THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! | Chellington Farm FS19 | Episode 21

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hello everybody and welcome back to charlington farm steam train uh yeah the water is gone too there was a flood under the bridge in the previous episode a very deep flood now we cut this field in the previous episode and it's all been sorted for this year nothing else left to do here i don't think we even need to fertilize it if we don't want to until the spring so i am going to put a track in if i might as well do now since i'm driving straight across the field put a track in for cutting across to the bga uh in fact we might as well since we have the money put a proper track in a proper gravel track i suppose instead of a dirt track i don't really fancy concrete yeah that'd be good thing is we don't want to be wasting too much of the field so i don't know i think probably go up this way sorry that that looks really messy the thing i've noticed though is it looks better in first person when you're not flying above than what it looks like when you're trying to draw or paint i love that it calls it painting instead of ground texturing or something we are essentially painting them and that brings us to this farm ad which is going to be renovated soon not in this episode but eventually it will be renovated into a functioning storage area okay so if i put that right across in fact they already have gravel don't they they do that's perfect then as i said we're neating things up later but yeah there we go mine needs to just fine tune it a bit but it beats putting these great big ruts across the field because although i'm not going for a proper role play here would still be good to not do that sort of thing semi-realistic now i'm sure many people have already seen it but if you haven't i really recommend checking out oxygen david's latest video for carms and farm his latest map you'll be absolutely blown away i can't even describe it i honestly can't it's just unbelievably good i've never seen anything like it in fs history um it could pass as real and it sounds crazy but uh yeah it really does look very realistic right so we have 27 000 liters here just to add to the overall uh amount of fermented alfalfa that we're selling we don't need to keep any because we've already got tons over the other farm i dumped a full trailload over there and yeah as it turns out the cameras actually took two percent of the trailer load so um yes i don't think we need to go too crazy with storing more than a full one i'm on the full load so that we sold at midnight as usual let's now head back over to the other farm and we do need to work on these two grass fields i bought them in the previous episode and i've done nothing with them yet because we've been busy here but this time it's only mid-autumn still a bit rough actually i probably should have leveled it out a bit just to make it a bit smoother makes it a bit nicer to drive over now there's a few ways of tackling this grass like i said we've got two grass fields they both need to be cut they both need to be processed before the wintertime we do need to have several different food types for the cows over the winter and actually we might be buying some carbs as well um because as i've been told several times by some of my viewers it is indeed a cow and a car farm although i can't see any carbs but i yeah i keep being told that it is so interesting it's probably just incorporated into the cattle area somewhere here it must be here well we'll come on to that later yeah there we go 752 yeah we'll do that later first things first the grass i would also like to get a low loader for this lorry because we can do 52 miles per hour in this and transporting the other machines like the jcb telehandler backwards and forwards does take a long time because at the moment we do still own both the farms and yeah it just it does it it consumes so much of the video time traveling from one farm to another did i buy that field i did so we own that crop we have to fertilize next year but the two fields for today phenomena 42 and 43 this one and this one they have their fair share of obstacles by the look of it but they shouldn't be too bad i need to find a good place to store my trailer i'm wondering if in here it's gonna be a good place i think it might be because it is a quite it's quite a tight yard and i like that i think it makes it much more enjoyable which sounds kind of crazy because it makes it harder to maneuver but then i suppose it adds more of a challenge so that's nice yeah so into here we need hay products but we can't do that until the spring as we discovered it's just too late in the year to dry anything i will probably do i might do hay pellets actually at some point but today's job is going to be grass fermented which i know so we have to do quite a bit but it's just one of those things we need to get some uh into storage for the winter and for next year but next year we're also going to be using the clover clover windrow which is this category instead of just mowing the grass continuously because that's something which i want to move away from a bit so yeah we need to mow it we need to wrap it and bail it and wrap it i know that we do already have what we created in the previous episode but i think it would be good to have some easy to handle builds over here as well yeah i think the stuff in the pit might even be sold so i'm just gonna buy this um low loader which i'll be sorting out later when i've actually cut the grass but yeah we'll get that purchased there we go and as for mowers i must just remind myself what we have i don't want to rent something that we already have that would be silly yeah we've got a small mower there that's a topper sort of thing we will sell that and it'd be good to finally buy our own bigger mowers but with that means we need to buy a bigger tractor so i think today is that day because we have the money so into the large tractor category and i think it's probably gonna be a good idea to go for something like this uh we did demo the class tractor if at both the class tractors and they're both good but i think i prefer to go with a wheeled tractor we can also put the uh mower on the front and the back which is always useful so an 8r would be my first choice we do