up over that I don't have  time for that there are more important things   in life and so I don't know what to tell you if  you want to fight about modern politics then this   isn't the place to do it and you know I'm happy  to bring you a channel that is watchable by any   age group and hopefully engaging to at least  some of them and I want the comment section to   be as close as that as I as close as possible as  we can get to that too we don't need all kinds of   innuendo political or otherwise in the comment  section and so we do try to do as much policing   as we can on the channel but there are so many  comments there's only so much we can do if you   can help us with that by have you know having  a positive positively comments whether they're   critical or not that's fine but being helpful and  really staying in on topic with the videos and   you know if there's a policing method that you  as an audience member can do to help with that   please do so help us out with this channel I am  so happy though that we have this possibility   that we have the ability to have this channel  and to have the kind of information that we do   and I am blessed by the amazing audience that's  out there that's engaging and interested in what   we do so I truly want to thank everyone out  there for the amazing support that we get it   is not easy to continue to do these videos week  after week month after month year after year and   we can't do it without support from you we get  amazing support on the channel people watching   our videos thumbs ups and likes and comments  and we get some amazing monetary support even   like on Patreon recently we got some just amazing  support so I want to thank those guys that that   support us on Patreon and everyone who comes  to our website and purchases items if you're   interested in reenacting or just having something  to kind of connect you with history we offer lots   of interesting things on the website and some  folks go over there and purchase things that   makes it possible to do what we do there's no way  we could physically afford in time and equipment   and anything else to do these videos without  that kind of support so the people that support   us that way thank you thank you thank you and the  comments section really it is an important place   to be an important place to engage the feedback  the critique the positive comments they all mean   a lot to what we do and how we do it here on the  channel I'm gonna do my very best on this video   to go down in the comments section and answer  as much as I can and chime in again I haven't   been able to spend as much time as I want in the  comments section but I'm gonna I'm gonna put a lot   of hours in in the next couple of days down in the  comments section because I want you to know that   I am here I am listening I'm paying attention so  I feel very privileged to be able to come to you   and bring these messages to you week after week  I really am thankful for the place I am and for   the amazing audiences out there so I want to thank  you for all your support and thanks for watching
Channel: Townsends
Views: 1,955,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: townsends, jas townsend and son, reenacting, history, 18th century, 19th century, jon townsend, 18th century cooking
Id: YIi1bjl_iqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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