have quite a bit of money but at the same time we do have a very expensive machine here then again we could buy sort of used whoa that takes a hundred and two thousand pounds off in that case yes we'll buy it nearly new that's an interesting uh design it where it comes down at the front really low hmm anyway uh it will set up i think yep that looks good work lights yeah we'll go for work lights screen we'll have the additional screen oh hang on that adds seven thousand five hundred and fifty pounds um yeah it's just down there you can see it in that case no and i think we'll go for the 410 458 horsepower that is a beast because there's no point just going from which is slightly bigger we need front hydraulic if we can have that yep there we go so hopefully there's gonna be no issues here with compatibility with the mower that is so expensive and yeah we're gonna get the most but we probably do need to sell something else as well the good thing is we have loads of money coming from silage and we have all that grass silage in the pit which is going to be worth a lot of money as for the fent i'm not too sure if we're going to keep it or sell it it's nice to have it well we might as well put it on the trailer since we need to be here to pick it up anyway and this time around well i did say we wanted to buy the mowers i think we'll rent them this time and then next time we'll buy them because we should be able to make so much money here we'll also need to rent the machine which wraps heston battles which is the new bail mod that's what it's called it was new a few months ago um i think it's that one there possibly oh no sorry it's this one here so that'd be another 2 856 pounds but that's not too bad i suppose we could have used the mower conditioner well we still can do because it says that uh this murr is also installed with the conditioner this means that the moan grass is immediately dried i don't know it's pretty tempting but it's sort of going against what we should be doing i don't know not today but in the future that is something to consider now the other thing is the tractor needs to be serviced i don't think we have a workshop over at the new farm i'm not too sure how much they'll charge here probably pretty expensive or maybe they don't want to do it 2 378 pounds i'll see if i can beat that i think a large amount of that is actually labour i'll take it over to my other farm but don't worry i'll do it really quickly in a time-lapse we do need to crack on there's always so many things to talk about so many things to think about so that can't be up oh what that is so low i thought this channel looked low what's that about that's really weird okay well it's the way it is i suppose this sort of trash is more for cultivation work but it does appear crazy low right so we'll get it serviced and then we'll start mowing [Music] [Music] so [Music] well the mo might sit low but it certainly cuts well very well so much power in this tractor and it's going to be our main cultivation structure as well so we're going to have no issues running some pretty big machines some pretty big implements now the forecast is for rain so i think i'm going to actually do this field first we'll get it all processed we'll get it bailed we'll get it wrapped before we move on to the other field let's just see if i can lift both at the same time there we go so yeah what we'll do is we'll bring the heston baler over and then we'll bring the bell wrapper over and if it rains on the wrapped bells it really doesn't matter it only matters if it rains on the swath of straw or the unwrapped bale but yeah both these fields are pretty small and i'm still hoping to do them both today just depends when this rain is going to turn up i'm playing at times five which i think is a a pretty good speed to work out like times 15 is too fast it'll be raining in no time and real time for a game is a bit too slow we need to progress otherwise we'll be playing continuously but these mothers are so good i can never go to anything smaller as soon as we do have we do have the money but as soon as we really really have the money without having nothing left in the account we're gonna buy them a bit of first person view here it always feels different to me when the uh heads-up display sort of thing the dashboard is on this on the column there but i think even massive ferguson are going that way instead of just having them in the traditional place in front of you on the dashboard well on the center console and i think this is the only series where we don't have a massey ferguson which i know is quite surprising in fact come to think of it it's pretty good what we have we have one new holland one deutsche farm one john deere and one fence so we really are trying out every brand have to go for something else next although i think probably four tractors is enough we have two small tractors one medium to large and one very large this one here but for anybody who posts down below something like i was stupid spending that sort of money on a tractor um no it's all part of the growth of the farm and we are really gonna be making quite a bit of money now recently we've been bringing so much money from silage but i do need to put the money into the cows as well and hopefully the carbs would be good to have both right so just finishing off here it's going to be nice and easy wrapping and baling this the other good thing is because they're heston bells we we will have 6 000 liters of material in each one so fewer to handle fewer to wrap looks good looks very good and there we go there are a few little bits just to tidy up but that is the majority of the field finished and next year we'll be spreading our own manure onto here from the cows it's great to see the whole cycle you cut the grass you fit into the cows they poop it out and you put it back on the grass that's the easy way of describing it okay there we go so yeah i think defense we'll go and get the fence i'll move the lorry our part is just over here for now as i said i'm not too sure if we're gonna be using it again today it's weather dependent i'm wondering if i should take the lorry to pick up the fence um see if i could get more than the the tractor and the baler onto here i would do but i think on this occasion i won't do when we get the telehandler we'll also put several implements on here oh no it's raining right now i need to work flat out that was the fence ah it's come much faster than i was expecting uh the class tractor needs to be returned it's a demo tractor uh well this couldn't have gone worse i was expecting it to rain in maybe an hour typical well there'll be no benefit in going back to real time because it's already started but had i known i could have done [Music] i think i'm gonna have to disable the real mud mod because i've just got completely stuck nice well i will see you in a second the timing couldn't have been worse that's better i do love that mod but sometimes we just have to get the work done quickly uh so the first spell which comes out is actually going to be a straw bale and i've just noticed we're actually running ten thousand liters so once the next bell has been produced i need to drop it down to six it's easier to work with the bells too if there's more okay i missed that one well done it's because it's filling up so quickly okay there we go unload those change the capacity and we'll crack on so there should be quite a few bells out of this but we we just have to get them wrapped as soon as possible really important i don't know if it's daily that they start to reduce in capacity because that's how they rot away the amount of liters per bell reduces um or if it's just constant and if it's every minute it's reducing the uh the capacity of the bell we can find out though by using the analyzing tool see if they're all six thousand liters still when we come to wrap them but this is this is really grim really grim weather so yes i will get this field finished and then we'll go over to the store get the wrapper get them wrapped and at least we're not going to lose anything today but i think well let's just take a look at the forecast yeah it's wet until well tomorrow morning and it's not great after that but yeah next episode we'll cut that field over there but then i think we're gonna have to just uh stop for the winter the winter won't be too long because i don't want it to be there's not really much you can do so it will soon be spring again we'll have a spring in our step [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so we're wrapping and yeah this particular wrapper has pretty much any color to choose from with the wrap so it's going to make it really interesting to color code them well i suppose you could color code with the original colors but you just have a bigger color palette so um yeah i've gone for this darker blue very nice blue actually i'm just going to analyze it though six thousand liters of grass size yep obviously has to ferment it's not it's not fermented yet um i think it actually just reduced the size of the bells though yeah it does but it is compatible with the whole point about it it's compatible with testings so we can wrap the bigger bales it's actually better if there's more we can get more in a shed yes we haven't ended up with that many bells but then the first few were 10 000 liters and a section of the first one was straw so that's just automatically lost his straw but we could do with some straw so it doesn't really matter too much now we do need the tele handler over at the other farm but we also need a front loader here so i might put a front loader on this tractor in the next episode so that we can move the bales i haven't decided the best place for them yet but i'm kind of thinking next to the pile of fermented alfalfa it almost looks too artificial doesn't it this color of blue but no i quite like the the option there really go some different colors so we have one left up there two down there and one in front of us plus the straw bale and yeah i'm probably going to stop going through the entrance because we can get into the field at the top it's a bigger gap in fact i just dropped this bail and then we'll go and close the gate so in the next episode the first thing we'll do is move these bells under and then we'll do the same thing to the other field it should have dried out by then then we'll have two empty fields and an imminent winter which is always pretty brim oh hello bale whoops but yeah we'll be in a good place because we'll have plenty of food in storage we have food to sell and well we just have the entire winter to grow the amount of cows that we have haven't looked into the carbs i can't remember how you make money out of them do you just sold them again i'm not too sure i did work with the calves on sandy bay so i should know but it's been a year i think it was exactly this time last year so there we go all done and the sooner we can get the front loader into here the better because that straw bale will be rotting uh we're gonna analyze the straw bale just to establish if it rots per hour or per minute i don't think it'd be per minute but i have no idea must be the sheep farm yeah we need to transfer the sheep and the only reason why i'm reluctant to sell this farm is because of the trees i've put in i think we'll just have to rent that piece of land back yeah maybe we'll even be able to cut them down i'm not too sure but we will definitely be cutting those trees at least some of those trees down and film 36 many people recommended getting rid of it again i haven't decided fully yet but it does seem like a a wise idea so that we can focus on fields over in this direction because this is now our main farm so it will be interesting to see how much money we can make from the other farm what's it worth 598 000 pounds phenomena 36 is 142. so yes we are not going to be doing too badly financially it's amazing how far we've come in in fact at the beginning of this series i was struggling for quite some time anyway the final thing i would imagine it still says uh 10 000. oh no it is it's rotting okay well yeah the next episode is going to start at exactly this time so it won't rot away anymore thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed the video and it's next time see you again soon bye for now
Channel: Daggerwin
Views: 97,566
Rating: 4.9536037 out of 5
Keywords: FS19, fs21, farming simulator 19, survival challenge, survival roleplay, farming simulator 21, daggerwin, farming simulator 2020, farming simulator 2021
Id: _0iC-8M21Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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